Chapter 1089 The Underworld
Spiritual consciousness shot around, but no one caught up with him for the time being. This flight has left many clues, and it is estimated that someone will catch up soon.


Ten meters in front of Lynch, there was a sudden cracking sound, and a strong wind appeared, blowing the surrounding ground clean, and a special mark appeared.

It looks like a huge cross, and it also looks like a special mark, very weird, Lynch has never seen it before.

The surface of the ground was poured with anhydride iron, forming a circle, which suddenly rotated in all directions, as if there were countless chains running, and the clicking sound came from inside.

The entrance opened, and then a ladder rose from below, landing right in the middle of the circular landing.

Ni Caier was dumbfounded, what kind of thing is this, why can it go up and down by itself.

Lynch knew that this was a kind of elevator that could transport people from the bottom to the top, and from the top to the bottom. I heard that the place called the earth, the human race did not know how to practice, but they could fly in the sky. Lynch was very curious.

"Let's go up!"

Pulling Ni Caier, she jumped onto the lift, and then slowly sank, the round iron plate on it closed little by little, and lost contact with the outside world.

The speed of the elevator was not fast, but it was not slow either. After more than a dozen breaths, Lynch didn't know how deep he sank into the ground, and suddenly stopped.

The door of the elevator opened, and a burst of lights flickered, as if stepping into an underground palace. Those lights made Lynch unable to open his eyes.

There are also many instruments similar to those in the star field battleship. Lynch doesn't know how to operate them, and they are still shining brightly.

A strange sound came from some instruments. Ni Caier was trembling with fright. She had never seen these things before, and she held Lynch tightly.

Lynch has never seen it before, shuttled between various instruments, and on some crystal screens, a lot of words flashed, Lynch didn't recognize them.

Take out the memory talisman, these things can be recorded first, and they may be used later.

"Brother Lin, look what's over there."

Ni Caier suddenly pointed to a passage on the right, where a large number of glass jars were placed. Each jar was more than ten meters high and five meters thick.

The small one was also one meter high, filled with strange liquid and soaked things.

"be careful!"

Although Chang'e said that there are life genes here, she is not sure if there is any danger, and everything must be careful.

When he was ten meters away from the first glass jar, he stopped suddenly, and through the jar, there was a monster inside.

"Bat beast!"

Lynch exclaimed, this kind of bat beast is only found in the Tianyan Continent, it must have been caught by the residents of the battleship here, and soaked in the thick liquid.

"It's strange, the bat beast has been dead for at least many years, why hasn't it rotted?"

The bat beasts are extinct. The earliest discovery was tens of thousands of years ago. In the past few thousand years, they have never appeared at all. That is to say, these bat beasts were captured tens of thousands of years ago.

"It is indeed a bit strange. Even the emperor, who has been dead for tens of thousands of years, will inevitably be corroded."

Lynch was also up and down in his heart. He was always afraid of the unknown, which was human nature.

Then looking forward, each jar contained different things. There were monsters and even human races, who were also soaked in liquid, and their bodies were filled with various strange tubes.

"Chang'e, what's going on here, are these people dead or not?"

Lin Qi couldn't figure it out, so he had to ask Chang'e for an answer, so that he could continue walking in after clarifying the situation.

"These are all specimens, they have been dead for a long time, they were captured by the Sirius clan, and they are mainly used for research purposes."

Chang'e quickly gave a reasonable explanation, these are specimens, dead for tens of thousands of years.

"Strange, why hasn't it rotted for tens of thousands of years?"

This is what Lynch cares about. Humans often do similar things. After catching monsters, they continue to study their characteristics and want to tame them. The purpose is basically the same.

"The liquid inside, which we call formalin, can embalm corpses. This liquid is a super version, and it will be fine even if it is stored for tens of thousands of years. However, it is better for normal people not to touch it to avoid the invasion of unknown bacteria. "

In the end, Chang'e gave Lin Qi a reminder, don't touch anything here, so as not to have unknown bacteria invading the human body.

After figuring it out, continue to walk in. The basement is very large, with various rooms, rest places, and entertainment venues. Lynch has seen them all in Star Wars.

These are not unusual, but Ni Caier, as if seeing a world outside the region, asked questions along the way.

Lin Qi, who knew, explained, but if he didn't know, he could only ask Chang'e for advice.


The front door opened by itself, and Chang'e has helped Lynch remove all obstacles.

"Master, the laboratory has been discovered by others, and they will be able to come down within three hours at the earliest. You strive to absorb life genes within three hours."

Chang'e suddenly reminded Lynch that there were a hundred masters from Danzong and Emperor Xuanzong, gathered on the circular iron plate, and they didn't know what the hell it was.

