Chapter 1680 Giants

The image is very blurry, and I can only see a general idea. The giant tree below covers the sky and the sun. It is already very good to be able to take this picture.

"It's difficult, unless you can fly lower and enter the mountains."

Chang'e showed a hint of helplessness, flying lower, which means greater danger.

Last night was a good example. In front of it, the giant blue bird was not as big as its claws. If it was a carnivore, Lynch would be a pile of feces.

In the mountains, there are many dangers, and if you are not careful, you will die in the hands of monsters.

It is still safer in the air, because these monsters are huge. So far, no large flying monsters have been seen.

That strange bird can only fly at low altitude. It is too big, and the higher it goes, the greater the resistance.

"Then forget it!"

Thinking of those behemoths, cold sweat broke out on the back, it's better not to provoke them, and fly quietly for a few days, hoping to find a safe place to stay.

In the demon world, there was Xiaoqian, who was able to frighten many demon tyrants, so he barely passed through the mountains of the demon world and arrived at Tianri Valley.

At this point, unless Xiaoqian completely stretches his wings and fights a little bit, there is still a big gap between those real behemoths.

Besides, it ate too many spirit fruits and was sleeping.

These monsters, so far, have not encountered a Lynch to recognize them. It seems that in this world, humans have not collected information at all, so their minds are blank.

Chang'e keeps recording the shapes of these monsters and renaming them. Maybe one day in the future, they can be compiled into a book, and it may not become a best-selling book.

After flying for five days and five nights, I finally entered the depths of the unnamed world. There are few mountains here, and I can see the endless plains, and the vision instantly widens.

There are not many giants on the ground, those monsters, like living in dense forests.

Standing above the clouds, there are small dots moving under the plain, Lynch can't see clearly, the distance is too far away.

They didn't dare to fly too close, and stayed quietly in the air.


The space was distorted for a while, and an infinite force shot up from the ground. It was extremely fast, and the space continued to be broken, like a torrent, straight to Lynch's feet.

"not good!"

Lynch never expected that standing here, he would be attacked inexplicably, and he didn't know who did it, without any warning.

There was no sign, no elemental force fluctuation, and no change in the law. The almost destructive force appeared under Lynch's feet.


It must be too late, this force is too powerful, comparable to a blow from the Demon Emperor.

A huge vortex dragged Lynch's body, making him unable to move. The terrifying vortex caused Lynch's body to continuously fall and fall to the ground.

"What the hell!"

Lynch wanted to cry but had no tears. The power was so strong that he was powerless to resist. The vortex was like a swamp, deep in it, and it was too difficult to escape.

The body was sinking rapidly, and there was nothing Chang'e could do. The force was so sudden that Lynch was caught off guard.

If you take precautions in advance and counterattack suddenly, you may struggle and get rid of the shackles of strength.

It was already too late, after being dragged into the vortex, it was impossible to use strength at all.

Unless the power crushes everything and breaks the vortex.

Obviously, Lynch still can't reach this point. This kind of power is comparable to a fairy's shot, and even surpasses a fairy.

The speed is getting faster and faster, like a meteor, the thick earth can already be seen, and some houses can be seen through the vortex.

However, these houses are extremely weird, like mountains, standing on the plain.

Many strange trees are planted, only about a hundred feet high. Compared with those primitive forests, these trees are not worth mentioning, and they are full of fruits.

These fruits are big and round, each of which is the size of a water tank. Lynch has never seen such a big fruit.

One thing is certain, this force has no intention of hurting him. If he really wants to kill himself, there is no need to make so much effort, it can be killed with one punch.

The purpose is to let myself fall, simply stop struggling, and sink down a little bit along the whirlpool.

The situation on the ground became more and more clear, and some huge bodies could be seen moving, walking upright, not monsters.

As long as it is a species that walks upright, its intelligence is not low.

As long as you have wisdom, you can communicate, and Lynch is relieved.

I am most afraid of dealing with those creatures without intelligence, because they are unreasonable.

There are still [-] meters from the ground.

At a distance of [-] meters, Lynch's line of sight was no longer obstructed, and he found many people standing on the ground.

"No, a lot of giants!"

Lynch looked confused, yes, it is indeed a human, and it is a giant, three or two meters tall is just a child, adult giants are more than ten meters high, and there are giants more than 20 meters high.

The arm is like a tree trunk, waving it at will, the surrounding space is twisted for a while, and the strength has reached a half-fairyland.

"Wow grass, nest grass..."

The giant family, Lynch actually saw the giant family.

He is no stranger to the giant race. When he was in the sky domain, he met the giant race and helped the giant race out of danger.

Patriarch Paris, as well as Aye, Ali, Alei, etc., familiar faces appeared in Lynch's soul sea.

