Chapter 107
Lynch withdrew his long sword and shouted angrily, telling them to go away, he didn't want to see either of them.

Zhang Qiu left with a vicious expression. Before leaving, his eyes exuded an extremely strong murderous aura. He had to get back this shame today.

"Lynch, I'm sorry!"

Shangguan Feiyun had a guilty look on his face, hoping that Lin Qi would forgive her.

"Let's go!"

Lynch waved his hand and didn't let her go on. Shangguan Feiyun was protecting him. Lynch didn't know that Zhang Qiu must have a background. If he killed him rashly, it would be very bad for Lynch.

"Lynch, don't you blame me?"

Shangguan Feiyun showed a playful expression, he looked like a different person from just now.

"Do you really think that I will be afraid of the forces behind Zhang Qiu? Actually, you are wrong!"

After Lin Qi finished speaking, he strode away. He did not deny Shangguan Feiyun's good intentions, but Lin Qi would never yield to anyone, even the emperor and strong man could not change Lin Qi's will.

Shangguan Feiyun shook his head. It was not the first time she had experienced Lin Qi's stubborn temper, and she was not surprised, so she followed Lin Qi down the mountain.

"Lynch, you have to be more careful in the near future, Zhang Qiu will take revenge, he will definitely find a master to deal with you, you should not leave Qingyun Mansion."

Shangguan Feiyun had a begging tone, hoping that Lynch would listen to him, that a real man would be able to bend and stretch, and not to be impulsive.

"I don't need anyone to take care of my affairs, so farewell!"

Lin Qi performed ghostly seven steps and disappeared in the back mountain, leaving Shangguan Feiyun alone, with a bitter smile on his face as the cold mountain wind blew past.

"Shangguan Feiyun, Shangguan Feiyun, when did you become so humble and humble, you majestic young lady!"

Biting his lips tightly, Shangguan Feiyun also left the back mountain.

Back in the inner mansion, Lynch didn't rest, and went straight to Wooden Man Lane. This time, Lynch entered the advanced class, around the third rank of martial arts.

The sky had already darkened. Lynch drew out his long sword and stepped into the cold passage. Inside the passage, there were a large number of wooden figures, all of which were specially made. Break it open.

After stepping in, the wooden man immediately attacked. Lynch performed the Sun Moon Sword Technique, stabbing the wooden man's left side with a slash.


Lin Qi felt numb in his arms. The third-rank martial artist is really powerful. The most important thing is that Lin Qi's sun and moon swordsmanship is powerless.

As a tenth-rank martial artist, Lin Qi had a chance to kill a third-rank martial spirit. If it wasn't for the limitation of the Sun and Moon swordsmanship, the sword just now would not have been so embarrassing.

Still unwilling to give up, he continued to use the Sun Moon Sword Technique, and was thrown away again and again. Lynch had already had many wounds on his body and was injured by the wooden man.

"Who is that person? Why is he like a lunatic? He was thrown out again and again, and he still refused to give up."

Someone passed by here. It was very strange. Lynch was sent flying out just as soon as he entered. He got up and continued to rush into the Wooden Puppet Lane. He had done this dozens of times, and his body was covered in scars.

"It turned out to be him. I heard that he has practiced the Sun-Moon Sword Art. It is really ridiculous that he wants to practice the Sun-Moon Sword Art with the help of Wooden Man Alley!"

Someone showed a mocking look. Of course, the fourth-rank Martial Spirit did not take Lynch seriously, and mocked unscrupulously.

Facing the ridicule from all around, Lin Qi remained indifferent, and continued to attack. He used the Sun Moon Sword Technique repeatedly, but still made no progress, and even his true energy could not be coherent, so as to gather the sword techniques together.


Lynch was sent flying out again, this time at a farther distance, and fell to the corner of the wall. With an evil smile on his lips, he wiped away the blood and strode towards the Wooden Man Alley.

"Lin Qi, forget it, this Sun Moon Swordsmanship is really a rubbish martial skill, I advise you to give it up!"

Some people can't stand it anymore, and hope that Lynch can do it for himself. It is right to practice hard, but if the method is wrong, it will be a waste of time.

"You don't mind my business!"

Lynch swept everyone coldly, and continued to rush into the Wooden Puppet Lane. Whether it was good intentions or malicious, Lynch didn't care.

"It's really hopeless. Let's go. I really think I'm a genius. This sun and moon swordsmanship is just rubbish and a piece of shit. If he can succeed in cultivation, I will take his surname from now on!"

Someone spat and left cursing. They hoped that Lynch could waste more time by continuing to practice.

The surrounding area quickly disappeared, leaving only Lynch alone. Under the moonlight, the entire shadow dragged long and was reflected on the distant wall.

With a movement of his body, this was the hundredth time Lynch rushed into Wooden Puppet Alley. If he couldn't defeat him again, his true energy would be exhausted, so he could only leave and wait for tomorrow.

When the moonlight shone on Lynch's body, Lynch suddenly stopped in place, feeling the shadow cast by the moonlight, Lynch seemed to understand something.

That indescribable artistic conception made Lin Qi fall into silence, as if he had also turned into a wooden man, standing quietly outside the wooden man's alley, only the big moon, corresponding to him.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and half an hour passed, a fierce sword energy burst out from Lin Qi's body suddenly, and then a pale yellow light projected from the distant starry sky, falling into Lin Qi's body. Qi's body.

"Dayue sword technique!"

Lynch made a move suddenly, the long sword in his hand showed its sharpness, exuding a soft light, and in the light, there was an endless killing spirit, this is the sword of the full moon.

Every night of the full moon is also a night of killing.

