Chapter 170

Time is running out, Lynch must make a quick decision, otherwise he will flee from this place, so as not to be discovered by the prince's people.

The soul of the Nine Absolute Sword poured into the dragon-slaying sword, a dragon chant appeared, the evil dragon appeared, and the power of the prehistoric, like a tide, rolled towards the black bear demon.

The dragon clan is supreme, the ancestor of monsters, and in his blood, he is born to restrain thousands of monsters.

This sword is Lynch's pinnacle sword. All the energy and energy are integrated into this sword. Breaking through to the fourth-rank Martial King, this is the first time Lynch has such a hearty battle.

All the trump cards are full of fighting spirit, and the six-fold increase makes the heavy sword suddenly become illusory, and the face of the black bear monster has a humanized expression.

Especially the monsters that have transformed into human form, possessing human wisdom, their expressions will naturally become richer, and they will not be so rigid.

Sweeping with the giant stick in his hand, although he didn't understand why the weak human being in front of him was so powerful, in the eyes of monsters, human beings were still pitifully weak.

The sword light is like the light of the galaxy, coming directly from the distant interstellar, converging into a river of stars, bright and bright.

This sword made Lynch's state of mind unknowingly changed. With an increasingly unique understanding of the way of the sword, Lynch embarked on a path of his own in the way of the sword.

The sky is full of sword energy. After all, the black bear demon is not good at human martial arts, but his physical body is relatively strong. He relies on his powerful demon essence to defeat his opponent.

Humans are different, possessing vigorous body skills and flexible martial arts. In this respect, monsters are indeed inferior.

Not many monsters learn human martial arts after transforming into human form. There are countless examples like this. It is estimated that this black bear demon lives in Sham Shui Po all year round and does not bother to learn human things.

The body suddenly slid down and went straight to the eyes of the black bear monster. This is its weak point. Lynch still planned to attack here, and the black bear demon's physical strength declined, which was a good opportunity to strike.


The black bear demon roared so loudly that Lynch's eardrums were about to explode. It was very uncomfortable. The banshee in the distance covered his ears to reduce the impact of the sound.

With a sudden shake of the tiger's body, Lynch appeared in front of the black bear demon. The long sword exuded an astonishing sword aura, even Lynch himself was secretly amazed.

The Nine Absolute Sword Soul seems to have the function of evolution. As its strength continues to rise, the power of the Nine Absolute Sword Soul is also increasing, especially the fusion of the second sword heart, which is even more obvious.

The black bear demon grabbed Lynch with both hands, and was about to tear Lynch in half. Terrifying vigor swept over him. Even if Lynch pierced its eyes, he would be torn into the body by the black bear demon.

The banshee standing under the big tree opened her mouth in shock, not daring to see this scene. Lynch was attacked by the black bear demon because of her. If Lynch died, the black bear demon would definitely capture her alive and become It's forbidden.

At the moment when the Black Bear Demon was about to tear Lin Qi apart with his hands, Lynch smiled wickedly, with a mocking look on the corner of his mouth, as if he was mocking the Black Bear Demon.

"You are just a stupid monster. Compared with humans, you are still far behind!"

The words were not spoken, but the meaning could be seen from Lynch's face, and the black bear demon seemed to realize that there was a conspiracy behind Lynch's smile.

Both hands struck out suddenly, trying to grab Lynch's body, but at this moment, Lynch suddenly turned into a crane, uttered a crisp crane cry, and then disappeared in place.

The fierce and frightening sword energy just now disappeared without a trace at this moment. Lin Qi disappeared in front of the black bear demon as if teleported.


The hands of the black bear demon hit the air, and Lynch disappeared, as if disappearing out of thin air, playing a big magic trick in front of the black bear demon without warning.


A crane appeared in the black bear demon's abdomen. Lynch used the Crane Dance Nine Transformation Technique to shrink his body and shuttle between the palms of the black bear demon. Lynch was taking a risk. If the black bear demon found out, he would surely die.

This method is used once. If the black bear demon cannot be killed, the black bear demon will not give Lynch a chance next time.

But will Lynch give it a chance?

Obviously impossible, the long sword in his hand aimed at the navel of the Black Bear Demon's abdomen, the piercing cold light made the Black Bear Demon tremble, realizing something was wrong.

Lynch is attacking east and west, seemingly attacking its eyes, but the real target is its belly button. Human beings are too cunning. This is the definition of Lynch by the black bear demon at this moment.

The huge palm suddenly dropped and grabbed Lynch. The speed of the black bear demon was not slow, and the reaction was very fast.

Lynch is still not out of danger. If he can't pierce its navel, he may still be killed by the black bear demon.

"Nine Absolute Swords, come out!"

Pointing his finger, the dragon-slaying sword in his hand suddenly flew out by itself. In order to increase the speed, Lynch shook his body to avoid the palm of the black bear demon, and another long sword appeared, sweeping towards the palms of the black bear demon.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye, so fast that people don't want to miss the opportunity, because once they blink, the middle scene will not be appreciated.

The dragon-slaying sword is extremely sharp, and the soul of the Nine Absolute Sword is hidden in it, just like the reappearance of the Nine Absolute Sword in the world, the invincible power finally appeared.


