Chapter 1036
"I don't hear the sound of locomotives, but the sighs of women."


"Last night, I saw the military post. The Khan ordered more soldiers. The military book has twelve volumes, and the volume has the name of the master."


"Thousands of miles to go to the military plane, Guanshan is like flying, the breath of new moon is transmitted to the golden watchman, and the cold shines on the iron clothes."


"Open the door of my east pavilion, sit on my bed in the west pavilion, take off my wartime robe, and put on my old clothes."

Every word was bloody and tearful, Jiang Yu cried, crying with pear blossoms and rain, this is a poem about a woman fighting on behalf of her father, and it is so similar to what happened to her.

Her father was imprisoned, and the Feiyu Pavilion was thrown to her. A woman who supported such a large sect was even more tired than going to the battlefield. This poem made the surroundings quiet. Jiang Feiyu turned his face and wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Two rabbits walking side by side, An Neng can tell if I'm male or female!"

He wrote nearly [-] characters eloquently, and each word was like flying dragons and phoenixes, jumping on the rice paper, and even appeared rhythmic, like a woman rushing to the battlefield.

The entire mountain suddenly fell silent, and even the birds that flew over landed on the branches, infected by this atmosphere.

"Nice poem!"

The great elder slapped his thigh, wishing he could hold the poem in his arms, and circled the table several times, still reluctant to part.

"A good heart, a good heart, a good woman, she is a role model for my generation."

Li Xiao also wiped away his tears, everyone looked at Jiang Yu, and found that she was already in tears, and threw herself into Lynch's arms.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yu was also reckless, and the humiliation and suffering of these years were all written into this poem.

"It's passed."

After patting Jiang Yu, the latter stepped aside, wiped away his tears, and his eyes became extremely firm.

Ding Xiuru was struck by lightning, and stood there stupidly, completely stupefied by Lynch's poem.

This is not the most important thing, but his fonts are like flying dragons and phoenixes, with iron pens and silver hooks. Every word is like a soaring dragon. Compared with Lynch, his characters are simply rubbish.

It can be said that it is not a level at all, one is a worm, and the other is a dragon.

"Lynch, tell me what font this is."

This is what everyone cares about. There has never been such a wonderful font in Tianyan Continent. It is very rare, and it is even the first time it has appeared.

"Let's call it Liu Ti!"

Lynch coughed dryly, feeling a little embarrassed. He stole someone else's willow body, so he couldn't even change his name, so he simply called it in willow body.

"I have learned this font, and I will change it to Liu Ti in the future!"

Li Xiao unceremoniously took out the memory talisman, recorded Mulan's poem, and went back to imitate it.

"Yao Qian, send someone to prepare for the fourth round."

Winning or losing is no longer important, this has surpassed competition, Lynch is a kind of transcendence, a kind of sublimation of quality.

Ding Xiu was extremely ashamed, just now he looked full of confidence, but in a blink of an eye he looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, and his eyes dimmed.

Mulan poetry was carefully put away by Jiang Yu, it was the best gift she ever received.

Yao Qian's face was very ugly, and he said in the last level, he can no longer lose, and if he loses, he will die.

"Xiao Yun, let's go!"

Nodding to the young man behind him, Yao Qian didn't even bother to say anything, maybe he was ready to die.

"Lynch, I know you are good at drawing. Today we are no better than ordinary painting skills. We use sand to paint."

Lynch has drawn such rare paintings as the Qingming Riverside Picture, and ordinary portraits are not a problem, so he directly gave up the competition of ordinary painting skills.

Everyone may be familiar with it. When he made this request, he didn't look surprised at all.

"Sand painting?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lynch's mouth. He hasn't tried it yet, so it shouldn't be difficult.

"I don't understand what you mean by sand painting. What I mean is that if you paint with sand, whoever has a deeper artistic conception is naturally the winner."

Xiao Yun was too lazy to talk to Lynch, thinking that Lynch didn't know what sand painting was, so he prepared a big sand table.

"You wait!"

Lin Qi interrupted him and didn't let him continue to draw. Li Xiao and the others showed doubts and didn't understand what Lin Qi was going to do.

"Are you afraid?"

Xiao Yun looked puzzled, thinking that Lynch was scared. After all, painting with sand is unique, and he only created it not long ago. Outsiders don't understand this way of painting at all.

"You misunderstood what I mean, what I mean, this time I will paint first, if you think you can surpass me, you can continue, because I don't want to waste time, if you can't surpass me, I will announce the end in advance."

It's not that Lynch is afraid, it's because he doesn't want to spend any more time with them, it's boring.

Only then did everyone realize that in the first few rounds, the opponent made the first move. This time, Lynch planned to do the opposite, and he painted first.

"Okay, let's start!"

Xiao Yun didn't refuse either. It didn't matter who came first. Instead, Lynch started first, which made him smile even more.

In this way, Lynch will not plagiarize his work, and the chances of winning are greater.

Lynch smiled lightly, knowing what the other party was thinking, he took out a sand table and poured the prepared sand on it.

