Chapter 1448
Entering the Dipo Wood Sea, unceremoniously sacrificed the mysterious ancient tree, and the rich wood power poured into the body.

Except for the Fire Spiritual Root, the other spiritual roots have been greatly tempered in the past few days, and the most improved is the Earth Spiritual Root, allowing the Earth God Shield to cultivate to the level of perfection.

As long as these wood-type energies are refined, the Taiyi Divine Palm will also reach great success, with incomparable power, and can even kill ninth-rank Yaoguang.

This is the horror of pseudo-immortal martial arts!
"Zhou Zheng, he's here too!"

Lin Qi suddenly stopped. Zhou Zheng was not inferior to Tang Lei in strength, and he was cunning and cunning. Long Tiantian was easy to deal with, and he was stronger.

But Zhou Zheng definitely belonged to that kind of cruel and merciless generation, if he fell into his hands, he would definitely end badly.

"Brother Zhou, the underground is full of roots and roots, and there are ancient tree roots everywhere. It is impossible to find the exact whereabouts of the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife!"

Zhou Zheng was surrounded by a group of people who had been in for several days, wandered around the Dipo Wood Sea for a few days, but did not confirm the exact whereabouts of the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife.

"Don't worry, I already have some eyebrows!"

Zhou Zheng showed confidence on his face. After several days of constant exploration, he had some eyebrows and could feel the whereabouts of the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife.

Thousands of warriors and a large number of mermaids roamed around. The treasures of the human race are extremely difficult for the mermaids to snatch.

They are here, making trouble at most, unless there are treasures in the sea, the human race can only look at the sea and sigh.

Lin Qi's spiritual consciousness also penetrated tens of meters underground. This depth is difficult for ordinary warriors. If they go deeper, their soul power will be squeezed by the ground.

Numerous tree roots entangled in it, like horned dragons, some thick roots, even one person can't hug them.

It was so densely packed that it blocked everyone's soul power from visiting. It was indeed not easy to find the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife accurately.

With wood power as a cover, it is even more difficult to find, unless you search for it inch by inch with soul power.

The Dipo Wood Sea is so huge that even if it takes a month to detect every area, time waits for no one, if someone else gets there first, wouldn't it be a missed opportunity.

When Lin Qi arrived here, he felt like a fish in water, and it was even infinitely easier than finding the Huntian Bracelet in the Earth Realm.

The mysterious ancient tree was crazily absorbing the power of the underground wood system, and new leaves emerged one by one, which made Lynch extremely happy.

"These wood-type powers can actually nourish mysterious ancient trees!"

Lynch was secretly surprised. When he got back, he looked through the information and looked up the origin of this mysterious ancient tree.

It is not surprising that the wood spirit root absorbs wood-type aura, but this mysterious ancient tree is too evil, and the two mysterious fruits must be clarified.

The more it absorbs, the old tree climbs steadily, and the leaves on it are filled with a prehistoric aura, as if from ancient times, ancient times, and even more ancient times.

Chang'e had already sorted out the information of the last tens of thousands of years, but could not find any information about this ancient tree.

"Could it be that this ancient tree came from the fairy world?"

Lynch muttered to himself, for example, the ancient tree from the beginning came from the fairyland, and it was recorded in some ancient books.

But there is no information about the ancient tree in his body. After all these years, Lynch doesn't know how many babies he has fed to grow so little.

"Forget it for now, it's good for my own practice anyway, let's find the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife first!"

Let the mysterious ancient tree absorb the wood-type aura, and part of it merged into the body, helping Lynch to nourish his body.

"Master, the Huntian Bracelet has spirituality. If you guess correctly, the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spiritual Knife should also have spirituality. Can you use the mysterious ancient tree to sense and find the exact location of the Heavenly Sacred Wooden Spiritual Knife?"

Chang'e properly reminded Lynch that the Five Elements Guiyuan Tool here is stronger than the other, and they all have their own spirituality. Using ancient trees to communicate should have some effect.

"That's a good idea!"

Lynch nodded, thinking it was feasible, he immediately communicated with the ancient tree, letting it stop absorbing the power of the wood element, and sense the position of the Tianyuan wood spirit knife.

Sitting on the ground, it is like an old tree, blending in with the surrounding environment, as if vines sprouted from under the body, piercing into the endless underground.

"The wood-type aura in the southeast is more intense!"

Spiritual consciousness is like mercury, covering countless tentacles, entering under the ground, and the wood-type spiritual energy in the southeast is several times that of other areas.


Using the ancient tree to communicate is indeed effective, unlike in the Earth Realm, it needs the continuous extension of the tentacles to find the exact location.

With just a little induction, the location was determined, which greatly surprised Lynch.

After a few shots, they disappeared in place. Zhou Zheng and others were still far away, not paying attention to Lynch at all.

This is the center of the Dipo Wood Sea. Anyone who comes in will enter here. They probably think that the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife is hidden in the center of the formation.

In the southeast region, there are few sacred trees, and some trees are dilapidated. After the trees rot, they merge into the ground and become swamps, emitting a foul smell.

"Strange, why did you choose to be here?"

Lynch was very curious. Although the underground is a large formation, it stands to reason that the aura here is the strongest, but from the ground, it looks like a swamp group.

