Chapter 1750 One stone is equal to one hundred
97 lines!

Like a natural moat, cutting through thorns and thorns, it cut off the fragile nerves of countless people.

"98 lines!"

Moaning without illness, I don't have the strength to shout anymore, the distance from the hundred lines is getting closer and closer, and the magic test monument is approaching the apex.

The main god's expression became more excited, his old face flushed, and he didn't know whether it was a recurrence of internal injuries or blood rushing to his brain.

Bai Yi couldn't describe his mood at the moment, Lynch's rise was completely unexpected.

Originally thought that the Bai family would be satisfied if they lost a few points, but they didn't expect that Lynch would give them a big surprise.

"99 lines!"

Everyone was already numb, Jiu Wen hadn't stopped, and continued to climb, even Bai Wen couldn't stop it, the speed of ascent was very fast, and there was plenty of energy left.

It's a pity that the magic test monument only has a hundred lines.

"Breaking a hundred!"

"Breaking a hundred!"

The disciples of the Bai family yelled, breaking a hundred will break the thousand-year record of the Angel Clan, and even the record of the entire Asura Immortal Territory.

"Breaking a hundred!"

"Breaking a hundred!"

The whole venue was boiling, except for the Hou family and the Tong family, everyone was shouting, who would not want to witness the birth of a hundred magic patterns with their own eyes, this will be a historic moment.

The sound became louder and louder, and it lived up to expectations. The magic pattern finally climbed to the last level, and the hundred patterns lit up.

Hou Yi was paralyzed on the ring with his head drooping. What kind of evildoer did they offend?

Things are far from stopping, even though breaking through the Hundred Patterns, the Nine Patterns are still running side by side and continue to rush upwards.

Unlike thousands of years ago, it was very difficult to hit the hundred patterns, and finally barely reached the hundred patterns.

Lynch's nine lines have strong spare power, and it's no problem to hit dozens of lines.

Circling upwards, unable to break through the shackles of the magic test monument, the Lord God frowned.

It was too late to rush out, and many people were extremely anxious. Could it be that Lynch's magical talent surpassed a hundred lines?

"I heard that there is a purple gem inlaid on the top of the magic test tablet. If the magic pattern exceeds a hundred, the purple gem will light up. I don't know if it is true or not. After all, no one has ever lit it."

Some high-level members of the four major families were whispering, and a gemstone was inlaid on the top of the magic test monument.

It is said that it comes from outside the domain, and if injected with magic lines, it will activate the gems.

No one can get a hundred lines, so whether this legend is true or not is temporarily unknown.

It appeared today, Lynch's magic lines, if you want to vent, you must have a vent to release it, otherwise it will blow up the test tablet.

It is no secret that the top is inlaid with gemstones, and most people know it.

"The gem is bright, really bright!"

The red gemstone at the top flickers, and there are really spots of light coming out.

It was not obvious at the beginning, but the bright spot became stronger and stronger, like a bright light, rushing in all directions.

The purple light beam illuminates the sky, forming nine divine dragons, hovering in the void, sending out bursts of dragon chant.

The scene was extremely spectacular, the entire Tong family and the Hou family were dead silent, even the Xu family was no exception.

This has surpassed the cognition of magic, not only reaching a hundred lines, but two hundred lines is not too much. Lynch's talent has reached an unbelievable level.

Nine purple dragons circled for a full three breaths before their magic was exhausted and they disappeared into the clouds.

Everyone's thoughts have not yet come to their senses, and they are silent at the scene just now.

The purple gemstone on the test tablet is actually real, and the magic pattern can be activated, only by surpassing the hundred patterns.

Simply having a hundred patterns is still not enough, it has to be much more than a hundred patterns to be activated.

The Hou family and the Tong family sat powerlessly on the chairs, and someone began to calculate, not counting the purple gemstones activated later, just surpassing the 21 lines of the Hou family and the 23 lines of the Tong family alone, this is an astronomical figure.

Everyone is counting, the further they go, the more frightened they become. When it exceeds ten lines, it has reached an unbelievable word.

"It's figured out. The Hou family will pay the Bai family 570 crystal star coins."

Someone yelled, and the Hou family showed a look of joy when they heard the millions of crystal coins. They could afford to pay for these crystal coins.

"The Tong family will pay the Bai family 410 crystal star coins!"

Compared with the Tong family's hundreds of millions of inventory, this crystal star coin is not enough to hurt the muscles and bones, and the Tong family can afford it.

Things are far from as simple as imagined.

"Don't forget, the story that one stone is equal to one hundred. When the magic test tablet was built, it was written clearly on the record tablet that stimulating purple gemstones is equal to one hundred magic lines. Adding the first one hundred, Lynch is equivalent to getting Two hundred magic patterns."

An old man stood up at this time and pointed to the magic test monument, which was just behind, and the written records were very detailed, but it was not that other people did not reach it, not that it did not exist.

Everyone knows about the red gemstone, but ignores the meaning behind it.

Hearing the news that one stone is equal to one hundred, the Tong family and the Hou family almost fainted.

Tong Tianwei trembled all over his body, as if he was having an epileptic seizure. With more than 20 lines, it reached more than 400 million. If it doubles like this, it may be more than hundreds of billions.

Selling the two big families is not enough to pay.

