Invincible Sword Soul

Chapter 11 Strong Chapter Return

Chapter 11 Strong Return (1)

"This is impossible, how could a small third-rank warrior stab a ninth-rank warrior!"

Li Liang's expression was distorted, with a look of jealousy on his face. How did Lynch become so powerful in just one day.

Wu Hao couldn't get over his face either. He was stabbed by a third-rank warrior and lost all face. He moved his body in front of his colleagues, and the long sword emitted a dragon chant, straight for Lin Qi's head.

Just now, when he used a sword, Lin Qi's dantian was exhausted, and he no longer had any ability to resist. Using it retrogradely consumes a lot of his body.

"Who dares to kill my grandson!"

Just at this critical moment, a shocking thunder rang out, spreading across tens of miles.

The explosion of thunder alarmed the imperial city, and also alarmed many old antiques who were cultivating latently.

"It's his voice!"

Some old men stood up from the futons with expressions of disbelief.

The Prime Minister's Mansion was naturally the same. After hearing this voice, Prime Minister Li was shocked. He put down what he was doing and stood in the middle of the courtyard. The voice came from his grandson.

The imperial city was surging, and many masters followed the voice and gathered outside Li Liang's mansion, wanting to confirm whether it was the person they thought in their hearts.

Wu Hao was about to attack Lynch when he suddenly froze in place, unable to move. Two people walked in from the gate, an old man and a middle-aged man.

The old man was not angry and majestic, and exuded an extremely domineering aura from his whole body, and he could even smell the Wuling Realm.

Taking a figure-of-eight step, every time the old man took a step, the breath in his body rose sharply, suppressing everyone in the entire yard to be breathless.

"It's really him!"

There were also many masters in the yard, especially Li Liang called Uncle Wu. After seeing the old man, he took a step back and couldn't stand up.

Wu Hao froze in place, not daring to speak, because this old man could crush him to death with one finger.

"Lynch, are you okay!"

Seeing that his son was seriously injured, Lin He ran over and quickly took out some hemostasis powder to stop the bleeding first. There were too many wounds on his body to avoid bleeding to death.

"Whoever hurt my grandson, stand up for me!"

The old man's voice was so loud that it made everyone's eardrums ache. In desperation, he had no choice but to cover his ears, unable to bear the force of the nine-rank martial artist's roar.

Lynch was a little dumbfounded. Grandpa, who had been missing for five years, suddenly returned at this time. It was almost like a dream. If it wasn't for the dull pain from the wound, Lynch must have thought it was a dream.

Everyone didn't say a word, and no one dared to speak. If they admitted that they injured Lin Qi, Lin Xiaotian would probably rush to kill them directly.

Ninth-rank martial artist, even today's saint can't do anything about it, and Lin Xiaotian has a martial spirit aura on his body. Once he breaks through the martial spirit, he will be as high as the sky, and will not be bound by the secular imperial power at all.

"Lin Xiaotian, you are still the same as before, with a bad temper!"

Prime Minister Li appeared, striding in from the outside, followed by a group of experts, all of which Prime Minister Li had collected over the past five years, to assist him and achieve great things.

"Li Zichun, my grandson is on your territory, that is to say, my grandson was injured by your people!"

Lin Xiaotian stared at Li Zichun who walked in, and said every word, with a murderous intent in his tone.

"Lin Xiaotian, don't talk nonsense, it was your grandson who broke into our Li residence, and this happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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