Chapter 1420 Netherworld Flower

Use your own body to attract the ears of the Tieyin God Elephant, and use the Ghost God Sword to sneak attack.

It seems simple, but in fact, there is no need for a single mistake, and the calculation must be accurate.

The giant ears formed a storm, making Lynch's body as if standing on a huge wave. If he was not careful, he would be submerged by the huge wave.

After the primordial spirit was promoted, the soul power also skyrocketed, and the rich soul power poured into the ghost sword, making the light of the ghost sword look even hotter.

Like a golden divine sword, but the size of a thumb, it shot out from Lin Qi's soul sea with a whistling sound.

There was no warning at all, what Lynch wanted was a surprise attack, and by the time the Tieyin God Elephant reacted, the Ghost God Sword had already killed its primordial spirit.

The Tieyin God Elephant was unaware, and still manipulated its ears the size of cattail fans, and attacked Lynch, like two huge portals, sandwiched by Lynch.

"Hurry up……"

Lynch was also extremely anxious, the gap left for him was less than ten meters, and it took only one breath, and the two big ears were about to merge.

At that time, he will be beaten to death like a mosquito.

Tie Yin God showed a humane expression, as if mocking, such a weak human being dared to offend it.

It has been living here for hundreds of years, absorbing Yin Qi every day, as long as it keeps growing, it is possible to become a demon fairy.

Today, it was interrupted by a human, which made the Tie Yin God very angry, so he came out to destroy this human race.

Lynch's physical body felt a strong sense of oppression. Although he transformed his physical body with the help of the two mysterious fruits, he still felt very uncomfortable facing the squeeze of the Iron Yin God.


At the moment when the giant ear was about to hit Lynch, the ghost sword went straight down the nose of the Tieyin God, and went straight to its soul.


The primordial spirit of Tieyin God Elephant heard a hissing sound and was stabbed by the ghost sword, but he couldn't die for a while.


The Iron Yin God Elephant was in pain, and Ju Er gave up attacking Lynch. The pain pierced by the Primordial Spirit could not be expressed in words.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lynch turned into a meteor, disappeared in place, and appeared in the distance.

It is not yet clear whether the Ghost God Sword can kill the Tieyin God Elephant, after all, the opponent's primordial spirit is too powerful.

Martial arts are suitable for external attacks, while ghost sword is suitable for attacking the primordial spirit. To deal with such a huge monster, there is no chance to find outside, so we can only start from the inside.

The Iron Yin God Elephant was still trembling violently, enduring great pain, its body rolled continuously, crushing the dark trees around it.

These trees are shade trees and are not very useful. They are mainly used to make some negative things, such as some coffins, which can not rot for a hundred years.

After all, there are only a few people in the world who cultivate the Yin attribute, so this kind of Yin wood is rarely transported outside.

After rolling on the ground for half an hour, the Tieyin God Elephant was no longer breathing, and Lynch didn't dare to approach it until he was completely out of breath, and then slowly walked over.

Zhu Xiejian poked the body, and found that there was an extra layer of wrinkles on the skin, and the hardness was greatly reduced. It should be dead.

Only then did he walk over completely, and with a swipe of the long sword, he easily cut open the body of Tieyin God Elephant, and took out the demon core.

It was still hot, and there was a phantom image of the iron yin idol on it, and there was a trace of the iron yin image in the demon core, and it would not die for a while.

Throw it into the storage ring, store it first, and refine it with the Purple Leaf Grass when you have a chance. Now you can collect the skin of the Iron Yin God Elephant and sell it for a good price.

There are not many people who can buy the Iron Yin God Elephant at one time, so they can only use the auction house. It just so happens that Lynch also needs some materials to build a super training room.

After getting rid of the iron yin idol, it was already close to the hinterland of Guigu, and the strong yin energy formed black skeletons, dangling around Lynch.

If you were a timid person, you might be stunned by the scene in front of you. This is hell, and only hell has this kind of picture.

"Master, you have to be careful, there is a strong wind ahead."

Before they approached, the piercing wind rolled up a layer of dead leaves on the ground, like ghosts and men, making creepy whining sounds.

The footsteps also slowed down a lot. The strange thing is that the closer to the center, the light turns on a little bit, and you can easily see a distance of ten meters away.

A huge cave appeared, and strange vines, like ghost hands, hovered on the ground.

If someone approaches, these ghost hands will definitely grab your feet and make you unable to move.

When a human approached, those ghost hands were actually moving, grabbing towards Lynch, one after another, the number was inexhaustible.

They were all formed by some strange plants and turned into ghost hands, exuding a suffocating ghostly aura.

It's dark and ghostly!
This is Lynch's description of the surrounding environment at this moment. Fortunately, he is brave enough to not be knocked down by the scene in front of him.

But it's not easy, those ghost hands evolved into various shapes, some grabbed Lynch's neck, and some grabbed Lynch's ankle.

"Go away!"

