Chapter 1138 Xuanwu Academy
Lynch was very curious, this force was too powerful, one shot could stir up the situation, and even kill a first-rank emperor.

"No, I'm in the Angel Clan, and I can only be ranked as a third-level fighter!"

Bai Yu shook his head, showing a trace of shame. Obviously, a third-level fighter is not a master in the angel clan, but very ordinary.

"It's incredible, how your levels are divided."

Now that the language can be communicated, Lynch wants to know more about the Angel Clan, and by the way, know the situation outside the Tianyan Continent.

"Our angel clan is divided into ordinary fighters, intermediate fighters, advanced fighters, super fighters and infinite fighters. Our angel clan has not seen infinite fighters for 1 years."

Bai Yu's description is only one-sided, and many words are described in the language of Tianyan Continent.

Hearing Bai Yu's narration, Lynch was very surprised. An ordinary third-level fighter is comparable to a first-rank emperor.

The intermediate fighters, advanced fighters, super fighters, and infinite fighters are not bad.

Far infinitely stronger than the Golden Warrior and Golden Warrior he got.

One is the Angel Clan and the other is the Mecha. The two are not the same thing. According to Chang'e's estimation, the strongest fighter of the Sirius Clan can bomb the Tianyan Continent with one punch.

Before he knew it, the sky had already brightened, Bai Yu was also tired, and kept yawning.

"take a break!"

After chatting for more than an hour, Lynch had a general understanding of Star Domain.

In the star field, there are countless planets, and the most powerful one is the master of the star field, who can rule a large star field.

What do you mean by thousands of races? After talking with Bai Yu, I realized that I was just a frog in a well.

Looking at the entire star field, there are tens of thousands of races, even if it is the master of the star field, it is impossible to recognize all of them.

And Bai Yu also knew what happened to him, he was sold as a slave, fortunately he was sold to Lynch, if he was sold to someone else, he didn't know what kind of treatment he would receive.

At dawn, Ma Xiaoling had already gotten up, packed up his things, and started making food for Dugu Jian.

Because Dugu Jian has no cultivation base, just like ordinary people, he needs to be served three times a day, eats, drinks and sleeps.

Lynch didn't have that much time, so he only spent [-] million spirit stones to buy Ma Xiaoling, hoping to share his burden.

"Ma Xiaoling, come here!"

Looking at the busy Ma Xiaoling, Lynch yelled, and the latter walked towards Lynch in fear.

"This is a set of exercises, and there are some resources. As long as you don't delay Dugu Sword, I won't interfere with your work at other times. I will give you three months to break through to the ninth-rank Martial Emperor. Can you take revenge? , it’s not my decision, but whether you want to take revenge or not.”

Dugu Jian is actually very easy to take care of, as long as he prepares three meals, he will stroll around the yard by himself during the day, basically there will be no problems.

"Thank you Engong!"

Ma Xiaoling's tears fell again, the moment she was pushed onto the stage last night, she thought her life was over.

Unexpectedly, when he met Lynch, not only did he not abuse her, but he also helped her avenge her. He spent so many spirit stones just to help him take care of an ordinary person.

For practitioners, taking care of ordinary people is such a simple matter that they can spend a lot of time practicing in a day.

"Don't be gracious, I sound awkward. You and I each get what we need. There is no one who owes the other. You take good care of my friends, which is the greatest help to me."

What Lynch said was the truth, he never treated Ma Xiaoling as a slave.

"Don't worry, benefactor, I will take good care of you and I will never let you down."

Ma Xiaoling took the storage ring, her eyes became extremely firm, she was originally a strong girl, but now she became even stronger.

Rubbing his head, Ma Xiaoling was busy and Bai Yu was resting, so he had no choice but to walk out of the yard.

When you come to Zheshi City, you can't just sit around and eat like this.

It is really a headache to go out to practice without worrying about the Dugu sword. Staying here is not conducive to one's own cultivation.

"Go to the Xuanwu Academy and find a position first, so that resources can be mobilized and more people can be drawn to take care of Dugujian. Even if you leave, you can rest assured."

Talking to himself, he walked towards the east of Zheshi City, Xuanwu Academy, the address is here, but it was not shown on the map, so he had to find it by himself.

There are four schools in Zheshi City, namely Yantie School, Yinfeng School, Bailie School, and Piaoxue School.

These are the four most famous schools. As for the Xuanwu Academy, Lynch has asked several people, but he has never heard of it.

"It's strange, could it be that the Southern Emperor lied to me?"

Lynch couldn't figure it out, the Southern Emperor had no reason to deceive him, and there was no benefit to him, why after searching for a long time, there was no shadow of Xuanwu Academy.

Dongcheng has been visited a lot, and the sun is already high. I found a teahouse, took a rest, and continued to search.

"Old shopkeeper, you have heard that there is a Xuanwu academy near here."

I inquired in the morning that they were all young people, and the shopkeeper of the teahouse seemed to be 80 or [-] years old. Lynch asked him at this time.

