Chapter 1246
The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became extremely oppressive, Shui Yuji roared loudly, rushed in more than a dozen disciples, and all pointed their finger at Lynch.

"Get out of here!"

Shui Yuji shouted loudly, and the disciples who rushed in could only retreat out of the hall, and even closed the door of the hall.

They also discovered that although the two were arguing, they didn't show any killing intent, obviously they couldn't reach a consensus on something.

No one would give in, Lynch wanted Shui Yuji to admit whether this jade pendant belonged to her.

But Shui Yuji wanted to know where Lynch got this jade pendant, and the two sides were deadlocked.

The four eyes met, arousing infinite aura. Some tables and chairs in the hall made rattling noises, unable to bear the aura of both sides, and burst one after another.

There was even a ripple in the space. This was a silent confrontation, and no one was willing to back down.


When there was a buzzing sound in the space, the two sides regained their momentum. Shui Yuji sighed, and the embankment in her heart finally collapsed.

No matter how strong she was on the outside, when she saw this jade pendant, all the strength in her heart was ruthlessly disintegrated.

The confrontation with Lynch just now was just the last dignity of being a Palace Master.

Being in a high position for a long time and being questioned like this, how can anyone be able to be calm.

But in the end she lost to motherhood. It was the softest side of her heart that touched her nerves. She had to put down her figure and wanted to know where she got this jade pendant, because it was related to her daughter's life and death.

In order to forget that unpleasant incident, she even traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, and sent her daughter to Yichongtian, hoping that she would never see each other again.

After 22 years, this jade pendant suddenly appeared in front of her, how could she calm down and not be shocked.

"This jade pendant is indeed mine!"

After Shui Yuji finished speaking, she lay down on the chair weakly, as if all the strength in her body had been drained, and she didn't even bother to move a finger.

"Why did you abandon her!"

With the other party's acknowledgment, Lynch also restrained his expression, and the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth disappeared. At least he saw that Shui Yuji hadn't gone to the point of losing her conscience.

At that moment just now, Lynch felt the pain from Shui Yuji's heart, which was definitely not a disguise.

The kind of wanting to admit but not daring to admit it is enough to destroy a person's nerves. Shui Yuji can still sit here, which means that her heart has collapsed.

If you completely forget, the moment you get the jade pendant, you will be ordered to evict the guest directly.

Obviously, she also wants to know in her heart how her daughter is doing now. It is conceivable that she has not been happy these years, and even lives in self-blame every day.

"I can't protect her, I can only send her away." Shui Yuji showed a trace of helplessness. "It's my fault!" After finishing speaking, he added that this matter was so wrong, and it was still her fault in the final analysis.

Lynch nodded. He knew Shui Yuji's difficulties. Shuiyue Palace forbids dating men. If she knew about it and gave birth to a child, she would be severely punished.

Those who are light may be soaked in pig cages, and those who are serious, even children will be ruthlessly beheaded.

In order to let Xiaoxue survive, Shui Yuji sent the child to Yichongtian without hesitation, hoping to be an ordinary person and never get involved in the struggles in the world.

This is love!

To be able to send his own child hundreds of millions of miles away with his own hands, and then bear it silently by himself, Lynch thought he couldn't do it.

"She... how is she now?"

Shui Yuji was flooded with tears again, and only now remembered that she didn't know her daughter's name, so she could only call her.

"Her name is Lin Xue!"

Lynch felt a pain in his heart. He is also human and has feelings in his heart. He could clearly feel the powerlessness in Shui Yuji's heart and the guilt towards Xiaoxue.

Take out a memory talisman, which records a lot of Xiaoxue's information, such as eating together, going out to play together, etc.

The mnemonic played back continuously in the hall, almost starting from the third day, from a little girl who didn't know much, to the present level little by little.

After watching for a full hour, Shui Yuji showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, discarding all her reservedness and conservatism, and carefully put away the memory talisman.

"Can you give it to me?"

Shui Yuji almost had a pleading tone, hoping to watch it every day in the future, the girl who looked ninety percent like her was a complete copy of her girlhood.

"You plan to never see her for the rest of your life. Do you know how much Xiaoxue has endured all these years in order to see you?"

Lynch roared loudly, hoarsely, almost hysterically.

She thought Shui Yuji would look for Xiaoxue desperately after seeing the memory talisman, but she was still indifferent.

"I don't deserve to be her mother, I don't deserve it!"

Shui Yuji shook her head vigorously, doesn't she want to see her?

Obviously not, she is not qualified and has no face to see her, so why bother to see her.

"You are indeed unworthy. You are a coward who dare not even admit your mistakes in front of your daughter. I am not worth it for Xiaoxue."

Lynch hoped that Shui Yuji could apologize to Xiaoxue in person, but whether Xiaoxue could accept it in the future was Xiaoxue's business, and Lynch didn't want to interfere.

"I dare not see her!"

Shui Yuji was scared, she was like a wounded bird, hoping to find a safe haven to rely on.

