Chapter 1762
Tens of thousands of disciples have been mobilized, and they have been trained by Lynch's large resources in the past few years, and masters emerge one after another.

Through a series of means, without external force, a batch of fairylands were cultivated.

These people are loyal to Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

The spear of regret floated in the air, releasing suffocating power, the sky twisted, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Infinite witchcraft, poured into the spear of regret, wants to cast a peerless stab.

The distorted space formed a space collapse. In the sky above the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, countless small honeycombs appeared, and the laws contained in them were disturbed by the regretful spear and could not be condensed together.

The three ancestors of the witch clan manipulated the secret magic of the witch clan with both hands, arousing the energy of the spear of regret.

Everyone's heart is raised, and no one knows whether the big formation can hold on.

The army of the Wu tribe is more than [-], and its combat power is strong, unless there is assistance from other planets.

It was too late to inform the Kamikaze Sect. The Kamikaze Sect was also too tired to cope with the wars in the past few years, and there was no time for a clone.

After resisting it for six years, the Nine Heavens Sword Sect is unbreakable, and the Kamikaze Sect has no longer mobilized experts to come over these few years.

The appearance of the Lance of Regret will break this pattern, break through the Nine Heavens Sword Sect formation, and the next one will go to the Kamikaze Sect to destroy the super sect of the human race.

With gusts of wind, Shi Shi's spear turned into a meteor, rushing suddenly from above the sky, emitting a series of flames.

The long tongue of flame ignited the void and began to burn at an incredible speed.

"Not good, everyone back away quickly!"

Lin Xiaotian realized that something was wrong and told everyone to evacuate this place. The Spear of Regret could definitely threaten the formation.

Once it is broken, it will directly penetrate the Nine Heavens Sword Sect and arrive at the Martial Arts Field, and countless people will suffer.

In an orderly manner, those masters withdrew one after another, stood around the big formation, and waited for the moment the big formation broke, rushed out in an instant, and fought with the witch clan.

It was getting closer and closer, but in the blink of an eye, the spear of regret appeared on the surface of the guardian formation.


As if the sky and the earth exploded, everyone covered their ears, and the impact of that force formed a halo, which fluctuated around along the guardian formation.

There are countless cracks on the mask, and it was actually broken, but it can still hold on for a while.

Regretful Spear flew into the air, preparing for the second wave of impact, and defending the large formation, which can withstand up to three times.

Star battleship!

Lynch's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. The imprint left by the big formation just now fluctuated obviously. Only when it was broken, would it fluctuate so violently.

You can already see the crystal wall of the Realm of Martial Immortals, and you should be able to rush back to the Nine Heavens Sword Sect in half an hour.

The regrettable spear struck for the second time, this time at a faster speed, like a meteor, hitting the defensive formation.


This time the impact was even louder, and it was heard for hundreds of millions of miles, and the entire Tianyan Continent was shaking.

Countless masters came to help Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

Nine Heavens Sword Sect has developed in the past few years, and they have not forgotten them. If they can help, they will help. Tianyan Planet is now a monolith.

The fighting in the periphery has already begun, and a large number of human races have arrived to hunt and kill the Wu clan.

In the past few years, how many relatives have died at the hands of the Wu clan, and it has become an irreconcilable situation.

Even if there is no Nine Heavens Sword Sect, they will confront the Wu Clan head-on. In ten years, human beings can hold on.

If you can't keep it, you will become a slave of the witch clan from then on.

The regrettable spear flew into the air for the third time, and the formation was already in jeopardy. The cracks on it were getting bigger and bigger, and the third time it could completely penetrate it.

On the crystal wall of the Immortal Realm, a battleship approached rapidly, forcibly tore a gap, and entered the True Martial Immortal Realm.

The third impact of Shi Shi's spear was faster than the first time. If lightning is a thousand times faster, it is more than a thousand times faster than lightning.

The naked eye can't tell at all, and it has surpassed the speed of light.


The sky fell apart, the defensive formation was completely broken, and the regrettable spear penetrated the formation and stabbed towards the martial arts field of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

The violent friction sound and deafening neighing made people uncomfortable.


The ground collapsed, and the entire Martial Arts Field sank. Fortunately, everyone retreated in time to avoid the impact, otherwise a large number of people would die.

The regretful spear was inserted into the ground, releasing infinite witchcraft, permeating the entire Nine Heavens Sword Sect.


With an order, everyone in the Nine Heavens Sword Sect picked up their weapons, rushed to the front line, and fought with the Wu Clan.

The three ancestors of the witch clan did not make a move, and guarded the three directions to prevent anyone from escaping.

The army of hundreds of thousands of witches, like ants, is advancing forward, and the Nine Heavens Sword Sect has only tens of thousands.

There is a huge gap in strength between the two sides. The humans rely on their superiority in martial arts and can barely fight against two. The curse of the witches is extremely strange, and it is extremely difficult for the humans to defend against.

Those low-strength fighters will soon be eroded by the curse, turning into monsters, biting each other, and the scene is extremely tragic.

Lin Xiaotian, Lin He, Yuan Gang and others rushed to the front line one after another, fighting inextricably with the Wu Clan.

The blood flowed like a river, which made the senior management of Jiutian Jianzong heartbroken. It has been nearly 20 years since Jianzong, so is it going to be destroyed today?

Unwilling, they died in the hands of the Wu Clan, took the long sword in their hands, and chopped off the Wu Clan's head.

