Chapter 1038 Divine Pill Conference
There was a stalemate, Pavilion Master Lingyun seemed to have something hard to say.

Lynch insisted on it, it was impossible to agree so easily.

"Brother, it's up to you to explain. This is related to the reputation of our Lingyun Pavilion, and we must send disciples there."

Pavilion Master Lingyun blinked vigorously, hoping that Jiang Feiyu could persuade Lin Qi.

Jiang Feiyu saw that he couldn't refuse, so he stood up reluctantly and walked in front of Lynch.

"Lynch! This Divine Elixir Conference is a grand event in our eighth heaven. There will be many talented people participating. You can also increase your knowledge, don't you think so?"

Lin Qi could see through Jiang Feiyu's self-deception at a glance, and there must be something hidden from him.

"A grand event?"

"Then it is even more necessary to send those disciples who have little experience to participate in order to increase their knowledge."

Lynch is like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, oil and salt will not enter.

"The pavilion master also said just now that none of Lingyun Pavilion's disciples are willing to go. It is most suitable for you to go. As long as you go, I can win more benefits for you."

Jiang Feiyu gave Lynch a wink. At this time, he can blackmail him severely.

"Tell me, what are the benefits."

Hearing the benefits, Lynch's expression changed slightly. He was still some distance away from Emperor Wu. If there were benefits, it would be another matter.

"As long as you go to the Shendan Conference, I can let you enter Tianchi to practice for a day, and help you lay a good foundation for Emperor Wu."

The Lord of Lingyun Pavilion has spoken, Tianchi is also the treasure of Lingyun Pavilion, it does not have the effect of improving cultivation, it is very important to lay a good foundation.

"not enough!"

Lin Qi shook his head, the small Tianchi Lake was not attractive to Lin Qi, it was only a matter of time before he broke through to Emperor Wudi, and he didn't care about Tianchi Lake at all.

"Then tell me how to agree."

Pavilion Master Lingyun was also helpless, and asked Lin Qi to say, as long as it was not too much, he would agree.

"Help me refine the dragon-slaying sword into an imperial weapon. I don't have the materials, so you have to do it."

If the dragon-slaying sword can reach the level of the imperial weapon, it can reach the fourth level, so it has more functions.

If it wasn't for Chang'e's help this time, Lin Qi would be really in danger, so he couldn't wait to upgrade the Dragon Slaying Sword.

"It's simple, I can promise you right now, within three days, this sword is guaranteed to become an imperial weapon."

The master of Pavilion Lingyun immediately agreed that for such a large sect, refining an imperial weapon is just like playing.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Everyone gets what they need, Lin Qi now urgently needs to upgrade the Dragon Slaying Sword, and Chang'e's help is too great.

After high-fiving, Lin Qi and Jiang Feiyu left the hall. Before leaving, Pavilion Master Lingyun showed a smile, and Lin Qi thumped in his heart. He always felt that he had been tricked.

After leaving the hall and finding a secluded place, Lin Qi grabbed Jiang Feiyu's neck and dragged him behind a big tree.

"Tell me honestly, is there something else you're hiding from me?"

If he hadn't been in a hurry to upgrade the Dragon Slaying Sword, Lynch would never have agreed to participate in some shit god pill conference.

"Didn't you already agree? Why ask these questions?"

Jiang Feiyu's eyes were dodged, and he was unwilling to face Lynch squarely, which further confirmed Lynch's idea that they had something to hide from him.

Why did he not let him go back when he came out of Wenhai, and took him away directly, it must be because he was afraid that he would know some secrets.

"I agreed. If you refuse to tell me, I have ten thousand ways to avoid this matter."

Lynch began to threaten that if he refused to say, he would not need to refine the Dragon Slaying Sword. Anyway, he would have nothing to lose, and he was slowly looking for materials.

"Okay, since you agreed to participate in the Shendan Conference, you must finish it well before I can tell you."

Jiang Feiyu was still afraid that Lynch would backtrack, so he refused to attend the Shendan Conference, so he asked him again.

"Don't worry, since I agreed, I will do my best and will never give up halfway."

This is Lynch's consistent style of doing things, otherwise he wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles to the Eighth Heaven and encountered the trouble of Feiyu Pavilion.

"Let's talk about it first. It's okay to tell you, but don't be angry."

Although Jiang Feiyu has reached the eighth rank of Martial Emperor, in his heart, Lin Qi has a very high status, and he always talks on an equal footing, and has never acted like an elder.

"Say it!"

Lin Qi scolded angrily, and Jiang Feiyu trembled, not daring to hide it, and finally revealed the matter.

"It's like this. In the past years, when Lingyun Pavilion participated, it was basically at the bottom. Alchemy is not Lingyun Pavilion's strong point. Every time I go, I will be ridiculed. You also know that a first-class sect is ridiculed like a fool. Who Willing to go."

Jiang Feiyu showed a look of helplessness. It turned out that these disciples were unwilling to go because they were worried about being ridiculed or even suppressed.

"is it so serious?"

Lynch couldn't believe it, it was just a magic pill conference, as for you fighting for it.

"It's very serious, because Lingyun Pavilion has grievances with many alchemy sects. These alchemy sects will use this opportunity to humiliate Lingyun Pavilion every five years. As a result, no one has participated in these sessions. There is no way, and finally send a Handyman disciples go."

