Chapter 1557 Book Pavilion
Tianhuxing has no face to continue to stay, and is ashamed to throw it to his grandma's house. The only third-rank Earth Immortal just now sent a voice transmission to him secretly, and led everyone away.

If she stays any longer, she will definitely continue to be humiliated, and this place will slowly come back.

The people from Tianhuxing left, the farce was over, Mu Zhi and Ximen Xing looked at each other, and saw a trace of fear in each other's eyes.

Even so many masters in Tianhuxing are afraid of Lynch, it seems that it is not so easy to kill him.

"Brother Lin, you have to be careful in the next few days, Muzhi and others will not let it go, and the masters of Tianhuxing will also attack you in secret."

Gong Qiu walked side by side with Lynch, secretly sending him a voice transmission.

"Thank you Brother Gong for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Lynch accepted the kind reminder with humility. In fact, he didn't know that these days on Fierce Tooth Star would definitely not be peaceful.

The only way is to improve the strength as much as possible, if it can be promoted to the second-rank Earth Immortal, then it will be sure to kill the fifth-rank Earth Immortal.

This time Tiger Star is deflated, and will definitely send more powerful masters, whether they can resist it is really a matter of opinion.

Although they live on the first floor, the facilities are complete, with everything they need. Everyone is allocated an independent yard, and there are dedicated staff to take care of them.

Taking a short rest, I was a little tired this day, ready to rest, when there was a thumping sound from the courtyard gate.

"Brother Lin, are you resting?"

It was still early, and usually they would not rest at this time. Most of the geniuses who came to Fierce Tooth Star would go out for a stroll.

It is always necessary to familiarize yourself with a new environment. Besides, everyone is young, and it is normal to be curious.

"It's Brother Gong, come in!"

Lin Qi's consciousness swept away, and Gong Qiu stood outside, greeted him, pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

After tidying up their clothes, they walked out of the room, and the two of them sat in the yard, where there was a ready-made resting place.

"Brother Lin, why don't you go out for a walk? Everyone else has gone out. I heard that the Thunder City is very big, and there are many trading houses in it. You might as well go for a walk."

It's no fun for Gong Qiu to go out alone, so he came to invite Lin Qi to be with him, and the two of them also have a companion.

"Didn't the vice president just tell you not to go out as much as possible?"

When they parted, Baigan reminded Lynch to try not to go out, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble, wait for the assessment to start, and leave the Fierce Tooth Star immediately after the end.

"It's okay, Thunder Devouring City is so big, it's a big deal for us to change our appearance, who will recognize us."

Gong Qiu chuckled, took out two masks, put them on, and immediately changed to another person. As long as you don't make a move, most people really can't recognize them.

Lin Qi's curiosity was also seduced, nodded, put on the mask, and Gong Qiu and the two left the courtyard, and after going out the gate, they entered the streets of Che Leicheng.

"It's such a wide street. When I came here, I just rushed along and didn't pay attention."

Gong Qiu's voice changed slightly. If he didn't say it, even Lynch wouldn't be able to recognize it.

"It is indeed very prosperous. Although Po Yuexing ranks first among the top ten planets, its prosperity will inevitably decline. It has been going downhill in the past hundred years."

Lynch nodded, never expecting that the Thunder City is so prosperous, and the other ten planets have developed extremely rapidly in the past few hundred years.

Walking through several streets, they found many shops, and the two of them went in to have a look. They also sold exercises, most of which were Thunder-type, which Gong Qiu could not use.

And the level is not high, generally they are low-rank pseudo-immortals. Lynch would not even take a look at this kind of skills.

"Shopkeeper, do you know where I can buy top-grade pseudo-immortal martial arts?"

Lynch now urgently needs a set of soul cultivation skills. The ghost sword is still floating in the sea of ​​souls. When it is cast, its power is too low, and it can kill half-step earth immortals at most.

"If you want to buy extreme skills, the first is the auction house, and the second is Tianhefang City, where you can try your luck."

There is no auction in Thunder City recently, so the only way is to go to Tianhefang City to have a look.

The two bought a map, opened it up, and found that Tianhefang City was ridiculously large, occupying a quarter of the city.

It is extremely huge, it is simply a paradise for monks, with countless shops and some small stalls, intricate.

Every martial artist who comes to the Thunder Devouring City will come to Tianhefang City for a tour. I heard that there were people who bought broken half-celestial weapons here back then.

The two couldn't wait to rush to Tianhefang City. The scene in front of them made the two of them horrified and took a deep breath.



Strange attics, floating in the air, selling all kinds of strange weapons, Lynch even saw that someone was selling little demons, which were demons at the level of earth immortals.

There are also monsters, all of which are displayed for sale, which is simply appalling.

On both sides of the street, there are also some small merchants and hawkers who sell low-level items, and Lynch doesn't like it.

Stepping into those large shops, the things inside can be described as dazzling, countless treasures are placed in them.

However, the price is also ridiculously expensive. An ordinary seventh-rank pseudo-celestial artifact requires a billion heavenly elixir, and ordinary people really can't get it.

