Chapter 1676 The Eve of Breakthrough
One should not be too greedy, this is what Lynch has always upheld, even though treasures are good, don't take too much.

What should be yours, you will never take less, and what you don't deserve, you will not ask for more. To be a human being, you must know how to be content.

It's like entering the Heavenly Martial God Realm, you will take everything that belongs to you, and you will not snatch anything that does not belong to you.

"Take them all!"

Kunpeng Yaohuang waved his hand, and more than 1000 kinds of treasures were piled together, all of which were given to Lynch.


I didn't expect the Kunpeng Yaohuang to be so powerful, I can't use it, but the Nine Heavens Sword Sect is useful!There are also star battleships, evil swords, and eight-treasure stupas, all of which need some treasures to upgrade.

The weapons of the girls also need to be improved.

There is a long way to go to upgrade to a semi-immortal weapon, and these materials alone are far from enough.

The semi-immortal artifact requires immortal patterns and rare materials from the fairy world. Although the materials from the demon world are precious, they still cannot meet Lynch's needs.

This time, you are welcome, and put away more than 1000 kinds of treasures.

"I'm going to move to a new place tomorrow. For the next few days, let Xiaoqian accompany you to appreciate the charm of the demon world. Although it is not as prosperous as your human race, the demon world also has a unique side. It should be of some help to you."

Living in the human race for three years, I know a lot about the habits of the human race and many things about the human race.


Lynch also had the same intention. After a taste of the demon world, there must be many magnificent places, which are worth visiting.

The main purpose is to collect a large amount of elixir and take advantage of the opportunity to grab some.

As soon as the sky was bright, Liegu came back and selected an area, not too far from here. There were no demon tribes there, which was very suitable for the demon emperor to live in.

The Demon Emperor spread his wings and wrapped up all the Iron Bulls. Lynch flew through the air and followed behind the Demon Emperor.

In just an hour, I saw a huge canyon in front of me, like a fairyland on earth, full of flowers.

The main reason is the terrain, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so it can be regarded as a natural place.

In the past, a powerful monster king lived here. When he heard that the monster king was looking for a place to live, he took the initiative to make room for it.

The area of ​​the canyon is very large, surrounded by continuous mountains covering it, and green plants are everywhere.

Thousand-year-old giant trees grow on both sides. After being repaired by Liegu, irregular roads are built, all of which are anti-human designs.

Thinking that they were monster races, Lynch endured it. The key is to build a house for himself, which is completely different. It is estimated that hundreds of elephants can be accommodated. Just get some wood and build it simply, so that it can be ventilated from all sides.

For the Yaozu, being able to shelter from the wind and rain is already very good. Normally, there are caves to hide in caves, and if there are no caves, they camp in the open air.

Anyway, he will stay in Yaozu for a while, and now he can't go back to the Realm of Martial Immortals, unless Lynch can break through to the Half-Fairyland, he will dare to go back.

The demon king of the demon world has the final say. Here, Lin Qi is half the master. Without him, the demon world has already changed hands.

In desperation, Lynch had no choice but to do it himself, and asked Liegu to dispatch a few strong iron bull demons to help cut wood.

Three days later, a unique pavilion appeared. It was built against the mountain and just landed on the cliff.

Several girls lived in one after another, soaring into the sky every day, enjoying the charm of the demon world.

They have all broken through to the eighth-rank earth immortal, and it takes a long time to polish, so they did not choose to retreat for the time being, but to relax and let go of the body.

Lynch retreated completely and entered the time room.

Obtain a large amount of materials, refine the elixir, and prepare for breaking through the eighth-rank earth immortal.

Three months passed in a flash, and the girls had had enough shopping, and they all went back to the attic and began to retreat. The spiritual energy here is very strong, but the evil spirit is also very strong.

Each of them gave a piece of Wang Meridian Qi more than one meter long, which was enough for them to cultivate, so they simply didn't bother to care about it.

The time room has spent more than ten years refining thousands of pills, the quality is high and the quantity is so large that it can be called terrifying.

It can be said that it is the best below elixir, and only elixir can surpass these elixirs.

Ninth-grade elixir can only be refined by the half-immortal level. Lin Qi spent so much time on it, and finally succeeded in refining it.

When you are tired, take the time to refine the Golden Tiger King Law, and continue refining after you have a rest.

For more than ten years, part of it was spent in the time house, and part of it was spent outside.

Lynch discovered a disadvantage. Staying in the time room for a long time, his comprehension of the laws of time became more and more vague. The time room can speed up time, but it will also hinder Lynch from comprehending time.

Every once in a while, I will come out, feel the nature, and find that the perception of time is getting deeper and deeper.

After more than ten years of restoration, the cracks in the Eight Treasures Pagoda have been repaired almost, the infinite and close to half-immortal artifacts, the only thing missing now is the materials.

Once you get all the materials together, you can create a semi-immortal artifact.

When Futu is promoted to a semi-immortal weapon, ordinary immortal weapons may not be its opponents.

There is also the Xiexie sword, which can already be cultivated independently, and the spirit of the weapon is mature, and it is also evolving into a semi-immortal weapon.

When it really turns into a fairy weapon, the Xiexie Sword can even transform into a human form and move around freely.

"It's almost accumulated, ready to break through to the eighth-rank earth immortal!"

Everything is ready, there are more than a dozen auxiliary pills, as well as ban-breaking pills, Zengyuan Dan, Amber Pill and so on.

