Chapter 1157 Angel Body
Liu Shu's retreat brought Pan Feng an opportunity. With a long saber, he could break through even a mountain, let alone an ordinary body.

"Don't hurt my son!"

Liu Jian couldn't care less, just wanted to save his son, so he suddenly rushed towards the ring.

"Give you a face!"

A trace of killing intent brewed from around Lynch, and with a flip of his palm, a ray of tyrannical sword energy shot out, hitting Liu Jian's neck.

If he didn't retreat, this wisp of sword energy would kill him.

If he retreated, Liu Shu would die under Pan Feng's knife, and it would be useless for anyone to make a move. Today Lin Qi came to establish his prestige and form his own power in Zheshi City.

If they want to compete with the Imperial Palace, the ten of them are good helpers. After being trained as emperors, they can destroy the structure of the Imperial Palace.


Liu Jian still chose to retreat, watching helplessly as Liu Shu was cut off by the dagger and turned into two pieces.

"do not want!"

With a roar, after dodging the sword energy, he threw himself at Liu Shu's body, cut it off at an angle, and couldn't die for a while.

"Father, I don't want to die!"

Liu Shu was scared, the primordial spirit was still there, as long as he found a suitable furnace, he could be reborn, but Pan Feng would not give him the chance.

The powerful saber intent entered his body, and the primordial spirit let out a scream and was shattered by the saber intent.

There is only a wisp of remnant soul left, and it probably won't last long.

"Father won't let you die, definitely won't let you die."

Liu Jian hugged Liu Shu's body tightly, lamenting all around, the ten games finally came to an end, and Xuanwu Academy achieved success in ten games in a crushing manner.

After killing Liu Shu, Pan Feng, like Fan Zhe, roared to the sky, venting the humiliation of the past ten years.

"Father and mother, the child has finally honored you!"

He knelt down and kowtowed to his parents a few times, all worries disappeared.

"Son, get up!"

Pan Feng's mother had already burst into tears. In three months, the ten of them were like newborns.

"Master, thank you!"

Pan Feng kowtowed to Lin Qi, his clothes were already wet with tears, Fan Zhe and the others looked downcast, without any pleasure.

Life is like this, ups and downs, this is an experience, after this incident, I will adapt a little bit.

"100 billion spirit stones, I accept it with a smile!"

Lynch stretched out his hand, and the storage ring placed on the table fell into his palm. There were 100 billion top-quality spirit stones in it, which was a bet between the two parties.

Instructor Si's face was livid, but he had no choice but to grit his teeth.

Cultivating ten of them cost 80 billion spirit stones, but Lynch not only got them back, but also earned 20 billion.

"Okay, it's not early today, let's start the art exchange meeting tomorrow."

Liu Guo could feel that the smell of gunpowder at the scene was too strong, so he quickly smoothed things over, and today's competition is over.

Everyone got up, and the warriors watching the battle from all directions were reluctant to leave, still silent in the daytime battle.

Lin Qi took Pan Feng and ten people away, and their parents squeezed out of the crowd and went straight to Xuanwu Academy.


The Xuanwu Academy was brightly lit, and after the revenge, everyone was very happy.

"Master Lin, I respect you!"

Lin Xu's father picked up the wine glass and toasted Lin Qi. His son was a distinguished man, and he was very happy to be an old man.

Several other parents took turns toasting, their emotions were beyond words, Pan Feng and the others were also very happy, sitting and eating and drinking together.

"You all drink less, cheer me up at the art exchange meeting tomorrow."

Originally, the Xuanwu Academy was not eligible to participate in the Art Exchange Conference, as long as the competition was over, it would be fine.

With so many things happening, no one dared to underestimate the Xuanwu Academy. According to the requirements of the four schools, they forced the Xuanwu Academy to participate, with the purpose of attacking the Xuanwu Academy with the help of the art exchange conference.

This was naturally the idea of ​​Yantie Academy. Lynch did not refuse, nor could he refuse, because the tutor competition had not yet started.

"Master, there will be a mentor competition tomorrow. With the nature of Yantie Academy, we must join hands with mentors from other schools to find a way to target you."

Everyone put down their wine glasses, Pan Feng stepped forward and said very respectfully.

Li Fang also frowned. Only Lin Qi could take the stage in the Xuanwu Academy. She is a ninth-rank Martial Emperor, so she has no qualifications at all, and she can't help Lin Qi if she goes up.

"I have a sense of proportion. Let me talk about the rules of the art exchange conference. I will prepare in advance."

Fan Zhe and his parents have all gone back, ten of them will continue to stay, and they will not be released until the art exchange meeting is over.

All ten students sat down cross-legged. It was their first time participating in the art exchange meeting, and they didn't understand the rules very well, so naturally Li Fang explained it for them.

"Study and art exchanges, in previous years, each of the four universities selected 20 disciples, put them together on the ring, and attacked each other until [-] people remained."

Li Fang said slowly, this is not a solo fight, but a group fight. The Xuanwu Academy is obviously at a disadvantage. There are only ten people, and there is no way to make up thirty.

"The remaining 20 people will draw lots to determine who is the champion. I am afraid that the competition will be more intense this year."

