Chapter 1004
There were more and more tooth marks on his body, Lynch could only endure it.

His hands are still carving, and if he can't finish it, it may not be tooth marks, but a large piece of flesh and blood will be torn off.

"Flame Cheetah, come out!"

In front of Lynch, a flaming cheetah appeared, its body covered with various patterns, and it shot straight at a wolf dog demon.


With the sound of ground lines breaking, a wolf dog demon was killed, and the flame cheetah continued to attack.

After relieving Lynch's pressure, he continued to portray, a flaming cheetah can't deal with a group of wolves and dogs.

One head!
Both ends!

Three heads!

More and more flame cheetahs appeared, Lynch's pressure was gone, and the wolf dog monsters were rapidly decreasing.

A group of wolves and dogs can fight a lion king.

But a group of flame cheetahs can destroy a group of wolf dog demon tribes.

Sitting down on the ground, grinning in pain, he quickly took out a few pills, crushed them, and applied them to the wound to relieve the pain.

Fortunately, Tian Xuanyi resisted, otherwise the consequences would have been more serious.

After the wound was treated, it was only a few dozen steps away from Shimen, and the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches talisman should be coming to an end soon.

Taking a deep breath and striding forward, what awaits him at this last level.

Lynch didn't know that the dragon-slaying sword was buzzing, and danger was approaching.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

One after another sharp thorns shot out from the darkness and went straight to Lynch's body, densely packed, there was no room to hide.

"Dragon armor!"

Without hesitation, wearing a dragon armor, those thorns shot on the dragon armor, making a clanging sound. These are not ordinary thorns, but the mane of the red flame pig.


In front of Lynch, there was a sound of wheezing and wheezing. A row of red flame pigs were breathing hot air. The bristles on their bodies were like a row of sharp swords. .

Lynch was stunned. If it was about the monsters that appeared in front of him, he could still think of a way to restrain them. Even if the Lion King saw this red flame pig, he would have to avoid it by three points.

Because its skin is too hard, like a hedgehog, impenetrable with needles and splashed with water, and with sharp thorns all over its body, it is impossible to bite.

In addition, they were huge, and now they were in a group. Lynch was stumped and froze in place, not knowing what to do.

Resisting the first wave of sharp stabbing attacks, those red flame pigs went crazy, and suddenly rushed towards Lynch, the ground trembled.

"Lei Yan!"

In desperation, Lynch cast Thunder Flame, a fireball appeared, and those red flame pigs were sent flying, exploding in the air.

But in the blink of an eye, all of them recovered, and all the thorns that were shot just now came out, making Lynch feel like crying.

What can restrain the Chiyan pig? My mind is running fast, and I have been searching for a long time, but I have no idea.

Standing on the left and clumsy on the right, with the help of body skills, he moved in the passage. If this continues, he won't last long.

Time passed by, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead, because Lynch was forced to retreat dozens of steps.

The distance from Shimen is getting farther and farther. Is the last level going to fail?
Unconvinced, he stepped forward, and a tyrannical momentum appeared, the dragon-slaying sword swept across, and the Chiyan pig that flew down was thrown into the air, and his right hand was ready to draw the ground pattern.

"Since there is nothing that can restrain Chi Yanzhu, then I will draw a giant monster that will crush you to death."

Pushed to a dead end, there is no other way. If you keep hiding, you will be forced out of the passage sooner or later. When you go outside, you will definitely be killed by the prohibition in the deep pool.

There is only one way now, and I hope to rescue Jiang Feiyu. With his Emperor Wu's ability, it should not be difficult to break the restrictions outside.


Suddenly, the ground shook, and an ancient aura rushed over, as if entering the ancient prehistoric period.

"hold head high……"

The melodious cry, this is an ancient god elephant, taller than the ancient elephants that appeared in Tianyan Continent, and its body can reach up to ten meters.

Like a walking tall building, it appeared in the middle of the passage, blocking Chi Yanzhu, and blocking the connection between Lynch and Chi Yanzhu.

Stepping forward, walking forward, the passage shook violently, and even the stone door made a rattling sound.

Outside the Purple Cloud Valley, something happened, and ripples appeared on the deep pool, as if someone was swimming in it.

The valley was also shaking. Some people thought it was an earthquake and fled here one after another.

Just as Xu Peng drank the wine in his mouth, he spit it out suddenly, and almost staggered in fright.

"Go and see what's wrong?"

After giving an order, a few men behind him went out, looked around, and found that the shaking came from the ground just now, and it disappeared quickly.

"Could it be Lynch who rescued the old Pavilion Master?"

Baihua Fairy showed joy, and there was a movement from the ground. There is only one possibility, Lynch is not dead yet.

"Maybe Lynch can really perform miracles."

The Jade Lady Fragrance Master followed suit, thinking that Lynch had entered the underground core.

The outside is chaotic, and the inside is also chaotic. Those Chiyan pigs were trampled by ancient gods, and the ground lines were crushed into pieces.

Every time a foot fell, the Chiyan pig was trampled to pieces. This was an overwhelming crush.

Lin Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief as dozens of Chiyan pigs were trampled to death.

"It was very dangerous just now. Fortunately, the ancient gods were portrayed."