Gong Qiu was secretly startled when he saw it. What he is using now is only a third-rank pseudo-celestial weapon.

Lynch even had the urge to take out all the seventh-grade fake immortal artifacts on his body and sell them all.

It is estimated that in that case, the entire Tianhefang City will be alarmed.

After turning around a few times, Lynch didn't need most of the things, but bought a few books about fairy patterns.

"Brother Lin, you don't know one rune, do you?"

Seeing Lin Qi buying these books about Rune Tongjian, Gong Qiu really couldn't figure it out. He had read all these books when he was a teenager.

"Anyway, it's not worth much. It's not bad to go back and study after buying it."

There is only a little difference from the fairy pattern. What is lacking is knowledge. There are many explanations about the fairy pattern in these books, which are very good.

Stopping and stopping, there are more and more pedestrians on the road. The daily trading volume in Tianhefang City is more than [-] billion Tianling Pills, which can be called terrifying.

Passing through the streets, there were crowds of people everywhere, and the shops were crowded with each other. It may be that in the afternoon, the warriors who came to Tianhefang City reached the level of overwhelming.

In addition, the assessment of the Dao of the ten planets was in Thunder City, which caused countless planet warriors to come, and even stimulated Tianhefang City.

It is not so easy to find treasures here. Many items sold on the stalls look ordinary, and there are some hidden treasures mixed in.

It depends on your eyesight. If you have good eyesight, you can buy good things, but if you have bad eyesight, you can buy garbage and take it back.

"Brother Lin!"

Gong Qiu suddenly rubbed Lynch's shoulder and pouted forward.

"It's them!"

Unexpectedly, people from Tianhuxing also appeared, not far in front, because the two of them changed their appearance, so they were not recognized by anyone.

"Let's go around!"

Lin Qi didn't want to meet people from Tianhuxing, so he and Gong Qiu bypassed this street. Tianhefang City is so huge that you can't finish it in three days and three nights.

Stopping and stopping, along the way, Lynch didn't buy anything other than Talisman books, but Gong Qiu bought a few strange things.

A set of incomplete swordsmanship seems to be of high grade, because it is incomplete, it cannot be restored at all, and it took ten thousand days of magic pills.

Lin Qi threw all these talisman books to Chang'e for her to analyze and tell Lin Qi the results.

"Master, the level of these books is too low to be of much help. It is best to find a higher level book, which contains information about fairy patterns."

After flipping through these books, Chang'e threw them all aside. No wonder Gong Qiu didn't understand that Po Yuexing grabbed a handful of these broken books.

"Is there a way to quickly find books about runes?"

If I continue to search like this, I will be exhausted. I can only rely on Chang'e to find a place to sell books quickly.

"Five miles ahead, there is a bookstore, which contains thousands of books, not only Talisman Dao, but also Martial Arts books, you can try your luck."

Chang'e had a panoramic view of the entire Tianhefang City. At this time, she sent a voice transmission to Lin Qi. Instead of wandering around outside, it is better to go to the Book Pavilion.

It was the largest bookstore in Tianhefang City, selling all sorts of strange books, even books about love between men and women.

Regardless of classification, go to the sea of ​​books to search by yourself, maybe you can find a peerless cheat book, maybe you can find a children's book.

Five miles away, if you are outside, it takes a few breaths to get here, and it takes less than half an hour to see the huge bookstore.

Although Chang'e reminded, Lin Qi was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

"Brother Lin, you are not obsessed with buying rune books, are you? If you need them, I still have some on me, which I can lend you to read."

Gong Qiu was a little bit against buying books. He came here because he wanted to buy refining materials, so that his weapons could be upgraded to a higher level.

"Brother Gong, why don't we act like this, we will move separately, and we will meet at the exit at night, that's great!"

Going around like this will waste the time of the two of you, so it's best to act separately.

"Alright, then be careful!"

The Fangshi where the refining materials are purchased is on another street. After the two separated, Lynch stepped into the bookstore.

"It's as vast as a sea of ​​books!"

Lynch used four words to describe the scene inside the bookstore. Even if tens of thousands of servants come in, it doesn't look crowded.

There are at least a few billion or even tens of billions of books in it, and some books are hidden in the depths, and no one has read them for thousands of years.

I don't know how many years the bookstore has existed. Every year, a large number of books are shipped in, and countless books can also be sold.

There are tens of billions of books, and it is impossible for Lynch to finish reading them in a year. Fortunately, Shuge has made a simple division.

There are martial arts classes, military arts classes, and kung fu classes, etc.

There is also a rune category. After Lynch stepped into it, there were tens of thousands of books, which were expensive, and it was impossible to buy them all.

There are dozens of Heavenly Spirit Pills that are cheap, and hundreds of thousands of expensive ones.

The next task is to give it to Chang'e, let her review it quickly, find useful books, and go back and analyze them slowly.

"Master, the books here are very good. I also found some knowledge about Sirius and records of modern technological civilization."

Chang'e turned on the strongest scanning function, and a lot of knowledge was absorbed.

(End of this chapter)

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