Chapter 1232: Gate of Reincarnation
Lynch stood in place, unable to move, that terrifying portal fell from the sky.

Even though it was a phantom, it could still be seen clearly. It should be projected from the heavens. It was just a phantom, and it could kill a star master.

If it is real, wouldn't it be able to destroy the world.

Without time to think, Lynch used all his strength to resist this portal. He is not a star master, so he has no power to resist this portal.

Even if he has reached the level of the star master, he can't resist, even the mighty gods, with the power of tens of thousands of people, can't compete, let alone he is only an eighth-rank emperor now.

There is still a long way to go before the Star Lord, so I can only watch the portal fall.

"The treasure has not been obtained, but it will fall again!"

With a wry smile, this is the end of the matter, regret is useless, I can only do the last struggle, I hope that when I die, I can die more spectacularly.

The portal was getting closer and closer, the Conferred God Stage was shaking violently, and the entire Conferred God Realm was in danger of collapsing.

Originally, there was no aura fluctuation here, and the law is very common, so it will be a matter of time before such a tyrannical force is suppressed, and it will be broken.

It's like a glass container, which can hold water, but when a large boulder is dropped, it will surely be smashed to pieces.

The Fengshen Realm is like a glass bottle, which cannot hold the tyrannical meteorite, and there are countless cracks in the surrounding space.

The portal was getting closer and closer, and all of Lynch's power seemed incomparably ridiculous in front of the power of heaven and earth.

The almost destructive force sent the Yuanli that Lynch sacrificed, ruthlessly sent flying, his body was on the verge of falling, and his feet had already sunk into the ground.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Lynch raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, he would never be willing to die in the Conferred God Realm like this, there are countless things waiting for him to do, he must not die.

The roar continued, the strong wind roared, Lynch's voice was instantly crushed by the strong wind, and it seemed that he was the only one left in the world.

No one sympathized with him, no one pitied him, and he became extremely small in front of the mighty heavens.

That majestic portal, as if the heavens were wide open, blessed with countless divine powers, intending to destroy everything.

The simple, vicissitudes of life came oncoming. Lynch could no longer open his eyes and prayed silently, but his spiritual sense could perceive it clearly.

Countless densely packed words appeared on the portal, like earthworms entangled in it.

It is also like spirit snakes entrenched, condensing into heaven and earth spirit patterns.

"This is the sky pattern!"

Lynch was taken aback. This is not only a sky pattern, but also a fairy pattern on it, but it is not clear, it may be related to the phantom, and it cannot be seen clearly.

But the sky pattern is real. Could it be that this portal came from the fairy world.

It is already impossible to describe the mood at this moment in words, Lin Qi was completely stunned. After comprehending the earth pattern from Lingyun Pavilion, the sky pattern has not moved for a long time.

I didn't expect to see the sky pattern today, everything suddenly became clear, and the spirit pattern technique reached its peak.

Strange patterns appeared in Lynch's soul sea. The steps were covered with sky patterns, which caused Lynch's soul sea to soar, and it was almost approaching the fourth floor.

In other words, Lynch's soul power had already reached the peak of the Emperor Realm, or even surpassed it.

At this moment, the door fell, and Lynch seemed to have traveled through countless years, experienced the ups and downs of life, and the prosperity of the world that he had seen all over.


Strangely, the moment the portal fell on top of Lynch's head, there was a sudden bang, and it disappeared without a trace. All the vigor and suppression disappeared.

"I'm not dead?"

The terrifying air wave disappeared. Lynch struggled to open his eyes, and looked around blankly. The Conferred God Realm had been shattered, and it probably won't be long before it completely disappeared into the world.

"Where did that portal go?"

Back to reality, Lynch looked around in a daze, those ancient trees shook violently, apparently Lynch came back from 10 years ago.

10 years ago, there were no ancient trees in the Conferred God Realm, and the surrounding area was desolate.

The scene in front of him was exactly the same as when Lynch came in, that is to say, he traveled through 10 years.

"But the rumble sounded right next to my ears, it's impossible to disappear out of thin air!"

Lynch was still pondering, looking around, trying to find the portal, where did it go.

"not good!"

With a staggering body, Lynch realized something was wrong, and earth-shaking changes had taken place in his soul sea.

The prison-suppressing demon tablet floating in the sky above the soul mountain was slowly shrinking, and was swallowed by a mysterious force.

The consciousness entered and sank into the sea of ​​souls, and a simple and vicissitudes of life portal appeared, swallowing up the prison-suppressing demon tablet, disappearing without a trace, and replacing it.


Lin Qi panicked completely. The portal that was suppressed just now appeared in the sky above his Soul Mountain inexplicably, and even annexed the Prison Demon Monument, which made Lin Qi break out in a cold sweat.

"Reincarnation... reincarnation... gate of reincarnation..."

Although the portal is still a phantom, the big characters on it are clearly visible. No wonder Lynch has such an expression.

"I understand, it is the gate of reincarnation, which took me through 10 years."

Lynch's face was full of horror, no wonder it could span 10 years, it was the ghost of the gate of reincarnation, and passed through the tunnel of reincarnation.

