Chapter 1248 Tenth Grade Emperor
Shui Yuji lowered her tone, and the atmosphere in the hall eased a lot.

"Palace Master, Elder Xu and Elder Bai's daughter relapsed from serious injuries this morning and passed away not long ago. The two of them are taking care of the funeral."

There is fear, there is silence, there is dodge, there is indifference, there is doubt...

There were more than 30 people in the hall, everyone had different expressions, and Shui Yuji had a panoramic view.

"Presumptuous, when did they have a daughter!"

An elder stood up and yelled, the crutch in his hand shook the bluestone on the ground.

The others were silent, no one spoke, and no one refuted.

Even Concubine Shuiyu chose to remain silent. It was obviously inappropriate to speak at this time, because there were more than 30 people present with different expressions. Shuiyue Palace was no longer what it used to be.

"Which one of you here has an heir!"

The previous palace lord spoke at this time, many people looked away, and some even lowered their heads.

After all, the rules have not been abolished, and they know the consequences if they break the rules, the light ones will commit suicide, and the serious ones will destroy even their children.

"Let's talk, everyone speak freely, no one will be held accountable today, even if you have children, you won't bring them along."

The old palace lord spoke earnestly, as if he had already guessed something, but he just pretended not to know all these years.

"Let's talk about Elder Xu and Elder Bai first!"

Shui Yuji interjected, it must be difficult for them to speak out on their own initiative, let's start with others first.

"Twenty years ago, Elder Xu and Elder Bai went out to do errands together. They met a man they liked. When they came back, they found that they were pregnant. They didn't dare to publicize it. They chose to retreat. After the child was born, they sent it to another place and sent someone to bring the child back. Become a disciple of Shuiyue Palace."

Elder Yu briefly said that it was such a process.

"What if it's a boy!"

Shui Yuji continued to ask.

"Most of the boys were killed, and very few were sent to foster care elsewhere."

After Elder Yu finished speaking, he realized that he had slipped his tongue, and it was too late to take it back.

"You mean, there are quite a few people present. After giving birth to a boy, they were sent to foster care outside."

Shui Yuji had no expression on her face, she didn't know whether she was angry or didn't care, it put a lot of pressure on everyone present anyway.

"Reverse, you are all rebellious, as elders, you are openly violating the rules of Shuiyue Palace."

There are also three elders who still uphold the rules of Shuiyue Palace, stood up and yelled at them, and even wanted to punish them.

"Palace Master, please punish us, don't implicate the child!"

Suddenly, ten elders stood up together, knelt down in the middle of the hall, and accepted the punishment of the sect, as long as they didn't hurt the child.

Even Shui Yuji was stunned, she didn't expect the matter to be so serious, it wasn't that a certain person had illegitimate children outside, and there were so many.

The three elders stood up to object just now, but now they are all stunned. Are they going to kill all these elders?Wouldn't that chill the hearts of all the disciples.

"You guys get up and talk first. Today is to solve the problem, not to punish. If you have to make a decision on punishment after the discussion, there is still time to punish you."

Shui Yuji took a look at the ten people and told them to get up first. The main purpose of today is to abolish this bad habit.

If it is abolished, the previous things can be ignored, if it cannot be abolished, they will be punished, which violates the rules of the Water Moon Palace.

"Thank you Palace Master!"

The ten people stood up one after another as if they had received an amnesty, and they sat tremblingly in their chairs.

Things have come to this point, far beyond Shui Yuji's expectations, the upper echelon of Shuiyue Palace has lost their minds, no matter whether it's punishment or appeasement, they can't go back to the past.

Some people opposed it, while others supported it, making it very difficult for her as the Palace Master.

"Palace Master, I want to quit Shuiyue Palace!"

Just after being silent for less than three breaths, Elder Yu suddenly stood up and planned to leave Shuiyue Palace. Although she did not violate the door rules, she had had enough of this kind of life.

For practitioners, life span has a long history, and it is actually quite pitiful to be alone for a lifetime.

It's not like ordinary people, whose lifespan flies by in the blink of an eye, without a partner, and what's more, ordinary people know how to carry on the family line and reproduce.

Could it be that their ascetics are not as good as ordinary people, who have no right to pursue their own lives?

"I want to quit too!"

After someone took the lead, 11 people stood up and chose to quit the Water Moon Palace. They would rather give up everything now and pursue their own lives.

Even the three elders who stood up to object just now stopped clamoring.

Punish ten people and withdraw 11 people, so what is left in Shuiyue Palace?
"Have you thought about it clearly? Once you make this decision, you will never have anything to do with Shuiyue Palace from now on."

Shui Yuji said it again solemnly, her tone a little aggravated.

"Palace Master, it's not our goal to withdraw from Shuiyue Palace. We just want to use our own strength to counteract this overbearing clause. I hope Palace Master will consider whether to abolish this rule."

Elder Yu expressed the feelings of many people. They all grew up here and regarded this place as their home. Who would want to make such a decision.

"Is this your own idea, or everyone's idea."

Shui Yuji alone does not have this right, even if it is abolished, for what reason.

"Palace Master!"