Feeling the changes brought about by the full moon, the creepy sword intent tore apart the wooden man on the first layer.


In the evening, the wooden man who knocked Lynch away a hundred times was split alive by a sword, turning into two halves, a third-rank martial spirit, ended with a single sword.

Lin Qi was stunned, as if he had been bewitched. He looked at the long sword in his hand stupidly, and couldn't believe it. Did he use that sword just now?

Lin Qi suddenly laughed unscrupulously. The laughter was full of bitterness. After wasting five days, Lin Qi finally comprehended the Sun Moon Sword Art and mastered its meaning.

Only when the sun and the moon shine together can one comprehend the sun and moon sword technique. Lynch has never understood the meaning of it. When he was practicing, he ignored the existence of the sun and the moon. He always believed that the word "sun and moon" was just a name.

In fact, it is not. The word "sun and moon" contains all the profound meanings of swordsmanship. Only by comprehending the sun and moon can one comprehend the swordsmanship of the sun and the moon, so Lynch took a detour.

Fortunately, this detour did not go very far. Today is the night of the full moon, and Lin Qi came to his senses and understood the mystery of the sun and moon sword technique.

The sword technique suddenly changed, and a fiery light appeared, covering a distance of tens of meters. The dazzling light directly aimed at the second wooden figure. This is the sun sword technique.

There are two swords in total, the sun and the full moon!
Along the way, every wooden man who wanted to get close to Lynch was ruthlessly crushed, turned into dust, and disappeared into the passage.

Until late at night, Lynch broke through the wooden man alley of the third-rank martial spirit, and returned to his residence, feeling sore all over his body. During this night, he had thoroughly condensed the Sun-Moon Sword Technique, and purified a lot of his true energy.

the next day!
An astonishing news spread. Last night, all the wooden figurines in the wooden puppet lane of the third-rank martial spirit were abolished. Everyone began to wonder if someone was playing tricks, or that a fourth-rank martial spirit broke into the third-rank wooden puppet alley.

However, no one in Qingyun Mansion accused them, and they were silent about the loss of so many wooden figures. That is to say, Qingyun Mansion acquiesced in this matter.

It's like a mystery, no one can figure it out, who can abolish all the wooden figures in the third-grade martial spirit realm, and they can't find a single person in the entire Qingyun Mansion.

The one-month deadline for Lynch to join Qingyun Mansion is getting closer and closer, and someone has already learned that Lynch's injury to Guizhu's subordinates is scheduled to end in one month.

In a few days it will be the full moon, and Ghost Bamboo is about to leave the customs. He is in the top ten of the advanced class rankings, although he is in the top ten, his strength should not be underestimated.

The wind and cloud list is a list made by the advanced class for those students. There are ten people in total, and the ghost bamboo is ranked tenth, and the fourth-rank martial spirit.

I heard that the top three senior class disciples have already reached the level of seventh-rank martial arts, and they rarely appear in normal times.

There are also some advanced class students who give up competing for the Dragon and Tiger Rankings and practice silently. The Dragon and Tiger Rankings are just an appearance, but they can represent the level of the Advanced Class.

Recently, many people have been discussing how to punish Lin Qi once the Ghost Bamboo is released. No matter how talented Lin Qi is, he has no chance of winning against a fourth-rank martial spirit.

In an eighth-rank martial artist, he killed a first-rank martial spirit. Now that Lin Qi has stepped into a ninth-rank martial artist, he can easily kill a second-rank martial spirit. But don't forget, Ghost Bamboo is a fourth-rank martial spirit. Have the opportunity.

It's just saying that there is a chance, not that it can really defeat the ghost bamboo!

Therefore, everyone believed that Lynch would definitely die, even if he was lucky enough to break through to the first rank of martial arts, the chance of winning was almost zero.

But they didn't know that Lin Qi was not a ninth-rank martial artist, but a tenth-rank martial artist, far surpassing a first-rank martial spirit.

Lynch turned a deaf ear to the outside world's comments, and practiced the Sun Moon Sword Technique over and over again in the Purple Bamboo Forest in addition to practicing every day.


Lynch suddenly drew his sword, and a big tree ten meters away fell without a sound, and the cut was very neat.

"Very good, the Sun Moon Sword Art has been mastered, it is not enough to rely on defeating the ghost bamboo, it seems that we have to practice the second move of Nine Slashes."

Lynch sat down cross-legged, and there were three more days, which would be January. Lynch must be fully prepared.

Nine slashes to destroy emotion, each move is more powerful than the last, crueler than the last, fiercer than the last, the last move is full of slashes, once it is used, there will be no survivors for thousands of miles.

The second move, chopping the wind!

It is more demanding than the first move of Zhan Kong, and it is necessary to surpass the speed of the wind and improve the swordsmanship to the extreme.

In the Purple Bamboo Forest, Lin Qi used it over and over again, but he couldn't increase the speed of Zhanfeng. With his current true energy, maintaining half a move was already the limit, and he could only use it all when he reached the Martial Spirit Realm.


Lynch waved his hand and continued to draw the sword!




One sword after another, Lynch's body was already drenched in sweat, and he still couldn't condense Zhanfeng.

The days were getting closer and closer, and it was the last day in a blink of an eye, and the whole Qingyun Mansion suddenly became extremely dull.

Because Ghost Bamboo came out of customs one day earlier, then a shocking news came out, Ghost Bamboo wanted Lin Qi to come to the door on his knees to apologize within three days, if not, Lin Qi would be abolished three days later.

Once this news was sent out, it immediately caused a great sensation, but most of the people were gloating.

(End of this chapter)

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