Chapter 1285 Magic Core
With the continuous improvement of the realm, the power of the Tiancan sword is constantly weakening. After all, it is only a set of ordinary martial arts of the spiritual rank.

But Lin Qi has the Five Elements Art, as long as he practices the Jin Geng Liuli Art, he can bless his swordsmanship, but he hasn't spared the effort yet.

There is also the Saturn Yellow Stone Jue. After practice, it forms a thick defensive shield. Even if it is many levels higher, it is impossible to break through Lynch's defense.

Extremely fierce, the sword light swept across the sky, and the bodies of the charging demon soldiers exploded one by one, leaving only their heads intact.

All of them flew into Lynch's storage ring, and they had piled up into a mountain, close to more than 600 rings, and it was only the seventh day.

With the continuous improvement of strength, the speed of hunting in the later stage will only become faster and faster.

Hall's eyes shrank, shocked by Lynch's terrifying hunting methods. The speed of killing demons was too terrifying, and it was just a sword.

There are more than 200 demon soldiers, not many of them can stand, and the remaining ones have long been frightened, standing aside trembling, waiting for Hall to make a move.

The two men who were captured also looked horrified. How could this young man who looked weaker than them be so strong, which made them want to escape.

Only Duanmuxian and the other three had normal expressions. They had already expected that Lynch's strength had been witnessed by them to grow step by step.

"Human, you killed so many of my people, I want to eat you!"

These demon soldiers are all his people, too many died, and it is extremely easy to be annexed by other demon tribes. Demon tribes, like human tribes, also have competition.

The bigger the tribe, the more power it represents, the more treatment it gets, and it is highly valued by the magic captain.

"Eat me, I'm afraid you don't have such a big appetite yet!"

With a sneer, he held a long sword and walked towards Hall, absorbing the laws of the sixth-rank magic weapon, and his help would increase a lot.

"Crazy enough!"

Hall took a big step, and suddenly struck with his fist, the terrifying air wave formed a vacuum channel, directly crushing the air around him, producing a strong explosive sound.

The sound of the air exploding rang in Lynch's ears. Relying on his physical body, such a punch must not be underestimated.

No wonder the two are not opponents of Hall, which makes sense.

It's a pity that his opponent is Lynch, whose strength is beyond comparison with that kind of garbage.

When the long sword slashed, the air wave in front was split into two, easily torn apart by Lynch. Hall finally put away his contempt and dared not be careless towards Lynch again.

It seems to be two realms lower than him, but the real power is vast, like a peak monster, when it is dormant, there is no trace of abnormality.

Once it erupts, it can absolutely devour everything, Lynch is that kind of terrifying monster.

After tearing the air wave, the long sword went straight to Hall's head without any hesitation, and he would not choose to swim with him because he was a sixth-grade magic soldier, and directly chose to face head-to-head.

Only those with absolutely crushing strength dared to do this. Once the sixth-rank magic soldier caught the opportunity, it would be very difficult to escape from his palm.

Within ten steps of him, it was almost all within his range of motion. With a huge body, more than three meters high, and arms close to two meters, he suddenly attacked Lynch in the middle.

The sound of the air being exploded was like a thunderstorm, and a ball of white bubbles appeared, which was extremely ear-piercing.

Lynch was still indifferent, the long sword was only three meters away from Hall, and also entered the range of Hall's attack, his arm was about to stick to Lynch's waist.

At the moment when everyone thought that Hall had punched Lynch, a sudden change occurred.

Lynch's body spun rapidly and catapulted into the air. This kind of weird speed is definitely something that no one can do.

What's more, under the tyrannical suppression of the sixth-rank magic soldiers, he can still escape calmly, unless he has the strength to absolutely crush the opponent.

Losing Lynch's trace, Hall was also surprised. As expected of a veteran master, the giant fist suddenly moved with Lynch's body and appeared on his back.

Just a simple confrontation, countless sparks collided, and every change made people applaud secretly.

Hall's attack was powerful enough, and Lynch's dodge was also very subtle, moving like a rabbit, still like a virgin, and his body suddenly stopped in place.


The body was floating in the air like this, and the long sword in his hand suddenly slashed towards Hall's arm, extremely fast.

It was so fast that people forgot to breathe, and also forgot to blink, witnessing the long sword fall with their own eyes.

A strange arc was drawn, followed by blood spurting, and Hall's right arm was severed by Lynch.

Everything happened so quickly that Hall's arm had already fallen to the ground before his mind could react.


Hall let out a shrill scream, his whole body suddenly trembled violently, and blood spurted out like a waterfall.

Without any hesitation, Lynch's body fell suddenly, and the long sword continued to cut across, this time it was Hall's thigh.

Every change is so wonderful that Hall is powerless to resist.

In Lin Qi's eyes, the sixth-rank magic soldiers are only slightly stronger, and they are not a threat yet.

The main reason is that Hall underestimated the enemy. From the beginning to the end, he didn't pay attention to Lynch, so he easily cut off his arm.

