Chapter 698 [718] You also have today


"Why is this idiot so aggressive?"

"Is this going to kill two?"

"You're too slow, you've already double-killed! Isn't that awesome?"

"He didn't have much advantage in the first place, why did he hack the male gun to death?"

"Isn't Jian Ji's damage too high? I'm damn!"


The busy assembly line was rarely idle, and the few boys in front were holding a mobile phone. The sound of shouting and yelling could not even cover the sound of the machine and the fan. Some chatting workers turned their heads to look, even Many people are no longer surprised, some are in a daze, and some take advantage of this time to stand up and move their sedentary bodies.

Mu Wanying just joined this factory not long ago, and she hasn't gotten to know each other well, let alone that those boys are all from the factory manager's hometown—although they are only contractors and not considered bosses, they are enough for a few people to follow along. The younger brother is much more presumptuous than other workers on weekdays.

She met the short middle-aged man twice, and said a few words, which was considered gentle and kind. The management who had more contact with her these days was also easy to talk to her, but she knew very well that it didn't mean Seeing that the other party's personality is really so gentle, but she looks pretty good.

She didn't dare to be as presumptuous as those boys, secretly reading novels with her mobile phone with her head down.

A very vulgar online novel, the content is not good at all, the author's update is slow, and he always writes some irrelevant things... If it was not really boring, it would have been abandoned long ago.

She moved her sore neck quietly, and suddenly heard the aunt sitting opposite say something strange: "These boys, really, why are you so excited..."

Next to the aunt was a little boy who had just graduated from high school and was playing on his phone at first, so he said, "Let's watch the game."

The aunt asked: "Is that what you read?"

Mu Wanying raised her head and stretched her neck slightly, but was blocked by the assembly line and did not see the other party's mobile phone, but listening to the conversation, she could vaguely guess that this person was also watching the game called League of Legends.

She doesn't play games, she doesn't understand what's fun at all, and there are still people who take this as a profession.

It’s just that I heard people say that not long after I left home, my younger brother didn’t work and went to play games. Later, she inadvertently figured out the concept of “playing games” from her last boyfriend, and pretended to ask about it unintentionally, knowing this The professional players of the game are very popular. Many children of fifteen or sixteen go to training, but most of them will not be seen. , is also a part-time job, but the job content is different.

She still paid attention to it later, but she never had any possible news, and gradually she no longer took it to heart, but she didn't expect to kick her boyfriend, move house, change job, or even come to another city, and unexpectedly Heard about this game.

I don't know what happened to my little brother?

The younger sister's illness won't get worse, right?
that woman...

She blinked hard, lowered her head and continued to read her novel.

"Fuck, this sword girl is too badass!"

"Who the hell scolded this orderer? Labor and management slapped him to death!"

"You scolded yourself."

"Single kill the world's number one top laner!"

"Single **, how about one hit and two kills?"

"It's like a series of Tai Chi gossip series"


Those people were really disturbed by the noise. Mu Wanying stared at the phone, propped her head with her hand, and covered one ear, but suddenly heard the loud voice of the fat manager behind him, and the voice quickly approached: "That... ...Mu Wanying! Mu Wanying..."

She was taken aback, and wanted to take back her phone in a panic, but the other party had already walked in front of her, standing there condescendingly, glanced at the phone she was holding, paused, and then continued to ask: "You will settle accounts ?"

"Ah? Yes, what's the matter?"

She didn't have this name at first, but the name her parents gave her was "Fangfang". It used to have only one sound, and I didn't know what it was. Later, when I had to write my name in school, I realized for the first time that I was called "Fangfang". Mu Fangfang", I didn't feel much at that time, because the people around me didn't speak Mandarin, and most of the names were like that. They were rustic, and they were in harmony with people, the environment, and life.

It was only later that the younger brother went to school, and she knew for the first time that he was not called Xiaodi, or a name with no specific Chinese characters in his memory, but "Mu Wanli", which was said to be given by a fortune teller.

Later, the younger sister was called "Mu Wanqing".

She's getting more and more dissatisfied with her name... no, not just her name.

She ran to the police station and changed her name. She had thought about it for several nights before giving herself the name, "Mu Wanying".

In this way, everyone will feel that the names of younger brothers and sisters are all named after her.

But no one called her that.

No one called her that in school.

When she went out to work, someone finally called her that, Mu nice.

But some people call her "Fangfang".

For a while she hated that word... maybe not just a word.