The hot Yang Qi appeared, like a ball of violent fire, igniting the surroundings, and those ghost hands retreated to the surroundings in an instant, unable to bear the Yan Yang.

Along the way, Lynch has discovered that his yang qi is naturally restrained and completely restrained from ghosts and monsters.

Without the interference of the ghost hand, Lynch continued to walk in. The Yin Qi here was much stronger than the place where he fought the Iron Yin God just now.

Looking closely, a faint halo appeared in the area of ​​the huge hole, like a cloud of mist covering a pure white lotus.

From the center of the black hole, there was a billowing Yin Qi, as if ejected from the ground of Jiuyou. The biting chill made Lynch shiver all over.

"Sure enough, it is exactly the same as what Chang'e described. Could it be that this is also Hell Valley!"

Lynch is still not sure yet. After all, no one has seen Hell Valley, and it is just some legends.

Even if someone has seen it, they all died in it. Whether it is true or not, there is no way to know.

"Master, Nether Flower, there really are Nether Flowers!"

Chang'e jumped up excitedly, and in the middle of the dark hole, in the halo of light, there really was a Nether Flower, which existed for an unknown number of years.

She wrapped herself in a strange halo, even Lin Qi was concealed from it, but was discovered by Chang'e.

"Great, as long as you collect the Nether Flower, you can break through to the fourth-grade Yaoguang."

Lynch was also very excited, ready to move, and wanted to go to pick it, but he knew that there was danger in this black hole, don't get close, and your life will be gone.

"Scan around the black hole to see if there is any danger."

The Nether Flowers are in the middle, and they can't escape for the time being. Lynch must be safe before going to pick them.

"There is a vortex in the middle area. If the owner goes there, he may be sucked away by the vortex."

Chang'e's face darkened, and the Nether Flower was right in front of her eyes, but she couldn't pick it off. Do she want to watch the treasure slip away from her nose?

Lynch also discovered that the entrance of this dark cave, like a cave in the sky, was not formed artificially, but a product of nature.

He didn't believe in any hell legends at all. In this underground, there must be extremely strong Yin Qi hidden and unable to vent out. Finally, a heavenly acupoint appeared, and the Yin Qi could be released.

It naturally formed like this, similar to Hell Valley, nourished by strong Yin Qi, and over thousands of years, Nether Flowers will slowly be bred.

All of this makes sense, this vortex should also be a countercurrent formed underground, and when it reaches the ground, two completely different auras collide together, naturally forming a vortex.

It's like yin and yang, the two qi cannot coexist, once they collide, a strong aura will be generated.

The first is a mutual loss, destroying all surrounding species.

The second is to find a balance point, the two complement each other, no one interferes with the other, and each operates according to the prescribed route.

Hell Valley is such an existence. After the yin qi reaches the ground, the yang qi begins to repel. The two sides compete, you come and go, and the vortex is born.

"The Nether Flower is so close, it's impossible to just give up!"

Lynch quickly made a decision. With the Nether Flower, not only can the state be improved, but also the root of the dead spirit and the root of the yin spirit will have a qualitative leap.

Not only is the yin energy here strong, but the death energy is also extremely terrifying, so that the Yin spirit root and the death spirit root have long been unable to bear it.

"Master, you can try to use the third element to destroy the environment here, so that the yin and yang will be opposed. The vortex will definitely stop for a short time, but it will be very dangerous. It is possible that this valley will no longer exist."

Chang'e is doing all kinds of calculations, and soon comes to a result, as long as the balance between the two is broken, the vortex will disappear.

The result is that the space here is extremely unbalanced, and it may even crack, or be absorbed by Hell Valley and sink into the ground.

But this is a small probability, and Chang'e still has to make it clear that if there is a danger, she may be swallowed by the valley of hell and go somewhere, and she will never see the light of day again.

"That's a good idea!"

Lynch's eyes lit up. This method is undoubtedly one of the best methods at the moment. To pick it up by force. With his current strength, he may be crushed as soon as he enters the vortex.

"Death is against light, and yin is against yang. It just so happens that I don't lack any of these things!"

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, everything in the world, mutual generation and mutual restraint, Lin Qi possessed the brilliance of light, coupled with the pure yang energy, it can definitely create a hedge and make the vortex chaotic.

The two spiritual roots instantly released the tyrannical power of light and the power of pure yang, rushing towards the whirlpool.


The surrounding balance seems to be broken, the space is unstable, and cracks appear in some places.

"It really works!"

The smile on the corner of Lynch's mouth became more and more intense, but he also put up all his energy so as not to make a mistake, and even himself got involved.

More and more power of light and power of pure yang poured out, and the vortex above Hell Valley became more and more unstable, and even did not rotate according to the prescribed route.

Disorders appeared in some places, and the countercurrent began to crack, forming a tyrannical airflow, rushing towards the surroundings, which would be very dangerous.

"It's almost a success!"

The vortex had already cracked, and the resulting air wave was extremely terrifying, and Lynch was blown away tens of meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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