If he paid attention to it at the beginning, it would not be so easy for Lynch to cut off his right arm, at least it would take a lot of effort.

Taking advantage of the moment when he was injured, Lynch's sword moved again, this time at a faster speed, turning into a streak of light and heading straight for Hall's right leg.


The right leg broke and was cut off by Lynch's sword. Blood spurted wildly, and black blood was everywhere on the ground. Hall didn't die, but lost his fighting power.

The demons who were watching from all directions were all stunned, and they stood there at a loss for what to do.

Their omnipotent leader was defeated by Lynch's two swords, and he lost his fighting power and let them slaughter him. This young man is too terrifying.

Duanmuxian and the others were also stunned. It was too terrifying to kill two levels.

Hall let out a shrill scream, but he couldn't stop the blood from flowing out. Before long, he would lose too much blood and die.

The remaining demon soldiers suddenly trembled with fright and wanted to run away.

"No one should leave!"

After entering the group of demons, the demon soldiers died one after another. As for the ordinary demons, no amount of hunting would help. Lynch handed them over to Duanmuxian and the others.

After a fight, all the demon soldiers died, and the ordinary ones escaped a lot, and they didn't chase after them, so they couldn't make a big wave.

After beheading all the demon soldiers, Lynch walked towards Hall, and found a lot of storage rings from him, which surprised Lynch.

It seems that many human races have been killed and many treasures have been robbed over the years. There are no good things, but there are many star crystals.

After all, those who can be killed by him are all low-level primordial realms, and there are no good things.

The death vine appeared, draining Hall's law and demonic energy, and the death spirit root skyrocketed again, feeding back a bit of power, which made Lynch's strength rise a lot invisibly.

After dealing with everything, he walked towards the two men with a faint murderous intent on his face. What they did just now obviously touched the most basic bottom line of being a human being.

"What's your name, why did you appear on Gloom Star!"

Lynch stood in front of the two and asked coldly, without any emotion.

"My name is He Zhi, his name is Wang Kui, and we are from Feiyunxing."

The man named He Zhi had a flattering expression on his face. Lynch could easily kill even sixth-rank magic soldiers. Killing them was as easy as crushing an ant, and his posture was very low.

Chang'e quickly pulled out the information on Feiyunxing, which belongs to a medium-sized planet. It is estimated that these two people are also low-level figures, otherwise they would not have gone to the Gloomy Star to hunt down demon soldiers for a book of martial arts.

"What are you doing in Gloom Star?"

Although I heard two people mention the best spiritual-level martial arts just now, I still asked a question.

"To be honest, the Tianyue Sect issued a mission to kill three fifth-rank demon soldiers and reward them with a set of top-ranking martial arts. That's why we put ourselves in danger."

He Zhi didn't hide anything, he just said it out.

"If you are a Chinese cabbage with a spiritual rank martial skill, you can replace it with just three demon soldiers."

Lynch scoffed, so he wouldn't believe it. The Tianyue Sect would never let out the best spiritual-level martial arts easily. There must be other things.

After being exposed by Lynch, the two smiled wryly. Their bodies were seriously injured, and they couldn't recover for a while.

"That's right, there is another requirement, a magic core must be found."

Now that his life is in Lynch's hands, he can only say it obediently.

"Magic core!"

Hearing the word "magic core", Lynch showed a little surprise. Only when he reached the magic captain can he grow a magic core. The two of them are in the fifth-grade primordial realm. Know how to die.

"That's right, it's the magic core!"

Wang Kui interjected at this time, this task is too difficult, unless it comes from the Yao Guang Realm, there is only a chance.

"Have you got the magic core?"

The magic core is a good thing. If you can absorb it, you can use its power to beat your body. It is the essence of the magic captain's life.


He Zhi didn't dare to hide it, and admitted that he had obtained a magic core.

"Where did you get it?"

Lynch wanted to know how they got the magic core. With their strength, not to mention the magic captain, even ordinary large tribes couldn't get in.

"We sneaked into the tomb of the Demon Race and stole one."

After finishing speaking, He Zhi took out a magic core from the storage ring, exuding a shocking demonic aura. It turned out that they had stolen the tomb of the demon clan, and only they could do such a thing.

"The tomb of the demon clan should be deep in the dark mountains, how could you get in."

All of this is illogical, and judging from the magic core, the time of death is not long, it should be less than a month.

"Well, it just so happened that a strong man killed a magic lieutenant. After killing it, he didn't take away the magic core. We got a bargain."

It seems that stepping into the dark star to hunt and kill the demons is not only Lin Qi and others, but also the masters of the Yaoguang Realm. They must act carefully. The power of the world.

After asking a few words, there is no other useful information, so I am not asking.

"Destroy your cultivation!"

Lynch didn't intend to let them go. These two people were simply scum of the human race. They planned to use the human race as bait.

Once they are let go, there will be endless troubles. After stepping into the fairyland, Lynch must restrain his goodwill and be decisive.

(End of this chapter)

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