Chapter 1767

After waiting for a thousand years, every cell in Lynch's body was in motion, which made him feel a little unbelievable.

"Doesn't it feel weird?"

The old man has a pair of eyes of wisdom, seeing everything.

"Dare to ask what the senior is called?"

Take a deep breath and admit that you have too many questions and fears in your heart right now.

"Play this game of chess with me, and you will know who I am."

The old man smiled slightly, picked up the chess piece in his hand, and wanted to play a game with Lynch.

Since the old man refused to speak, Lynch had no choice but to give up. He turned his eyes and looked at the chessboard. The whole chess game suddenly moved, as if countless planets were revolving.

This is not a game of chess, but a universe where everything evolves.

An old man and a young man sit in the depths of the universe, looking at these planets, which are intricately arranged around them, without any rules at all.

"The world is originally a game of chess, the board is the sky, the grid is the earth, and the chess pieces are the planets in the universe. As long as you can solve this chess game, you can break the bondage of the world and open the shackles."

The voice of the old man flickered around, and with a movement of his finger, a planet slowly rotated and fell towards the threshold.

Don't dare to be careless, this is related to your own future, whether you can break through the immortal, it depends on a game of chess.

Mobilize all souls and start analyzing how to break this chess game.

I tried to communicate with Chang'e, but I couldn't communicate, as if I was here, cut off all contact with the outside world, and it was a completely independent world.

In chess, Lynch is definitely a master.

Back then on Qianji Island, one person solved all the chess games, unlocked the mysteries of Qianji Island, and obtained the Great Five Elements Technique, which is also the predecessor of the Eternal God Fist today.

No matter how many chess masters, they failed to break the chess game, and they were broken by Lynch.

The planets moved one by one, and in just a few breaths, the chess game changed drastically.

No one spoke, both hands moved, and the pattern continued to evolve, but Lynch's disadvantage became more and more obvious, and he was about to retreat soon.

"Lynch, your chess skills have been wasted too much these years. If you want to break this game, your chess skills alone are not enough."

The old man stopped suddenly, sat in the universe, his eyes jumped billions of miles, and arrived in front of Lynch.

Close your eyes and fall silent into the chess game.

A miniature version of the endgame appeared in the sea of ​​souls. Since Chang'e is not there, everything will be up to him.

The two Lynches appeared in the sea of ​​souls and started a game. According to the endgame just now, they continued to deduce. At the end of each day, this kind of scene would appear, and they were at a disadvantage.

"Impossible, this endgame can't be solved at all!"

After deducing it no less than a hundred times, Lynch tried countless methods, but he still couldn't find a way to solve it, and he was a little impatient.

With a roar, the chessboard was overturned, but he still couldn't find a way to crack it, which made him a little crazy.

"Chess is in your heart, as long as you have chess in your heart, the world is chess, don't just look at one side of things."

The voice of the old man resounded in Lin Qi's soul, like a reminder, but also like an explanation, let Lin Qi catch a chance, half-understood.

All the chess games that appeared on Qianji Island resurfaced in my mind, overlapping little by little, and a scene similar to the one in front of me unexpectedly appeared.

"I see, everything has another side!"

After those endgames overlapped, an arc appeared at the corner of Lynch's mouth, and with a flip of his palm, the world suddenly turned upside down, with his head facing down and his feet facing up, and the chess game changed.

You can't look at the surface of everything, maybe from another angle, you can see it more clearly.

The palms waved again and again, and the chess pieces fell one by one, from a disadvantage to an advantage, standing in an invincible position.

"Ruzi can be taught!"

The old man waved his hand, and the surrounding scene disappeared. When the two returned to the room, the endgame on the table disappeared and turned into a map of the star field.

Lynch saw a lot of different things. This star field map seemed familiar. He seemed to have seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it.

"Senior, forgive me for asking, are you old man Qianji?"

Just now, in his mind, the endgame picture of Wuqianji Island appeared, which made Lin Qi suddenly think of a person. Back then, the old man Qianji broke the shackles of heaven and earth and left Tianyan Continent.

"It's been more than 1000 years, I never thought I could still hear this name!"

The old man admitted that he really was the old man Qianji, who left countless mysteries back then, all thinking that he ascended to the fairy world.

"Junior Lynch, pay my respects to Elder Qianji!"

Stand up respectfully, kneel down and kowtow to the old man Qianji, without the old man Qianji's inheritance back then, there would be no achievement today.

Speaking of which, the old man Qianji is also Lynch's half master, and he has received endless benefits from Qianji Island.

"Son, get up and talk!"

Old Man Qianji signaled Lynch to get up and talk as if he were his own child.

At this time, after finishing his work outside, the divine appraiser walked into the house, picked up the purple sand pot on the stove, and poured a cup of tea for Old Man Qianji and Lynch.

