Chapter 1019 Absolute
Those disciples who were close to him all benefited, and the Buddha's light shines everywhere, which is rare to see in a thousand years.

But today, they saw it and felt the benefits of Buddha's light.

Originally, there were still many disciples with deep resentment towards Lin Qi, but this time, many people gave up their prejudices. If it wasn't for Lin Qi, their primordial spirits would not have been baptized by Buddha's light at all.

"Pavilion Master, without further ado, we must turn on the mirror projection."

This time, not only Elder Liu alone, but several elders jointly signed, wanting to see what happened inside and why the Seven Buddha Pagoda resonated.

The Seven Buddha Pagoda has stood here for more than 1000 years. Except for the ordinary disciples who go in to practice, let alone the Buddha's light, even the Buddha's voice has never appeared.

"Okay, let's start the mountain guard formation, so that no one with evil intentions can take advantage of it."

The seven Martial Emperors activated the formation together, and a mask of light appeared, covering the entire mountain. Those disciples didn't know what happened.

"If you turn on the mirror projection, we can see the inside of the Seven Buddha Pagoda."

An elite disciple exclaimed, such a good thing is rare in a thousand years, and it will never be opened in normal times.

The seven Martial Emperors made countless handprints and integrated them into the Seven Buddha Pagodas. Only when they unite can they activate the Seven Buddha Pagodas. This is an imperial weapon refined by emperors. Ordinary Wu Emperors cannot activate it at all.

The brilliance flickered, and the seven pagodas became transparent, and the scene inside emerged little by little. Lynch was standing on the second floor, and had just unlocked the first door.

"Lonely, cold, empty, widowed, handsome and beautiful, alone!"

Someone was shouting, it was so wonderful, I don't know how many people stopped on this question, and some people answered it correctly later, but it was definitely not as neat as Lynch's answer.

Qin Feng had a gloomy face. He had to admire that Lin Qi's answer was so delicate.

"Green water is worry-free, and the face is wrinkled by the wind. The green hills are not old, but they are snow-white."

"Second! It's so wonderful, I'm convinced, I failed on this pair last year, why didn't I think of it."

From the elite disciple area, there was another sigh. I didn't expect Lynch to solve the pairs that had troubled them for many years so quickly, and many of them were eternal.

For many years, no one has broken through the death barrier, because the questions that can be answered have long been solved by others. The reason why it is not easy to break through now is that all the questions left are unsolvable.

That is to say, nearly [-]% of Lynch's death-challenged questions were mysteries that they could not solve.

No wonder everyone thought that Lin Qi would definitely die. The Lingyun Pavilion disciples had already tried and benefited from the problems that should be solved, and all the problems left behind were unsolvable.

It doesn't matter if it's a live test, if you can't solve it, you can get out alive, Lynch is different now, he is a dead test, as long as you make a wrong one, you will die in it.

"I am a Russian, riding a strange horse, drawing a long bow, fighting with one weapon, and the eight kings of the lute, the lute, and the pipa, the king is the king."

"My man, you are a hypocrite, Qiu Qiuyi, and you hold it with your hands together, the four little ghosts, ghosts and ghosts are by your side."

"I'm convinced. If I'm not mistaken, it was the same pair just now, which made him think for dozens of breaths."

This is the third stone gate on the first floor, that is, this stone gate, which made Lynch slow down.

"This is absolute forever! Looking at the entire Lingyun Pavilion, there is no one who can stand up to it. This kid, I am convinced."

Someone gave a thumbs up. Although they don't like Lynch, this pair has won the respect of many people.

"Tch, don't forget, he is here to snatch Wenhai from us, the more he answers, the higher the chance of entering Wenhai."

With Qin Feng's tone of shock, the disciples around him fell silent.

He was right, Lynch came to rob them of resources, the more ingenious the answer, the greater the chance of entering the sea of ​​lines.

"Qin Feng, I know that you have some grievances with Lynch, but it doesn't hinder Lynch's talent. Right and wrong are not up to you alone."

Another person stood up and even supported Lynch, and won the respect of many people. After all, Lynch's literary talents just now conquered the hearts of many people.

"Luo Xiu, what do you mean by that? Do you want to see that our Wenhai is occupied by an outsider?"

Qin Feng was a little displeased, with a provocative tone, thinking that Luo Xiu was deliberately targeting him.

"You are wrong. The sea of ​​grains does not belong to you, nor to me, nor to everyone. Those who are capable live. If you are qualified to enter the sea of ​​grains, I congratulate you as well."

Luo Xiu snorted, Wenhai belonged to Lingyun Pavilion, but there were only a handful of people who could enter, only once in 20 years, and only one person could enter at a time.

Many people's hair is waiting to be gray, and they don't have a chance.

The quarrel continued, but soon, being attracted by the scene inside, they forgot about the noise.

Lynch was standing on the second floor. The stone door had just been opened, but the writing on it was still there.