"This name is so familiar, let me think about it."

Filling Lynch's teapot with tea, the old shopkeeper thought for a long time before he slapped his head.

"I remembered that this school really existed, but decades ago, it seemed to have disappeared overnight, and there was very little news about it."

The shopkeeper told Lynch everything he knew. No wonder some young people didn't know that this school disappeared decades ago.

It is estimated that the Southern Emperor did not come here for decades. It stands to reason that it is not a problem for a school to develop for hundreds of years, and it rarely disappears overnight, unless a major accident occurs.

"Thank you, old man, can you tell me where the exact location is?"

Lin Qi still wanted to go and see it. Now that he understood Nan Di's intentions, he probably fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

The Southern Emperor is currently staying in the eighth heaven, he dare not come up, and his old friends can't see each other, so he uses Lin Qi to recommend him to be a tutor at the Xuanwu Academy, which kills two birds with one stone.

Not only helped Lynch stay away from the imperial palace, but also met with old friends.

Seeing words is like seeing people. The friendship between people does not necessarily have to meet every day.

"Out of this alley, go forward, turn left, and you will see a desolate street. The Xuanwu Academy was built there."

After the shopkeeper finished speaking, he took the teapot and left, leaving Lin Qi alone in thought.

After drinking the tea, he went out of the tea house, and Lynch walked towards the street pointed by the shopkeeper.

As he said, after turning the corner, the street in front of him was obviously deserted, and even some buildings were only half left.

Living here, they are all the poor of Zheshi City. They chose this place out of desperation. It would be nice to have a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

There were still a few clay dolls playing on the street. When they saw strangers, they giggled, circled around Lynch, and then ran into the ruins to play.

"I didn't expect Jiuchongtian, nor the prosperity of the world, there is also poverty and hunger..."

Going forward along the desolate street, the old trees on both sides made a rustling sound, and the leaves covered the ground. When the breeze blew, the leaves on the ground were rolled up and piled up at the corner.

The street is not long, about a kilometer away. Some of the shops on both sides have been knocked down, and some have long been decayed. The street looks relatively desolate.

Occasionally someone passed by, but they were always galloping in a hurry, and no one paid any attention to Lynch.

There are only a few dilapidated shops, and there are still people running them to make ends meet.

Crossing the street, a dilapidated building appeared in front of him. Except for a gate that was still quite towering, Lynch couldn't find any bright spots in this building.

"Xuanwu Academy! Hehe..."

Lynch laughed at himself. He didn't expect that the Xuanwu Academy had been turned into ruins. The gate was still there, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres. It was conceivable that there were at least tens of thousands of students in the bustling time.

Weeds were overgrown all around, and a few mice blatantly ran past Lynch's feet to look for food.

There are only a few buildings standing in the center of the Xuanwu Academy, and they seem to be crumbling, and they won't last for a few years.

"I'm afraid the Southern Emperor would never have imagined that Xuanwu Academy would fall into such a situation."

I've already been here, and I'm about to turn around and leave. The inside is probably in ruins, and it doesn't matter if I can't get in.

"Persist for a while, we are almost at the school, and the instructor will definitely heal your injury."

Just as Lynch was about to turn around, a few teenagers ran over from the back of the street. They were all around seventeen or eighteen years old. One of the teenagers was covered in wounds, and the street was stained red with blood.

Supported by a man and a woman, without noticing Lynch at all, he walked in through the gate of Xuanwu Academy, leaving behind a series of bloody footprints.

Lynch paused, with a trace of surprise on his face. Could it be that there are other students in this Xuanwu academy?

A big question mark appeared in Lynch's mind, and with curiosity, he walked in along the bloody footprints.

After some buildings collapsed, no one cleaned them up, but a passage was opened up, extending to the huge square inside.

"Teacher Xia, come out quickly, Pan Feng was injured, save him quickly!"

The boy supporting him on the left shouted at the top of his voice, a woman suddenly rushed out of a three-story building in the distance, followed by seven or eight children aged seventeen or eighteen, both male and female.

Moreover, the residuals were uneven, some were tall and some were short, some were fat and some were thin, and there were even morons with low IQs. Lynch staggered and almost fell over.

"What happened, how could Pan Feng be injured!"

A female instructor rushed over and quickly checked the blood-covered boy, frowning, the injury was too serious, he had lost too much blood, and was in shock.

The conditions here are simple, there are not so many medicinal materials for treatment, and the female tutor is in a hurry.

Lynch was standing not far away, no one noticed him, they were all attracted by the bloody boy.

"Mr. Xia, you must save him. Pan Feng was injured because of me."

The girl who came back with Pan Wei knelt down with a plop and begged the female mentor to save Pan Feng.

"Don't worry, I will save him."

The female instructor began to check Pan Feng's injuries, and her brows became more and more wrinkled. One of the sword wounds was very close to Pan Feng's heart, and it was close to killing him.

Those teenagers and girls gathered around, stood silently aside, not knowing what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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