Chapter 1723 Intensifies
The other elders did not speak, lost in thought.

Be it Bai Yi or Bai Qiu, plus Bai Lin's words, they all make sense.

It's just a matter of looking at the problem from a different angle.

Has Bai Wing made mistakes all these years?

Of course, the pain of losing a child is still unclear. It is not easy to persevere in five years.

He has to face the secret attack of Bai Qiu every day, form cliques, and want to empty him as the patriarch. For the sake of today, who dares to say that he has done wrong all these years.

Was Bai Qiu wrong?
Everyone present probably thought there was nothing wrong with it. Rights have always been something people yearn for. Those present did not want to snatch it, but their own strength was not enough. Bai Qiu just did something that many people dared not do.

It's not right or wrong, it's just human nature.

It's not right for Bai Lin to stand up, he is a junior, he openly accused the Patriarch, this has touched the rules of the Bai family, no wonder the second elder showed displeasure.

Seeing their father and son jumping up and down, Bai Yi ignored him and stood up to introduce the size of the family hall to Lynch.

As well as the construction style, how long it has been established, which ancestors are placed, etc., let all the attacks of Baiqiu be resolved and invisible.

"Uncle Bai, the clan hall is a sacred place. What happened today reminded my nephew of an allusion."

Lin Qi talked eloquently, and ignored his eyes around him. He chatted happily with Bai Yi and the other two.

"What allusion?"

Bai Yi pretended to be listening, and asked Lynch to continue talking.

"Once upon a time, there was a group of wolf tribes. The wolf king guarded the tribe to prevent other tribes from encroaching. He managed the pack of wolves and lived a happy life. But there was a wolf who always wanted to ask for an extra portion every time he distributed food. Naturally, the wolf king forbids it. The food is distributed according to the members of the clan, which breeds the wolf's hatred for the wolf king. Finally, one day, this wolf wants to replace the wolf king. There was an attack, and guess what happened?"

Everyone else pricked up their ears, wanting to hear the story, halfway through the story, but Lynch stopped.

"What happened?"

Bai Yi echoed, knowing that Lynch would never tell a story for no reason at this time.

"Whether it's a pack of wolves or a pack of tigers, I want to ask Uncle Bai a question. Is the reason why they are strong is because they are very powerful in fighting?"

Lynch asked back, asking Bai Yi to answer the question.

"Of course not. There are countless races stronger than them, but it is no accident that wolves can stand on the grassland."

Bai Yi shook his head. There are countless powerful monsters. The wolf king can stand proudly on the grassland with his small size. There must be some unique way.

"Cohesion!" Lynch paused and continued.

"The wolves live in packs, very similar to our human race. That night, this wolf united with other members of the wolf clan and launched an attack on the wolf king. The blood flowed like a river, and finally succeeded. At the moment he succeeded, other clans suddenly launched an attack. The attack wiped out the wolf tribe. This result tells us that only cohesion can make the wolf tribe stand on the grassland. As long as there is a disobedient wolf, in a powerful wolf tribe, it will disappear overnight. "

After the story was told, the entire clan hall fell into a deathly silence.

Lynch is sending a message that the Bai family lacks cohesion now.

Bai Qiu was that disobedient wolf, he didn't name him, but everyone knew it.

If you really fight to the death, the result is that both sides will suffer, and other families can take advantage of it, so the Bai family is in danger.

Many elders, hearing the meaning of the words, had different views on the impeachment of the patriarch today, and even the confidence of the elders who supported Bai Qiu was shaken a little.

"Beautiful words confuse the crowd, the human race has a high IQ, how can it be compared with the monster race, our Bai family will definitely not disintegrate, let alone cause internal strife in the Bai family because of the position of the head of the family, and those who can live in it."

"Ten thousand years of inheritance, no matter how many ordeals our Bai family has gone through, we are still standing. You can turn black and white with just a few words, and tell tales. If you dare to talk nonsense, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Bai Lin yelled, and angrily reprimanded Lynch for talking nonsense, disturbing everyone's sight, using the wolf tribe as an example to the Bai family.

The two cannot be confused at all.

"I just told a story, and I didn't target the Bai family, let alone lead to this matter. Are you a bit of a soldier?"

Lynch smiled slightly, not annoyed by Bai Lin's words, and passed them lightly.

The goal has been achieved. After all, not everyone supports Bai Qiu now, and a large number of people, safe from the status quo, don't want any serious situation to happen to the Bai family.

Bai Lin gritted his teeth with hatred, he never expected that all the attacks just now by this kid would be invisible.

It just doesn't make sense!

"Elders, after talking so much, I have made it clear. Since Bai Yi refuses to give an explanation, I will now share my point of view. If I can be elected as the head of the family, the harvest will increase by [-]%. In terms of refining skills, I already have a new understanding that the most critical part of being the head of the family, strength or heirs, I am fully competent, I suggest that the elders consider it and vote for it later."

Bai Qiu planned to cut through the mess quickly, and said straight to the point that Bai Yi had to pick it up if he didn't.

