Chapter 1303 Invitation to Join

It was a rare night to rest, Lin Qi did not practice, sat in the room, brewed high-quality tea, and waited for the visit of the Yellow River.

As Lynch expected, within two hours of separation, Huang He knocked on the door of Lynch's room, but this time there was an extra old man.

With white hair and a childlike face, Lynch found that the planetary guild had never seen a few young people, and most of them were old people, and they were very old ones.

Huang He is also several hundred years old. It seems that he is a junior in the planetary guild.

Judging from his awe of the old man, he must be an upper-level member of the planetary guild. Before he got close, the pressure like a mountain came towards Lin Qi.

The realm is still above the Yellow River, at least it is the high-level Yaoguang realm, or even the peak.

"Lynch, this is Senior Baigan."

Huang He introduced both parties very politely. Bai Gan should know everything about Lynch's deeds. The moment he saw Lynch, he narrowed his eyes and revealed a playful smile.

"Junior Lynch, I have met Senior Baigan!"

Lynch was very polite, saluted Bai Gan, and let them into the room.

Looking at the fragrant tea on the table, Bai Gan and Huang He looked at each other, and once again had a high opinion of Lin Qi. He passed the assessment and reached the sixth-grade grandmist. He is neither arrogant nor impatient. This attitude is worthy of respect.

"Senior, please use tea!"

Lynch was not in a hurry to talk about the topic. Since the two of them came tonight, they would definitely give him an answer. As for whether it will be successful, it is still unknown for the time being.

But seeing the relaxed expressions of the two of them, Lynch felt confident and not very worried.

Sitting down, Bai Gan and Huang He picked up the cups, took a sip lightly, and put the cups back on the table. Huang He opened up the topic first.

"Lynch, we have discussed the request you made this afternoon, and we can agree to it, but we also have one condition."

No beating around the bush, this is also Huang He's style, he doesn't like charades.

"What conditions?"

Hearing Huang He's words, Lin Qi was neither sad nor happy, as if he had guessed it long ago. If there are no conditions, it would be abnormal. Why let someone spend hundreds of millions of star crystals to arrange a teleportation array for you.

"Lin Qi, to be honest, the planetary guild is no longer the guild it was hundreds of years ago. With the continuous rise of the major planets, our planetary guild has become a hindrance to the mutual restraint of many forces. people take advantage of."

Huang He suddenly let out a deep sigh. This is the current situation of the planetary guild, and it is getting worse every year.

Before the top ten super planets had fully risen, the planet guild represented the entire Realm of Martial Immortals, the supreme existence.

With the continuous rise of masters, they gradually broke away from the control of the planetary guild and established themselves. As for the treaty of the planetary guild, it has long been forgotten.

In the past, the top ten planets would send people to the planetary guild to play a stabilizing role and restrict each other. Now, the ten super planets are doing their own thing, and those super big sects that rose later are no longer inferior to the top ten planets.

The Real Martial Immortal Realm is now full of heroes. As for the planetary guild, it has been reduced to what it is now, and a group of immortals are still maintaining it.

Even to the point where they can't make ends meet, if it weren't for some industries, the planetary guild would have been ruined long ago.

Hundreds of years ago, as long as you passed the assessment and received the protection of the planetary guild, in the Realm of True Martial Immortals, you could basically get it done once and for all.

It's different now. Many people have completely thrown aside the planetary guild. In addition to being able to deter those medium-sized planets, large planets and super-big planets have long since gotten rid of the planetary guild and established themselves.

In the final analysis, it is still a matter of development. The planetary guild was originally the center of the entire Zhenwuxian domain. Whether it is a self-built portal or a sect, it needs to be assessed by the planetary guild.

How many resources must be handed over every year to maintain the development of the planetary guild.

Such days are gone forever, and have even become history.

"I don't know what the senior wants to express?"

Although Lynch had heard about it before, it was still inconceivable to hear Huang He's shocking narration.

The Real Martial Immortal Realm is like a huge country, while the planetary guild is the royal family. Now each is king, and the planetary guild has become a shell.

The main reason is that the planetary guild did not have strong players to rise up, so the major planets kept withdrawing and dominating one side.

"I want you to join our planetary guild. As long as you become a member of us, the four teleportation arrays will not be a problem, and there will be no fee."

Now that it was made clear, Huang He opened the skylight and said that as long as Lynch is willing to join the planetary guild and build four teleportation arrays, they can still afford the star crystals.

The planetary guild was so pitiful earlier, it stands to reason that as long as they are normal people, they will not choose to join, and no one will enter a dying guild, which is not conducive to their future development.

"How can this junior be able to fall into the eyes of the seniors?"

Lynch didn't show much surprise, as if he had expected it long ago. Although there were some discrepancies with what he had guessed, generally speaking, the difference was not too much.