It's just that I don't know if Paris left the Sky Domain and returned to the giant race.

They made a mistake back then, so they were expelled from the giant clan and exiled to the Sky Domain, where they lived for thousands of years.

Because Lynch improved the body of the giants, he could cultivate a sliver of energy and help the giants to fly at low altitude for a short time. It was considered a great contribution, and Paris brought the tribe back to the giants.

It has been a long time since this incident, and even the memory is a little fuzzy. Seeing the giant clan at this moment, scenes of the past came to mind.

Just as he was thinking, he was still a thousand meters away from the ground, and he could already see the faces of these giants.

The huge suction force produced great vibrations, and the women who were in retreat were awakened one after another. Through the Eight Treasures Stupa, they could also see everything outside.

The moment he saw the giants, he was shocked.

It is indeed a human being, but it has been magnified ten times, or even hundreds of times.

The largest giant family stood there like a mountain.

These giants raised their heads and looked into the sky, showing surprise, why did the patriarch want to attack such a small ant.

Compared with the giants, Lynch is not as big as their arms.

Not all giants are extremely tall. There are very few similar mountains. Lynch only saw two, most of which are about ten meters high.

A thousand meters away, in the blink of an eye, the body smashed into the ground.

Dust is flying, gravel is flying!
A huge deep pit appeared. Strangely, Lynch was still standing in it without any harm.

Those giants from all directions came over one after another, surrounded the deep pit, pointed and pointed, but couldn't understand what they were talking about, it should be the language of giants.

"Ahem...I didn't mean to offend!"

Lynch cupped his hands in all directions, and his sense of the giants was not bad. If it wasn't for Paris, he would have died in the Sky Domain.

It was Paris who told him how to get out, so he left the Sky Domain without being beheaded by the witch clan.

The giants were at a loss, and obviously couldn't understand what Lynch said, they were just curious. Lynch looked somewhat similar to them, a completely shrunken version.

Fortunately, the giants didn't have any malice towards him. With so many giants, one punch could kill him.

In terms of strength alone, he is definitely not an opponent of the giants now, but Lynch has great potential and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Those giants chattered non-stop, and some giants covered their mouths and smiled, full of curiosity about this miniature version.

A ten-meter-high giant suddenly stretched out its palm and placed it at Lynch's feet.

Walk up to the palm of your hand, lift Lynch up, and put it back on the ground.

Walking out from the palm of my hand, I basically got an overview of the surrounding area, surrounded by primitive barren veins, only here is still quiet, a single plain.

Around the plain, many fences were erected, which seemed to prevent the impact of those behemoths. The size of those monsters was no weaker than that of the giants, and some were even stronger.

The houses, like high-rise buildings, are intricately built on the plains. The houses are very simple, just built with some trees and covered with some grass plants, and it is considered complete.

Most of the giants are topless, only use a strange leaf to cover sensitive parts, and walk barefoot.

The skin is dark, and some giants are as black as a coal ball. From their muscles, Lynch can feel that there is extremely terrifying energy hidden in them.

When I met Paris back then, he was just exiled from the tribe, and he was regarded as the weakest existence among the giants.

Leaving this star field, even if the giant race survives, it is difficult to grow up, and it needs a unique environment.

Simply counting, there are at least hundreds of giants around, and some of them are probably out hunting.

The inheritance of the giant race is extremely difficult. When I talked with Paris, I mentioned that the giant race is about to face the danger of extinction.

Unlike the human race, one person can conceive many offspring, but the giant race cannot, because of physical problems, it is very difficult to give birth to children.

Most of the giant mothers will die in childbirth, which is the main reason for the imminent extinction of the giant race.

Hundreds of giants surrounded the surroundings, some were snickering, some were looking at it curiously, Lynch seemed to be standing in a hundred gardens, receiving countless gazes from all around, that feeling was very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the giants were easy to get along with. Some of them stretched out their fingers and tapped Lynch, which made Lynch very embarrassed.

Lynch tried to use soul power to communicate because of the language barrier, but the giants didn't respond. He almost forgot that the giants neither knew how to use Yuan force nor cultivated soul power. They relied solely on their strong physical bodies.

Just when Lynch was at a loss, the giants stepped aside automatically, and a 20-meter-tall giant walked towards Lynch holding a cane.

It's not so much a walking stick, it's more like a ten-thousand-year-old giant tree being cut off from it, and it's used as a walking stick, and it's casually held in the hand.

When the giants on both sides saw the old man, they all bowed down to salute.

Compared with those giants around, this giant has a white beard and bald hair, but his muscles are extremely strong, and he is more powerful than those young giants.

The giant elder walked up to Lynch and looked him up and down, full of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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