Later, she left the person who still called her that way, and never saw them again... She once went back secretly, saw the younger sister after school, saw the angry father, and saw the old man who still looked crazy and silly. The woman didn't see the younger brother, but she found out from others that he was playing games.

She never went back.

The thoughts of an ordinary girl on the far east coast can't drift across the ocean, and it won't affect the enthusiastic atmosphere in the municipal auditorium. Everyone is excited by this wave of double kills. Excited, even the commentator was waving his arms excitedly.

The LCK has been strong for too long, and people yearn for the emergence of a godslayer—except for the LCK itself.

What's more dramatic is that this wave of exciting one-vs-two double kills happened on the world's No. on the order.

This kind of contrast is enough to make many viewers who don't remember the ID, name, or impression of that person subconsciously make up a series of inspirational dramas in their hearts.

Everyone was in the carnival of excitement and excitement, even a commentator from North America who once said that "LPL is the grave of all top laners, let alone top laners" shouted excitedly "Li! Li !" It looks like I want to give birth to a monkey for you, although he is a big man with thick chest hair.

"I killed two?"

"Liu Handong, your shocked appearance looks like love."

"Cow batch cattle batch."

"I leave!"

Mu Wanli is not a brother-in-law, and he is not so shameless, so he can't say "routine operation". Hearing the excited and joyful voices of his teammates, he couldn't hide his excitement and joy. He wanted to say something, but paused After a pause, I couldn't think of what to say, so I didn't speak.

He didn't hear Jiang Yingxue's voice until the topic was brought back to the game.

"Xia is back."

"My blood is too low, I'm going back."

"You can push it on the road, but we push the tower too slowly. If we can't, go back and replenish it."

"Their red is ready."

"Then I'll go steal the red first."


This wave of double kills completely reversed SKY's early disadvantages. The three in the middle lane directly brought the pawn line to the second tower. Xia was forced to return to support, so Lin Xuan pushed the tower directly without any pressure. Worried about Xia, he only went to steal a red BUFF and went back directly.

Lin Xuan single-handedly pushed down the top tower, while Liu Handong, Xue Yunqi and Jiang Yingxue only spent some time, and then Liu Handong went to the wild area to wreak havoc, and then returned happily.

After this wave, Jian Ji completely established a one-lane advantage, so after returning home to replenish supplies, Lin Xuan and the four of them honestly pushed the line to contain them, and provided Mu Wanli with two true intraocular pressure vision.

The ADC goes mid, the mid laner goes up, the top laner goes down, the support and the jungler scurry around, and the arrangements after the laning period are over are exactly the same.

This mid-term rhythm is very suitable for Galio to play, so Lin Xuan and the others played very cautiously

- So far in this game, Jiang Yingxue and Mu Wanli have undoubtedly played the most outstanding performances. However, Xue Yunqi's role cannot be ignored. He is the green leaf of this game, but he has done his "job" very well. Well, An Chengye was basically never given a chance to walk around.

But if you ignore Galio's existence because he hasn't done much before, then you're obviously digging a hole for yourself.

Although Mu Wanli has an advantage, it can even be said that as long as Cui Mingxiu dares to come up, he will dare to kill again. However, with the deterrence of Galio's big move, he does not dare to fight too fiercely. Be cautious, almost never get close to the [-] yards in front of Jian Ji, and the situation has been deadlocked like this.

At 7 minutes, the opponent's blue buff was refreshed. Liu Handong and Jiang Yingxue covered Xue Yunqi to grab the blue. At first they thought it was a fight for punishment, but An Chengye's mocking flash caught Liu Handong and Xue Yunqi under control.

After Lin Xuan entered the arena, Luo was taken away, and Galio, who had only a trace of blood left, fled under the cover of Xia and Nanqiang. During the fierce battle, Lin Xuan half-predicted and half-blindly guessed. Galio who escaped in the middle.

In the case of blind vision, this void ray skimmed the stone wall of the three wolves' lair, and attacked Galio who was only about [-] yards away. However, it was only when the ray skimmed the wall that the vision was exposed, and the age of this profession reached seven years. For the veteran with more than enough, the ray almost stuck to his face, he pressed the stopwatch with his extreme reaction, avoiding this killer ray.

"Old and strong!"

Zhang Fei joked like this, but he did not hide his admiration for this young veteran in his words. The ups and downs of professional players are unavoidable. An Chengye also had personal troughs in his career, but they were extremely short-lived. It can almost be said that he has maintained his peak state for seven years.