"To belittle yourself too much is not to be humble. We have a general understanding of your ability in the past few months. If you can join our planetary guild, we will use all resources to train you."

Huang He smiled slightly. What happened to Lynch in the past few months has caused a shock in the high-level. Such a monstrous talent has also lit up the tenth grid. If you miss it, it will definitely be a loss for the guild.

Lynch did not speak, lost in thought.

The conditions offered by the Yellow River are very attractive. Joining the guild will bring no harm at all. Not only will he receive resources and training, but at least it will ensure that the Tianyan Continent will not be harassed by other planets for the time being. He can devote himself to cultivation .

He didn't want to survive in various planetary battles every day, not only killing his time, but also easily encountering powerful enemies.

Although the planetary guild is lonely, at least it can intimidate medium-sized planets. As for those large planets, they don't look down on Tianyan Continent at all. Their purpose is to enter the super planet.

The big eating the small is only limited to a level with little difference. If the sharks are allowed to eat small shrimps, they will naturally lose interest. The reason is the same.

"To be honest, the conditions you offered are indeed attractive. Not only did I find a backer, but it also allowed me to rise quickly. It's just that I don't like restraint, and I'm used to being carefree."

Lynch did not refuse on the spot, and expressed his inner thoughts, and had no plans to join any forces for the time being.

"You don't have to worry about this, we don't restrict your freedom, as long as you hang on to the identity of our planetary guild, not only can you get help from our resources, but you can also take care of your own planet, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds."

Baigan spoke at this time, and it was more weighty. It was just an identity and would not limit Lynch's freedom too much.

Now it was Lynch's turn to be embarrassed. If he refused, although he would not offend the planetary guild, he would lose such a good opportunity in vain.

The Tianyan Continent is too weak, if it can get the care of the planetary guild and develop, it will be very smooth.

And Lynch himself doesn't need to stay in the Tianyan Continent for a long time, he can swim in the Realm of True Martial Immortals and constantly seek breakthroughs, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

"Lynch, Senior White is the vice president of our planetary guild, don't you believe his words?"

With Huang He's earnest tone, Lin Qi was secretly surprised. He didn't expect Bai Gan to be the vice president, so the real president must have reached the level of the earth fairy to shock those medium-sized planets.

Because he has reached the level of an Earth Immortal, he seldom does activities in the Immortal Realm, and ordinary people can't see it at all. In normal times, he travels in the Star Territory, and may also enter other Immortal Realms to experience.

"Let me think about it overnight, and I'll give you news tomorrow morning!"

Lynch has to think carefully, whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, whichever is less, and minimize the disadvantages.

"Okay, then we will wait for your good news!"

The two didn't talk too much nonsense, they got up and walked outside, and Lynch personally sent them to the door.

Less than half an hour after leaving, the three of Duanmuxian came and knocked on Lynch's door.


Lynch seemed to have expected that the three of them would definitely appear, and the time was stuck in half an hour, no more and no less.

This freed up Lynch's personal space, and Huang He and the two came to talk, and it must take a little effort to digest.

The door was unlocked, and the three of them had solemn expressions when they pushed the door open.

"sit down!"

Lynch didn't get up, but said something politely, and the three of them took their seats.

A little cautious, with the end of the assessment, the gap between the four is getting bigger and bigger, forming an alliance with Lynch, it is obvious that the three of them have the upper hand.

"If you have any questions, just ask."

The three looked hesitant to speak, and Lynch asked them to ask, since they formed an alliance, they will be of one mind in the future.

"Lynch, several groups of people invited us just now, the meaning is obvious, and they hope that we will surrender."

The assessment is over, and many people from medium-sized planets have not left. This year's assessment is so intense, there are only four of the 33 people left, and they all want to recruit.

Because Lynch was still resting, no one could come in to invite him. It is estimated that there were many people around outside, waiting for them to go out.

"How did you reply?"

It is no secret that after the star master assessment is over every year, there will be recruitment from all parties, or surrender, etc.

Hundreds of years ago, no one would come here at all. At that time, the Zhenwu Immortal Domain was relatively peaceful, with planetary guilds sitting in the town, and the battles were not very fierce.

"We have no reply!"

Duanmuxian answered very simply, although there was no vehement rejection, this attitude was already a sign that she would not accept anyone's solicitation.

Nodding his head, Lynch was very satisfied. If they were successfully recruited so quickly, there would be no need to build four teleportation formations.

"Lynch, the three of us are not their focus. Many people are focusing on you. After all, the tenth grid is lit."

Duanmuxian was telling the truth, no matter how strong the three of them were, they were no more than ordinary star masters, and Lynch was the key.

The room fell silent, and Lynch's thoughts were spinning rapidly, thinking about how to deal with it next.

As the sky was getting brighter, Lynch opened the door and stretched his muscles in the yard. At this time, Huang He walked in with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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