Chapter 152 Sham Shui Po

There were so many people present, some of them were from the first heaven, and they knew a little about the following things. After a lot of deliberation, they basically understood why Lynch was so angry.

"Damn Jiang Liu and Gao Zhan, why should the grievances between them involve innocent people!"

Some people can't stand it anymore, and if it were them, they would be furious and kill Jiang Liu and Gao Zhan to avenge those innocent people.

Just now everyone was still hostile to Lynch, but when things became clear, they admired Lynch, his courage, killing people in a fit of rage, and he was also a senior class student and mentor.

This kind of mind is worthy of people's respect, and there are only a few people present who can do it. After all, Lin Qi has to bear the anger of Qingyun Mansion, as well as the wrath of Prince He and Prince Wu.

"As a human being, you should sing to the sky with a sword, and it will be difficult to make a big deal after humiliating!"

Lynch's various actions have proved to the world that he is a person who does great things, and of course he will not stick to one style and be bound by the eyes of the world.

The murderous intent on the face made Jiang Liu and Gao Zhan look ashamed, especially when Lin Qi killed Hu Cheng, and told them both thoroughly that Lin Qi was not afraid of anyone, and anyone who dared to stop him would die.

"Lynch, if you dare to kill me, my father will definitely not let you go!"

Jiang Liu spoke, he is the son of Prince Wu, he has millions of troops in his command, and there are countless elite soldiers and generals under his command, if anyone is transferred randomly, Lynch will die.

"Thank you for reminding me, it's a pity you won't see that day!"

Lynch's eyes didn't change at all. Even if he was the son of Prince Wu, he couldn't stop Lynch from killing him. Thinking of those innocent people who died tragically on the road, there wasn't even a place to bury them. Most of them were violent corpses. On the street, the anger in Lynch's heart was burning.

"Lynch, you must calm down, Qingyun Mansion will take the lead for you if something happens!"

Ding Dong appeared and stopped Lynch with a voice, hoping that he would think twice. Killing people is easy, but a series of things will follow.

Lin Qi glanced at Ding Dong, ignored it, raised the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, and slashed down slowly in the eyes of everyone, Jiang Liu couldn't move, and watched the black sword light fall.


Jiang Liu couldn't believe it. His neck was separating little by little, and his head flew up. Just like Hu Cheng, Lin Qi cut off his neck with a sword.

Gao Zhan, who was standing not far away, trembled with fright, and sat down on the ground. Jiang Liu grew up with him, and was killed by Lynch with a sword just like that. How could he not be surprised.

After killing Jiang Liu, Lynch didn't stop, his eyes fixed on Gao Zhan.

"Lynch, please, don't kill me. I was wrong. I was really wrong. People shouldn't provoke a war between several countries and cause millions of deaths."

Gao Zhan suddenly did something unbelievable, kneeling on the ground, kowtowing to Lynch and begging for mercy, where there was no trace of nobility, he looked like a pug instead.


Lynch let out a loud roar, interrupting Gao Zhan, the tyrannical voice gathered into a wave of air, almost knocking down some surrounding buildings.

"Do you think you can exchange the lives of millions of people with just a few words of yours? It's ridiculous. If I kill you, I'm apologizing to you, isn't that all right?"

Lin Qi's righteous words made Gao Zhan speechless, and he sat on the ground in a daze, with a dead face on his face. Up to now, the palace master has not arrived yet, and no one dares to stop Lin Qi.

Many people noticed that it was unusual. Why didn't the senior officials of Qingyun Mansion show up? As long as a high-ranking Martial King appeared, Lin Qi could be stopped, but no one showed up.

Those martial arts instructors didn't dare to step forward at all. Lynch's aura alone made them fear three points, let alone a direct confrontation.

"Lynch, my father is Prince He. As long as you let me go, I guarantee that you will enjoy inexhaustible glory and wealth for the rest of your life. I promise you whatever you need. The emperor of the secular world, or the beautiful Jiangshan, can agree you."

Since begging for mercy was not enough, Gao Zhan changed his posture and used his identity to lure Lynch, hoping to get a chance to survive.

"It's over!"

Lin Qi's eyes were neither sad nor happy. The rights in the secular world, or the glory and wealth, were all passing by to Lin Qi. No one knew the path he was going to take.


Under the gaze of everyone, Gao Zhan's head flew up, and like Jiang Liu, he died under Lin Qi's sword. The two of them died in this way in less than half a year since they joined Qingyun Mansion.

After killing the two, Lynch's killing intent began to weaken. The two of them died, but there were still people behind the scenes, and Lynch did not dare to relax.

Picking up the two heads and wrapping them in a black cloth, Lynch wanted to use their heads to pay homage to those who died, which could be regarded as comforting their spirits in heaven.

"Lin Qi, you are so courageous to openly kill people in Qingyun Mansion!"

Just when Lynch killed the few of them, the palace lord appeared, bringing a group of high-ranking officials with him, coming in fierce anger, and soon landed here.

"I killed people, if there is any punishment, just come to me!"

Lin Qi's eyes were calm, and he looked directly at the palace master. If Qingyun Palace wanted to put him to death, Lin Qi would find a way to leave here.

