Chapter 1142 Angel's Tears
"Have you encountered any difficulties in cultivation?"

Lynch nodded. From Dugu Jian's body, it could be seen that Ma Xiaoling was very attentive.

"There are a few things I don't understand."

Ma Xiaoling was eager for revenge, he didn't hide anything, and told what he didn't understand.

After solving Ma Xiaoling's problem, he walked towards Bai Yu, not daring to get too close, lest all the inner fluctuations in his heart be known to him.

"Are you afraid that I know what you're thinking?"

Bai Yu turned her head and glanced at Lynch, as if she could guess what Lynch was thinking.

Although he knew that she had mind reading skills, Lynch still laughed at himself.

"Are you thinking of a way to go back?"

Without explaining or hiding, he sat down generously and asked Bai Yu.

"I know that if I want to tear this space apart, I can't do it with my current ability."

Bai Yu's eyes dimmed. Although Lynch treated her pretty well and didn't force her to do anything, it was not her home after all, and Lynch felt the feeling of homesickness.

Back then when he entered the Lingzhu Continent, he was so similar to Bai Yu now.

"Let me tell you a secret. I also had the same experience as you. Am I not coming back now?"

Lynch knew that all his memories had been read by Bai Yu, so he said something comfortingly.

"You are different from me. The Lingzhu Continent is very close to the Tianyan Continent, but I am from the Angel Clan, so the difference is too far."

Bai Yu knew that Lynch was comforting him, and there was a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

"If you come here, you will be safe. It's useless to think too much. You still have to do well in front of you and practice hard. Maybe one day you will be able to break the void and return to your hometown."

After Lynch finished speaking, he took Ni Caier out of his arms, basked in the sun, and kept it in the box, which was not conducive to recovery.

"What's up with her?"

Bai Yu's reading of Lynch's memory was only one-sided, and many things could not be read, such as feelings, and could not recognize what it meant.

"She was hurt and fell into a deep sleep."

Lynch touched Lottery's body. Although his pulse was relieved, it was not a long-term solution after all. After a long time, problems would still appear.

Moreover, the medicinal properties of the elixir were slowly losing, and the stability of the heart was obviously not as good as it was half a year ago, which made Lynch's face a little worried.

Bai Yu lightly tapped Ni Caier's body with her finger, and quickly retracted it.

Lynch didn't stop, maybe Bai Yu could understand Cai'er's current situation.

"Her condition is very bad. Only by finding a holy object can her body be repaired and she can be brought back to life."

After the inspection, Bai Yu showed a trace of apology.

In fact, Lin Qi already knew that even the Ninth Rank Emperor could not do anything about the monster being beaten back to its original form. Moreover, he was seriously injured and almost died.

It is already a miracle to be able to preserve a trace of heart.

"I know that as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up."

Lynch's eyes were firm, and even if it cost him his life, he must find a way to cure Cai'er, otherwise Lynch would never feel at ease for the rest of his life.

"I know there is something that can cure her."

Bai Yu sensed the change in Lynch's heart, and was also deeply infected, so she unconsciously said it.


Lin Qi suddenly grabbed Bai Yu's arm, relying on Bai Yu's physical strength, and replaced it with Ma Xiaoling's arm, it is estimated that the arm is useless.

"The tears of the angels of our angel family can heal her body, and even he can be cured together."

After Bai Yu finished speaking, he also pointed to the Dugu Sword, Angel Tears, which only the Angel Clan has.

Hearing that there was a treasure to cure Cai'er, Lin Qi's mood immediately improved. Although it was far away or even unreachable, at least there was hope.

"Don't worry, as long as I am here, I will definitely send you back to the Angel Clan."

In a good mood, he patted Bai Yu's shoulder, and Lynch went back to rest, sorting out the things to do tomorrow.

Now that he has agreed to be the tutor of Xuanwu Academy, Lynch must do his best instead of perfunctory.

After tidying up all night, as soon as the sky was bright, he hurriedly left the yard and told Ma Xiaoling not to delay his cultivation.

Just after dawn, Lynch was standing in front of the gate of the Xuanwu Academy. The others hadn't arrived yet. Pan Feng didn't go back yesterday and was practicing boxing in the square.

Every time he used it, there was a scream, and the wounds on his body hadn't healed completely, so he couldn't wait to practice in a hurry.

"Eat this!"

Lin Qi quietly appeared beside Pan Feng and threw him a pill.

"Mentor... I have no money..."

Pan Feng looked at the elixir, but did not eat it. In other schools, the resources need to be purchased with Lingshi, and the tutor is only responsible for guidance and does not provide resource supply.

"If I tell you to eat, you will eat. How can there be so much nonsense!"

Lin Qi scolded, Pan Feng was so frightened that he quickly swallowed the elixir, so as not to offend the mentor. If it wasn't for him yesterday, this arm would have been gone long ago.

The cold shout startled Li Fang, and she ran out of the room, thinking it was someone from Yantie Academy who came to the door.

"Mr. Lin, you're here so early."

Li Fang didn't expect that Lynch didn't just talk casually yesterday and went to the Xuanwu Academy to be a tutor, but did what he said.