The hall fell silent again. Lynch had vented his anger just now, and the anger in his heart had almost been vented. Now he looked at Shui Yuji, without much anger.

Everything in front of him was so similar to the scene when he met his mother back then. Guilt, self-blame, sadness, and not daring to face it, this is human nature.

"Xiaoxue is doing very well now. There have been basically no hardships these years. You don't have to worry about this. She has a very good personality and is very likable."

Lynch said something about Xiaoxue, hoping to make Shui Yuji feel better.

At this moment, I found that when I came here, I was full of anger, wishing to tear Shui Yuji apart, and wanted to kill her to vent my anger.

When seeing Shuiyuji's soft side, Lynch couldn't bear it. After all, people's hearts are long, and Shuiyuji did this to save Xiaoxue.

"Can you tell me about her childhood?"

Shui Yuji brushed her hair, sat up straight, and could feel the doting on Xiaoxue in Lynch's eyes.

With the eyes of her who has lived for more than a hundred years, she can naturally tell that this is not pretending, but from the bottom of her heart, Lynch really likes Xiaoxue.

Moreover, in the memory talisman, Xiaoxue's childhood was recorded, and it was even possible to guess that Lin Qi and Xiaoxue's childhood sweethearts grew up together.

After hesitating for a while, Lynch said slowly, not because he sympathized with Shui Yuji, but because he sympathized with the difficulty of being a mother.

Picking it up from the mountains, growing up slowly in the later stage, joining the Xuannv Sect, etc., step by step, Shui Yuji naturally heard that it was Lynch who was protecting her.

How can a weak woman climb from the first heaven to the ninth heaven step by step? This is incredible.

After talking for a full three hours, Lynch's mouth was dry, and then he stopped, and the sky outside had already darkened.

Shui Yuji was intoxicated in Xiaoxue's world, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, at least her daughter, from birth to now, has not experienced too many hardships.

"Thank you!"

Shui Yuji stood up and saluted Lynch respectfully, from the bottom of her heart.

Lynch readily accepted without any affectation.

The hall was a little embarrassed, Shui Yuji didn't know what to do, she was a little conflicted, she was happy and had some scruples, so she didn't know what to do.

"Shuiyue Palace suffered heavy losses, what are your plans for the future?"

Lynch changed the subject and understood Shui Yuji's inner feelings at the moment.

"Encountered a catastrophe, the Shuiyue Palace is definitely not as good as before, and I don't know what to do for the time being."

The dignified palace master, if he said such a thing in front of an outsider, if he let others know, he would definitely be stunned.

Apparently, Shui Yuji had already treated Lynch as one of her own, as her junior.

"Who is Xiaoxue's father!"

Lynch was just looking for a topic. As for the future of Shuiyue Palace, he didn't want to know. If Concubine Shuiyu could figure it out, she would go to see Xiaoxue. If she didn't see her, she couldn't force her to.

Go back and tell Xiaoxue truthfully that what he should do has already been done.

Shui Yuji's face was pale, and she sat weakly on the chair again. This time, she was not trembling, but seemed to be afraid, and there was a trace of other factors in it, which Lynch couldn't guess.

"I don't want to mention him!"

Shui Yuji sighed deeply, as if she had aged a lot all of a sudden, and she didn't want to mention this man.

It's not easy for Lynch to keep asking, after all, this is his privacy, and if he can find Xiaoxue's mother, the task is basically completed.

But Lynch should be able to deduce that Xiaoxue's father must also be a big man, and there are not many men who can make Shui Yuji fancy.

Based on this appearance and status alone, there are only a handful of men who can match her, so the scope has narrowed down a lot.

Lynch can find out as long as he is in the Hundong Secret Realm.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Shui Yuji was a little tired, and her physical injury had not recovered, so Lynch couldn't continue to disturb her.

"I've wronged you today, let's arrange for you to live in the cave first."

It stands to reason that men are forbidden to step into the mountainside, and it is probably because Lynch was allowed to come in this time because he saved Shuiyue Palace.

Usually, there are men who visit, and they all live in the outermost area, because the building is destroyed, and people cannot live there.


Lynch hesitated for a while, but agreed to stay here for one night. The matter has been completed, and there is actually no need to stay here.

After dealing with the battlefield, those female disciples returned to the mountainside one after another. The moment they saw Lynch, they all showed curiosity.

Many female disciples have never seen a man in this life, especially for such a powerful man, it is inevitable that there will be a kind of worship and admiration in their hearts.

In just one day, many disciples of Shuiyue Palace secretly fell in love, Shui Yuji naturally saw it, and could only sigh.

The Water Moon Palace has been closed for so many years, I don't know if it's right or wrong.

At night, the senior executives of Shuiyue Palace were still discussing things. The loss was so serious this time, it was necessary to plan for the future.

As for Lynch, stay here to practice with peace of mind, and leave Shuiyue Palace as soon as the sky is bright.

(End of this chapter)

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