"Okay, help me contain them a little longer!"

There is no time to continue explaining to Ni Caier, so follow the route map given by Chang'e and move forward quickly.

On the ground, the elders of Emperor Xuanzong stepped out and walked around the circular iron plate.

"Lynch's breath disappeared here. I guess there must be an exit under the iron plate."

The elder of Emperor Xuanzong had a positive tone.

"That's right, the breath disappears here."

The elders of Danzong also turned around, with murderous intent, this time Danzong suffered heavy losses, if Lin Qi is not killed, how will Danzong gain a foothold in the eighth heaven in the future.

"let me try!"

The elder Emperor Xuanzong suddenly flew into the air, and tested it several times. These iron plates are extremely strong, and ordinary swords are hard to hurt.

The others backed away one after another, so as not to affect themselves.

With a punch, the tyrannical breath of the ninth-rank Martial Emperor made the whole desert shake.


The force of the fist slammed down, and there was a violent echo from the ground. The powerful counter-shock force actually followed the iron plate and turned the elder Emperor Xuanzong in the void several somersaults.

"What kind of steel plate is this, so hard."

After the elder Emperor Xuanzong did a somersault, he landed on the ground and checked the condition of the iron plate.

A clear fist mark landed on the iron plate. Although it was not opened, cracks appeared on the iron plate.


Lynch was still on his way, when suddenly there was a sharp shake, which made him unsteady and almost fell over.

"Someone is chasing us."

Ni Caier looked at the top of her head, someone must have discovered this entrance and wanted to force her way in.

"Leave them alone, let's move on."

Lynch already knew that in only three hours, if they didn't get the life gene, both of them might perish here, and at least hundreds of people came from the other side.

There are no less than five ninth rank Martial Emperors. This lineup, the two of them plus the Golden Warrior, can't compete.

The underground passages are intricate and complicated. If it wasn't for Chang'e to guide him along the way, Lynch would have lost his way. How did the Sirians arrange it?

"Master, turn on the switch on the one on your right, and take two masks and put them on."

According to Chang'e's instructions, the gene of life is placed in the laboratory in front of Lynch, passing through a bridge made of glass.

Without any hesitation, he opened the box on the right, and there were more than a dozen specially made masks in it, and Lynch took out two.

Buckle yourself first, and then help Ni Caier put it on, like a pig's head, open the thick door in front, and a gust of cool wind blows from the opposite side.

"Be careful!"

The two held hands and walked in the glass passage, and a faint white mist was sprayed from both sides. According to Chang'e's understanding, it was disinfection.

Cross the glass bridge and enter another space, which is more enclosed, with almost no gaps, and the sound is isolated from the outside.

More sophisticated instruments, the strange thing is that there is no one here, only the footsteps of two people.

"Chang'e, check to see if there is any danger here."

Just in case, Lynch asked Chang'e to check before going in.

"The inspection is over, there is no problem, you can enter!"

Chang'e scanned it once, and there is no danger here, so you can enter.

The front glass door opened automatically. Lynch took off his mask and walked in with Ni Caier.

The laboratory is only about a hundred square meters in size, and there are several tables and a special container, which is also made of glass, and everything has been taken away.

"Master, the things are in the third small grid on the right in front of you. It should be that they left too quickly and didn't have time to take them away. There is still one tube left."

Chang'e's voice sounded in Lynch's mind. Time was running out. Lynch strode to the front cabinet and opened the third compartment.

The inside is a mess, things are very messy, it seems that they are in a hurry when they leave, as can be seen from the scattered instruments on the ground.

Something must have happened, and these Sirius clans suddenly left.

From among the fragments, Lynch found a needle with three drops of liquid in it, and took it out.

"Chang'e, is it this?"

Lynch is still not sure, don't find out the poison, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Well, this is a test product, it should pass the test, you inject it into the tendons, it can strengthen your body."

Chang'e also had an uncertain tone. One thing is certain, this is the life gene, and there are not many, only the last three drops.

"Is it all injected?"

The shaking sound from the ground became more and more intense, and Lynch couldn't care less. The life gene might be an opportunity.

"Well, your physique is very strong, three drops is not a lot, but it is enough to improve your system."

Chang'e has already analyzed Lynch's physical body, which is very strong.

"Cai'er, go and watch outside the door, watch out for me."

In order to prevent people from outside rushing in suddenly, Lynch must be fully prepared.

"it is good!"

As for what Lynch was holding in his hand, Ni Caier didn't ask. She walked outside the glass door and appeared on the glass bridge. As long as anyone approached, she would shoot immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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