Chapter 1695
After the belly was cut open, Jiang Yu and others stepped forward. Because the belly was too big, the baby weighed about [-] catties after birth, and she couldn't do it by herself.

Yu Wenyan wiped away the blood, Bai Yu was the strongest, and left it to her to take care of the child.

Sweat dripped from Lynch's forehead. It is conceivable that he is also very nervous now.

Aleigh left the house and stood beside Lynch, praying silently in his heart.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the operation was halfway through, and Bai Yu's hands were inserted into his stomach.

"I touched the baby!"

There is still breathing, the child is gasping for breath, the vitality of the giant race is very tenacious, if it is replaced by an ordinary human race, the child would have died of lack of oxygen.

"Take it out and cut the umbilical cord!"

Xiaoxue's body was already drenched with sweat, and it was freezing outside, no one was shivering from the cold, and everyone had sweat on their foreheads.

Hong Yun took out the scissors prepared in advance, cut off the umbilical cord, and Bai Yu picked up the child.

"Bai Yu, quickly turn the child upside down and pat him on the back, his lungs have already swelled after being soaked in amniotic fluid for too long."

Lin Qi's voice rang in Bai Yu's ears, and he quickly picked up the child, patted his back lightly, and a loud cry of the baby echoed in the room.

this moment!
Alley suddenly sat down on the ground, and countless giants howled and cried, crying with the child.

Smiling with tears, the emotion of crying with joy infected everyone.

Everyone is hugging each other, celebrating each other, and the baby is born.

The danger has not yet passed, and Aleigh's wife is still in a coma, suffering from severe blood loss.

Quickly sutured the wound, took out a large amount of elixir, and sprinkled it on Aleigh's wife's wound, which healed at an extremely fast speed.

Because of excessive blood loss and pale face, Aleigh's wife's breathing became weaker and weaker.

"Brother, what should I do, her heart rate is getting weaker and weaker, and it's about to die!"

Xiaoxue was confused and didn't know what to do, so she sent a voice transmission to Lynch, asking him to find a way.

The giant woman in the house reported the situation to the patriarch. The child is safe, but Aleigh's wife...

The stones that weighed on everyone's hearts just relaxed a little, but they haven't completely dissipated yet.

"There is only one way now, let him take the life gene to transform his body, maybe there is a chance."

Lynch gritted his teeth, now there is only this way, the life gene can stimulate the cells, make her reborn, wake up the heart, and let the vitality return.

A Bai and others came over and patted A Lei on the shoulder, telling him to express his condolences, and it was a blessing that the child was born safely.

In a few decades, the giant race will completely age, and there will be fewer and fewer women, and even if there are, they will not be willing to give birth.

A Lei was crying, he loved his wife very much, he was not happy because of having a child, and was silent in the pain of losing his wife.

Seeing A Lei in pain, Lynch felt uncomfortable.

"Xiaoxue, let her take the life gene!"

Lynch gave the order to try it, whether it succeeds or fails.

A large bottle of life genes was poured into A Lei's wife's mouth and flowed down her throat.

The body began to twitch, and the severe pain awakened Alei's wife. The expression on her face was completely distorted. The first time she swallowed, the pain was more serious.

The second evolution will reduce the pain a lot.

The shrill roar came from Alei's wife's mouth, which made people's hair stand on end, and every pore in her body was bleeding.

Even the wound that was sutured just now showed signs of splitting. The body was genetically modified by life, and the pain caused was far beyond the limit of human beings.

The child is already dressed and carried out of the house.

"Ray, it's a boy, congratulations!"

The woman sent the child to A Lei. This is his son, very strong, with big eyes rolling around. He came to this world and is very strange to everything here.

Aleigh raised his head, stood up with difficulty, and reached out to take the child. Tears fell down this strong man again.

The child was smiling at A-Lei, smiling happily, which made A-Lei's mouth smile slightly, and he hugged the child tightly in his arms.

The screams in the room gradually stopped, and the blood on the ground had penetrated outside, and the snowflakes turned into blood.

Aleigh's wife suddenly fell to the ground, her body regained her composure, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

Time was passing by mercilessly, the snow had already reached Lynch's knees, and the shoulders of the giants had already been covered with thick snow, and they didn't even know it.

Xiaoxue and the others came out of the house with guilty expressions on their faces. They only saved the child, not the adult.

"You have done your best and I am so proud of you!"

Lynch hugged them one by one, without their efforts, even the child would have died.

The house was quiet, and the women left one after another, leaving the last time for A Lei to see his wife for the last time.

The patriarch sighed, turned and left.

Paris patted Lynch on the shoulder with gratitude and comfort.

"Aleigh, my condolences!"

A Bai and others came over and put their arms around A Lei's shoulders, telling him not to be sad, at least the child is healthy.

Alei nodded dully, his eyes were blank, and he silently watched the room, hoping for a miracle to happen.

The time for a cup of tea passed, most of the giants left, and the rest were Aleigh's closest relatives, who stayed with him.

