Chapter 1091 Anger rushed to the crown
More than 30 people were constantly writhing on the glass bridge, screaming in pain.

"good chance!"

Ni Caier knew that this was not poisonous gas, but a kind of disinfectant, which eroded into the eyes and made it very uncomfortable. Lynch had already explained to him just now.

A series of qi appeared, forming flying blades, beheading these thirty or so people easily, and their strength was not high.

Blood stained the glass curtain wall, and the elders of the four sects standing on the side of the passage had gloomy and terrifying eyes.

"Analyze the origin of these poisonous gases."

There were more than thirty people, only a few escaped back, and the others died inside, beheaded by flying blades.

"Elder, save me, save me!"

The Dan sect disciple climbed to the side of the elder, with a pleading tone.

"Renren, there is no toxin in your body at all."

The few people who crawled back were checked several times by everyone, but no toxins were found. It was because of their own inner troubles that Ni Caier caught the opportunity.

After taking out clean water and washing away the disinfectant in the eyes, the survivors opened their eyes, and there was no serious problem except for the red eyeballs.

"Lynch, I'm going to kill you, but I used such a despicable and shameless way to sneak attack."

These people thought it was a trap deliberately set by Lynch, making them mistake it for poison gas, thirty or so people!Just die in it.

The death is very aggrieved, if it is really poisonous gas, it is just pepper water.

"Everyone close your eyes, block your five senses, let's go in!"

Time was urgent, Elder Dan Zong gave an order to take the lead in, closed his five sense organs, and the disinfectant water was sprayed down, and they were directly thrown away, making it impossible to get close to them.

The warriors behind them all put out their defensive shields to resist the fog, and this time there was no more screaming.

"Go back to me!"

Ni Caier made a move, and before they crossed the bridge, she first attacked the wall.

"Let's do it together!"

The aura of the ninth-rank Martial Emperor crushed over, the Elder of Danzong shouted sharply, and the five ninth-rank Martial Emperors shot together, knocking back all of Ni Caier's attacks.


Like a shooting star, Ni Caier was directly thrown into the air, hitting the glass wall, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The strong shock caused the surrounding buildings to collapse one after another. Lynch was very conscious, but he had no choice but to watch Ni Caier stand up little by little.


After standing up, a mouthful of blood was sprayed out, wiping away the blood, and a sad smile appeared on the corner of Ni Caier's mouth.

"None of you will ever want to hurt my elder brother Lin at all."

An even more terrifying aura was released from Ni Caier's body, and she planned to do her best.

Lynch clenched his teeth, blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, entering the stage of bone transformation, unable to move his whole body, and could only be transformed passively.

Without exception, Ni Caier was blown away again, and the remaining 80 or so people pressed on, passed the glass bridge, and approached the laboratory.

Standing up while leaning on the wall, I don't know how many bones are broken, but Ni Caier is still holding on.

"Cai'er, stop!"

Looking at Ni Caier's broken body, Lin Qi's heart was bleeding. The four sects set Lin Qi on fire.

"If you want to kill me, Brother Lin, just step on my body."

Ni Caier's aura suddenly rose, and almost solid colored wings appeared behind her.

"Cai'er, don't!"

Ni Cai'er was going to die together, even if she blew herself up, she had to hold them back and make time for Lynch.

With a loud cry, Lynch wanted to stop Ni Caier, at worst he would die with her, there was no need to sacrifice himself.

In this way, Lin Qi will feel guilty for the rest of his life. In Meteor God Mountain, if it wasn't for Caier, he would have become the demon king's food. It was Ni Caier who saved him.

"Brother Lin, if there is an afterlife, I will accompany you."

Ni Caier showed a beautiful smile, the blood washed off the makeup on her face, revealing her original appearance, her voice was so bleak that Lynch's heart felt like it was being cut by a knife.

"No, never!"

The bone transformation is almost over, and after a while, he will be able to regain his freedom.

"Farewell, Brother Lin!"

Suddenly, Ni Caier's body was full of light, which inspired the blood of the phoenix, and turned into a colorful phoenix, soaring above the void.

"Phoenix bloodline!"

The elders of the True Sword Sect showed surprise, they did not expect to meet a monster with the blood of the Phoenix here.

"It's best to capture her alive, don't kill her, her blood is of great use."

Originally, the five ninth-rank Martial Emperors planned to kill them, but after seeing the blood of the Phoenix, they changed their minds and wanted to capture Ni Caier alive.

But Ni Cai'er already had the will to die, even if she died, she would have to stop her for a while longer.

The body suddenly rushed to the five ninth-rank Martial Emperors, using his own life to delay Lynch for the last bit of time.

Two crystal clear teardrops slipped from the corners of Lynch's eyes, filling the entire underground with murderous intent. Lynch's skeleton has been transformed into his head, and it will end soon.

But he was powerless to change it. Five Martial Emperors joined forces for a single attack, and the power could definitely compete with ordinary first-rank emperors.

