Chapter 147 Rescue
Lynch approached the tent, took out a dagger, and pierced a hole in an inconspicuous part of the tent, only big enough for one eye to watch.

The tent is very large, with a lot of banquets on both sides. Generals wearing warrior uniforms sit in two rows, and there are as many as 30 people.

Some dancers danced unsightly in the open space in the middle, which made the generals laugh out loud.

Some people even dragged the dancers into their arms and let out wanton laughter. Those dancers dared not speak out, most of them were kidnapped and they were the people of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Lin Qi looked into the deepest part, and saw a man with a fleshy face sitting, two women sitting in his arms, holding a dragon king tripod in his hand, and drank all the wine in the tripod.

This is the person who was called General Hula just now. It is exactly the same as the portrait that Lynch brought. Seeing this person, Lynch clenched his fists tightly. No wonder Grandpa was captured alive. This person is actually a second-rank Martial King.

This surprised Lynch. The second-rank Martial King's interference in the battles in the mortal world had already violated the rules set by the four great dynasties.

Back then, in order to balance the interests of Yichongtian, the four great dynasties did not allow martial arts masters to participate in the battle, so as not to break the pattern.

Now that the pattern has been broken, and there are even masters of King Wu, it seems that the four great dynasties are not as good as before, and they have no intention of managing the affairs of some low-level dynasties.

Their goal is a higher existence, hoping to break the shackles of the next three days. No one cares about the life and death of mortals.

"General Hula, when are we going to capture Bingxia Pass and take Dayan Kingdom in one fell swoop!"

The first general in his forties stood up and asked General Huchi. This person is a general from the Qiluo Kingdom. This time, the alliance of the three countries has caused a tragic impact on the Great Yan Dynasty.

"Now Dayan Kingdom has no generals. Tomorrow we will lead the army to capture Bingxia Pass and attack Huanglong directly!"

Hula laughed loudly, and the generals around laughed together. Lynch also discovered that among these generals, there were also those in the Wuling Realm.

"I wish us the best of luck and win the Dayan Kingdom as soon as possible!"

Everyone raised their wine glasses together, Lynch retreated quietly and sneaked into the darkness. Suddenly, a patrolling soldier disappeared and was dragged into the darkness by Lynch.

"Tell me, where are the generals of the Great Yan Kingdom that you captured?"

Lynch pinched his neck with one hand, making him unable to breathe. Feeling the terrifying killing intent on Lynch's body, the soldier trembled in fright.

This is an important place for military camps, and no one can enter. How Lynch got in is very puzzled.

"Who are you!"

The soldier's mouth was stiff and he refused to speak out. Lynch's dagger directly cut off one of his arms. He wanted to scream, but Lynch stopped him alive.

"Ask you again, be locked up there, or I will make your life worse than death!"

Lynch's eyes suddenly became incomparably gloomy, and the soldier trembled in fright. Lynch killed many people just by looking at it, that look was too terrifying.

"Shut up... in tent No. [-]!"

No matter how dare the soldiers conceal it, they revealed the place where they were detained, which was in the No. [-] tent.

Lynch's arm suddenly exerted force, and the soldier fainted. It is estimated that he would not be able to wake up before dawn.

With a leap, Lynch disappeared on the spot, turned into a black shadow, and quietly approached the No. [-] tent.

The surrounding area was very heavily guarded, and rows of soldiers in armor were patrolling. There was almost no time for any gaps. Unless Lynch forced his way in, he would have no chance to rush in.

After waiting for about half an hour, it was already late at night, and the soldiers patrolling around were yawning and staggering, and some soldiers even snored.

After half a month of continuous fighting, the soldiers were very tired, and with the fact that Bingxia Pass would be captured tomorrow, everyone let down their vigilance. Even the most powerful generals of Dayan Kingdom were arrested, and they had already relaxed their vigilance towards Dayan Kingdom.

Taking advantage of the shift change, there is a one-minute interval between each shift change, Lynch made a whoosh, and entered the No. 1 tent at the moment before the handover.

Entering inside, a stench came out. The camp was actually a prison with dozens of cages. Many people were imprisoned in it. Some people's wounds deteriorated, and the stench came from the wounds.


A person broke in suddenly, alarming the generals in the prison. Someone opened his eyes, looked at Lynch, and immediately made a silent movement.

With a sweeping gaze, Lynch quickly saw Lin Xiaotian was imprisoned in a cage with many wounds on his body. It seemed that he was tortured after being caught.


Lin Xiaotian's bones were strong, and he sat up with difficulty. There were dozens of shocking wounds on his body. Lin Qi was about to burst into tears, exuding a naked murderous aura all over his body.

"Grandpa, I'm late!"

Lynch knelt down. If he had rushed here earlier, Grandpa would not have been arrested and cruelly punished.

"Qi'er, get up!"

Lin Xiaotian stood up with difficulty, grinning in pain, his hands and feet were bound by chains.

"Grandpa, I'm here to save you!"

Lynch took out some pills and asked the injured to take them. These people were all generals of the Great Yan Kingdom. They were captured here alive, and some of them were dying.