It is really unreasonable for a first-class sect to send a handyman disciple to participate in the Shendan Conference.

"Things are far more than that. Since Lingyun Pavilion is not good at alchemy, why do you want to participate in this kind of alchemy conference? Is there something else that is hidden from me?"

Lin Qi's eyes became colder and colder, and he felt that he had been fooled. Pavilion Master Lingyun and Jiang Feiyu dug a big hole together.

"'s a long story."

There was a trace of loneliness in Jiang Feiyu's eyes, and there seemed to be many unspeakable secrets.

"Let's talk about it. Anyway, there is plenty of time. I won't go until things are cleared up."

It is not impossible to let him go, the premise must be honest, what happened, since Lingyun Pavilion is not good at alchemy, it is not a good idea to go to the Divine Alchemy Conference.

"The earliest divine alchemy conference was just a place for several sects to discuss Taoism with each other, each learning from each other's strengths. You also know that the road to immortality is inseparable from alchemy. Slowly everyone evolved from the Dao Discussion Conference to the Alchemy Conference. At the beginning, Lingyun Pavilion wanted to quit, but the other major sects were not very willing, after all, they have been discussing Dao together for so many years."

Jiang Feiyu paused after finishing speaking, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and continued.

"More than 100 years have passed in a blink of an eye. Some sects inevitably have some fights and frictions. The same is true for several sects discussing Taoism. It has been released, from a few to a dozen, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger."

Although not so detailed, Lynch can probably tell that Lingyun Pavilion is at the bottom every year, so it is naturally the object of crowding out. As time goes by, Lingyun Pavilion is unwilling to participate.

"Why choose me?"

Lynch didn't want to know about the previous grievances, but he just didn't understand why he was chosen to participate.

"Because you always surprise me, I believe that you will bring unexpected effects to Lingyun Pavilion."

Jiang Feiyu showed a smirk. Lynch's performance for more than a month can be called a monster. Whether it is piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, or talisman martial arts, it is far beyond ordinary people.

Coupled with rich experience and a strong mind, even in the face of provocations, they can calmly resolve them, which is not comparable to those ordinary disciples.

"You are not afraid that I will be killed if I go there. You can think about it. The people of Sima Villa are watching me like a tiger. Once I am exposed to the Shendan Conference, I will definitely be hunted down by the people of Sima Villa."

What Lin Qi said was the truth. In the battle of Ziyun Valley, he completely broke his face with Sima Villa, and let them lose face in Lingyun Pavilion. How could he let it go so easily.

"Don't worry, Lingyun Pavilion will send experts to escort them secretly, and they won't show up unless life or death is in danger. You can rest assured about this."

Jiang Feiyu patted his chest and promised that if Lynch died, his daughter would not have to fight him hard, so the safety issue had already been thought out for Lynch.

Hearing this reply, Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction. Anyway, he is fine now, and it would be good to go to the Divine Pill Conference.

There is also an accompanying expert escort, such a good thing is rare.

"Lynch, I've said so much, now you can go and participate with confidence."

Jiang Feiyu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and finally passed the test.

"Tell me, how many benefits Lingyun Pavilion has given you to let you be a lobbyist, I don't want more, just give me half of it."

Lin Qi suddenly hooked up with Jiang Feiyu, walked out from behind the big tree, and walked back together.

"'s no good at all."

Jiang Feiyu's old face was flushed, and even a fool could guess that there was no good thing, who would do something thankless, not to mention that Lynch was his son-in-law-to-be, to force him to do something he didn't want to do, unless Jiang Feiyu's head was kicked by a donkey.

"That's not interesting enough! Are you forcing me to screw up the Divine Pill Conference?"

Lynch let go of his arms, and the two of them stopped together. Under Lynch's threat, Jiang Feiyu had a wonderful expression on his face.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you, as long as I persuade you to participate in the Divine Pill Conference, Lingyun Pavilion is willing to help me rebuild Feiyu Pavilion, and secondly promise to let Xiao Yu enter Wenhai to practice once within three years."

Jiang Feiyu didn't dare to hide anything, so he answered truthfully.

This time Feiyu Pavilion suffered heavy losses, lost three halls, and would have a decisive battle with Sima Villa in two months. Feiyu Pavilion's current strength could not compete with Sima Villa at all. With the help of Lingyun Pavilion, it would be much easier.

"Isn't Wenhai opened every 20 years?"

Lin Qi was confused, but he was naturally happy to let Jiang Yu enter Wenhai.

"That's what the outside world is saying. In fact, Wenhai is opened every three years. It's just that ordinary disciples don't know it. Those disciples who are sent in have already issued a password-locked order. They are all internal quotas set by the sect, and there are very few outsiders. You know, don't let it out."

Jiang Feiyu looked around and found no one, so he whispered to Lynch.

"I see!"

The good thing is that you can't catch it anymore, Lynch strode back with his hands behind his back.

"Lynch, wait for me."

Jiang Feiyu frantically followed behind, and the old and the young returned to the yard. Jiang Yu had already prepared a table of delicious dishes, because he knew that Lynch was leaving the customs today, so he rewarded him well.

(End of this chapter)

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