Chapter 1748 Under the Magic Pattern Examination

Xu Yu seemed a little dissatisfied and failed to reach 95 lines.

There is a legend among the angel family that if one breaks through 15 lines before the age of 95, there is a [-]% chance of breaking through a hundred lines in the future.

Xu Yu just turned 15 this year, and he will never have a chance to break the hundred again.

After working hard for several years, breaking through 95 lines should be the limit.

This kind of achievement was already against the sky. There were bursts of roars from the Xu family, but Xu Yu walked off the ring lonely.

"elder brother!"

Xu Yu was a little sad. Breaking 92 was their lifelong pursuit. Xu Yun was one year older than him. He had no chance to break [-] in the [-] magic pattern test last year.

"It's okay, don't you see that everyone around is celebrating you!"

Countless people are crazy, cheering and cheering, 91 magic lines, it can be called against the sky, Angel City may not be able to find a few.

Next, it was Xu Yun's turn to take the stage. Last year, he participated in the magic pattern assessment. In the final score, he entered the top five, but failed to get the first place.

In the other levels, the Xu family did not have the advantage, especially in the arm-wrestling level, the Xu family brothers and sisters got a point.

Elder Mo nodded, he had also heard a little about the brothers and sisters of the Xu family, they were not even the direct descendants of the Xu family, they stood out from the side branches.

The two brothers and sisters have suffered since they were young, and their mother single-handedly helped them raise them.

Now that she has entered the core of the Xu family, she does not forget the kindness of her upbringing, and still lives with her mother in that small courtyard.

Cast out the power of magic and inject it into the test tablet, because it was tested last year, and many people know Xu Yun's talent.

I want to know if I can break my own record and break through 95 lines.

Last year's best score was 92 lines!
The three lines are also tied together, rising rapidly, a bit faster than Xu Yu. Men are powerful, which women can't match.

Lin Qi stared at San Wen, with a smile on his lips. The Xu family brother and sister, San Wen, had a lot of similarities with his own spiritual roots.

The more spiritual roots he has, the more magic lines he can cast, so his nine spiritual roots...

After three breaths, the magic pattern reached ninety, and the rising speed slowed down.

In the blink of an eye, he broke through to 92 lines, and the next step is to create a new record.


The disciples of the Xu family were shouting, even if it is a mark higher, it is a new record, and it will be difficult for those behind to catch up.

Ninety to one hundred is definitely a big mountain, insurmountable.

Coupled with the weak successor of the magic pattern, it is difficult to reach the sky if you want to browse this mountain.


Climbed to the 94 lines with difficulty, the speed of ascent showed signs of stagnation, and the magic lines stopped moving.

Xu Yun suddenly let out a roar, and the magic pattern of the three lines flashed suddenly, jumped forcibly, and finally landed on the 95 pattern, and remained motionless.

"Okay, great!"

"With 95 lines, besides the hundred lines back then, Xu Yun's magic talent is the number one in a thousand years."

A senior member of the Xu family stood up excitedly. There have been 94 patterns in the past few years, but only 95 patterns. Under the hundred patterns, Xu Yun is No.1.

As for the 96 or 97 lines, it didn't appear at all.

Only 95 and [-].

Hou Yi and Tong Feng looked at each other and shook their heads. Their magical talent is not low, and there is still a big gap compared with the Xu family brothers and sisters.

Not even a level!
The last three people left on the stage are also related to the life and death of the three major families.

The field is also cooling down, withdraw from Xu Yun's passion, and watch the battle of the century.

"Brother Tong, you come first!"

Hou Yi gave Tong Feng the qualification to make the first shot, and asked him to test first.

"it is good!"

Tong Feng was not hypocritical, he took a few steps forward, stood under the magic test tablet, and took a deep breath.

It is impossible to surpass the brothers and sisters of the Xu family, he only needs to surpass Lynch.

All the high-level members of the Tong family held their breaths. The Tong family's disciples had finished the test. The best score was 75 lines, and all four major families had appeared.

The power of magic brewed, flowed down his arm, poured it into his palm, and hit the magic test tablet hard.

The two lines are juxtaposed, no wonder Tong Feng is so confident that he has two series of magic.

He is definitely a genius among geniuses, so he dared to challenge Lynch and compete.

With a smile on his face, Hou Yi seemed to be very confident in Tong Feng's magic pattern. He casually glanced at Lin Qi, and found that he was looking at another area of ​​the Bai family, not paying attention to Tong Feng's assessment at all.


This is blatant ignorance, actually making eye contact with several women.

"It must be explaining the last words!"

Hou Yi comforted himself in this way, that he still had thoughts to communicate at this time, it must be to explain the funeral.

The speed of the rise of the two grains is very fast, compared with the brothers and sisters of the Xu family, there is still a slight gap, and when it climbs to sixty grains, it starts to slow down.

In Tong Feng's test last year, he reached 75 lines. After a year of practice, his results must have improved, and even reached [-] lines.

At the later stage of the magic pattern, the improvement is getting slower and slower.

"Come on, Xu Jiaxiong!"

The disciples of Tong's family played the wave of people, and then put pressure on the Bai family, as if seeing Lynch's defeat.

Brothers Tong Yue and Tong Xing gritted their teeth with hatred, they were both defeated by the same person.

Approaching the 75 pattern, the rising speed of the two magic patterns slowed down, and each breathing time beat by one frame, and finally stopped at the 77 pattern.

