Chapter 1202
In the blink of an eye, Lynch was surrounded by thousands of people, layer by layer.

Anyway, it will take more than a day for the ship from Deyang City to arrive, and it happens that there is nothing wrong with it. It can kill Lin Qi and snatch luck.

There are also some people standing on the periphery, not approaching, and there is no coveting in their eyes, but a trace of worry.

This is the reason why treasures are born, and those who are able live in them.

How many people can do this.

After scanning around, Lynch frowned. The lowest strength is the eighth-rank emperor. Such a lineup is absolutely terrifying.

"You really want to kill me?"

After the sweep, there were mostly disciples from the Xiaoyao Sect and Shenxing Sect, but there were not many disciples from the Wuming Sect, who were all standing in the distance.

It's no wonder that this is the territory of the Wuming sect, and they dare not go too far. Moreover, the reputation of the Wuming sect is not bad among the other sects.

Living in the sea for a long time, keeping aloof from the world, guarding the sea, there is no shortage of resources.

"Lynch, hand over your luck and the glory of the gods, and I can give you a way out."

After Chen Bai spoke, he brought with him dozens of remaining disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect, with contempt on his lips. In his eyes, Lynch had long been his prey.

"There's so much nonsense, whoever wants luck and the glory of the gods, just let them go, and I'll follow along!"

Lin Qi's eyes turned cold, and endless killing intent shot out from his eyes, locking onto Chen Bai's body.

When this person broke the situation, he kept provoking and organized the disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect to kill him. Now that he met him, he was naturally full of murderous intent.

"It's really arrogant. Let's see how he dies later."

Qi Heng showed disdain. He lost to Lynch in the game of chess, and he was very dissatisfied. Seeing him now, he is also full of hatred.

All the crusading voices wished to tear Lynch into pieces now, kill him immediately, and carve him up completely.

"Whether you are arrogant or not, you will know in a while. Since you all want to kill me, what are you doing in a daze?"

These people are not monolithic, you look at me, I look at you, no one wants to make the first move.

One-on-one Lynch is not afraid of anyone, he can kill one with one sword.

Instead of flinching, he was full of fighting spirit, which made the dozens of disciples of the Wuming Sect standing in the distance show a hint of admiration.

"Senior Brother Wu, this Lin Qi is a real man, but it's a pity that he will end up here today."

The Wuming sect, headed by Wu Xiuyuan, gathered around to avoid a sudden attack by sea monsters.

"It's just passed. As long as he doesn't die today, he will achieve extraordinary achievements in the future. It's just that when such a monster will appear in the Wenhai Secret Realm, why is there no news at all?"

Not only is his chess talent extremely powerful, but he also has leapfrog challenges. I have never heard of any information about Lynch.

Faced with Lynch's domineering attitude, it finally stimulated the sensitive nerves of many people. They drew their weapons and took a big step forward.

"Lynch, let me meet you!"

It was still Heihu who was the first to catch up with Lynch that day, but he was still a step behind. He finally escaped from the maze, holding his breath.

Holding a broken knife in his hand, he slashed towards Lin Qi in the air, with unrivaled momentum, worthy of being a ninth-rank emperor.

The others didn't move, and they all looked like they were watching the excitement. It would be good for Heihu to get to know Lynch's details.

The tyrannical breath crushed towards Lynch, causing the sea water under Lynch's feet to roar suddenly.

The waves surged towards both sides, forming a long passage, and Lynch stood in the middle of the passage.

"Kill me, you are not enough!"

The dragon-slaying sword suddenly came out of its sheath, drawing a beautiful arc, piercing the sky, no one could understand, such an ordinary sword can burst out with palpitating power.

Heihu was taken aback, he didn't expect Lynch's erupted power to be even higher than him, even surpassed by too much.

He is a majestic ninth-rank emperor and an absolute master of the Wenhai Secret Realm. The moment he faced Lin Qi's sword, he had the idea of ​​retreating.


The sky was torn apart, and a crack appeared, causing the Wenhai Secret Realm to shake a bit, and then a water column rose into the sky, accompanied by a sea monster rushing into the air.

The water splashed, and the water column was more than ten meters thick, which fixed the black tiger's body in place.

The sword energy cut the water column and split it in two. Of course, it also included the body of the black tiger, which merged with the water and turned blood red.

The sea monster smelled the smell of blood, and frantically gathered towards this side, a huge sea monster instantly ate the body of the black tiger, leaving no bones left.

Slaying the black tiger with one sword made the warriors standing around look shocked, and none of them dared to move forward.

No matter it was Chen Bai or Qi Heng, there was a hint of horror in their eyes. What kind of jokes are you kidding when a seventh-rank emperor kills a ninth-rank emperor with a single sword.

Just now he was swearing, when the black tiger fell into the water, the thousands of people around Lin Qi had different expressions.

Some showed fear, and some showed anticipation.

The stronger Lynch is, the more secrets he has. Whoever can kill him will get infinite benefits.

Under this kind of expectation, there is still a scruple. Fighting alone is not Lynch's opponent, and he can only have a chance if everyone fights together.

"He's a bit weird, let's go together!"