The tip of the sword reached the navel of the black bear demon, and a ball of fire appeared. The abdomen of the black bear demon was covered with long manes, like armor, hiding the shadow of the navel.

He still underestimated the power of the Nine Absolute Sword Soul. After the fire appeared, the Dragon Slaying Sword did not stop. It rotated like a spiral sword technique. The powerful tearing force made the black bear demon scream.

A strand of blood flowed out from the black bear demon's navel, Lynch broke through the black bear demon's defense, and the dragon-slaying sword went straight to its abdomen.


With a dodge, Lynch avoided the black bear monster's attack and flickered into the void. The black bear monster's giant palm wanted to pull out the dragon-slaying sword, how could Lynch give it a chance.

"Zehuang Sword!"

A mass of heavy pressure rolled down, and the black bear demon had to resist Lynch's move, otherwise his hands would be in danger, and the black bear demon fell into a desperate situation.

In fact, it was not Lynch who defeated the black bear demon, but the Jiujue Sword, who relied on his own attack to stab the black bear demon's navel, which would be impossible with an ordinary long sword.


The long sword suddenly sank half a foot, and the front third of the dragon-slaying sword was inserted into the black bear demon's belly along its navel, causing the black bear demon to let out a terrifying scream, and its whole body began to twitch.

The tyrannical demon energy is being lost, the banshee is right, the belly button is indeed the black bear demon's Achilles' heel, as long as it is stabbed, the black bear demon's demon energy will be lost.

"Burner, appear!"

Losing the demon yuan means that the black bear demon has lost its value. Lin Qi did not hesitate to sacrifice the Burning Furnace and take the black bear demon into it.

Seeing such a dense flame, the banshee in the distance trembled in fright. The flame has a natural deterrent power to monsters.

The black bear demon disappeared, and the burning furnace returned to Lynch's palm, and he threw it into the storage bag, allowing it to slowly refine by itself, and retracted the dragon-slaying sword, Lynch's body shook.

Just now, performing the Crane Dance in reverse, the nine heavens are changing rapidly, putting Lin Qi under great pressure both physically and spiritually. Now he relaxes and feels sore all over his body.

The so-called rapid change is to move oneself from one place to another within an extreme period of time, but the requirements for the physical body are extremely strict.

The banshee looked at Lynch with gratitude, but her eyes were also full of curiosity. It seemed that it was the first time she had seen a human being, and her face was full of various expressions.


There was a sudden rustling sound from all directions, and many people were approaching, enclosing the place.

"not good!"

Lynch realized that something was wrong. The big battle just now must have alarmed the prince's people. It is estimated that the encirclement towards this side would block the surrounding area.

The banshee also realized that through the night light, many figures were shaking.

Lynch was very anxious, no matter whether they found out it was him or not, once he got close, if they found him, he would definitely die.

Those moves just now are good against black bear monsters, but not effective against humans. Besides, in the battle just now, Lynch wasted a lot. With so many people coming, Lynch couldn't fly.

Anxious like an ant on a hot pot, it is useless to complain now, if he hadn't met these two monsters, Lynch would not have been surrounded by them.

"Sir, are these people here to hunt you down?"

The banshee came over, and she could see that Lynch was in a hurry, so she asked cautiously.

Lynch glared at her fiercely, she was the one who caused him to leak, the figure was getting closer and closer, and soon he could see Lynch.

"Sir, if you trust me, I can take you out of here. I know there is an exit to avoid these people!"

Although the banshee has no experience in the world, she still understands some simple truths. The monsters who can survive in Sham Shui Po should not be weak in spiritual intelligence, but they rarely deal with humans.

"Can you avoid these people and get out of here?"

Lynch looked at the banshee with a hint of hope on his face.

On the other hand, the banshee was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Lynch so nakedly, because the clothes on her body were scratched a lot just now, revealing her white skin.

"I know there is a secret place here. I have walked here before, but the road is a bit complicated. I'm afraid I will make my husband suffer some grievances!"

The banshee nodded, her voice was very soft, without saying a word, it is estimated that the bones of ordinary men would be crisp.

Lin Qi met countless people and fell into the hands of women. Except for Xiaoxue, Lin Qi couldn't hold any woman in his heart, let alone a monster. Thinking of her slippery body, Lin Qi trembled all over.

"Come on!"

Lynch was about to scold them. Those figures were only a few hundred meters away from them, and they could reach them in just a few breaths. If it weren't for the natural obstacles around them, they probably would have arrived long ago.

"Sir, please follow me!"

The banshee walked slowly, bypassing a few big trees, and suddenly squatted down, digging something on the ground. Under a big tree, there was a hole, like a cave where monsters crawled.

"Climb in quickly, Mr. Xiang!"

Those figures were about to arrive, and the banshee asked Lynch to go down first, and she cut off the rear.

Lynch's body got into the cave, and a smell of mud came over his face. Enduring the stench coming from inside, Lynch quickly disappeared.

The banshee twisted her body and also got into the cave. The place just now was quickly covered by leaves and returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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