Chapter 1714 Shocking News
Silent all night!
In the early morning of the next day!

Bai Yu came to Lynch's yard and prepared food.

"Lynch, go see my elder brother later, can you go with me?"

Today's parents rarely have a rest, and they plan to spend time with Bai Yu, unless it is an urgent matter, all other things are pushed aside, they owe Bai Yu too much.

"I go with you!"

Bai Yu looked hopeful, hoping that Lynch would go with her.

After eating, he took Lynch's arm and came to the residence of his parents. Seeing them coming in together, Bai Yi's eyes became more and more curious, what was it that attracted his daughter to this man.

"Uncle Bai, let me go without disturbing you!"

After agreeing to Bai Yu, he still has to seek Bai Yi's opinion.


Bai Yi shook his head, it was just to look at the corpse, there was no privacy, and it was not a secret of the Bai family, it was his family business.

The body is stored in a special place, not here, a group of four people left the yard and walked towards the depths of Bai's house.

I met many disciples of the Bai family on the road, and when they saw the Patriarch, they all bowed down to salute.

Seeing Lin Qi and Bai Yu, they looked curious, their faces were too unfamiliar.

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply. This place should be a huge ice bank, and Bai Hua's body was stored here.

Pressing down on the handle, Bai Yi took a step forward, and a layer of white smoke came out from inside. Just as Lynch guessed, an ice cellar was built underground.

Lynch had long since survived the cold and heat, so he took out a cloak and tied it on Bai Yu very carefully. Bai Yu's mother saw it and smiled with satisfaction.

Going down the stone steps, the ice cellar is very large. The main function here is to store the food of the angel clan. There is a separate area for storing some special items, such as corpses.

When the guards inside saw the Patriarch arriving, they all knelt down to greet him.

"You all go out and wait!"

Not wanting to be disturbed, Bai Yi waved his hand, and those soldiers retreated outside the ice cellar.

Going deeper and deeper, Lynch shot out with his spiritual sense. There are a lot of items hoarded here, many of which are refining materials, and food is only one aspect.

The Bai family's refining technology is second to none among the four major families.

A stone house appeared in front of it, surrounded by ice, sealed with a lock alone, and other people could not enter.

Bai Yi took out a huge key, inserted it into the lock, turned it, and the stone door slowly opened.

A layer of cold air hit from inside, and the surrounding temperature was at least five degrees below zero.

The stone house is not big, but it is not small, about ten square meters. In the middle area, there is a crystal coffin, and a young man, about twenty, is lying peacefully inside.

Seeing the young man lying in the crystal coffin, Bai Yu pounced on him, crying bitterly.

"Brother, open your eyes and see, Yu'er is back."

Bai Yu cried heart-rendingly, and her mother walked forward lightly. She would also cry when she came a few times before, but after a long time, she got used to it.

Bai Yi stood outside the door and didn't go in. As a father, he took the greatest responsibility for failing to protect his children.

These years have been filled with guilt, seeing his son's portrait every day, his heart feels like a knife.

"Yu'er, it's all right, your brother is asleep, let's not disturb him."

The mother helped Bai Yu up, telling her not to cry anymore, lest crying ruin her body.

"Master, it's so strange that his heart veins haven't been cut off, that is to say, he hasn't completely died yet, because he was frozen in time with cold ice, and the last trace of his heart veins was preserved."

Chang'e turned on the scanning function, went deep into Bai Hua's body, and found a strange imagination.

In the human race, this kind of death is called suspended animation. If it is treated in time, there is still a chance of survival. When the last trace of heart veins disappears completely, even Da Luo Jinxian cannot save it.

Hearing this news, Lynch was shocked, and his consciousness immediately penetrated into the crystal coffin.

He also found something was wrong, the pulse did exist, if Chang'e hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

On Bai Hua's chest, there was a gunshot wound that went straight to the heart, and the blow was fatal.

No wonder everyone thinks that Bai Hua is doomed. No one can survive a pierced heart. There are only a few traces of heart veins left. Until now, Bai Hua's vitality is extremely tenacious.

There is another possibility that he is unwilling to die.

"Chang'e, with this sliver of heart, there is almost a [-]% chance of saving him."

Bai Hua's death was a blow to Bai Yu too much, if Bai Hua could be saved, it would also be a comfort to Bai Yu.

"It's hard. There's a [-]% chance. With the life genes and stimulating the cells in his body, the probability of survival is extremely low, but you can give it a try."

After several modifications of life genes, the potential of the human body has been stimulated, and even dying people can be revived.

Alley's wife back then was a living example.

"The chance of [-]% is not low. I am refining a few life-extending heart medicine pills, and it is estimated that it can increase by about [-]%."

Lynch nodded. He could only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. Even if he couldn't save him, he could still wake Bai Hua up for a while and know the mystery of his death.

Mr. Bai didn't say anything yesterday, and kept checking. Lynch had guessed that Bai Hua's death was unknown, so he preserved the body.

This was also a mistake. If it had been buried directly in the ground, Bai Hua would have been a skeleton by now.

"Okay, let's go!"

It was almost time, Bai Yi walked in, ready to lock the stone door, and let his son sleep here peacefully.

