Chapter 1765 Three Messages
The nine brothers and sisters can fight side by side again, and everyone is gearing up, their blood is boiling.

A team of 3 people marched to the battlefield in mighty force, and a war between humans and witches kicked off.

The first battlefield started from the Tianyan Continent, crushing all the way, and all the Wu tribes were uprooted.

Lin Qi fell to the ground, and Nine Heavens Sword Sect took about half of it away, making it look empty.


Lin Xiaotian walked over with strides, Lin He and Ruan Susu followed behind, and all the senior management gathered together and stood on one side.

"Grandpa, father, mother..."

Greeting each other, we haven't seen each other for six years. They are much older. Only by breaking through the immortal can they be immortal, even if they are half-immortal, their lifespan will be exhausted.

"Just come back!"

Lin Xiaotian burst into tears, seeing his relatives leave with his own eyes, the state of mind is indescribable, only after experiencing the parting of life and death, can he appreciate the preciousness of family affection.

For them, Lynch is undoubtedly the reborn parent. This kind of kindness cannot be summed up in a few words.

"Everyone go in!"

The army of slaughtering witches had already set off. Nine Heavens Sword Sect calmed down and arranged for everyone before coming to greet Yan Mingyi.

"I have seen the Sect Master!"

Keep your posture very low, thank you Kamikaze for taking care of his family all these years.

In the past few years, the Wu Clan repeatedly invaded the Nine Heavens Sword Sect, and the Shenfeng Sect did not send a master to resist the wave after wave of attacks of the Wu Clan. Lynch kept this kindness in his heart.


Yan Mingyi had thousands of words, but he didn't know how to speak. He hugged Lin Qi fiercely in his arms. The two big men held each other for a full minute before letting go.

From the corner of Yan Mingyi's eyes, you can see crystal teardrops. After six years, we finally meet each other.

A few women stood behind and stepped forward to salute one after another.

The high-level people gathered together, Lynch's return gave the entire Realm of Martial Immortals a shot in the arm, some were happy, some were not.

For example, Murong Natural Enemy and Jiang Chen and others, when they heard the news that Lin Qi had killed three ancestors of the Wu clan with one punch, they were so frightened that they jumped off the couch and almost died of fright.

Killing the immortal with one punch, could it be that Lynch couldn't break through the immortal.

The Kamikaze Sect was discussing in secret, and several other planets also gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"Brother Jiang, you are the emissary of the fairy world. Lin Qi has returned strongly. With the few of us, he is no match for him. I heard that he has three subordinates from the outer fairyland, all of whom have the ability to kill immortals."

When Murong Natural Enemy heard the news, he suddenly aged a lot. It seemed that he could not take revenge on his grandson.

"I can understand Brother Murong's mood. The relationship between us and Lynch has long been endless. This time we return, we are busy slaughtering witches. When the witches are cleared, they will definitely turn their guns to deal with us. Adding Feng Wuyan, we have a very good chance of winning. Low."

Guo Po sighed, unexpectedly six years later, things have been out of their control.

The witch clan is very popular, and the eleven immortals guard their own planet. They have not formed any team and have no countermeasures. They fight on their own.

But today, Lynch returned, formed an army, and swept away the Wu Clan. The team was getting bigger and bigger. If he came with the Wu Clan corpse, he could raise his realm for free. This kind of good news spread all over the world.

In just a few days, Lin Qi's fame surpassed that of immortals and became the savior of the Real Martial Immortal Realm.

Countless people worship him, whoever dares to oppose him at this time is tantamount to becoming an enemy of the whole world.

No wonder Guo Po, Murong Natural Enemy and others are under great pressure. Not only is fame, but also prestige, and strength, Lynch is far behind them.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, waiting for something.

Xin Hentian sat quietly at the side, the four of them were at odds with Lynch, and it was impossible to reconcile.


A flash of golden light arrived from the distant sky and landed in Jiang Chen's palm.

"The decree of the fairy world!"

Murong Natural Enemy showed a look of astonishment. He already knew that Jiang Chen had something to do with the Immortal Realm. I heard that he came from the Immortal Realm in his previous life. He was a pawn sent by the Immortal Realm to monitor the Real Martial Immortal Realm.

I didn't expect it to be true. Jiang Chen's strength is not high, but among the top ten immortals, his status is very high, so that's how it is.

The golden light hovered in Jiang Chen's palm for a long time, before sinking into the center of his eyebrows, he closed his eyes and meditated, digesting the information inside.

After waiting for a cup of tea, Jiang Chen opened his eyes, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Brother Jiang, tell me quickly, what message does the fairy world convey."

The four of them had already been tied to the same boat, one was prosperous and the other was damaged, and when they spoke, they were very casual.

"A total of three messages!"

Jiang Chen picked up the tea on the table, took a sip lightly, and said unhurriedly, the other three were dying of anxiety.

"Brother Jiang, don't be foolish, what time is this, it's burning your ass, you should hurry up and say it!"

Guo Po was still impatient and wanted to know the specific information. Once Lynch fell into the army, the four of them would die.

"First, the Immortal Realm has received news that more troops from the Witch Clan are coming, intending to cut off the connection between the Mortal Realm and the Immortal Realm, and cut off the foundation of the Immortal Realm."

The first news has nothing to do with them, the Wu Clan is just an advance team, and there are more powerful Wu Clans coming.

If the fairy world wants to last forever, it needs the constant delivery of talents from the mortal world.