With this result, Tong Feng was neither very satisfied nor dissatisfied, it was quite satisfactory.

After practicing for a year, there are two more lines, which is worthy of this year's effort.

"Tong Feng, 77 lines!"

Elder Mo yelled, and everyone heard it. This is related to the life and death of the three major families, and there is no room for difference.

Losing a big family, there are still many princes watching behind him, who can be replaced in an instant.

"Lynch, do you still need to compare!"

Hou Yi said gloomyly, his magic lines were even higher than Tong Feng's, so it's meaningless to compare.

"Did you take the initiative to admit defeat?"

Lynch pretended to be confused, since there was no competition, unless the other party took the initiative to admit defeat.


Hou Yi was so angry that he couldn't hear it from his own words, you are dead, and if you compare yourself, it's also self-sufficient and insulting.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's test!"

Anxious to get Angel Tears, not in the mood to talk nonsense with them, hurry up and end the selection.

"Hmph, let's see how you kneel in front of me and beg for mercy later!"

Hou Yi left a sentence, walked to the test monument, and also took a deep breath, the terrifying magic power surged like a flood, erupting suddenly.

The power of magic is still higher than that of Tong Feng. In addition to his natural strength, he can accommodate more magic patterns than ordinary people.

The human body itself is a container, and the brothers and sisters of the Xu family are just a special case. They have three patterns in their bodies, which are incomparable to ordinary people.

The two patterns were juxtaposed and quickly climbed up. After the fight, Hou Yi deliberately made a provocative gesture.

The Hou family shouted louder and louder, covering the surrounding noises.

The two lines kept jumping, and when they reached the fifty lines, the rising speed did not mean to slow down.

Xiaoxue and the others looked worried. Just now, Lynch sent them a voice transmission, so they don't have to worry.

It's not unreasonable for them to worry. After all, they are not angels and have no magic power at all.

This kind of competition is too unfair to Lynch.

But he can't say that he is a human race. At that time, whether it is the Mosa tribe or the angel tribe, they will attack them.

Unless Lynch is strong enough to ignore everything, neither the Lord God nor the Dark Demon God can do anything to him.

With shouts, Hou Yi's magic pattern stopped at 79 pattern, except for the brothers and sisters of the Xu family, who ranked fourth, and Tong Feng ranked fifth.

In the 400 million assessment, only Lynch was left, standing quietly on the ring.

A gust of wind blew over, ruffled the clothes, made a slight noise, and brought up a mess of hair on the sideburns.

He tightened the headband, took a deep breath, and strode towards the test monument.

The test monument of the human race, the test monument of the giant race, the test monument of the angel race...

The way of construction is different, but the meaning is the same, identifying the potential in the human body.

Hou Yi and Tong Feng did not step down from the stage, they were still waiting in the distance, wanting to see how many magic patterns Lynch could create.

Looking towards Bai's house, Bai Yi looked hopeful.

Bai Hua looked nervous.

Bai Yu was worried.

Xiaoxue and the others were even more anxious.

The senior members of the Bai family's expression fluctuated, and they wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

After sweeping through the other three families, the Xu family remained calm, while the Tong family and the Hou family laughed ferociously, as if seeing Lin Qi's disastrous defeat.

Chao Mo Lao nodded, indicating that the game can start.


Elder Mo asked a symbolic question.

"Junior Lynch!"

To reply politely, there is only one space in the crystal ball, and Lynch's magic pattern has not been entered yet.

Asking for the name is completely superfluous, just a routine.

"It's time to start!"

Elder Mo took a step back so as not to disturb Lynch.

For the others, their magic talent was tested last year, and everyone knows the exact value.

Only Lynch was too unfamiliar. The news from the Bai family came from a certain small family.

A family that couldn't be smaller, this kind of small family is rare in the Asura Immortal Domain.

Such a small family, with magical talent, can reach thirty, they are all geniuses.

Put it in Angel City, barely qualified.

"Lynch, come on!"

Bai Hua yelled loudly, and all the disciples of the Bai family moved together, and they also started to play with the crowd. Just now, the Tong family cheered Tong Feng like this.

She gave Bai Hua a hard look, everyone is an adult, don't do such childish things.

The latter still had a great time playing, hundreds of people shouted together, the sound shook the sky, very penetrating.

The right arm was raised, and the nine spiritual roots operated by themselves, absorbing more than 2000 million crystal stars.

Nine spiritual roots, like spirit snakes, shuttle freely and swim in the body.

He didn't know what the power of magic was, but Lynch was sure of one thing. Among the nine spiritual roots, there were endless magic patterns hidden.

He didn't know the exact number, because the crystal ball was almost broken by him playing with it. If it wasn't for the last effort, the crystal test ball would definitely burst.

A bland palm, lightly pressing on the test tablet, without gorgeous fluctuations, and without tyrannical magical impact.

"Is this kid crazy? Why can't he perceive the powerful magic power?"

There were puzzled voices from the crowd, it was because Lynch didn't know how to use magic at all.

The Bai family also had a dazed look on their faces, and they had to be more imposing anyway, so they pushed up casually like this, which drove Bai Hua a little crazy.

Hou Yi and Tong Feng almost laughed.

"Sure enough, you come from a small family, and you don't even know how to test magic!"

Tong Feng was sure that Lynch came from a certain small family, and it was normal for him to not understand the magic pattern test for the first time.

The moment nine magic lines appeared on the test tablet at the same time, all the laughter stopped in shock, as if struck by lightning!
(End of this chapter)

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