Inside the room, A Lei's wife suddenly moved her fingers, her eyes opened, and her vitality was rapidly recovering.

The life gene had an effect, stimulating the blood, allowing her to evolve successfully, and even the wounds were all healed.

There were fewer and fewer people staying outside the house, and Lynch had to stand up to say goodbye. It was useless to say some things, and everyone knew what they didn't say.

The moment Lynch turned to leave, the door of the house opened by itself, and Shuang, covered in blood, walked out.

Barefoot, stepping on the snow, he walked towards Ah Lei step by step.


The moment he saw his wife, Aleigh roared to the sky, alarming the entire giant clan. Many people left and returned, thinking that Aleigh had other problems.

The moment they saw him hugging his wife, everyone wept with joy again. The mother and child were safe, and the giants hadn't appeared for a long, long time.

All of this is due to Lynch.

It was he who saved Aleigh's wife and child.

After hugging for a full 5 minutes, Aleigh let go of his wife, put the child in his wife's arms, and walked towards Lynch.


A tall man over ten meters tall suddenly knelt down in front of Lynch and kowtowed three times to him.

Lynch couldn't stop it at all, the opponent's physique was too strong to hold him up, he could only bear it.

Xiaoxue and the others were also quietly wiping away their tears. They were happy, their children and adults were safe, and it was their efforts that brought them two fresh lives.

Party all night!

In the middle of the Martial Arts Arena, a raging bonfire was lit, the giant women sang and danced, and the strong warriors stood up to congratulate A Lei with the brewed wine.


Alley came to him, and soon his body was swaying. His wife sat beside him happily, and the baby in her arms was sleeping soundly.

Picking up the huge wine glass, Aleigh came up to Lynch, without saying a word, he picked up the glass and drank it down in one gulp, everything was in the wine.

This big man cried three times today!

Everyone had a great time, and the patriarch's face was full of smiles, because just now Lynch announced another news. After getting the genetic modification, the giant's pelvis has deviated upwards, and it will be much easier to have children in the future.

This news, for the Giant Clan, is undoubtedly a joy on top of joy, making the women in the whole clan jump happily.

There are many couples in the giant clan who don't choose to have children because they are afraid of bringing bad luck.

After getting this news, the giant family launched a human-creation campaign, because Lynch would leave the giant family sooner or later, and give birth to more children while he was still alive.

In desperation, Lynch had no choice but to refine a few practice rooms, change the law of time, seventy times the law, and within a month or two, a child will be born.

The next step is still boring training. Lynch's realm has reached its peak, and he has spent more than half a year in the giant clan.

On the occasion of spring.

More than 20 children were successfully born, and Lynch felt a burst of satisfaction seeing all the smiling faces.

Life is like this, sometimes happiness is so simple.

What kind of cultivation, or the pinnacle of martial arts, is actually a cloud of the past.

When he came to the Giant Clan, Lynch even forgot the bloody storms before, and indulged in this kind of happiness every day.

But there is a voice that keeps reminding him that only by becoming stronger and constantly becoming stronger can he protect his family and loved ones.

Happiness will end sooner or later.

Soon after the beginning of spring, the giants were attacked by a group of monsters.

From winter to spring!

The monsters were short of food and targeted the giants, obviously they made a huge mistake.

Aleigh led the giant warriors to defeat the hundreds of monsters that invaded, all of them were dealt with with one punch.

After the fifth evolution, Ah-Lei's strength has reached 640 million catties, and he can kill huge monsters with a single punch.

Abai and Aye, Ali and others also reached more than 500 million giant strength.

As for Lynch!

Since that time, there has been no test again, because he and Chang'e invented a testing machine to test his strength level.

The giants were very curious, but they didn't force it. No matter what level Lynch reached, they didn't care about it. What they wanted to do now was to grow the giants.

Now that there are dozens more people and more and more food requirements, fortunately the fighters have been upgraded, and it is infinitely easier to go out to hunt monsters.

Those giants who were frail and sick and needed human care before, after being transformed, all had a huge strength of 300 million catties and joined the team.

Those old people, get remodeled and become younger.

"Lynch, are we really going to occupy the Qingyang fruit forest?"

After going out for more than ten days in a row, A Lei brought back countless food, but Lynch stopped him that day.

"For the long-term development of the giant race, it will be a matter of time before they occupy the Qingyang fruit forest."

Lynch has his own ideas, and the schedule of leaving has already been brought up. After occupying the Qingyang fruit forest, he plans to go to the depths of the Henggu Mountains to look for the sacred fruit of the dragon elephant.

The secret method that will be prepared in the future will be taught to A Lei, so that the giants will only become stronger and stronger in the future with the qingyang fruit forest.

"Okay, I'll arrange it now and mobilize a few powerful fighters!"

Aleigh nodded. Now that he is a father, his personality is much calmer. After speaking, he left the room and went to gather other fighters.

(End of this chapter)

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