Bai Yu stood up, crying pear blossoms with rain, since returning to Bai's house, the tears have not stopped, Lynch couldn't bear it for a while.

"He's not dead yet!"

Lynch suddenly said something inexplicably, and the three of them stopped suddenly. Besides Baiyu, Baiyi and Baiyu's mother stared at Lynch like a monster.

"What did you say!"

Bai Yi stared straight at Lynch, his son was already dead, not breathing, his heart had been pierced, there was no possibility of him surviving, besides, it had been several years, how could he not be dead.

"What I said is true. He is really not dead. I have a [-]% chance of saving him."

Lynch looked innocent, he was telling the truth, why didn't Bai Yi believe it.

"Brother Lin, you can really save my brother!"

Bai Yu suddenly pounced in front of Lynch, begging, she was very clear about Lynch's methods, and she would never target without reason.

"[-]% chance!"

Lynch didn't say anything to death. He still needs to refine the elixir for life extension. Since the human race is a branch of the angel race and it is useful to the human race, then the angel race should also be useful.

"Great, great!"

Bai Yu wept with joy, and suddenly kissed Lin Qi hard on the face, and when she realized it, she realized that she had lost her composure, and quickly threw herself into her mother's arms with a shy face.

Judging from his daughter's expression, Lynch doesn't seem to be lying. Could it be that he can really bring his son back to life.

"Lynch, what you said is true, can my son really be resurrected?"

Bai Yi's hands were trembling, the Patriarch of the first generation was extremely fragile at this moment, for fear that Lin Qi would suddenly say no, and destroy the sliver of hope he had just ignited.

"Yes! Bai Hua's heart was pierced by a spear. Deep in the heart, there is still a heart vein that has not been severed. It is this heart vein that kept him alive. In addition, he was quickly frozen with ice in time to keep this heart vein."

Lynch explained that the angel race has no spiritual consciousness, only seeing that the heart has been pierced, the inside has not been cut, and the spiritual consciousness penetrates in to see clearly.

"This is not a place to talk!"

Bai Yi's eyes showed a fiery look, so as not to leak the news, he hurriedly left this place and discussed in secret.

Everyone came out of the underground ice cellar and returned to the residence, Bai Yi was still silent in Lynch's words just now.

"Uncle Bai, nights are long and dreamy. I suggest moving Bai Hua's body out as soon as possible to avoid complications. Today I found that some people's eyes are not right, and they seem to be hostile to us."

Entering the underground ice cellar, there are a few soldiers who are not very respectful to Bai Yi, but just a routine, let Lynch pay special attention.

"I didn't expect them to reach out so fast!"

It's not unusual for Bai Yi, even an outsider found out, which made him realize the seriousness of the matter.

"What hand?"

Lynch was confused, and he just said something casually. It seemed that more and more things were involved. Unknowingly, he was also involved in this whirlpool.

"The matter is of great importance. I will immediately ask Mr. Bai to come back and move Hua'er's body to a safe place."

Bai Yi was very decisive, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Bai Jun, telling him to come back quickly. I don't believe anyone in this matter, only my own brother can believe it.

In less than half an hour, Bai Jun hurried back, panting heavily, received a message from his brother, and rushed over non-stop.

"Brother, what happened, you are so anxious to find me back."

Bai Jun was out of breath, picked up the tea on the table, drank it in a big gulp, before he had time to catch his breath, he asked Bai Yi.

"Come in with me!"

In the outer hall, in case the partition wall has ears, he walked towards the inner room, Lynch followed behind, Bai Jun looked puzzled, and didn't ask a word.

Entering the study room, pressing down a unicorn-like ornament, the bookshelf made a clicking sound, and opened a door by itself.

Bai Yi entered first, and Bai Jun and Lin Qi entered together. The bookshelves were slowly closed, cutting off contact with the outside world.

Don't be fooled!

Behind the bookshelves, a separate room was built, with relatively simple decoration inside, just a few tables, and some strange calligraphy and paintings, as well as utensils used by magic.


Bai Yi sat down first, and asked Bai Jun and Lin Qi to sit down.

Take their seats, Bai Jun is still at a loss, this is not the first time he has come to this secret room.

Every time there are only the two of them brothers, today there is an extra outsider, is it because he sent Yu'er back?
The fact that Lynch came from the human race was only known to Bai Yi, not even his wife, so Bai Yi knew which was more important.

If someone with a heart finds out, too many people will be involved, and even he cannot be spared. Lynch is estimated to be taken away by some people for research.

"Brother, what on earth did you call me to do? It's about to suffocate me."

Bai Jun was impatient, and Bai Yi and Lynch fell into silence, thinking about where to start. After all, this matter is a bit too absurd, so we need to organize our words.

"Second brother, I have important news for you. You must be mentally prepared."

Bai Yi took a deep breath, it was more appropriate for him to decide on this matter.

"Brother, is it true that Bai Qiu, the old man, has started to make things difficult for you again, using the elders to put pressure on you."

Bai Jun stood up suddenly. Bai Yi's status had been deteriorating in the past few years. In the final analysis, the inheritance was broken. After Bai Hua died, the Bai family began to be uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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