If he dared to say this, he must have received the support of many elders secretly. As long as more than half of the members of the elders supported him, he could be removed from the position of Patriarch.

"Bai Qiu, you've said so much, and if you don't let you give up completely, you're really not willing to give up. I've been holding back for so long because I want to see your ugly face. As a disciple of the Bai family, you really don't deserve it."

Bai Yi stood up, her gaze was sharp, she was completely extreme from her silent expression just now, it seemed that she was about to counterattack.

"If I don't deserve it, do you deserve it? What have you done for the Bai family these years?"

The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger, and it is getting worse.

"Bang bang bang..."

The great elder stomped his crutch on the ground a few times, the whole clan hall suddenly fell silent, and Bai Yi and Bai Qiu returned to their positions.

"What kind of tradition is it? How can I save my Bai family's face when it is passed on?"

Angry, fighting for the position of head of the family is simply a shame. Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Bai family?

"Elder, I made you angry."

Bai Yi bowed to the First Elder. In the family, the First Elder has a high status and has a great right to speak. Other elders must refer to the First Elder's opinion.

"Bai Yi! Since Bai Qiu applied for the family hall meeting, no matter what, I have to settle this matter today. From now on, I don't want to hear any more news about the discord within the Bai family."

The Great Elder still values ​​Bai Yi very much. As the head of the family, character comes first and ability comes second. Many people can't understand.

"Don't worry, Great Elder, I will definitely give all the clansmen a perfect answer today. The years of fighting between the Bai family should be over."

Bai Yi glanced at the members of the Jade Generation below, and his voice was sonorous and powerful, and the disciples of the clan outside could hear it clearly.

"Even if Bai Qiu doesn't apply for the clan hall meeting today, I will still apply, because I want to expose some people's beastly behavior in front of the whole clan, which is a shame to our Bai family. Today I will let you know that I, White Wing, not only have heirs, but also far stronger than any of you imagined."

Bai Yi's voice became louder and louder, causing the rubble of the family hall to rumble, and some weak people suffered from eardrum pain.

The twelve elders sitting on both sides shrank their eyes. This energy must have 3000 million strength. Could it be that Bai Yi couldn't break through his cultivation and reach the limitless warrior.

Many people didn't understand, what the hell is Bai Yi doing, does he have a second son?
Bai Qiu was watching the joke, and Bai Lin sneered.

"Hua'er, you can come in!"

After Bai Yi finished speaking, he yelled outside the clan hall, and everyone was dumbfounded.


"Could it be Birch?"

Countless people were chatting, and their thinking was short-circuited. There was only one Bai Hua in the Bai family, and there was absolutely no second person. In other words, Bai Yi was already crazy.

That day, Bai Hua was stabbed in the heart by someone, and it was impossible for him to be resurrected, so who was it that he shouted just now?

Outside the clan hall, there was a person standing with a bamboo hat on his head. It was very strange. No wonder many people didn't notice it and kept hiding in the dark.

At this moment, he came out and strode towards the gate of the clan hall.

"It's really a birch!"

The crowd outside blasted the pot, took off the bamboo hats, and Bai Hua strode forward. In five years, his appearance has basically remained the same, almost exactly the same as five years ago.

The only change is that he is a head taller than five years ago.

Hearing the word "Bai Hua", Bai Lin's body shook, with a trace of horror on his face, this scene happened to be seen by Lynch, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

Everyone was short of breath and thought they had seen a ghost.

In broad daylight, it is impossible for ghosts to appear. Behind Bai Hua, there is still a long shadow.

"Isn't the birch kept in the family cellar, frozen for five years, how could it suddenly come back to life?"

Like the Arabian Nights, no one will believe it, and no one will accept it. How could this happen? Bai Hua appeared mysteriously.

"Could it be that the head of the family found a person who looks the same as Bai Hua from outside and came back and pretended to be Bai Hua?"

Some people saw some tricks, Bai Hua's body is not so tall, so she must have someone pretending to be her.

More and more people are guessing that as long as the patriarch has successors, no one can shake the position of patriarch.

After crossing the threshold of the clan hall and entering the clan hall, all the disciples of the Yuzi generation stood up, and they all knew Bai Hua's appearance.

It is impossible for someone who looks similar to her to be so similar, and she is definitely not a substitute for Bai Hua.

"Baihua has met the elders, the elders of the clan!"

After Bai Hua came in, she bowed to all the elders, and then to the disciples of the Yuzi generation. Standing in the center of the clan hall, she stared straight at Bai Lin.

"Bai Yi, what's going on?"

All the elders were dumbfounded, really dumbfounded, how could they suddenly come back to life after they died.

"Reporting to the elders, this matter sounds a bit absurd. Back then, Hua'er was pierced through the heart with a gun, but it was not completely pierced. There was still a heart vein that was well preserved. It was sealed with ice in time, and this heart vein was preserved. It was Qi'er who discovered it and saved it."

The process is omitted, just a brief explanation, and I have already thought of an excuse.

(End of this chapter)

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