Who would have thought that Lynch not only broke the [-], but also lit up the red gemstones, and happened to have an appointment with the two big families. This year's selection of the four big families has exceeded everyone's expectations.

Now it's hard for everyone. According to the fact that one stone is equal to one hundred, the two big families can't afford to pay for it, because the numbers have surpassed human cognition.

There are not enough numbers to work out.

"It's up to the main god to judge whether it should be calculated that one stone is equal to one hundred!"

The members of the Tong family stood up, hoping that the Lord God could resolve the crisis, not to mention a few million crystal star coins, they were willing to pay [-] million in compensation.

If it is true that one stone is equal to one hundred, then the Tong family is basically abolished.

All eyes focused on the main god, wanting to hear the opinion of the main god.

The four major families usually fight, and the main god never participates. He is the patron saint, the belief of the angel family, and most things are still in the hands of the four major families.

"Lynch, this matter is caused by you, how do you want to solve it?"

The Lord God spoke, but did not give the Tong family a satisfactory answer, and the person who tied the bell had to be untied.

"Master Huizhushen, from one to the end, I have always adhered to the principle of doing things. It is the Tong family and the Hou family who are aggressive. The younger generation does not think that they are at fault. One stone is equal to a hundred. If the two of them cannot accept it, then it will be calculated according to thirty grains. I believe the two companies still have the ability to pay the compensation.”

The face of the Lord God still has to be given, one stone is equal to a hundred, even if the entire angel family is sold, it cannot be compensated.

According to this calculation, it is unrealistic, and the Bai family will not be able to get these crystal stars.

The next best thing is to calculate according to the thirty lines.

Lynch could figure out the details of the two big families. If Thirty Patterns asked them to pay compensation, it could hurt their muscles and bones, but it couldn't make them exterminate the family.

Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, Lin Qi's goal is to defeat the Tong family and the Hou family, and from then on, there will be no big waves.

"Thirty lines!"

"Thirty lines!"

Bai Hua shouted and was the first to stand up to support Lynch. Thirty lines are also an astronomical figure.

Since Lynch said this, he must have thought it through carefully, and he would not believe it without reason.

"Thirty lines!"

"Thirty lines!"

There were bursts of roars from all around, and those watching the battle also thought that Thirty Patterns was fair, and it was the Hou family and the Tong family who were aggressive and should be punished.

The trend of the times, the Lord God wanted to say something, but it seemed weak, the general trend of the world was already leaning towards Lynch.

Breaking through hundreds of patterns and lighting up the red gemstones, Lynch is the belief of the angel clan at this moment, and countless people worship it.

The status of the main god is irrelevant, and some people even proposed that Lynch should take over the position of the main god and lead the angel clan to a more glorious future.

Today's Lynch has become the spiritual belief of the Angel Race, and his words represent everything.

Do what you say!
Action must be resolute!

Lynch's words are the law and the system, and every family must abide by it.

The Lord God smiled wryly. He knew that what he was saying was superfluous. Lynch's aura had already formed and he was irresistible.

In the angel family, the main god symbolizes spiritual beliefs. Lynch broke the shackles of the past and achieved a new hegemony, which is unshakable.

There is no one who will come later, and there is absolutely no one before.

"Tong Tianwei, Hou Yanqing, pay according to Lynch's request!"

The Lord God sent a favor, and the matter has come to this point, saying anything is superfluous, it is better to give Lynch a favor, anyway, you don't have to pay for it yourself.

Tong Tianwei and Hou Yanqing's faces were ashen, knowing that the general situation was over, and everyone was on Lynch's side, and there was no way to change it.

Unless they dare to be enemies with the entire Angel Race.

"It's been calculated, and the compensation will be based on the thirty lines. The two major families will pay the Bai family one billion seven thousand three seven thousand four thousand eight hundred and twenty four crystal star coins."

It took a long time to finally calculate this value.

Hearing Billion, Hou Yanqing fainted directly.

The Tong family felt better, they were richer, and with Tong Feng's magic pattern, they were not as good as the Hou family, so they paid the same compensation.

With one billion, the two big families will be completely reduced to second-rate. From then on, they will never recover, unless they can improve in the next two hurdles.

Even so, they couldn't change their lonely fate. All of this was their own fault.

Up to now, Bai Yi is still like a dream. The two big families cannot afford to pay one billion crystal star coins. They will use real estate title deeds, crystal star coin veins, and family body training to reach this value.

The second level of magic assessment is over, and everyone is still silent in Baiwen.

The two families are going to pay compensation, and some shops are still houses, which are ceded to the Bai family according to the market price.

The Hou family had no choice but to come up with the body refining technique, which was worth [-] million crystal stars.

The Tong family is willing to sell a vein of crystal star coins, which is also worth [-] million crystal star coins.

Injured muscles and bones, completely lost the qualifications of the four major families.

There is not much time to rest, and the third level of assessment will be carried out next.

The preparation of magic potions, as well as the art of refining, tested these talented disciples.

With more than 70 points in the first pass and [-] points in the second pass, Lynch is currently far ahead of his opponents, and he will perform normally in the future. Regardless of whether he can win the championship or not, in the eyes of everyone, he is already the champion.

The magic test tablet was removed, and a row of desks were put up, with many weird potions on it that needed to be prepared.

A good magic potion is helpful to cast magic, blend into magic, and the power of blessing is huge.

There are many similarities with Lynch's spirit patterns.

(End of this chapter)

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