If Qingyun Mansion is sensible and knows that he is avenging innocent people and ignores this matter, Lin Qi will naturally have a sense of belonging to Qingyun Mansion.

"Lin Qi, the rules of Qingyun Mansion cannot be broken, since you killed someone, please come with us!"

The Palace Master's eyes revealed complex expressions, he loved and hated Lin Qi at the same time, he liked his extraordinary talent and won glory for Qingyun Mansion, but also hated him for not being up to date and making troubles repeatedly, which made him, the Palace Master, very embarrassed.

There was an arc at the corner of Lin Qi's mouth, as if he understood what the palace master meant, he didn't capture him in public, but just let himself go with him, obviously the palace master didn't intend to kill Lin Qi.

Many of the people present were not fools and had high IQs. They could all tell that the Palace Master deliberately favored Lynch. Why did he wait until after Lynch killed someone to show up? There were a lot of tricks in it.

"Yes, Palace Master!"

Lynch was very obedient, and obediently followed the Palace Master and left. Many people curled their lips. A farce ended in this way, and they didn't see Lynch being beheaded on the spot.

In the main hall, only the Palace Master and a few mentors are in the Martial King Realm, and they can already sense the Martial King aura on Lin Qi.

"Lin Qi, when did you break through to the Martial King realm?"

The palace master didn't ask about Lynch's killing just now, but asked about Lynch's realm. After joining Qingyun Mansion for half a year, he grew from a small martial artist to Martial King level, which really shocked many people.

"Not long after breaking through!"

Lynch did not hide it, and swallowed a human pill to help him break through the realm, otherwise Lynch would need to polish it for a while.

"Lynch, have you ever thought about killing people publicly in Qingyun Mansion? This is a challenge to my authority and how I will explain to other instructors and students."

The palace master suddenly showed a look of embarrassment, and glanced at Lynch, wanting to see how he would answer.

"Why do you need to ask questions knowingly, if you want to punish me, just say so, and if you have other requirements, also make it clear!"

There was a faint evil smile on the corner of Lynch's mouth. From the delay in showing up to the sudden appearance of the palace lord, although Lynch didn't know what happened, he could guess a thing or two.

Qingyun Mansion belongs to Qingyun Dynasty, but in fact it has long been independent and out of Qingyun Dynasty's control, especially these years Qingyun Dynasty's continuous interference and pressure made Qingyun Mansion very disgusted.

Especially those royal students, relying on their own identities, they are ignored by Qingyun Mansion, causing dissatisfaction among many people, and almost every day, some people go to the upper echelons to complain.

"Lynch, you are very smart, but have you ever thought that even if I don't punish you, do you think the two princes can let you go?"

The Palace Master sighed, showing a look of helplessness. He likes Lynch, and blindly pampering him will also harm Lynch.

"That's my business, so don't worry about it!"

Lynch doesn't like to look forward and backward when doing things, and he does what he wants.

"You killed four people. If I let you go out like this, it will be difficult to convince the public. You can avoid the death penalty, but the living penalty is inevitable!"

There were still many mentors present, who had not spoken all the time, quietly watching the Palace Master talking to Lynch.

Lynch was silent and did not speak. The death penalty was exempt, which proved that the Palace Master did not intend to kill him. Lynch's heart sank.

"Lynch, you have seriously violated Qingyun Mansion's regulations by killing your mentor and students without authorization. I now announce that you will be fined to work as a coolie in Sham Shui Po for a month. Whether you live or die depends on your own destiny."

The Palace Master's gaze suddenly became extremely sharp, piercing Lynch's eyes, and punishing Lynch to work as a coolie in Sham Shui Po. Although he escaped, it is still unknown whether he can come out of Sham Shui Po alive.

Sham Shui Po is a very mysterious place, on the border with the demons. It is rich in spiritual stones, and the terrain is dangerous. Qingyun Mansion has its own spiritual mine there, and hires many coolies to mine the mine and transport the spiritual stones back.

In addition, there are poisonous miasmas appearing there all the year round, some evil insects are rampant, and there are demons harassing. Countless coolies die in Sham Shui Po every year. Lynch went there, and he narrowly escaped death.

In Qingyun Mansion, no matter how favorable conditions are given, no one goes there. Every year, some students are selected by lottery to manage them. Most of the coolies are ordinary martial apprentices and martial masters.

Lin Qi had also heard about it, but he didn't go there in person. From the eyes of the Palace Master, Lynch saw that the other party wanted to protect him.

The terrain of Sham Shui Po has great advantages. It is impossible for the two princes to send an army to kill Lynch. It is not suitable for marching. If you send a master to go, you must avoid the poisonous miasma. Before you kill Lynch, you will die on the road. .

"Thank you Palace Master for not killing me!"

Lynch understands the master's intentions. He wants to calm down those students, punish Lynch, and protect Lynch. Sham Shui Po is undoubtedly the best place.

"Let's do it for ourselves. I hope this matter can give you a wake-up call. You must think twice before doing anything in the future. Don't act recklessly!"

The palace master said meaningfully, waved his hand, and someone took Lynch down.

(End of this chapter)

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