With the help of the elixir, the injuries recovered quickly, and some wounds began to heal. Lynch's arm trembled, and their chains split one after another.

Open the cage and release more than a dozen people. Most of them have seen Lynch with fiery expressions, as if they saw hope.

"Let's discuss how to escape later!"

There are millions of troops around, rushing out rashly, except for Lynch who can escape, they will all be killed by the army.

Everyone got together, with Lynch as the center, since Lynch was able to infiltrate the local military camp without anyone noticing, he must have extraordinary skills.

"I will go out later to attract the attention of the army. Grandpa will lead everyone away. I will open a gap for you. There are only ten breaths at most. Can you run 1000 meters!"

Before Lynch came, he had fully understood the terrain here, and it was not so easy to rescue them.

"1000 meters in ten breaths is a bit difficult!"

Lin Xiaotian can do it, the Martial Spirit Realm can fly close to the ground, but ordinary generals can't reach the Martial Master Realm, so it's extremely difficult.

"It doesn't matter, if you can go one by one, it's a dead end to stay here anyway, there is still a chance to rush out!"

A general stood up, with an expression of resignation to death, they are all dead, so what are they afraid of.

Lynch quickly perfected the plan and took out a detailed map. Lynch cleared all the obstacles on the road, and it was up to them whether they could run out.

Once the army is disturbed, it will definitely attract Hula's attention. At that time, Lynch will focus on guarding against Hula and have no time to worry about them.

After finishing everything, Lynch took out dozens of weapons, one for each person. With the weapons, he will face the army in a while and have more chances.

Nodding his head, Lin Xiaotian took the lead, and the others formed a phalanx. They were all generals who led troops to fight, and they were used for deep formations.

Lynch turned into an afterimage, disappeared quietly, flew a hundred meters away from the tent, lit a fire, and threw it into the tent not far away.

The flames splattered everywhere, and the camp was surrounded by raging fire, which alarmed the army of millions. Some soldiers were awakened and looked over here.

Soon more tents were set ablaze, and the fires ignited one after another, completely igniting dozens of tents. After burning all the food and grass, Lynch rushed into the army.


The signal of the enemy's attack sounded, and countless armies formed a formation, rolling towards Lin Qi with great momentum.

Pulling out an ordinary spiritual weapon, Lynch charged into the crowd and slaughtered wantonly. Thinking of the tragic death of so many innocent people, Lynch burst out with a strong murderous aura.

Shouting loudly, within just a few short breaths, Lynch killed hundreds of people, and a passage appeared. The security of the camp where Lin Xiaotian and others were detained was obviously relaxed, and the soldiers poured in here one after another.

"Kill it out!"

Lin Xiaotian took the lead and rushed out, and the remaining soldiers were slaughtered. According to the direction directed by Lin Qi, a dozen people advanced quickly, with the assistance of weapons, and their injuries recovered. The anger of these generals for more than ten days was released.

Along the way, blood flowed like a river, and hundreds of soldiers were beheaded by more than a dozen of them. Lin Xiaotian was a fifth-rank martial spirit, and he swept across the sky, and dozens of soldiers who rushed over were blown away.

Even a ninth-rank martial artist couldn't stop Lin Xiaotian's footsteps, and soon a bloody road appeared.

"let's go!"

Lin Xiaotian wasn't worried about Lin Qi, and led the crowd to attack crazily. The exit was not far ahead, and Lin Qi opened a gap. At this time, countless troops gathered to block the gap.

There were more and more people, and Lynch's arms were so weak that he sacrificed the Burning Furnace, swept away, hundreds of people were taken in, and they were alive and refined into human pills.

"Who attacked my Zhongnan Kingdom barracks!"

With a sharp roar, the martial king master appeared, leading a large number of generals, heading straight for this side.

Lynch had no intention of fighting, so he rescued them first. If he was restrained by Hula, Grandpa would not be able to escape. With a sweep of his hand, those soldiers who blocked him were thrown out again.

Lin Xiaotian and the others were also trapped in a deep siege, trapped by many soldiers and unable to escape. They only had ten breaths, and it would be too late if they didn't leave.

"Hurry up and leave it to me!"

A general rushed out, his body began to swell, and he swung his long sword, killing all the soldiers who rushed over.

"General Li, don't!"

Everyone can see that General Li intends to blew himself up to give everyone a first-line opportunity, showing grief and indignation one by one.

"Come on!"

After General Li was cut off, blood was all over his body, and he was about to be unable to resist, and his body swelled into a ball.

"Let's go!"

Although Lin Xiaotian couldn't bear it in his heart, there was no other way at the moment. Sacrificing one person could make dozens of people happy.

The generals rushed forward with tears in their eyes, and then a shocking mushroom cloud appeared, and the ninth-rank martial master exploded himself. Although the power was not as powerful as the Martial King, the impact it caused was just as terrifying.

Those tens of thousands of troops who approached were blocked outside, with a radius of [-] meters, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere. Even if they were not killed, they were also injured.

Everyone won a first-line opportunity, took advantage of the gap, and quickly left the camp, the exit was close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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