Chapter 1033: Zhenlong Chess Game
"Is this question important?"

This answer was like a loud slap on the face of Sima Shanzhuang and the others, and it was impossible to refute it.

In the first round, the referee must announce who wins and who loses, and the result is obvious to all.

Arousing the resonance of heaven and earth, this is not Emperor Qin, but Immortal Qin.

Hundreds of flowers are competing to open, flowers and butterflies are in groups, and birds are singing. This kind of scene is rare in a thousand years.

"Get ready for the second level!"

Lynch was too lazy to talk nonsense with them and asked them to prepare for the second level.

The first level is piano, and the second level is chess. I don’t know who will be sent to play.

"Lynch, the second level is about chess. We don't compare chess, but break the chess game. We have a chess game here. As long as you can break it, you will win."

Yao Qian was still shameless, playing chess with Lynch, that was asking for his own death.

Everyone never thought that Lynch would lose this round, but as soon as Yao Qian finished speaking, the surroundings were full of curses.

"Sima Shanzhuang, do you still have to force yourself to let Lynch break the chess game? This is cheating."

Lin Qi even won the ancestor. In Yachongtian, at the beginning of chess, there are very few people who want to beat him, at least there are no people in Sima Villa.

They used this method to bring a dead chess game and let Lynch break it.

If he can't solve it, even if he loses, this kind of indiscriminate means makes everyone in Lingyun Pavilion very disdainful.

Yao Qian was a little flustered, but suppressed his expression, not letting himself flinch, and fixed his gaze on Lynch.

"Lynch, do you dare to bet?"

His voice was obviously not as good as before, especially after losing the first level, his confidence was not as strong as before.

Lin Qi frowned. Although he has Chang'e to help him, it is not clear yet whether Chang'e has included the endgame brought out by Sima Villa. If not, it will be very troublesome.

"I have seen shamelessness, but I have never seen your shamelessness. I saw it today, and I really admire it."

Lin Qi communicated with Chang'e. She has recorded more than 1 endgames. Even if she encounters a new chess game, she can quickly analyze it and give the fastest solution.

This made Lynch very relieved. As long as Chang'e can help him, this level will definitely be fine.

"Lynch, don't say it's useless, dare to compare, if you don't compare to this level, you will lose, and you can die here."

Yao Qian didn't care so much, anyway, they decided according to the rules, if they lost, Lynch would die.

"Since you are so confident, you must give me the endgame that is mortal. Today I will fulfill you and convince you to die."

Lynch's eyes turned cold, exuding a strong killing intent, his eyes swept over the five of them, like a cloud of icy cold wind blowing past the five of them, they couldn't help shivering.

"My lord, Chen San, was lucky enough to get an end game, and today I will play a game with Mr. Lin."

After finishing speaking, Chen San took out a chessboard, on which the chess pieces had been arranged, the black pieces were played first, and he held the white pieces.


After Chen San finished speaking, he also sat down, restrained his expression, and locked his eyes on the chessboard tightly to avoid mistakes.

"This is the Zhenlong chess game left by the old man of Qi Dao 500 years ago. He actually took it out, what a shame."

Someone scolded angrily, Sima Villa is not only shameless, it is shameless. This is a dead end recognized by the entire Yachongtian, and no one can solve it.

Even if the ancestor is alive, he can't solve the Zhenlong chess game, let alone Lin Qi, who has never seen it.

Immediately, the swearing voices from all around were drowning out the people in Sima Villa, all of them blushed and did not dare to refute.

"Brother, you are well prepared!"

Pavilion Master Lingyun took a meaningful look at Sima Feng, and his tone was a bit hostile. Speaking of today's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, there are only four levels, which is more than a hundred times more difficult than breaking through the Seven Buddha Pagodas.

"Junior brother has won the award. Since he is an outstanding player in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, there should be a way to solve this kind of mess."

Sima Feng laughed aloud, facing the cynicism from all around, pretending he didn't see it.

"Hmph, if you have the ability, you can crack it and show me."

Jiang Feiyu snorted coldly, really wanting to go up and fight Sima Feng.

"It's better for each of you to say a few words, and see what's going on in this chess game."

Pavilion Master Lingyun interrupted the two of them, because Lin Qi had already sat down, and the matter had come to an end, he had no room to retreat, so he had to bite the bullet and go up.

"Chang'e, start analyzing!"

In Lynch's mind, a miniature version of the Zhenlong chess game appeared, and then another picture appeared, and a crystal screen appeared in Lynch's mind, and the Zhenlong chess game was included.

"Start analyzing!"

Chang'e's voice sounded, countless chess pieces were jumping, and the speed of analysis was even faster than Lin Qi's majestic Ninth Rank Martial God's soul power, which was unbelievable.

"The distance analysis still takes 3 minutes. If the system can be upgraded to [-], the time can be shortened by about half."

Those black and white chess pieces could no longer be clearly distinguished, and the speed of analysis made Lynch smack his tongue inwardly.

"Lynch, what are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and get off."

Li San watched Lynch remain motionless, and at this moment he spoke out to remind him.