At this moment, the door of the main hall was pushed open, and a group of people were kneeling densely outside. Elder Xu and Elder Bai were kneeling at the front, holding a young girl who had just died in their arms.

"What are you doing!"

Shui Yuji stood up, and most of the disciples of Shuiyue Palace came, kneeling neatly outside the hall.

"If the Palace Master doesn't agree, we won't get up!"

It was neat and tidy. Fortunately, Lynch was completely immersed in his cultivation, and he knew nothing about what happened outside.

The tenth-rank emperor's law, which surrounds the whole body, is already close to the limit, and it is extremely difficult to take a step forward. It is estimated that it will take a few days to withdraw from the practice.

Even the elders in the hall were dumbfounded. Although not all of the disciples came, the people who came were enough to represent everyone.

These disciples would never have made such a move if they hadn't experienced a life-and-death crisis.

Their relatives and friends all died in this battle, which made them realize that people should not only live for others, but also live for themselves.


In the hall, there were sighs, especially Elder Xu and Elder Bai, whose tears never stopped.

"Abolish it. If you don't abolish it, you can announce that Shuiyue Palace is disbanded!"

The old palace lord, who had been silent all this time, spoke up. This villain should be handled by her, because she knew very well that Shui Yuji couldn't make this decision.

"Old Palace Mistress..."

The three elders who opposed stood up and wanted to stop it. After all, Shuiyue Palace has been passed down for thousands of years and has never broken this rule.

"Stop talking, I know what you want to say, go pursue your own life, starting today, if you are willing to stay in Shuiyue Palace, you are naturally welcome, if you don't want to stay here, just leave."

The old palace lord seemed to see through the vicissitudes of the world, his eyes swept over everyone's faces, his eyes became a little cloudy, and he became much older all of a sudden.

"No, we're not leaving!"

Hearing what the old Palace Master said, both the elders and the disciples showed guilt. They just want to be free, and not everyone wants to go out to find their partner.

The matter had become a little serious, Shui Yuji had no choice but to appease the disciples, and the higher-ups continued to discuss.

After three full days of discussion, it took Lynch three days to finally open the door to the tenth-rank emperor.


The entire mountainside suddenly shook, and all the disciples of Shuiyue Palace ran out in fright. The terrifying aura could penetrate even if there was a gap between mountains and rocks.

Shui Yuji shrank her eyes, feeling a strong crisis.

"Tenth Rank Emperor!"

Then he let out an exclamation, Lin Qi has already reached the ninth rank of emperor, this is not a half step of the primordial realm breath, obviously Lynch has broken through to the tenth rank of emperor.

The peak of the star field, even if it is half a step of the Primordial Realm, is not as good as the top of the star field. At this moment, Lin Qi finally stood at the peak of the continent.

"What a terrifying talent, did this kid really come from the First Layer?"

Concubine Shuiyu couldn't believe it. She had a brief chat with Concubine Shuiyu about Lin Qi's life experience that day. Although it wasn't much, one thing is certain, Lynch came from the First Heaven.

Dragon crystals exploded one after another, turning into tyrannical primordial laws, filling Lynch's body.

The realm has been rising steadily, and he has reached the peak of the tenth-rank emperor Dzogchen. No matter how hard he tries, there is no progress, so he gives up and continues to break through.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye, Shuiyue Palace was finally on the right track, and a countermeasure was discussed.

But the most shocking thing is that Concubine Shuiyu announced her abdication, and someone else took over Shuiyue Palace. She left and ignored it.

Countless people persuaded her to stay, hoping that Shuiyuji would stay and manage Shuiyue Palace.

In the end, in desperation, Shui Yuji admitted in public that she also had a child. When the news came out, she was completely horrified. There was no doubt that a super earthquake had occurred in the entire Hundong Secret Realm.

But there is also a little bit of good.

In the past few days, the threshold of Shuiyue Palace was about to be breached. After learning that Shuiyue Palace was open, those sects and families who wanted to get married almost crowded Shuiyue Palace.

There were even a few big sects who took the initiative to undertake the task of building the Water Moon Palace. With a large number of people and no shortage of resources, the problem of rebuilding the Water Moon Palace was solved, and it is estimated that it will be restored to its original state soon.

Because of the abolition of the rules, countless women wanted to join Shuiyue Palace. Originally, thousands of people were lost, but they were filled in an instant.

In fact, sometimes bad things can turn into good things.

This time is an example. After the abolition of the rules, Shuiyue Palace not only did not lose anything, but instead improved its cohesion.

Coupled with the marriage with other big sects, the strength of Shuiyue Palace is complicated. If they are suppressed by forces like the Qiong family and the Sun Vulcan Sect, they will not be afraid anymore, because they are not fighting alone.

Half a month later, Lynch left the customs, and saw a busy Shuiyue Palace, and there were many young men walking through it, showing strange expressions.

"Congratulations on your successful breakthrough!"

Shui Yuji appeared and stood beside Lynch, she seemed to be much younger, the gloom between her brows disappeared, and the knot in her heart was opened.

"Do you have any happy event?"

Asked suspiciously, anyone could tell that Shui Yuji was in a good mood, and Lynch was no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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