I don't know who started it. Thousands of people are afraid that he can't do it alone. Even if he is strong, two fists can't beat four hands.

"That's right, let's go together, kill him first, and share the luck."

Many people followed suit and agreed with this point of view.

Even though they said so, everyone did not do it for a long time, they were still waiting, and they didn't want to be the first bird.

There was a hint of mockery in Lynch's eyes, even a hint of sarcasm, which made many people look ashamed.

It seems to be telling everyone that you are just a bunch of cowards.

"Go together!"

Chen Bai couldn't bear it anymore, regardless of the others, he rushed to Lin Qi with the remaining thirty or so disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect, intending to make a quick decision.

"Don't be taken advantage of by the Xiaoyao faction!"

The people from Shenzhi Sect also took action, and those loose cultivators and disciples from other small families naturally wanted to get a share of the action, not to be outdone.

Thousands of people rushed towards Lin Qi with a clatter. This scene was absolutely shocking.

Front, back, left, right, or in the air, it can be said that it is a 360-degree attack without dead ends. The space around Lynch directly exploded and was crushed by the air waves.

The ruthless law set off huge waves, and the backs of the huge sea monsters were exposed in the eyes of everyone. The disciples of the Wuming sect who retreated to the distance showed a hint of shock.

"Senior Brother Wu, I feel something is wrong, there are more and more sea monsters around."

The ship to rescue them has not arrived yet, if a large number of sea monsters come, none of them will leave Qianji Island alive.

Wu Xiuyuan also frowned. It is very unwise to fight sea monsters on the sea. Although their Wuming sect has a set of restraint methods against sea monsters, they can't win more with less.

No one paid any attention to the sea monsters gathering here, they were all focused on this epic battle.

The overwhelming martial arts skills are enough to kill Lin Qi by a dozen or so. I am afraid that if he is half a step into the Primordial Realm, facing the suppression of thousands of ninth-rank emperors, he will only be crushed.

"Hmph, let you taste the Taiyi God Palm that I just cultivated."

Lynch has been waiting until they unite to catch them all.

Chen Baichong was at the front, and Qi Heng couldn't bear it for a long time. He wished he could kill Lin Qi now and plunder his luck.

As the distance got closer and closer, the sea water around Lynch formed a water column, supporting him, and those distorted laws suddenly imprisoned the sea water.

Even the sea monster approaching couldn't move its body, so it could only lie obediently on the sea surface.

"Suppressing Prison Monument!"

With a cold shout, a terrifying black monster tablet descended from the sky and landed on the top of thousands of people, exuding monstrous magic power.

Those weaker eighth-rank emperors felt something was wrong, their bodies were unable to move, and were locked by an invisible force.

Only those powerful ones ignored the Prison Suppressing Demon Stele and continued to charge forward.

A distance of several hundred meters can be reached in the blink of an eye. Some martial arts are enough to kill Lynch.

With the fall of the prison-suppressing demon tablet, those martial arts were still, unable to take a step forward, and even Chen Bai's speed was greatly weakened.

Even so, they couldn't stop their footsteps, they roared like wild beasts roaring on the sea.

What is the way of a gentleman, what is the bottom line of morality, they are all ruthlessly trampled under their feet at this moment, and trampled on to their heart's content.

The sea water is roaring, the sea monster is roaring, the strong wind is brewing, and the magic tablet is expanding...

It's like a powerful storm is coming.

The right arm is slowly raised, the Taiyi Divine Palm needs a period of time to brew, and now the time is enough.

Because it is the first time to perform it, there are many places that are green and it will take a while to get familiar with.

The Prison Suppressing Demon Tablet freed up time for Lynch to pour the energy in the Danhai into the palm of Taiyi God.

The cycle diagram of the five elements is endless, and the energy that was only consumed is instantly restored.

A cyan phantom flickered in the sky, like a cyan dragon tearing apart the sky and arriving here.

Before the move was formed, there was a sudden roar in the sky.

Those sea monsters that surfaced in the distance seemed to be aware of the danger, and retreated to the bottom of the sea one after another, unwilling to show their heads again.

For some reason, the chess master felt something was wrong, and took a big step back.

This kind of vigilance can only be produced after countless fights.

Chess Master was not the only one who sensed the crisis, several old men also smelled the smell of death, so they retreated quickly to avoid their edge first.

There are too many people who are not afraid of death. Even if the dozen or so people retreated, more people rushed forward without any scruples.

Cyan phantoms formed little by little, forming a large net, and then turned into a five-fingered giant mountain, which was suddenly photographed.

The terrifying sea waves made the sea bottom visible all around. Some sea monsters couldn't avoid it, and their bodies were torn apart directly, and the sea was stained red with blood.

Those martial artists who rushed forward only realized something was wrong at this moment, but unfortunately it was too late, the palm of Taiyi had already fallen.

"Taiyi Divine Palm!"

I don't know how far it covers, even if you stand a thousand meters away, you are still surrounded by the palm of Taiyi, there is absolutely no possibility of dodging, you can only bear a blow abruptly.

"No, my body is cracking!"

First, the eighth-rank emperor was the one whose body collapsed, and the Taiyi Divine Palm fell, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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