Lynch remembered that he had been in contact with ancient elephants before, and had a certain understanding of the ancient elephants, but he didn't expect it to come in handy.

It's too late to rest, half a day has passed, I'm afraid the people from Sima Villa are coming soon, if they don't go out, Jiang Yu and others will be in danger.

Stepping forward, no more monsters appeared in front of him, until he reached the stone gate.

"Dong dong dong..."

Lin Qi reached out and patted the stone door, his dull voice echoed in the passage, hoping to communicate with Jiang Feiyu.

After waiting for more than a dozen breaths, there was also a thumping sound from inside, as if a stone was rolling.

"Senior Jiang Feiyu, I'm here to save you, can you tell me how to open this stone gate?"

Lynch glanced at the stone gate, there was no crack, it was natural, and he didn't dare to shatter it directly. When the ground collapsed, he and Jiang Feiyu would be buried alive here.

There are countless strange lines engraved on the stone gate, like earthworms, these should be ground patterns, blocking the stone gate.

After shouting for a long time, there was no sound from inside. Could it be that Jiang Feiyu died inside?
"The stars of heaven and earth, the water of Wanqiong, the stars move, and the universe reverses!"

From behind the stone gate, came a faint voice, almost inaudible, but Lynch could still hear it clearly.

"Senior Jiang Feiyu, is that you?"

Lynch had to confirm it. If it wasn't for Jiang Feiyu, wouldn't it be a waste of an opportunity.

"It's the old man!"

The voice came quickly, and it should be far away from Shimen, otherwise the voice could not have been heard for so long.

"The star of heaven and earth, the water of Wanqiong, the stars move, the universe reverses, what does this mean?"

Lynch was at a loss. He had never heard these words before. Could this be the key to unlocking Shimen?
"Senior, can you speak more clearly? This junior is so dull that he really can't understand the meaning of these words."

If you understand it, you understand it, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it, there is no need to slap your face to make yourself fat, and besides, time is urgent, and Lynch doesn't have time to study it carefully.

There was no response from inside. It seemed that Jiang Feiyu had exhausted all his strength and was unable to answer Lynch.

Perhaps these words are the ultimate mystery, which needs to be understood by Lynch himself. There is only so much information.

After shouting for a long time, there was no movement inside, so I could only calm down and ponder over the words just now.

In conjunction with the lines on the stone gate, if you look closely, these lines look like a map of a star field, very weird.

"Chang'e, turn on the scanning function and analyze these lines."

Now I can only ask Chang'e for advice, hoping to find some clues through her precise analysis.

"Yes, Master!"

Chang'e appeared like a phantom, floating in front of Lin Qi, a flash of red light scanned all the patterns on the stone gate.

"Start analyzing!"

Chang'e's soft and beautiful voice sounded in the tunnel, and her peerless face was even higher than Jiang Yu's. Unfortunately, it was just a system projection, not a real person.

"As a result of the system analysis, this picture belongs to the star field map. There are two grids on the upper and lower sides. The upper part is the sky, the lower part is water, and the middle part is the universe, which coincides with yin and yang. The system can only analyze so many things."

After Chang'e finished speaking, she returned to the dragon-slaying sword and disappeared.

This is somewhat related to what Jiang Feiyu said, the sky is above, the water is below, and the universe is in the middle. This is the way of yin and yang.

"Heaven and earth are yin and yang, all things are too extreme, the sun and the moon change, and the battle turns the universe!"

Lynch suddenly realized something. These lines recorded the astrology. Chang'e's analysis was a map of the star field, which was actually correct. The astrology is a part of the star field.

The body suddenly stood upside down, and then went to look at the stone gate, a smile appeared on the corner of Lynch's mouth.

"I see!"

The body returned to normal, hands began to touch those lines, memorize them firmly, and the next step is to crack.

What is Yin and Yang?

Yin is water and yang is fire. This is yin and yang.

Yin is female and yang is male. This is yin and yang.

The earth is yin, the sky is yang, this is yin and yang.

Everything in the world is yin and yang, and only when the balance of yin and yang is achieved can a complete world be built.

"As expected of a ghost, this stone gate not only incorporates astrology, but also adds the knowledge of talisman, and also has the mutual generation and restraint of yin and yang. If you move the stone gate, you will definitely be backlashed by the power of yin and yang."

Lin Qi even wants to meet this Sima Feng now, who is the genius of a generation of ghosts.

An ordinary stone gate, which combines so many things, is not something ordinary people can do, even if Emperor Wu comes in, he may be hated.

"Wonderful, really wonderful!"

The deeper the understanding, Lynch let out bursts of admiration, no matter what Sima Feng's character is, but his way of talisman is definitely worthy of praise.

Start drawing on the void, only the Yin-Yang diagram can unlock the stone door, and only the correct key can be found to open the corresponding lock.

"No, Yin and Yang cannot be balanced."

After sketching it several times, Lynch felt dissatisfied, the balance of yin and yang was not easy to control, and the ground lines could not be intertwined.

If you want to change the stars, you must generate yin from yang, and yang from yin, it is easy to say, but if you want to portray yin and yang fish, you can't do it without a hundred years of talisman skills.

(End of this chapter)

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