"Mr. Li, don't call him Mr. Lin in the future, but Mr. Lin."

Lin Qi said indifferently, agreeing to be a tutor at the Xuanwu Academy, the first is to return the favor of the Southern Emperor, and the second is to inspire him with these children, to clear the fog and see the blue sky, so that he can realize some of the true meaning of life.

"Okay, Teacher Lin!"

Li Fang smiled wryly, and stood aside watching Lynch teaching.

After taking the elixir, Pan Feng's injuries were healed extremely quickly, and those painful sounds just now disappeared.

"Not strong enough!"

Lynch continued to drink coldly, without any emotion, even harshly.

"Didn't you eat this morning? Every punch is soft."

Every time Pan Feng punched out, Lynch would growl a few times, even so, Pan Feng was not discouraged, and continued to perform until Lynch was satisfied.

Sparsely, Fan Zhe was the first to walk in outside the gate, and he was the first one every day.

Then Julie, Sanbao and others arrived. Seeing Pan Feng practicing boxing, his clothes were already soaked, and he was even panting from exhaustion. If Lynch didn't let him stop, he didn't dare to stop.

"Everyone, use what you have learned, and no one is allowed to stop without my order."

Lynch glanced at the others, his voice was cold and without any emotion.

Except for Da Zhi, everyone began to display what they had learned. Fan Zhe practiced sword skills, including leg skills, body skills, boxing skills, and knife skills.

Anyway, it's so mixed up, I don't know how Li Fang taught it.

Dazhi held a stone, drew circles on the ground, stood up after a while, and made a few blind gestures.

"Is this what you taught?"

Looking at the four different faces, Lynch asked Li Fang.

"Any questions?"

Li Fang couldn't see where the problem was. Their potential was so great, and it took a long time to cultivate to such a level.

"Teaching is not too many and complicated, but targeted. For example, Pan Feng, his body is more suitable for sword skills, but you teach him boxing skills."

"There is also Zhang Yifan, he is light and nimble. You taught him the clumsy sword technique, but it dragged his body down instead."


Lynch pointed out one by one, Li Fang was ashamed, he had never thought about this kind of problem.

An hour passed, Pan Feng was foaming at the mouth, almost unable to hold on anymore, he still waved his fists.

"Do you know where your short board is?"

Lin Qi suddenly asked Pan Feng, normal fighting, an hour is just the beginning, even fighting for dozens of days is possible.

If the energy is exhausted so quickly, if the opponent just delays for a while, Pan Feng will definitely lose.

Pan Feng shook his head, not knowing where his problem was.

"You are short in stature and your arms are not long enough. Do you think there is an advantage when you perform boxing?"

Lin Qi pointed out Pan Feng's shortcomings, and the latter nodded, as if he had some understanding.

"Since the congenital deficiency, then make up for it the day after tomorrow. Weapons are the best choice. They are one inch long and one inch strong. Short stature can use short knives. This is a sword manual. You have three days to get started."

After speaking, he threw a knife manual to Pan Feng, and the latter sat down on the ground tired, holding the knife manual in his hand, as if he had found a treasure.

After one glance, he became crazy and couldn't extricate himself, and was attracted by the sword technique inside.

After solving Pan Feng, Lynch looked at the others, and when he swept past Fan Zhe, he nodded.

Although the sword technique is simple, it gives people an indomitable momentum. Unfortunately, there is no good sword technique to support it, so it looks a bit awkward.

"This set of swordsmanship also takes three days, so you must get started!"

Throwing a sword technique to Fan Zhe, the latter also went to the side to watch, his expression was similar to that of Pan Feng's, laughing for a while, and being dumbfounded for a while.

One after another, Sambo is suitable for long spears. His arms are one inch longer than ordinary people, and he is handy with long spears.

Zhu Li also got a copy of Luoxue Sword Art, and Zhang Yifan got a set of boxing books.

Yu Dan acquired body skills and son-mother sword skills.

Huang Nian got the golden dragon seal of opening and closing. After Lynch's transformation, the power of the golden dragon seal is even stronger. In addition to his cowardly character, this set of palm seals can be used to improve his mood.

The masculine boxing method can absorb the weak strength in his body and complement each other. After a long time, this timid and cowardly emotion will gradually dissipate.

Everyone got the benefits, and they all sat on the sidelines to watch. Some people couldn't bear it anymore and gestured around.

"I will take you for half a year at most. How much you can learn depends on your luck."

Lynch's voice rang in everyone's ears, and they all looked away.

"Mentor, do you only take us for half a year?"

Julie was obviously reluctant. Such a good mentor could not be found even with a lantern. Unfortunately, it was only half a year.

"The road to the strong does not depend on others. I am just a leader. How to open up wasteland in the future depends on yourselves."

After Lynch finished speaking, he took out nine pills, one for each person, only Dazhi was still playing with mud.

"This elixir can transform your body. As for the effect, it varies from person to person. The process of swallowing it may be worse than death. If anyone wants to give up, he can stand up now."

Transforming the body is a very painful thing, Lynch wants to talk about the ugliness first.

"I'm not afraid!"

Pan Feng was the first to stand up and picked up a pill.

(End of this chapter)

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