"This is a wonderful poem through the ages. I don't know how many people have lost to this poem over the years. Even Sima Feng and Jiang Feiyu didn't solve it back then. They entered it later, but this poem didn't appear, so they successfully entered the fifth floor."

As long as this poem appears, it can basically announce that the breakthrough is over.

When they saw this poem, some people smiled badly, but soon, the words under the stone gate left everyone speechless.

"Fuck, so this poem is like this, palindrome poem, this is the first time I've heard of it."

A big man slapped his head and roared loudly, scaring many people to roll their eyes.

"Li Xiao, you are recognized as a Poetry Immortal among our inner disciples, do you understand?"

Inner sect disciples also have outstanding figures. They study all kinds of poems and songs, and the poems in the seven pagodas are naturally collected by them.

And this palindrome poem is a model they have never seen before.

"I'm ashamed of myself!"

Li Xiao blushed and admitted that he couldn't solve this palindrome. He had calculated it countless times, but he didn't figure out that it was a palindrome with the beginning and end corresponding.

The elders and guardians also showed surprise. They couldn't believe that Lynch had solved the problem that had troubled them for hundreds of years.

I'm afraid that when Lin Qi completes the Seven Buddha Pagoda, there will be countless people scrambling to enter.

After the bodhi flowers had finished blooming, Lin Qi continued to walk in, and the Seven Buddha Pagoda returned to calm, but the sight of the Buddha's radiance made everyone feel unsatisfied.

Some disciples who didn't get any benefits squeezed their heads and wanted to move forward, so that when the sun shines again, they can enjoy the light.

This directly led to friction among many disciples, quarreling and bickering were unavoidable, and some even fought violently over it.

Pavilion Master Lingyun and those elders glanced at each other, and saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

They are famous sects, how could such a situation happen today, because an outsider caused the entire Lingyun Pavilion to go into chaos.

"Stop it all, anyone who dares to make trouble will be expelled directly."

Elder Liu roared loudly, and the disciples who were arguing all around shut up and sat down obediently, and stopped fighting.

In the fight, I don't even have the qualifications to watch it, so I just drive it away.

He strode towards the middle area, and no one outside looked at the red dots, they all gathered on Lynch's body.

The speed is very fast, almost like no one's land. The detours here can't stop Lynch at all, and there will be no detours.

Because of his soul power, he had already covered the surrounding area and found the shortest path.

"Have you noticed that the coercion of the relics on the second floor seems to be of no use to him?"

An eighth-rank Martial God can walk up to the fourth floor normally, but it is a bit unusual for Lynch to be so relaxed and comfortable.

"Stop talking nonsense, the second stone gate has appeared, hurry up and see what the topic is on it."

Some people couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't wait to see what kind of abnormal problems would appear in this stone gate.

"A guest in a natural residence, but a guest in heaven!"

Two short lines of characters are carved on the stone gate. This poem is different from the palindrome poem just now. If you look carefully, the second sentence is actually the first sentence read backwards, that is to say, from left to right, or from left to right. From right to left, it reads the same way.

The disciples outside also began to discuss. Many people have encountered this poem, but they have not answered it.

"Li Xiao, I remember you have encountered it too, how did you untie it back then."

Someone asked Li Xiao, it took Li Xiao an incense stick of time to solve this problem, now let's see how long Lynch can solve it.

Almost without any consideration, Lynch picked up the dagger and carved two lines of words on it.

"Live in the Ksitigarbha Temple, and live underground in the temple."

Lynch drew two sentences, and just put together a poem, one up and one down, very neat.

But the people outside felt uncomfortable, especially Li Xiao. He had matched this poem before, and it was also a pros and cons, which can be said to be very neat.

But compared with Lynch's song, it's a bit clumsy. The upper line corresponds to the upper line, and the lower line corresponds to the lower line. Lynch's song is not neat, but absolutely absolute.

As soon as this pair comes out, it can be said that this poem has ended, and no one can come up with such an absolute pair again.

"I puff..."

Finally, someone spat out a mouthful of old blood. I couldn't believe it. Lynch's talent was so high that he almost didn't even need to think about it.

Even Li Xiao, the poet fairy, spent nearly half an hour, but he was fine, relaxed and happy.

"It's not easy!"

Someone sighed and said, this pair is actually not too difficult, and most people can get it right.

It's just up to down, why many people didn't think about it, just copied a sentence that can be used both positive and negative, but ignored the meaning of the upper couplet.

One host, one guest, one up and down, one day, one place, one pavilion and one temple, it can be said that it is completely in line with the time and situation, and this couplet is perfect.


The stone gate opened, and another ray of light enveloped Lin Qi. After being baptized by the relic, the Soul Mountain continued to expand, and the steps did not increase, but the stone steps were much wider.

There are more and more Buddha seals on the stone steps, and the cracks in the soul mountain have also changed a little. There is still a long way to go to restore them all, but at least, this is a good signal.

(End of this chapter)

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