Let him see things 10 years ago, which is incredible.

"It ran into my soul sea, is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

Lynch was completely stunned, and communicated with his spiritual consciousness several times, but the gate of reincarnation ignored him, just quietly entrenched in the sky above Soul Mountain.

"I'm so mad, you ate my prison-suppressing demon tablet, and you still don't move at all, how can I live!"

Lynch beat his chest and stomped his feet. The Prison Suppressing Demon Stele is also a powerful trump card. At critical moments, it can suppress the soul of a person and play a surprising role in winning.

Fortunately, the prison-suppressing demon tablet is gone, and it has become such a thing. I don't know what it does.

After communicating more than a dozen times, there was no response from the other party, so Lynch had no choice but to give up. He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for the gate of reincarnation to enter his soul sea.

"and many more!"

Lynch was stunned suddenly, he broke through to the ninth rank emperor, there is no reason!
Such a miraculous breakthrough, even he himself didn't know it, just like in a dream.

"Chang'e, how long has the time passed!"

After traveling back to 10 years ago, Lynch lost his awareness of time and wondered how long had passed outside. At this time, he asked Chang'e.

"Three months and seven days!"

Chang'e's voice spoke in a neutral tone, as if she was shocked by the scene just now and couldn't recall it.


Lynch was more than surprised, his mouth was so wide that he could probably stuff a big duck egg into it.

He was in the Conferred God Stage, and he only stayed for a few minutes. It was too weird how three months had passed just to see the gods contending against the heavens and the earth.

"It must be the gate of reincarnation, the law of time that changes."

Lynch could conclude that the law of time had changed when he passed through the passage of reincarnation, so he felt that only a moment had passed, but in reality, more than three months had passed outside.

After checking his body several times, there was no problem, and he didn't know how to break through, but he felt that there was a mysterious force in his body.

This power is lurking in his body and cannot be mobilized. If he guessed correctly, this mysterious power should be the gate of reincarnation.

After checking around, there was nothing there. Lynch planned to leave. The Conferred God Realm would collapse completely and disappear into the world in a short time.

"Chang'e, have you scanned anything underground?"

Before the Conferred God Realm collapsed, Lynch was still thinking about the treasures under the Conferred God Stage.

"Master, please see."

In front of Lynch, an image appeared, and the entire underground world emerged.

"This is?"

Lynch had never seen such a thing before. He frowned. This is neither a spirit stone nor a spirit crystal, but it exudes a faint luster. What is it?
"It should be Dragonglass!"

Chang'e made an analysis and extracted a trace of energy from it. The ingredients contained in it were still above the spirit crystal, and it contained a trace of dragon's law, so it was speculated to be dragon crystal.

"Then I am developed."

Lynch still couldn't believe it, no matter what the dragon crystal was, the energy contained in it was enough to drive Lynch crazy.

"seems like it!"

Chang'e also smiled mischievously. Whenever Lynch was happy, she would be happy too.

"What are you still doing, hurry up and dig!"

Go to the mall and mobilize more than a dozen wall-breaking machines and excavators, and start working frantically, but within an hour, underground veins appeared.

Similar to Chang'e's analysis, it is indeed a dragon vein, and a large number of dragon crystals are buried underground.

Dig out a piece, pinch it in the palm of your hand, a vigorous energy pours from the dragon crystal into Lin Qidanhai, like a dragon singing and a tiger roaring, making Lin Qidanhai roar suddenly.

"What terrifying energy!"

Lin Qi showed a look of horror, one dragon crystal can be worth more than a thousand top-quality spirit crystals.

Don't dare to hesitate, those excavators are running at full capacity, and it won't be long before the Fengshen Realm disappears. Before it disappears, it counts as much as it can dig.

Baskets after baskets were shipped out, and Lynch's mouth was crooked. He was worried that he would not have the resources to practice after breaking through to the ninth-rank emperor. With these dragon crystals, it would not be a problem to cultivate to the Primordial Realm.

The reason why the Wenhai Secret Realm ends after half a step into the Primordial Realm has a lot to do with the supply of resources and laws.

The dragon crystal contains the laws of the Primordial Realm, the more it absorbs, as long as Lynch is given a certain amount of time, a breakthrough is just around the corner.

Tens of thousands of pieces had already been brought up, and the speed at which the Conferred God Realm was broken was also accelerating, and the ground began to sink. Lin Qi had no choice but to go digging himself.

After digging for a full half a day, the ground began to sink, and the dragon veins sank into the endless barren time and space, and would slowly dissipate. However, Lynch dug out more than [-] dragon crystals.

"It's a pity, more than [-] pieces should be dug out!"

Looking at the disappearing Conferred God Realm, Lynch felt a little regretful.

But soon his face returned to normal, people can't be too greedy, if one hundred thousand spirit crystals are placed in Tianyan Continent, it is estimated that it will cause a strong earthquake.

There is no need for the emperor's palace to take action, people all over the world will hunt him down.

"It's time to go back!"

As a ninth-rank emperor, Lin Qi still dare not be safe. It is best to break through to tenth rank, and only then can he fight against Qin Xiuer.

(End of this chapter)

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