To be on the safe side, I have to refine so many, just in case, where to find the body of the fairy next time.

It will be even more difficult to break through to the ninth rank of Earth Immortal. I am afraid that if you search the entire demon world, you will not be able to find complete materials, so you can only rely on the next chance.

Take out a piece of Qi of the king vein and place it in the attic.

Neither in the training room nor in the time room, breaking through the eighth-rank earth immortal will cause an extremely powerful aura, which is very likely to cause damage to the training room and the time room.

The last time I broke through to the seventh-rank earth immortal, Chang'e stopped it in time to avoid the tragedy. The time room is very fragile, and most of it is precision instruments. If it is damaged a little, it cannot be repaired at all.

The attic fell into silence, maybe knowing that Lynch was about to break through, Xiaoqian had already ordered all the iron bull soldiers to wear soft leather mats when they walked, so that the ground would not shake.

Xiaoxue and the others left the attic to give Lynch a relatively quiet environment, and went out to roam the demon world, accompanied by two powerful guards, without worrying about harassment from other demon clans.

"Golden Tiger King, come out!"

After more than ten years of refining, the body of the Golden Tiger King, the demon marks are still vigorous, showing no signs of diminishing.

He took out a handful of elixir and swallowed it in one gulp. The terrifying power of the medicine exploded in his body. At this moment, the Eight Treasures Stupa appeared, floating in the sky above Lin Qi, and handed it to Chang'e to take care of.

In order to avoid something breaking in suddenly and disturbing Lynch's breakthrough, a few barriers were arranged, so that it is difficult for ordinary monsters to break in, so it is foolproof.

Nine Absolute Sword Soul quickly absorbed the energy of the pills. These were the pinnacle ninth grade pills, and they were completely absorbed by Nine Absolute Sword Soul in the blink of an eye.

"Tree of Tianyuan, it's up to you!"

Countless tentacles pierced into the body of the Golden Tiger King. During the time in the time room, they were all extracted by their own strength, mainly to comprehend the laws of the demon world.

No need now, with the help of these elixirs and the laws of the demon world, a powerful impact of power is formed to complete the final law of cohesion.

The realm has long been polished as smooth as a mirror, and what is lacking is just the accumulation of foundation.

The laws of the powerful demon world are integrated into the body one by one. These are at the same level as the fairy marks. Entering the body is like a ball of flames, trying to explode Lynch's physical body.

The Jiujue Sword Soul suddenly decomposed into nine light spheres, devoured part of the energy, fed back the pure law, and merged into the body.

"Okay, okay, with the Nine Absolute Sword Soul, it has saved me countless hours!"

Only relying on the Taiyi Sacred Art alone cannot do this, it will take a long time to polish, decompose, and refine.

It takes several years to refine a fairy mark, and it takes more than ten years at the slowest.

It took Lynch less than three breaths to refine a demon mark. At this speed, even a fairy would be shocked to see it.

The body of the Golden Tiger King is getting smaller and smaller, but Lynch's body is getting bigger and bigger. The monster marks are fed back, and the body continues to expand, almost exploding the body. The excess energy is dissolved by the Nine Absolute Sword Soul.

The tree of Tianyuan is continuously transported, the Nine Absolute Sword Soul is digested, and converted back, forming a whole industrial chain, allowing Yuanli to grow rapidly.

The last law is flickering, and it is extremely thick. It is stronger than the sum of the previous 690 million. This law is comparable to the fairy mark.

Breaking through to the eighth-rank Earth Immortal can definitely kill the Half Immortal Realm.

Even ordinary half-immortals can't comprehend the immortal marks, only the false immortal marks.

Lynch, this is a real immortal mark, which can only appear on immortals.

"It's still not enough!"

I was already prepared in my heart, but I was still deeply shocked. Swallowing so many pills, plus the body of the golden tiger king, only met the requirements for breakthrough.

You have to continue to add a fire to make the flame burn more vigorously.

"The aura of the king's veins merges into the body!"

The one-meter-long Wangmai Qi decreased rapidly, and the Wangmai crystals stored in the ring exploded one after another, turning into Wangmai Qi, filling all limbs and bones.

The realm continued to climb, and the speed of refining the demon marks accelerated, and the last rule became more and more obvious, as if the water tank was about to overflow.

Time passed silently, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and the breath in the valley became extremely thick, feeling like a storm was about to come.

Xiaoxue and the others were still wandering outside and collected countless elixir. This was Lynch's real purpose for letting them go out.

It is a pity that these elixirs remain in the demon world. To maximize their benefits and bring them to the human world, countless masters can be trained.

Liegu looked up at the attic. Ten days had passed, and the air in the valley seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible force, and even the leaves stopped shaking.

The demon emperor has been in seclusion these days, breaking through the demon fairy, many places are still vague, he needs to retreat, fully awaken his own blood, and leave most of the things to Xiaoqian.

After half a year, Xiaoqian has grown up completely, and already has the temperament of a generation of demon emperors.

The entire demon world is well organized, and a lot of experience is borrowed from the human race, which is very suitable for the demon world.

For example, the division of races, resource allocation, etc., to prevent these races from fighting each other and causing losses to the demon world.

Under Xiaoqian's care, many monster clans lived in harmony, there were not too many killings, and the genocide was also stopped.

All of this is due to Xiaoqian, and his status is no lower than that of the Demon Emperor. Even many demon clans have already agreed that Xiaoqian is the next generation of Demon Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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