"Master, the wood-type spiritual energy of these trees has been absorbed by the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spiritual Knife, so they will rot and turn into swamps. In farther places, the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spiritual Knife cannot be collected, so they will maintain their original appearance."

Chang'e gave the analysis result at this time, and it was the reason of the heavenly holy wood spirit knife that caused this scene. The energy in these sacred trees was drained.

"I see!"

Lynch nodded, realizing that the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife already had some spirituality, and it could absorb the wood-type spiritual energy around it to practice.

One day, he will cultivate to the level of a pseudo-immortal artifact, internally transforming spirits, and trying to refine it is not so easy. Lynch's current strength cannot subdue the pseudo-immortal artifact at all.

Thousands of years have passed, and the power in these sacred trees has been taken away by the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Sword bit by bit, and all of them withered!
"That's right, it's really underground here!"

The mysterious ancient tree was stuck down, and the exact location of the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife was quickly found. Lynch did not expect it to be so smooth.

There was no one around, no one was willing to come to such a dirty and smelly place, only Lynch stood there alone.

"Brother Zhou, did you go to the wrong place? This place is in ruins. How could the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife be hidden here? Didn't it absorb countless filthy auras?"

Zhou Zheng led a lot of people towards this side, and many of them were puzzled. The Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Saber needs a lot of wood-type aura to nourish it, and the wood-type aura here is very weak, so it cannot appear here.

"All of you don't know that the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spiritual Knife has already bred spirituality, and the spiritual energy in the vicinity has been swallowed up by him long ago, and this phenomenon will appear!"

As expected of being a disciple of a big family, he knew a lot, but Lin Qi only knew the truth by relying on Chang'e's analysis.

"I see!"

Many people nodded, thinking that what Zhou Zheng said was correct, the aura in the vicinity was indeed sucked out by some mysterious force, and this phenomenon occurred.

"However, the area here is so large, it is not so easy to find the exact location of the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife!"

The few men who walked closer to Zhou Zheng frowned slightly. They must not be allowed to search in the swamp.

They are all peerless geniuses, above ten thousand people, if people know that they are lying in the swamp looking for treasures, they will definitely laugh their heads off.

"It's okay, I have my own way to find it!"

Zhou Zheng had expected a long time ago that he would not be able to find it in the swamp, there must be some secret method.

There were many people watching from a distance, and they all followed quietly. They couldn't find the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Sword, so they had to follow behind Zhou Zheng. It would be nice to see it for a while.

"I almost forgot, brother Zhou practiced the Heavenly Wood God Art, and has a natural keen perception of the wood element!"

Someone quickly realized that the exercise that Zhou Zheng was practicing was the Tianmu Shenjue, a secret technique handed down by his family.

This set of magic formulas is not only a martial art, but also a martial skill. The two are perfectly combined, complement each other, and have infinite power.

It is said that if you practice to the extreme, you can evolve into an ancient treant to help you fight, which can be called against the sky.

Already infinite and close to the pseudo-immortal-level exercises, Zhou Zheng, as one of the top genius disciples of the Zhou family, naturally has the right to practice.

Zhou Zheng didn't explain, his hands began to form seals, and strange tree vines appeared, which turned out to be a strange brown color, and penetrated into the ground, looking for the whereabouts of the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife.

Lynch was just ten miles away, and the movement that occurred here was clear at a glance. He didn't want to collide face-to-face with Zhou Zheng at this moment, so he accelerated the speed of communicating with the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Sword.

"Strange, there are other people's breath here!"

Zhou Zheng released the Heavenly Wood God Art. Although it didn't evolve into the ancient tree man's wonder, but it transformed into countless tentacles and pierced into the ground, which still shocked many people.

No wonder he gave up several other areas and headed straight to this Pommo Sea, looking for the legendary Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Knife.

As long as he integrates into himself, the Heavenly Wood God Art can reach the peak, and even condense him into the law of the earth immortal, and he will be promoted directly.

"Impossible, there are swamps all over here, who has such a great ability, can penetrate the breath into the ground like Brother Zhou!"

Everyone understands what Zhou Zheng means. There are thousands of breaths on the land, and many people have set foot there. Only the underground is impossible for ordinary people to penetrate.

"Absolutely, this aura seems familiar. I should have seen this person before. You should go around and check immediately. If there is any suspicious situation, kill it immediately. If you kill a thousand by mistake, don't let one go!"

This day, Zhou Zheng, the Holy Wood Spiritual Saber, was bound to win. It was related to his future, and no loss was allowed. He would rather kill the wrong person than let anyone go.

It can be described as cruel and merciless!
Many warriors watching from a distance shrank their necks, not daring to approach, and could only pay attention from a distance, lest they be killed by Zhou Zheng's men.

1000 meters underground, 500 meters, Lynch is still going deep, and already feels a terrifying knife light brewing.

Absorbing the divine power of the wood system for thousands of years, the Heavenly Sacred Wood Spirit Saber has bred a trace of artifact spirit, which is only one step away from the pseudo-immortal artifact.


Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in Lynch's ear, as if he was hit hard on the head by someone, and he felt a strong sense of dizziness.

"What a big knife!"

Opening his eyes, Lynch saw a large sword with a length of hundreds of feet. It was an ancient tree, and the entire trunk had been refined to become a peerless magic sword.

(End of this chapter)

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