Strangely, Lynch added a lot of paint, and the original single sand became colorful, making everyone around confused.

Xiao Yun was puzzled as to what Lynch was going to do.

"What is Lynch going to do?"

Painting with sand has recently emerged in the Tianyan Continent, and many people only know about this thing, but have not seen it.

But there are also people who have seen painting with sand. There is absolutely no such thing as Lynch, adding so many kinds of pigments. As I said just now, it is very clear that this is not an ordinary painting technique.

"I do not know either!"

Sun Zhong shook his head, it was the first time he had seen this kind of painting, so he could only watch quietly.

The colorful sands were all separated, Lynch suddenly erected the sand table, and through a layer of light curtain, the sand table seemed to flicker.

The hands suddenly danced, and the golden sand turned into a desert. The hands continued to carve on the desert, and lifelike camels appeared.

Then the big sun, strange trees, sand dunes, just like the real world.

Especially the reflection through that layer of light curtain is even more beautiful, like a shrunken version of the world, presented in front of them.

Everyone was fascinated by it, and they didn't understand the principle. Why should a light curtain be placed in front to refract the light, so that the world inside becomes three-dimensional.

Seen from the back, it is just a layer of fine sand, which is very ordinary, but Lynch's hands, like ingenious workmanship, are constantly changing the world.

With a swipe of both hands, the desert disappeared, and a layer of dark green grassland appeared in front of everyone, followed by towering mountains, small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and pavilions, and figures appeared.

"This is our Lingyun Pavilion!"

Someone exclaimed loudly that Lin Qi painted the Lingyun Pavilion with sand, and it was exactly the same as the real version, which is beyond what ordinary drawing paper can do.

"My goodness!"

Li Xiao covered his mouth with both hands, for fear that his yelling would ruin the beauty around him. What is Lynch going to do, is he going against the sky?

"This is where we stand."

Every time the sand painting changes, some people exclaim. This wonderful way of painting has ushered in a new era.

Xiao Yun, who was standing by the side, was completely dumbfounded, his mouth was so wide that he could stuff more than a duck egg into it.

As for Yao Qian, he had already sat down on the ground, his face was pale, and he even looked like he would rather die than live.

Many high-level officials in Lingyun Pavilion glanced at each other, but they didn't know how to talk about it.

With a swipe of both hands, Lingyun Pavilion disappeared, and the scene continued to switch, and a majestic city appeared in front of everyone.

The spacious streets, the shops lined with trees, the hawkers that appeared on the streets, and the auction house, etc., have everything that one expects to find, and it is a reduced version of the map.

Only now did everyone understand why Lynch turned the sand into colorful colors. He was portraying a real world.

Scenes stayed in everyone's minds for a few breaths, and Lynch would soon erase them and continue to draw.

There are mountains!

There is the sea!


have a home!

There is a way!


The appearance of each portrait brings back everyone's memories. Everyone has their own painting in their hearts. This painting is hidden in their hearts, and Lynch has completely revealed it today.

When the last picture of a happy family appeared, there was warm applause from all around. The Lingyun Pavilion disciples generously dedicated their most enthusiastic side to Lin Qi.

This situation makes people forget the unhappiness just now.

Stand up, remove the light curtain, everything returns to the original state, only the ordinary sand table, and those colorful sands, everything returns to the starting point.

"It's your turn!"

Lynch graciously gave up his body and made room for Xiao Yun. It was his turn to play.

It was only then that everyone remembered that the competition was not over yet, and it was Sima Villa's turn this time.

Xiao Yun was silent and didn't play. Lynch had already made the sand painting a masterpiece, but it was embarrassing to go up.

"There is no need to compare this level, I admit defeat."

In fact, everyone has already guessed the ending. Lynch has performed the sand painting to this extent, and if he wants to surpass him, he can't find anyone except himself.

The piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, all the four levels were over, Lin Qi almost crushed Sima Villa in a crushing way.

Sima Feng stood in the void, didn't say a word, even the fourth child who was close to him, at the moment avoided him.

After experiencing this incident, Sima Villa has become completely notorious. In order to deal with Lin Qi, a junior, he will do everything possible.

"Sima Feng, you can get out of Lingyun Pavilion, they are all going to die."

Jiang Feiyu showed a ruthless side, and pinched Yao Qian and the others with a big hand, without the strength to resist.

In front of Sima Feng, if he said to kill someone, he would kill him. Even the senior management of Lingyun Pavilion didn't react, so they could only smile wryly.

When Sima Feng realized that he was thinking of killing someone, it was not so easy. While he was still in a daze, Jiang Feiyu made the first move.

"Jiang Feiyu, I will remember this hatred today. One day, I will twist his head off with my own hands."

It would be embarrassing to stay any longer, and as soon as the words fell, Sima Feng disappeared in place and left Lingyun Pavilion.

A farce came to an end, but the disciples who surrounded him were still reluctant to leave.

Willow body, sand painting, Qingming rain, Zhenlong chess game, are talked about by everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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