Chapter 1149 Death Suppression
Under Lin Qi's strong oppression, everyone's potential was tapped out, especially Zhang Yifan's breakthrough, which stimulated their nerves even more.

Fan Zhe's long sword turned into a shooting star, unexpectedly gave up his defense, and the long sword pierced Lynch's neck very quickly.

"Not bad!"

Lynch showed admiration, and let Fan Zhe's long sword stab at him, not even dodging.

Seeing that the long sword was about to stab Lynch in the neck, the others let out an exclamation, trying to remind them that it was too late.


The moment Fan Zhe's long sword was an inch away from Lynch's neck, it was pinched by Lynch's two fingers, unable to take a step forward.

"The speed is enough, but the strength is not enough, come again!"

With a sudden force on his fingers, Fan Zhe flew out with his sword, and smashed hard on the ground without being polite.

Regardless of the pain in his chest, Fan Zhe continued to strike the sword. This time the force was obviously much stronger than before. It seemed that he knew how to compress Yuanli and pour the strength into one point.

Repeatedly, every time the long sword was about to stab, Lin Qi threw it out, and his body was covered with scars.

The others are not much better, Lynch is a living target, but they can't hurt Lynch at all.

On the contrary, it was Lynch who abused them like dogs.

"Dazhi, what are you doing, are you a puppy!"

Dazhi suddenly hugged Lynch's legs and opened his mouth to bite them down. Lynch kicked him in the abdomen and flew upside down. The latter spurted a mouthful of blood.


Dazhi's bloodiness was aroused, and his aura rose steadily, reaching the seventh rank of Martial God.

No one thought of this at the beginning, even an imbecile has such an achievement.

With the continuous improvement of the realm, Dazhi's spiritual wisdom has gradually enlightened, and when he is about twelve or thirteen years old, there is no problem with normal communication.

It looks silly, and it will be no problem to marry a daughter-in-law and find a wife in the future.

What Lynch didn't expect was that there was a powerful blood force lurking in his body, which should have a lot to do with being squeezed by the amniotic fluid when he was born.

He locked the innate energy in his body and did not let it out, causing his physical body to be far superior to ordinary people.

After breaking through the realm, Dazhi's physical body became stronger, and even a fifth-rank Martial Emperor could hardly break through his defense.

Lynch didn't teach him any martial arts, he only taught him one move, roll, which looks vulgar, but very useful.

As long as you hug your opponent, keep rolling, using your own physical advantage to crush the opponent's physical body.

It's a pity that he hugged the wrong person. Lynch's legs were like towers, deeply buried in the ground.

An hour passed, and nearly half of the people broke through the realm because of the oppression of death.

The few remaining people were even more suffocated.

"Huang Nian, where is your Golden Dragon Seal, show it!"

Lynch roared, and a golden dragon appeared, crushing towards Huang Nian, wanting him to cast the Golden Dragon Seal, both sides confirmed.

Without hesitation, he sacrificed the Golden Dragon Seal, which was also a dragon chant. Although it was not as powerful as Lynch, it looked like it was no longer a big python.

"It still doesn't work, let go of your heart, forget everything, and move forward bravely."

When Huang Nian's golden dragon seal met Lynch's golden dragon, it was instantly swallowed up. It was not a level at all.

As if enlightened, Huang Nian was full of enthusiasm, and received Lin Qi's advice.

"hold head high!"

He raised his head to the sky and let out a roar. From his body, there was a vast dragon's power, and Lynch nodded in satisfaction.

The terrifying Longwei sent the three treasures around him flying away. After opening his heart knot, Huang Nian was no longer afraid, like a roaring dragon, he stood still and broke through the realm.

There are still three treasures and Yu Dan left, still stuck in the ninth rank Martial God.

Of course great wisdom doesn't count, it's already against the sky that he can get to this point.

The two were extremely anxious, everyone broke through, but they still didn't move, so why not rush.

"Bai Yu, stab the three treasures with all your strength. If he can't dodge, he will die."

Lynch suddenly ordered to Bai Yu, and the latter understood, turned the spear and flew towards Sanbao's head.

It was extremely fast, like a shooting star, and Sanbao couldn't dodge it at all, and the spear was about to stab his head.

"I don't want to die, but I still have to take care of my parents and not trample on those who bully me."

Three Treasures shouted angrily, his eyes were scarlet, and the spear in his hand buzzed. Sensing the anger of Three Treasures, countless spear shadows appeared.

Even so, Bai Yu's spear still drove straight in, and all the shadows of the gun were like paper paste in front of Bai Yu.

Seeing that the spear was about to hit Sanbao's head, the others cried out in surprise, but they didn't expect that Sanbao was really going to die.

"I'm not reconciled!"

When only a few millimeters away from Sanbao's head, Sanbao roared up to the sky. He was unwilling to die here like this.


A wave of spear intent shrouded down, and Sanbao realized the artistic conception of spear, similar to sword intent.


The tip of Bai Yu's spear had already pierced Sanbao's forehead, a drop of blood sprayed out, at that moment, Bai Yu's spear flew into the air, and Lynch made a move.

