Chapter 1189 Thousand Machine Island

Deyang City, an ancient city of ten thousand years, has existed since ancient times, and has stood proudly in the secret realm of Wenhai for countless years.

The city was full of traffic, and it was many times larger than Baicheng, and there were even more warriors in it.

Tens of millions of people live in the city, making this place very prosperous. There are many shops on the street, and there are all kinds of people.

Before coming here, I have already inquired clearly. Back then, Protector Bai, Protector Ma and Protector Pu fell to the place close to Wumingzong, several days away from Deyang City.

Deyang City is surrounded by the mountains and the sea, and the scenery is very good. The Wumingzong is built on an island in the middle of the sea. There are only two roads to go to the Wumingzong.

The first is to take a waterway to Wumingzong, and the second is to take a flying boat, except that you can't fly.

As for why, I will tell you later.

He planned to rest in Deyang City for a few days, after inquiring all the news, he decided to go to Wumingzong.

No matter whether it is a waterway or a flying boat, an identity is required. Lynch's identity is unknown now, and if he rashly goes to the Wumingzong, he will definitely be suspected.

Wanting to obtain a legal identity gave Lynch a headache.

You can't join the Wuming sect. There is still more than half a year before the next Wuming sect selects disciples. Lynch can't afford to wait.

It is necessary to find the location of the altar within two or three months.

This place is different from Leishui Temple, and it is more difficult. Because Leishui Temple is not inside the Xiaoyao Sect, Lin Qi has an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The surrounding area is surrounded by vast sea, as long as Lynch enters Wumingzong's territory, he will be discovered.

Find an inn, stay here first, and then talk about it. For the future, I am slowly figuring out a solution. It is not a matter of overnight.

The way is to come up with it bit by bit. Sitting on the first floor of the inn, watching the pedestrians coming and going, including many disciples of the Unknown Sect, Lynch fell into deep thought.

After staying in Deyang City for three days in a blink of an eye, there was no feasible solution.

Lynch went around this area all over, and Chang'e recorded almost all of them. At night, a miniature version of Deyang City appeared in Lin Qi's soul sea.

There is no trace of the altar, and Lynch even guessed that the altar is inside the Unknown Sect. If this is the case, it will be very troublesome.

The Wuming Sect is built from more than a dozen islands, large and small, all of which are connected. If you keep searching like this, you don't know when you will be able to find it.

Besides, Lynch is not a disciple of the Unknown Sect, so he is not qualified to set foot there. Even if he goes up, he will stay on the outermost island at most, and it cannot exceed three days.

In other words, Lynch must find the location of the altar within three days when he is going to Wumingzong.

Before he was absolutely sure, Lynch would not do this, wasting three days of effort in vain, and could only continue to think of a way.

"Something happened, something happened!"

Sitting in a daze in the teahouse on the first floor, at this moment, a big man rushed in from outside.

Tables and chairs were flying all over the sky, and several tables were directly knocked out, and no one was angry, and all looked at the big man.

"Buffalo, what happened?"

In the peaceful Deyang City, not only this teahouse has caused a commotion, but many restaurants and teahouses are talking about it. It seems that something big has happened in Deyang City.

"Thousand Machine Island appeared, not long ago, Thousand Machine Island surfaced!"

The buffalo picked up a large bowl of tea on the table and drank it with a sip, and then he spoke.

"Qianji Island, isn't that the place where old man Qianji lived back then?"

The crowd burst out in horror. Lin Qi, the old man of Qianji, didn't know much about it, but many warriors present knew it very well.

"That's right, it's the Qianji Island where old man Qianji lived back then!"

The buffalo put down the cup and slapped his thigh, and the teahouse was in full swing. Lin Qi still sat where he was, frowning slightly.

These days, I have read a lot of books, among which there are naturally stories about the origin of Qianji Island.

3000 years ago, old man Qianji was born out of nowhere, and once became the number one expert in Wenhai Secret Realm, because he didn't like excitement, and he didn't like taking disciples.

Even so, there are still countless people rushing to visit, hoping to worship under the old man Qianji, even if he can be accepted as a registered disciple.

The old man Qianji was not disturbed, and in the end, he found an island in the nameless sea. It was very lonely, surrounded by hidden reefs, and there were countless eddies in the sky, so ordinary people could not get close to it.

Those peerless masters don't need someone to point them out, so naturally they won't come to visit, so the old man Qianji gradually fades out of people's sight.

I don’t know what’s going on, more than 1000 years ago, someone rumored that old man Qianji had fallen. It stands to reason that old man Qianji has touched the threshold of this piece of heaven and earth, and even surpassed half a step of the primordial realm. There is no problem in living for seven or eight thousand years. will fall.

This is completely a mystery. Some people say that they died in the hands of more powerful people, and some people said that they fought against the heaven and the earth and died in the catastrophe.

There are various theories, and there is no accurate explanation. It all started when Qianji Island sank underwater.

More than 1000 years ago, it was also because Qianji Island suddenly sank into the water that everyone talked about the death of Qianji Old Man. After so many years, many people even forgot about Qianji Island and Old Man Qianji.

Unexpectedly, Qianji Island surfaced little by little not long ago, appearing in front of the world.