Li Fang looked worried, Yantie Academy will definitely not give up, lost to Xuanwu Academy in the daytime competition, and tomorrow's academic exchange will unite with several other universities to target Pan Feng and others.

No one is afraid of one-on-one, melee is not necessarily the case, three involve one, the advantage of Xuanwu Academy is gone.

Lynch frowned, but he didn't expect it to be such a rule. After thinking for a while, his brows relaxed, and he seemed to have thought of a way to deal with it.

"The tutor competition is a bit different from the students. The selection of five tutors by the four colleges is also a form of drawing lots. Most of them are just a formality. Winning or losing does not affect the ranking of the four colleges. It mainly highlights the overall level of the tutors."

Li Fang continued, Lynch nodded, and basically understood.

For a student to win the first place, the premise is that the level of the instructor must also keep up. The so-called mentor competition is to assess the strength of the instructor.

Only Lynch from Xuanwu Academy participated in the competition, which meant that he had to participate in every battle, and wheel battles could drag him down. Everyone was worried.

"Get up, I will teach you a set of combined attack formations. Tomorrow, the 30 people from Yantie Academy will definitely attack you. You can deal with them one-on-one. It is difficult for you to be their opponents in a group attack."

Lynch stood up, didn't think about his own problems, and solved the students' knockout competition first.

Ten of Pan Feng stood up together, lined up, and waited for Lynch's instructions.

With a single finger, ten golden lights entered their soul seas, and a combined strike formation appeared, and they sat down cross-legged to understand the formation first.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that they all stood up. It seemed that they were familiar with the formation, and what was lacking was running-in.

"Remember, everyone's position is very important. If one loses one person, the remaining one will make up for it immediately. Don't hesitate. Once the opponent catches the opportunity, the formation will be destroyed by itself."

Lynch said something very solemnly, telling them that if someone dies, don't be sad, and make up for it in an instant, so that they can survive.


The ten people were uniform, and after the battle during the day, each of them experienced a radical change. They were no longer teenagers before, but had grown into strong men.


With an order, ten people formed a formation. This is the demon-killing formation that Lin Qi taught to the Qiu family. After a little modification, it became the current formation.

Lynch was at the center of the formation, and began to attack the ten of them. Some unfamiliar and loopholes were constantly repaired.

At the beginning, Lynch could easily tear apart the formation, but as time went by, if he wanted to break the formation, he had to resort to the Emperor's Law.

"Dazhi, your strength has not been fully utilized, so you must guard it."

Lynch sneered, Dazhi nodded, his strength suddenly increased, and the power of the formation instantly increased.

"Fan Zhe, your purpose is not to kill the enemy, but to restrain and find opportunities for others."

It stands to reason that Fan Zhe and Pan Feng should kill the main force of the enemy, the formation is reversed, they defend the formation, and the others attack to kill.

The reason is very simple, the two of them are the strongest, and they are not easy to be broken through. Others do not have such good luck. Once they meet the ninth rank Martial Emperor, they are very easy to be found by the other party.

The first thing to do in forming a formation is to seek stability, and the second is to kill the enemy. The primary and secondary must be clarified.

In the eastern sky, a hint of fish-white color was revealed. Unknowingly, one night passed, and the fighting arena had already been restored, and its area had more than doubled.

Before dawn, some good places were already overcrowded, and some people even didn't leave last night.

"Okay, you all enter the training room and recover for an hour."

Lynch suddenly stood up and was a little tired after fighting continuously all night.


Ten people entered the training room, hurry up to restore their energy, and there is still a hard fight during the day.

"Brother Lin, are you okay?"

Bai Yu came over, took out a white handkerchief, and wiped off Lynch's sweat.

"It's okay, just take a rest."

Lynch said politely, and simply cleaned up without using her handkerchief.

"I think your physical body is very strong. We angels have a method of cultivating the physical body, which can quickly restore physical strength. I can teach you."

Lin Qi's physical body, Bai Yu, has seen it before, and it is more than ten times the physical body of other human races, and it is second only to their angel race.


With a curious look on his face, if he can get the cultivation method of the angel race, then his physical body can go a step further.

"I'll teach you now!"

Bai Yu twisted her body and made some strange postures, and Lynch followed suit.

At the beginning, the muscles were very uncomfortable, and some movements could not be completed at all, such as condensing himself into a twist. Lynch's body has already formed, and the softness must not keep up.

Fortunately, Lynch's physical body is strong and endures the pain brought by the physical body. After each movement is performed, the body has been evolved.

"You are a muscle training method!"

Lynch let out an exclamation. He found that the muscle strength had improved a lot, and some muscles had become hard in places that could not be practiced before.

"What an ugly name, our name is Angel Body."

Bai Yu rolled his eyes. Although he was training his muscles, the name sounded much better.

"If I'm not mistaken, this angel's body is just an introduction, and there should be other actions later."

After practicing a few movements, Lynch felt comfortable all over his body, as if all his pores had been opened, and his physical body had improved a lot unconsciously.

The tiredness just now disappeared instantly, and the spirit became more vigorous.

"how do you know!"

Bai Yu looked surprised. What she passed to Lynch was just some fur. The real body of an angel would not be passed on at all.

(End of this chapter)

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