This is their foundation. Everything in the fairy world is built on the foundation of the mortal world.

Once the Realm of Martial Immortals is occupied, the Witch Clan can use the Realm of True Martial Immortals as a springboard to attack the Immortal Realm little by little. Therefore, this is a battlefield and must not be lost.

The Immortal Realm will not just sit idly by, and must find a way to stop the Witch Realm and occupy the Zhenwu Immortal Realm.

Hearing that the Wu Clan would come again, the three of them looked at each other. If there were more Wu Clans coming, the human race would really be devastated, and a war would be inevitable. It is unknown whether the immortals can survive in peace.

"Don't worry everyone, the fairy world will not sit idly by when the witch clan comes. The real martial arts realm will stimulate the power of the sky and bless the human race. It is not so easy for the witch clan to destroy us."

Jiang Chen was very open. The Wu Clan's attack was an opportunity for the Human Race. After going through this ordeal, the Human Race would explode, countless masters would emerge, and a large number of treasures would appear in the world.

"What's the second message?"

Xin Hentian asked, he was concerned about Lynch.

"In a year or so, when the star magnetic storm breaks out, the fairy world will take advantage of the weakening of the fairy gate and send an army down to wipe out the witch clan. At that time, I will recommend you in front of the fairy envoy. In the future, you will have a backer to ascend to the fairy world."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that his identity was very mysterious. He should know about Qin Xiu'er.


Hearing this news, Murong Natural Enemy stood up excitedly.

They have been reluctant to ascend to the fairyland for a long time, mainly because they are afraid of going up and living like slaves.

I would rather choose to stay in the mortal world than ascend to the fairy world. It would be different if I had a backing. When I got to the fairy world, at least I wouldn't be bullied.

The eyes of several other people also showed fiery colors. With the backing, they can let go of everything and ascend to the fairyland, which is the place that the human race yearns for.

"Don't worry, there has been no distinction between us for a long time. If the messenger from the fairy world comes down, I will definitely recommend it."

Jiang Chen continued to take a sip of tea, and there was one last piece of news.

"What's the last message?"

Murong Tiandi asked, what else is there.

"I never imagined that this Lin Qi violated the rules of the fairy world, changed the rules against the sky, and was blocked by the fairy world. From then on, he can no longer be promoted to a fairy. This time the fairy messenger comes down, and there is another task , arrest Lynch and go back to bow his head and plead guilty."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the three of Murong's natural enemies stood up one after another, with incredulous expressions on their faces.

"What, changing the law against the sky, cutting off the road to immortality."

Apparently they still don't believe that as long as they are not immortals, there is nothing to be afraid of. When an immortal descends to earth, it will be his death.

"That's right, the Witch Clan originally beheaded nearly ten thousand people from the Nine Heavens Sword Sect. I don't know what kind of shit luck this kid had. He actually comprehended the power of light and darkness, combined yin and yang, changed the law of time, and reversed half an hour. , imprisoned by the fairy world, and condemned as a sinner."

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and said, this matter, the entire True Martial Immortal Realm knew about it, it was no longer a secret.

Those who died were able to come back to life, all of this is due to Lynch.

Even Murong Natural Enemy and the others didn't know about the fact that the road to seeking immortality was blocked by the immortal world, and Jiang Chen only received the news.

"Okay, that's great. I didn't expect this kid to offend the fairy world. Let him dance for a year. When the messenger of the fairy world comes down, he will die."

Murong Natural Enemy was very happy, and rushed to the table, and the depressed mood just now was swept away.

More than a year passed in a flash.

"Recently, I'm keeping a low profile. I hope this kid doesn't come here to make troubles. Even if he makes troubles, we all choose to endure. He still doesn't dare to slaughter our clansmen. No matter how provocative he is, he chooses to retreat. He will survive this year and wait for the emissary from the fairy world come."

I was afraid that they would be impulsive and unable to stand Lynch's stimulation. If they were provoked by a few words, they would come out to a duel and die in vain.

The best way is to choose to retreat, to avoid and not to fight, although the reputation is not good, it is better than death.

When the majestic immortal said these words, Jiang Chen himself showed a wry smile.

For thousands of years, they have enjoyed too much glory.

It's better now, like a pug, with its tail between its legs.

"We know what to do. When we go back, we will retreat directly. During this time, he is busy taking care of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect and the Kamikaze Sect, so he has no time to take care of us."

Guo Po interjected at this time, completely controlling Lynch's movements.

"Brother Jiang, can you recruit Ying Wuqing and Yan Qing to strengthen our team?"

Murong Tiandi continued, Eleven Immortals, Wan Shuiliu and Feng Wuyan.

Qiu doesn't know for the time being, he never deals with people, Cang Yunxing responds to the situation, and his strength is not low. In addition, Yan Qing and Shen Kaiyuan are both immortals, and the fierce tooth star Deng Yutang, if they can be combined, they will definitely be A force to be reckoned with.

"I have already contacted them, but I haven't heard back yet. It seems that they are all waiting. These people are old and mature. It is obviously impossible for them to form a team at this time. Wait for the envoys from the fairy world to come down and see if they are still obedient."

Jiang Chen let out a sneer, everyone has lived for a thousand years, how can they unite so easily, unless they have the ability to absolutely crush.

When the emissary from the fairy world comes down, whoever dares to refuse, the emissary will definitely surpass the real immortal and reach a higher level of immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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