Chapter 1344 Red Moon Star

It has been a few days since the ancient ruins were closed, and finally came to a conclusion that Lynch stayed inside.

Many people couldn't accept such an ending. They had made all the preparations, but they were in vain.

Even if Lin Qi has three heads and six arms, the two elders of the Su family can't protect him well.

"Let's go, don't wait any longer!"

Su Qi gave a wry smile, and said to Su Qing and Su Mu that the warriors around were almost gone.

"Brother, did he really stay in the ancient ruins?"

Su Qing still didn't believe it, and asked Su Mu.

"Sister, I understand your feelings. This is the end of the matter. We should move on."

Su Mu was also in a bad mood. Although he was jealous, he had to admit that Lynch's enchantment had reached such a height in just two months.

The Su family also left, the Wei family left, and the people from the Eagle Cult left, and the surroundings fell into emptiness, as if everything had returned to two months ago.

On an unknown planet, a flash of white light suddenly passed through the clouds and landed on the planet.

"Chang'e, where is this?"

The white light is naturally a galaxy warship. After traveling for several days and nights, it finally left the entrance of the ancient ruins. As for the coordinate problem, Lynch doesn't have to worry about it at all.

When I came here, Chang'e had already recorded the route back, plus the map of Zhenwuxianyu, it was in Chang'e's mind, and there was no way to get lost.

But this time, Lynch did not return directly to the Kamikaze Sect, but took a detour. It is estimated that someone will guard the Kamikaze Sect at this time.

There are still two months before the competition with Fan Gang, and Lynch is not in a hurry, anyway, he has recently reached a certain level of cultivation, so he can experience it for a while.

The first is to get acquainted with the Realm of True Martial Immortals and absorb more knowledge.

Secondly, after staying in the ancient ruins for so long, it was indeed a bit boring. Dealing with killing every day made Lin Qi feel a little manic.

Take this opportunity to polish it well, stabilize the results of the two months of cultivation, and strive to break through to the peak of the Ninth-Rank Hongmeng Dzogchen.

Now that we have just entered the middle stage, we still have to reach the later stage to break through the Dzogchen, and there is still a long way to go.

Even though he has the ability to kill the first-rank Yao Guang, Lin Qi can't be complacent.

If the members of the Wei family and the Eagle Cult knew that he was not dead, they would definitely kill him regardless of the cost.

There is another reason why there is no rush to go back. Taking advantage of these few months, people will forget about the ancient ruins and Lynch.

After all, it was rumored that he stayed in the ancient ruins. It is estimated that after those warriors came out, there would not be too many topics to talk about. No matter how many treasures they got, it would be useless if they couldn't bring them out.

Moreover, the tens of thousands of people who survived came from the entire Realm of Martial Immortals, scattered all over the world, on countless planets.

A small ancient relic, an ordinary student of the Kamikaze Sect, would not have received such attention.

This is the ultimate goal. After a few months have passed, everyone has forgotten it, and the hatred has been resolved. It is easy to be accepted when it appears in front of the world.

Su Qing and Su Mu returned to the Kamikaze School, and of course went to look for Lynch immediately, but the result was that Lynch never came back.

"Master, we have arrived at Red Moon Star!"

Chang'e quickly pulled out information about Chiyuexing. The medium-sized planets are all ranked thousands of miles away in the Real Martial Immortal Domain.

There are also many sects entrenched in the above, and there are many families. The star master is the seventh-rank Yaoguang, who ranks in the middle of many medium-sized planets.

"Okay, let's practice in Chiyuexing for a few months, get acquainted with the human geography here, and learn about all aspects of the Realm of True Martial Immortals."

Anyway, every planet has a teleportation array leading to Moonbreaker, Lynch is not in a hurry.

Putting away the star field battleship, Lynch landed on the ground. The environment here is not bad. Although the purity of the spiritual energy is not as good as that of Po Yuexing, it is also many times purer than that of Tianyan Continent.

"Master, I have some bad news for you."

Chang'e's voice was a little low, and not long after falling to the ground, there was a bad news.

"what news?"

Lin Qi frowned, and his spiritual consciousness spread out, thinking that he was surrounded by people, but there was not even a bird shadow in a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

"Nicai'er's pulse is extremely unstable. These days, you have been cultivating in the ancient ruins, so you don't have time to take care of Caier. If you can't find the life-sustaining herb, I'm afraid you won't last long."

Chang'e has been paying close attention to Cai'er's physical changes. In the past two months, Lin Qi practiced day and night, and once handed Cai'er over to Chang'e to take care of her.

Quickly took out Ni Cai'er, opened the box and took a look, and found that Cai'er's body was black and blue, covered with a layer of black air, which was death air.

"how so!"

Gently stroking Cai'er's body, Lynch's eyes became incomparably soft, with a hint of pain.

His life was bought by Cai'er, no matter what, he must save Cai'er.

"Master, quickly find the medicinal herb that will extend Cai'er's life."

Chang'e knew that there were still many elixir in Lynch's storage ring, but those elixirs could not be used to extend life, and most of them were used to assist cultivation.

Cultivation elixir and life continuation elixir are two different things. Even if Lin Qi is given an elixir now, it will not be able to cure Ni Caier.

The power of the elixir is too violent, as long as it enters Ni Caier's body, it will explode her instantly.