On Sanbao's forehead, there was still a trace of blood, but he didn't know it at all, and was silent in the thrill of breaking through.

"Li Fang!"

Lin Qi gave a cold shout, and the latter understood, and the long sword in his hand went straight to Dan's neck without warning.

Everyone didn't react, even Yu Dan, who was attracted by Bai Yu's shot just now.

When she came to her senses, Li Fang's long sword had already arrived, any resistance was unnecessary, she could only close her eyes and wait for death.

The moment she closed her eyes, what came to mind was not death, but her parents, her relatives, and those who bullied her back then.

Anger and humiliation remained in his mind for a long time, and he had forgotten where she was. He only remembered that when she was very young, her parents hugged her and was beaten by a group of people on the street.

The disability of my father's legs was left over from that time.


Around Yu Dan, a halo appeared, and she stepped into Emperor Wu smoothly. Li Fang's long sword was retracted the moment she closed her eyes.

Except for Dazhi, all ten people broke through to Emperor Wu, and Lynch finally let out a sigh of relief.



All 11 people knelt down, kowtowed to Lin Qi, reached Emperor Wu, and had a certain ability to survive in Jiuchongtian. At least they got rid of the bottom and were no longer a piece of trash.

"Remember, I'm the leader. It's not me, but you who can take a step. Get up."

Lynch was also a little excited, but he pretended to be serious. Speaking of which, he was not a few years older than them, but he pretended to be old-fashioned.

"Teacher, can you allow us to call you Master!"

In the last month, they discussed it. The mentor can't do this at all. Only the master can train them unconditionally.

Seeing that a master is like a father, in the cultivation world, a master is at the same level as a father.

"You want to worship me as a teacher?"

Lynch didn't object, and with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he asked ten people.


Without hesitation, the ten people shouted together, tears filled Li Fang's eyes, Bai Yu also felt the fluctuations in the hearts of the ten people, and had a little admiration for Lynch.

"Get up!"

Lynch didn't refute, it was acquiescence.

They were not fools, and stood up one after another, with happy smiles on their faces.

"Starting from tomorrow, the boring training will come to an end. Your theoretical knowledge is enough, but you lack practical experience. Take a half-day rest. We will start a new training tomorrow."

Lynch was in a good mood and gave them half a day off.

"Ow ooh..."

The ten people cheered together, danced excitedly, and embraced each other.

Although they don't need to practice, they are not allowed to leave Xuanwu Academy, so as not to leak the news.

Everyone stayed quietly at the Xuanwu Academy, saying it was a rest, and everyone knew it very well.

The distance between learning and art exchanges is getting closer and closer, and they can't stop for a moment. After resting for an hour, they all take the initiative to enter the practice room and continue to practice.

Lynch nodded in satisfaction, without arrogance, got up from the bottom, knew how to cherish, and never let go of any opportunity.

As soon as the sky brightened, everyone came out of the practice room.

"Bai Yu stays here, lest Xiaoxiao break in, you 11, follow me!"

Lynch made some arrangements, Li Fang continued to take care of Dugu Jian, and the Xuanwu Academy had Bai Yu sitting in charge, so it was useless for an ordinary first-rank emperor to come, and she couldn't bear the power of her shot.

If it wasn't for being stunned by lightning that day, Lao Wa wouldn't have taken advantage of her and controlled her.

Entering the star field battleship, the group left quickly without making a sound, and entered the continuous mountains of the Nine Heavens.

After entering the mountain range, they let everyone out. No one asked, but they showed excitement. They could finally come out to practice.

This is something that I never even thought about before.

"The two of you form a team and hunt monsters. Whichever team has the best results, I will reward you with an imperial weapon."

The weapons used by everyone are relatively common now. In order to stimulate them, Lynch used the imperial weapon as a temptation.

Sure enough, the 11 people showed infinite longing, especially Fan Zhe, if he got an imperial long sword, his strength would be improved to a higher level.

"Master, what if I don't use weapons."

Zhang Yifan was depressed, he relied on fists, weapons were useless to him.

"Who told you that fists don't need weapons. If you can get the first place, these gloves are yours."

This is what Lynch got from Shao Shan, and he has been throwing it in the storage ring. Lynch is not suitable for boxing, and it is useless to keep it.

Seeing the glittering golden trap, Zhang Yifan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyeballs straightened, wishing he could snatch it right now.

The others couldn't bear it long ago, and formed teams one after another, marching towards the mountains. Ma Xiaoling was alone in a team, and Lynch was responsible for everyone's safety.

Offering the golden fighter, Lynch sat on the shoulders of the golden fighter, and every time he took a step, the ground shook.

Looking at the huge golden fighter, Pan Feng and the others were so frightened that they were paralyzed. They couldn't understand this master at all.

"In the next month, unless it is a life-and-death crisis, under normal circumstances, I will not make a move."

Lynch hangs behind, his consciousness covers the entire mountain range, and the 11 people can see it all. He will never make a move unless it is absolutely necessary.

Only by letting them experience real fighting can they fully grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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