The blood splattered everywhere, dyed the skirt of the clothes red, and also dyed the sky red.

The scariest thing about the Witch Clan is their numbers. Their reproduction rate is too fast, and their lifespan is so long that humans can't match it.

The greatest enemy of the heavens and worlds, the fairy world, is the witch world, which almost overturned the fairy world and unified the universe.

"Kill kill kill..."

The shouts of killing shook the sky, the Nine Heavens Sword Sect temporarily reversed the situation, and formed a formation to resist the attack of the Wu Clan. This is not a long-term solution.

Death happens all the time, and Lin Xiaotian's body has long been covered in blood, which is the blood of the witch clan.

"Retire to the Jianzong hall!"

With a loud shout, everyone retreated. The hall is the last line of defense, which can withstand a period of time. Unfortunately, the number of people it can accommodate is limited, and it is impossible for everyone to enter.

"War, we will not retreat!"

This was a desperate battle, and there was no room for retreat. Those disciples rushed forward frantically, with blood flying, and were killed by the Wu Clan in an instant.

The three ancestors of the witch clan sneered, turning a deaf ear to the death of their clansmen.

This kind of ants are sent to the human world as cannon fodder. They have no intention of taking them back. The purpose is to attack the human race and hunt and kill them continuously.

Nine Heavens Sword Sect suffered heavy losses, and the death toll kept adding up. Some of Lin Qi's relatives, brothers and sisters died on the battlefield.

It only lasted for a cup of tea before and after, and the bones piled up into mountains, and more than 5000 people died in the Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

These people are all elites, if they die here, it will be a huge blow to Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

"Senior brother!"

Luo Chang hugged the body of the sixth junior brother, who was shot by the Wu clan just now, and the body was separated.

With scarlet eyes, they rushed into the crowd, hunting and killing them recklessly, they had no way out, they were going to die together.

The warriors watching the battle from a distance couldn't help but shed tears when they saw this colorful scene.

The Nine Heavens Sword Sect has stood on the top of the mainland in just over ten years, and has fulfilled the dreams of many people.

Today, that dream will be ruthlessly trampled on.


When Hu Qingming fell down, Yin Hong rushed forward, beheaded the Wu clan, hugged her brother's body, blood sprayed out along her neck.

"Junior Sister, Junior Brother, let's go first!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Qingming tilted his head and was completely breathless.

These are senior brothers and sisters Lynch who died in this battle.

There are also many friends who are on the front line, defending their rights with their lives, and will never allow the Wu Clan to take a step forward and firmly hold on to this foundation.

"Brother, I'm going first!"

Yu Wencong rushed out and said hello to Lin Xiaotian. The two of them, from the relationship between monarch and minister, to friend, to superior and subordinate, although they are not biological brothers, they have become better than brothers these years.

"Brother, let's go, brother will accompany you later!"

Lin Xiaotian chopped off the head of a witch with a big knife in his hand. Tears flowed down his cheeks and into his neck, mixed with blood, and stained his body red.

Yu Wenchong's body exploded, forming a tyrannical air wave, killing hundreds of witches, and the entire venue was covered with minced meat.

How heroic, how grand, how tragic!
No one retreated, all rushed forward. Yu Wenchong's example inspired more people to use self-destruct to kill the Wu clan.

"Sect Master, let's go first!"

The top executives of the Seven Star Temple, who followed them to join the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, now want to fulfill their mission, rush into the crowd, and end their own lives by self-destructing.

Lin Xiaotian may have cried out his tears, and his body was already numb. He watched his old friends and subordinates die here one by one, with a big knife in his hand, waving desperately.

Only by killing one can I feel more at ease.

"Brothers, you wait for me, and you must remember to wait for me!"

After cutting off the head of the Wu clan, a long knife pierced Lin Xiaotian's lower abdomen, and blood spurted wildly.

The big knife slashed angrily, and the three Wu clans who rushed over were chopped into two pieces alive.

Pulling out the long knife, throwing it aside, it was too late to deal with the injury, and continued to fight, his body staggered, and his vision began to blur.

In this short half hour, it was a purgatory on earth. Tens of thousands of people were killed and injured. The shouts continued and the sound of explosions continued.

Every explosion indicates that a human will explode.

If there is no advantage in numbers, then use the method of dying together to end your life.

Lin He and Ruan Susu were covered in blood, and their bodies were crumbling. They were besieged by hundreds of witch clans. They were disciples of the clan who resisted them with their lives.

Now all the disciples in the clan were killed or injured, and the two were besieged by hundreds of witch clans. Death is a matter of time.

"Husband, I'll take a step first!"

Ruan Susu smiled wryly, and suddenly rushed out, choosing to explode herself to open a gap for her husband.

"Su Su..."

Lin He's eyes were bleeding and tears, and his body rushed forward. If he died, he would die together as a husband and wife.

As lovebirds, they share the same nest after death.

The two joined hands and rushed into the army of the Wu tribe together. There was no pain and no regrets. They had no regrets.

Without Lynch, they would not be able to be together in this life. The only regret is that they cannot have a family reunion for a meal.

The body swelled a little, but the palms were tightly squeezed together.

At this time, violent fluctuations suddenly came from the void, and a battleship suddenly appeared, and everything below was introduced into the battleship.

"Father, mother!"

The moment the picture came back, Lynch screamed.


The bodies of the two suddenly exploded, turning into endless air waves, rushing in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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