There is only life-sustaining elixir, which nourishes her physical body little by little, restores her heart, and is looking for angel tears to completely repair her physical body.

Chao Cai'er injected a large amount of true energy into her body to repair her injured area, and did not stop until Lin Qi's primordial power dried up.

The death energy that came out has been reduced a lot, and the pulse has stabilized temporarily, but this is not a long-term solution.

If he can't reach the fairyland, it is impossible for Lynch to cross the fairyland and enter the world Bai Yu said. If he wants to save Cai'er, there is still a long way to go.

The only way is to find more life-sustaining herbs to maintain Cai'er's vitality until Lynch reaches the level of an immortal.

In the past few years, Lin Qi spent countless elixir to prolong his life, but it only extended Cai'er's life for a year or two.

"Let's go, find a place with a lot of people as soon as possible, and don't spend money to buy it."

Now I have tens of billions of star crystals on my body, so I don't worry about resources. As long as I have life-sustaining elixir, I will buy as many star crystals as I want.

I originally planned to practice hard, but it seems that I have to change. While practicing, I am looking for life-sustaining elixir.

Spreading his bone wings, he rushed towards the nearest big city, and the entire Chiyuexing's reduced landform map had already appeared in Lin Qi's soul sea.

A day later, Lynch appeared in Dingwei City. Compared with Kamikaze City, it was not at the same level. After all, it was only a medium-sized planet, and Po Yuexing was a super planet.

But for Lynch, this big city is already incomparably huge.

The first thing to do, of course, is to go to the pharmacy and buy life-sustaining elixir, preferably at the level of the Yuan Dynasty. Ordinary spiritual elixir will not have much effect.

From the storage ring, he dug out a few elixirs, and delivered the liquid into Cai'er's body. Her complexion improved a lot, and her dead breath gradually disappeared.

There are many kinds of medicine halls, one is affiliated to Chiyuexing, and its scale is small, most of them are aimed at warriors who are Chiyuexing.

There is also a kind of medicine hall, which spreads all over the Zhenwuxian domain. For example, Xuanlingxing has a super medicine hall, and its business has reached the entire Zhenwuxian domain.

Because Xuanling Star is rich in elixir, it is the planet with the largest number of elixir among the top ten super planets.

These days, Lynch sorted out the information of the top ten planets, but he didn't expect that the top ten planets were not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

In the same way, you fight against each other, especially the evil moon star, the evil of the ten planets, the star master is an evil person, you can establish a magic door on the evil moon star, and the Eagle Cult is one of the evil moon stars.

As the top ten planets, Breaking Moon not only means that the star master is strong enough, but also because Breaking Moon is the first to be promoted to a super planet.

It is far longer than the other nine planets by nearly 1000 years, which indirectly makes Po Yuexing extremely prosperous, and the human race takes root here and reproduces from generation to generation.

The medicine hall Lynch is going to now is called Xuancaotang. The owner behind the scenes is from the Xuanling Star Spirit Emperor Sect. They are good at refining pills. Almost every planet has the Spirit Emperor Sect's pills for sale.

The Xuanlingtang is the window for sales, representing the Linghuangzong.

Lin Qi got Taixu to make alchemy, and he has been suffering from no chance. He planned to take a good rest for a while, and learn the art of alchemy.

After breaking through to the tenth rank of Hongmeng, you can refine the Yuan-level elixir, and use the power of the elixir to break through Yaoguang.

It can only be delayed for a while, but it does not prevent Lynch from comprehending Taixu alchemy, what is lacking is practice.

Stepping into the Xuancao Hall, the strong medicinal fragrance came to the face, not only the fragrance of the pill, but also the faint fragrance of the elixir, which smelled very good.

Unlike some medicine halls, after entering, there is also a medicinal fragrance, but there will be some earthy smell in it, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

When a guest came in, the old man in front of the counter raised his head. It may be related to the medium-sized planet, and there are not many guests in Xuancaotang.

Lynch glanced at the prices of the elixir and elixir, his heart shuddered, and he soon realized why there were so few customers here.

For the same elixir, the price in Xuancaotang is about twice as expensive as outside, and ordinary warriors are discouraged.

But Xuancaotang's elixir is absolutely old, there is no fraud, and there is no phenomenon of ripening, unlike some medicine halls, which forcibly ripen elixir for personal gain, resulting in a loss of medicinal properties.

The elixir with a thousand-year-old composition is actually less than 500 years old.

Expensive naturally has its reasons, and cheap also has its reasons, it depends on how you choose.

If the age is sufficient, the medicinal properties will naturally be good.

Being young doesn't mean that the medicinal properties are lacking, but that the medicinal properties are much lighter. If you take it, it is not very ideal and cannot achieve the expected effect.

"Shopkeeper, I want a condensed celestial grass, a white lotus dew, and a concentric leaf!"

Lin Qi named three elixir plants in succession, all of which were rare life-sustaining elixir. Swallowing one could make Cai'er live an extra year.

Three years is three years, enough time for Lynch, and he doesn't have to continue searching for the elixir.

What's more, the combination of these three pills will make the medicine more effective, and it can even last for four years. This is the key. Lynch also learned about it from Taixu's alchemy.

The shopkeeper's eyeballs almost popped out, and he stared at Lynch with a strange expression, as if looking at a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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