"Let's suppress it together, and don't give her a chance to stall for time, even the dead Phoenix."

The elders of the True Sword Sect felt that something was unusual. Lynch's aura suddenly soared, and he went straight to the peak of the seventh-rank Martial Emperor. This was not a good sign.

Hurry up and kill Ni Caier, and then kill Lynch, you can't let him grow any longer.


The overwhelming air waves lifted all the surrounding buildings into the air, and Lynch swayed. Because of the distance, he was not affected for the time being.

Ni Caier's body, like a kite with a broken string, was blown hundreds of meters away and smashed into the wall of the laboratory, bloody and bloody.

The body of the phoenix was destroyed, and changed little by little, turning into a small colorful snake, which fell to the corner of the wall, motionless, with only a faint breath left, not far from death.

If it is not treated in time, it will definitely die.

After knocking Ni Caier into the air and clearing away all obstacles, more than 80 people came straight to Lynch with big strides.

Tears blocked Lynch's vision, and killing intent filled his chest. The life gene might have sensed Lynch's anger, turned into a ball of flame, and suddenly exploded inside his body.

Dan Zong and others have already walked outside the laboratory door, and they can get close to Lynch in a few dozen steps.

"kill him!"

Elder Dan Zong didn't hesitate at all. With an order, several disciples charged forward with weapons in hand. They also saw that Lynch was on the verge of breaking through.

Once he breaks through, the consequences will be disastrous, so hurry up and kill him before he breaks through.

Opening the dilapidated buildings, three Danzong disciples, all eighth-rank Martial Emperors, swung their long swords and slashed at Lin Qi angrily.

Lynch didn't look at the three of them, his eyes stayed on Ni Caier, and he turned into a little snake more than a foot long, coiled in place quietly, his body cooling down slowly.

The shocking wound stimulated Lynch's brain nerves, and the heart-piercing pain did not come from his body, but from his soul.

"I'm going to kill you!"

With a roar, Lin Qi was furious, Lin Qi only knew today what it means to be a confidante by being furious, and today he wants to kill everyone for Cai'er.

Finally able to speak, a violent breath, centered on Lynch, swept towards the surroundings, and directly flew the three people who were approaching.

The sudden situation caught the other people off guard. The aura emanating from Lin Qi just now made even the Ninth Rank Martial Emperor feel threatened.

The transformation of the last bone was also completed. Lynch stepped down from the chair, ignoring the more than 80 people around him, but strode towards Ni Caier.

The many elders of Danzong did not act rashly, they were all waiting, and surrounded Lin Qi in a circle.

He stretched out his hand and carefully held Ni Caier up in the palm of his hand, took out an elixir, crushed it, and repaired the superficial wound.

The internal wounds could not be healed by pills. Ni Caier fell into a coma, and no matter how much Lynch communicated with his consciousness, there was no response at all.

There is only one pulse left, which can die at any time.

"Chang'e, how can I save her?"

Lynch is now at a loss, it is the first time he feels so bewildered, the person he loves is slowly weakening by his side, that feeling of powerlessness makes Lynch's eyes fall down a line of tears.

"Master, I have already scanned her body, the injury is too serious, sorry!"

Lynch could clearly feel that Ni Caier's body temperature was getting lower and lower, her whole body was curled up like a ball of ice, and the temperature was so weak that she couldn't even feel it.


Hearing Chang'e's analysis, Lynch roared loudly, and the sound shook the surrounding buildings to collapse one after another, and some weak people's eardrums were directly shattered.

"There must be a way, I will never allow her to die!"

Lynch's eyes were scarlet, and his tone was almost commanding, telling Chang'e to find a way, even if it cost her own life.

Ni Caier's resolute gaze just now played back scene by scene in Lynch's mind.

It was her who accompanied me through a difficult year.

It was she who helped herself when Luo Yujun attacked her.

It was she who won the first place in the Haxian Island Hundred Beasts Conference, and avoided dangers again and again.

It was her who saved his life in Meteor Mountain.

It was her who defended herself with her life.


Scenes of the past, Lynch cried, crying like a child for the first time.

Speaking of which, he is just a child. He has been too tired these years, and even wanted to give up revenge.

These days are the happiest and most relaxed time for him, he can be carefree, chat with Cai Er, and kiss me.

In just a few days, such an accident happened, which caught Lynch by surprise.

The rubble fell from the sky, the glass turned into slag, and Lynch's heart, along with the glass, became torn apart.

"Master, with your fresh blood, you can temporarily preserve a strand of her heart. Unless you can find a peerless elixir, it will be possible to restore her body."

At this time, Chang'e reminded Lynch that he had just obtained genetic modification of life, and the system was far superior to ordinary people. His blood could help Ni Caier restore a trace of her heart.

Without hesitation, he took out the dagger and slashed fiercely on his arm, blood flowed horizontally, and soaked Ni Caier in the blood.

Danzong and the disciples of the True Sword Sect who were standing around were dumbfounded. They didn't understand why Lynch would abuse himself like this for a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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