Looking at the entire LPL, there is only one Wang Hao who can compete with him in this aspect. Even the No. 001 player in the LPL division, Like, who is called the evergreen tree in the wild by many fans, is slightly inferior.

Although Xue Yunqi used her skill before she died, she was killed in seconds after all, and after the male gun also retreated, Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue did not continue to chase after Xia who was almost in full condition. This wave of blue BUFF battle finally ended Two for one, small loss.

Mu Wanli won a complete victory in the bottom lane. When Cui Mingxiu tower cleared the soldiers, he went forward to consume them. Jian Ji, a hero, was stuck on the edge of the defensive tower. The consumption was extremely disgusting. Cui Mingxiu was also a top swordsman. He understood, but he didn't give up because of this. When Mu Wanli wasted for the second time, he saw the opponent's opportunity to retreat and counterattacked with E, but unfortunately, Mu Wanli backhanded him again and fainted under the tower
——This time it was under Cui Mingxiu's tower, but Mu Wanli was no longer the little sword girl who was bullied online. After fainting, she immediately turned on R to fight back. The director gave slow motion in the subsequent playback, but most of the The audience still doesn't know how he hits all the holes in one second.

Cui Mingxiu then countered with R, but the position was not ideal, leaving only a trace of blood to escape. Xue Yunqi stuck on the edge of Qinggangying's big move to avoid the hatred of the defensive tower, and then when Cui Mingxiu returned to replenish blood, he led Fall off the second tower.

Jian Ji has become a "stab" that STR has to face and is difficult to deal with.

All teams are familiar with this kind of scene, and even the audience, most people are not unfamiliar, because the LCK has defeated too many teams with the top laner system before, which makes people grit their teeth with hatred, but there is nothing they can do about it.

The four-one zoning system originated from the TPA team. They once won the second global finals championship by virtue of the zoning system. They abused each of them one by one.

It’s not that there are no teams from other divisions playing this system, but when the same system is playing against the LCK, they either can’t lead, or they can’t team up, anyway, they just can’t beat.

But now, it is the LCK that is in the predicament of "not being able to join or lead".

This made many teams or audiences who had been "harmed" by the LCK, when they saw this scene, they felt a thrill of "You guys have today too".

However, the reason why the same system is so strong in the hands of the LCK team lies in their strong execution ability. Today's SKY may not be able to compare with STR in this regard, but it makes up for it with the state of the players. up.

But STR should not be underestimated after all.

Whether it's the big devil An Chengye, the strongest brain Taejun Kim, or Cui Mingxiu who is known as the world's number one top laner, or iwtch or NEX who are not eye-catching in comparison.

The attribute of the third little dragon is fire, and it is absolutely a must for all strategists. The second team battle broke out between the two sides here.

Sword Fairy is not good at team fighting, so on the way to Xiaolong's support, she directly intercepted Qinggang Ying who also came to support, but she did not expect that after being surrounded by Qinggang Ying's ult, Galio would actually ult Flying here, he used the W grid to block the knock-up effect of Galio's big move after landing, and stunned Galio instead.

However, the battle took place in the wild area of ​​STR, and Lin Xuan and his team were not as fast as STR's support. When the male gun arrived quickly, Mu Wanli had no choice but to withdraw. After escaping with residual blood, he returned immediately, and sent back after his readiness recovered. Back to the battlefield.

STR keenly and decisively seized the 12-second vacancy when Jian Ji temporarily exited the stage, and immediately started to fight the fire dragon. In the chaos, Liu Handong entered the stage again to fight for the dragon, but without the luck of the last time, Luo controlled the instant kill.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Yingxue also entered the arena, and the WQ double hit sent Galio, Nanqiang, and Xia flying.

Lin Xuan then got rid of Luo and Qing Gangying, and flew into the battlefield.


From God's point of view, the scene looks like a still picture.

Xiaolong's lifeless body just fell into the dragon pit, next to the corpse of the blind monk.

The majestic and burly body of Niutou stands between Xia, Jialio and Nanqiang. It is standing while the other three are hanging.

Luo and Qing Gangying were thrown into the river.

The sword girl teleported to be in the middle of the two battlefields.

Kai'Sa plundered into the Dragon Pit.

There was a mistake in the last chapter. It has been verified by actual measurement that Jian Ji could not stun the opponent when she blocked Qing Gangying's big move. Thanks to the book friend "Dust Heart 1" for the testimony, it has been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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