"Then what are you waiting for? Elder Qianji has lived on it for thousands of years, and he must have left countless treasures and even inheritances. Whoever gets it can inherit the mantle of Qianji."

Those warriors went crazy, some even ran out of the teahouse, wanting to go to Qianji Island.

But a larger group of people chose to remain silent, did not leave the teahouse, and were still listening to the next news.

Lynch didn't move, because he knew very well that Qianji Island was surrounded by hidden reefs. Even a high-ranking emperor might fall if he went there. In addition, he couldn't fly in the void, so the chances of surviving the fighters who went there were extremely low.

"Thousand Machine Island is close to the Wuming sect, I am afraid that this time the Wuming sect will send people there as soon as possible."

Not far from Lynch's right, a man and a woman were sitting. They were not low in strength. They had been drinking tea with their heads down, and said in a low voice at this time.

The person who spoke was a woman, about 34 to [-] years old, and the man was in his forties, probably a husband and wife.

"Wait a minute, Qianji Island belongs to the unnamed industry, and the Wuming sect has no right to interfere."

The middle-aged man said coldly, and then the two stopped talking.

There are discussions like this, not only in this place, but in many places, whether the Wuming sect will take the lead.

"Buffalo, Qianji Island has all surfaced, and it's only just emerged."

It is not uncommon for this kind of island to suddenly surface in Deyang City. Even every few hundred years, an unnamed island will pop up.

There will also be small islands sinking. This is because the secret place of Wenhai is moving, causing the crust to change, and a strange scene appears.

Every time the island emerges from the water, it takes a while, instead of directly surfacing with a whoosh.

"A mountain peak has just been exposed, and it may take ten days and a half months to fully surface the water."

Qianji Island is very big, no one knows exactly how big it is, after all, no one has ever been there except the old man Qianji.

What is there, is there any crisis, it is completely blank.

"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that Qianji Island has emerged. It is estimated that the other sects will come when they hear the news."

As a person from Deyang City, when Qianji Island appeared, he naturally didn't want the benefits to fall into the hands of others.

This is something that can't be helped, even Wu Mingzong can't prevent other people from landing on Qianji Island.

As everyone expected, once the news about Qianji Island was leaked, it immediately spread throughout the secret realm of Wenhai, and countless masters flocked to it.

Shenzhimen, or the Xiaoyao faction, have masters gathered, some small families, etc., in just a few days, Deyang City was overcrowded.

In the streets and alleys, everyone was talking about the news about Qianji Island.

Every day, people go out to sea to check the situation near Qianji Island. The island is not completely surfaced, and no one can figure out the situation around them. They just watch from a distance.

Moreover, in the past few days, team formations have emerged one after another, and those weak warriors simply do not have the ability to go to Qianji Island.

Before boarding, he was hit to death by the reverse current of rocks in the sea, and the sea vortex in the air is even more terrifying, it can crush the body of a ninth-rank emperor.

This is why to go to Wumingzong, the first is to take a boat honestly on the sea, and the second is to fly a boat, which can avoid the sea vortex.

This is also the first time Lynch has heard of the sea vortex. It looks like a circular vortex, like a sea bowl turned upside down in the sky, but it is not as big as a sea bowl. Every sea vortex is hundreds or even thousands of feet in size.

From the outside, there is nothing unusual about sea vortexes, and they are even very colorful. Some sea eddies are colorful and attract other birds.

As a result, without exception, they were swallowed by the sea vortex, leaving no bones left.

As long as you enter the range of the sea vortex, even if you are a ninth-rank emperor, you will not be able to withstand the suction of the sea vortex, you will be directly sucked in, and you will never be able to come out again.

Moreover, the sea vortex is not fixed, and it often swims above the nameless sea. There is no fixed route, and the possibility of going around it is extremely low.

This is a supernatural phenomenon, and no one can explain it clearly. There are even rumors that the sea vortex comes from another star field. As long as it is sucked in, it will be crushed and sent to outer space.

As for the truth, no one can tell the difference, after all, the person who defied the law never came back.

Because of the sea vortex, I am usually very anxious to go out, and the boat is too slow to fly, so the flying boat came into being.

The flying boat is made of special materials, it is very slender, it can withstand the strong suction of the sea vortex, and it can shuttle through it extremely quickly.

However, the spirit stones consumed are quite terrifying. Even the Wuming sect will not open the flying boat if there is no major event, and they will walk on the sea honestly.

Although there are reefs and countercurrents on the sea surface, the safety factor is countless times higher than that in the air.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed, and they are all about the matter of Qianji Island. Lynch has not been idle these days, and has gone out a few times.

Unlike other people, many of them went to Qianji Island by boat, which took several days.

Lynch was different. He found a place where there was no one, took out his submarine, got into it, and shuttled in the ocean without even fluctuations in his energy.

I don't want those huge ships to rely on spirit stones to drive them, so they will naturally leave traces.

Under the water, the submarine shuttled rapidly, and three days later, it arrived around Qianji Island. The underwater was not very safe anymore, and the submarine was almost smashed to pieces due to countless countercurrents colliding back and forth.

(End of this chapter)

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