"Don't worry, drink some wine and brew it!"

Chang'e hadn't finished the analysis yet, so Lynch naturally wouldn't settle for it easily. He was able to win against the patriarch in the Seven Buddha Pagodas only because of Chang'e's analysis.

"The wine is here!"

Li Xiao picked up a jug of wine, put it in front of Lynch, opened the seal, and a strong aroma of wine emanated from it, making people more energetic.

"I'll see how long you can drag it on."

Yao Qian stood aside, sneered, and if he dragged on, Lynch was no longer qualified to continue the competition.

"Are you so anxious to lose the game?"

Lin Qi glanced at Yao Qian with a mocking look, and ignored the other party's provocation.

"Since you are so eager to seek death, then I will help you."

Chang'e's analysis has been completed while talking here.

"Master, the analysis has been completed. There are three ways to solve this chess game. Which one do you choose?"

Chang'e gave three solutions, all of which were presented to Lynch. Each of them was extremely exquisite. Power, can't be analyzed at all.

Not to mention Martial God, even Emperor Wu couldn't do it.

"Thank you!"

Saying thank you to Chang'e, holding the sunspots in hand, the first chess piece was placed on the board, and the game began to break.

Li San seemed to have known for a long time that Lin Qi's first chess piece landed here, and soon he also held a white piece, blocking Lin Qi's way out.

The two sides come and go, killing each other, Li San has been suppressing Lynch, after all, this is a dead end, there is no solution at all.

"Lin Qi, don't hold on, within three moves, you will definitely die."

It has been 500 years since the Zhenlong chess game, and no one has been able to crack it. This is an indisputable fact. No one in the room is optimistic about Lin Qi. Those disciples of Lingyun Pavilion are all worried.

Jiang Yu's eyes danced and her fists were clenched tightly. From the day she stepped into Lingyun Pavilion, she was always in fear almost every day.

"If within three moves, I can break the chess game, can you get out from here?"

Lin Qi's eyes turned cold, exuding a cold murderous look, causing Yao Qian to take a big step back, Lin Qi's eyes were too terrifying.

"Hmph, let me see how long you hold on."

Naturally, Yao Qian would not agree to Lynch easily. Anyway, there are still three sons, and Lynch is about to lose this round. Why bother with a dying man, Yao Qian comforted himself.

"Do you want to die?"

"Do you think I look like I'm stuck?"

Lynch smiled contemptuously, and continued to make moves. Everyone's eyes were all on the chessboard. It was a critical moment.

Countless chess masters over the years have analyzed this game, and basically all of them have reached this position and entered a dead game, unable to move forward.

"To get to this step, Lynch is very good. I remember many chess masters who lost at this step."

An elder who is fairly good at chess has a hint of appreciation. If he were to analyze it on the spot, he would not be able to reach Lynch's level.

"It's really good. If it's another chess game, I believe Lynch has a great chance of winning. Let's forget about Zhenlong chess game, which is listed as one of the three dead chess games."

Another Dharma protector nodded, agreeing with what he just said.

Jiang Feiyu was also very anxious. The matter was far beyond his control. If Lynch refused to agree to the competition from the beginning, there was still room for maneuver.

Now it is difficult to ride a tiger, and no one can stop it, unless Lynch can kill all the way and make them lose the four rounds.

In the blink of an eye, another shot fell. According to everyone's analysis, Lynch still had one last chance to lose this round.

"Lynch, you only have one chance, have you considered where to go?"

Li San's white son landed, and asked Lynch a question.

"Who told you, I only have one chance. I not only want to break the game, but also win this game."

There was an evil smile at the corner of Lin Qi's mouth, which surprised everyone. Could it be that Lin Qi really found a way to break the situation.

"Lynch, don't try to be brave. I admire you for being able to get to this point. I have studied this Zhenlong chess game for 50 years, and I have only studied it to this point. No one can break this game."

Li San was also angry, with a hint of mockery in his tone, thinking that Lynch was ignorant.

"Don't use your ignorance to judge other people's IQ."

Lynch's words can be said to have resonated with many people. Now there are many people who use their ignorance to evaluate the IQ of others, but they don't know that he is the most ignorant one.

"It's really stubborn, let's see how you die in a while."

After being ridiculed by Lynch, Li San stood up abruptly, not wanting to continue competing with Lynch. Anyway, there is still one more chance to end the match.

Sun Zhong and the others were extremely anxious. When things got to this level, Lin Qi was still in the mood to joke, making the dozen or so people who came together shake their heads and smile wryly.

This is a gamble!

It's not a joke, if you lose this round, you will lose your head.

"Don't worry, Lynch must have thought of a solution."

Luo Xiu still believed in Lynch very much. It was not luck but real ability to break through the Seven Buddha Pagodas.

"I believe too!"

Several other disciples nodded in support of Lin Qi, no matter what the result was, they would not let Lin Qi die here.

"Breaking the game is actually very simple, one shot is enough!"

Lynch saw that it was almost done, and holding a sunspot in his hand, he suddenly landed on the chessboard.

Suddenly, the situation changed.

(End of this chapter)

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