Afterwards, he withdrew and didn't speak a word from the beginning to the end. His respect for old man Qianji was even higher than that of Lynch.

"Senior Qianji, do you know my background?"

His life experience is too mysterious. It was mentioned by the god estimate back then, and the person of the third generation, and the prophet also mentioned it.

That old man Qianji must know, no matter what today, he has to figure out where he came from.

"Don't be in a hurry!"

Old Man Qianji picked up the tea on the table, took a sip lightly, and was sorting out his thoughts on where to start with this matter.

He is not in a hurry, Lynch is in a hurry!

With a look of hope on his face, he waited for Old Man Qianji to drink his tea and continued to look at him, wanting to know the answer.

"We're from the same place!"

The old man Qianji looked at Lynch, no wonder, as if he looked at a child, it turned out that they came from the same place.

"Tianyan Continent?"

Asked curiously, they came from the same place, only the Tianyan Continent.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, it was obvious that what Lynch said was wrong, could there be other places, Lynch was even more puzzled.

"Also ask the seniors to make it clear!"

Lynch couldn't bear it anymore. Only by finding out his own life experience can he solve the mystery of the third life, where he came from.


The old man Qianji suddenly pointed his finger at the chess game on the table, which had turned into a map of the star field, and a blue planet appeared on it, slowly rotating.

Around the blue planet, there are several stars revolving around a big sun, which is somewhat similar to the situation in the Realm of Martial Immortals.

"This is Earth!"

I don’t know how many times I have seen this star field map from Chang’e. It can be said that it is full of yearning for the earth.

"Yes, we are all from Earth!"

Old Man Qianji was not from the Realm of Martial Immortals, but from a place called Earth, Lynch was completely stunned.

How could they arrive here after being separated by billions of miles and spanning countless universes.

Even a fairy can't make it across the sky.

"Doesn't it feel weird?"

From Lynch's shocked eyes, it could be seen that he was in shock at the moment and couldn't adapt for a while.

Although he knows the earth, it is a bit difficult for him to admit that he is from the earth.

"Senior, don't be joking, the earth takes hundreds or even thousands of years from our flight, how could it come from such a far place."

Lynch smiled wryly, thinking that this is impossible, the two fairylands are too far apart.

"Because of it!"

The star map suddenly changed, and an arched portal appeared, from which a large number of planets were ejected, which made Lynch unable to sit still and almost fell down.


He thought it was just a dream, but the prophet let him have a dream. When he saw this arch, he always thought it was a dream, but he didn't expect it to be true.

The arch disappeared in a flash, and the face of the old man Qianji became even older, as if his lifespan was coming to an end.

How similar to the situation of the Prophet back then, it was also because of seeing the mysterious arch that the Prophet died.

"Senior, what the hell is this?"

Lynch was a little crazy. Now he can conclude that he must have seen this arch. As for what happened back then, it is still unknown.

"Son, I don't know about this portal for the time being, but I can be sure that it is the creator of the universe. I also saw it back then, and somehow came to Tianyan Continent."

Old Man Qianji's expression was gloomy, he didn't know where to start with many things.

"Senior, please tell me completely, what's going on with the earth, how I came to the Tianyan Continent, and how to break through the shackles of heaven and earth and break through the immortals."

Take a deep breath, now his mind is in a mess, like a ball of paste, I hope old man Qianji can sort it out for him and figure out the reason.

"This matter started thousands of years ago. At that time, the earth was also a holy place for cultivation. I was one of the cultivators. It took a hundred years to break through the bottleneck and finally shatter the void."

Old Man Qianji spoke slowly, narrating from his birth to the Shattered Void bit by bit.

Lynch didn't dare to omit a single word, and recorded them all. This was related to his own destiny.

"Breaking the void, traveling the universe, thinking that I could ascend to the fairy world, but unexpectedly, I came across this portal, and it turned out..."

The old man Qianji showed a wry smile, shattering the void is the dream of many people in his life, to be able to ascend to the fairyland, and from then on, he will never die or die.

"How is the result?"

Lynch asked impatiently.

"As a result, three souls and seven souls were shattered by this mysterious portal, and only one remnant soul survived, reincarnated and reborn in Tianyan Continent."

Having said that, things are basically clear. The old man Qianji shattered the void and reached the depths of the universe, but did not ascend to the fairyland.

Perhaps there was a mistake in some link, which resulted in the failure to ascend to the fairy world, but saw this mysterious portal.

"Then how did the senior conclude that I am also from Earth?"

As for coming from the earth, Lynch can accept it. The Real Martial Immortal Realm is not the only fairy realm. He has been to the Demon Realm, the Giant Clan, and the Asura Immortal Realm. It is easy to accept that he is on one more earth.

"I am known as the old man Qianji. I can't hide this secret from me. Thousands of years ago, if I figured it out, you would appear."

Old man Qianji is very confident. When he was on Earth, he was known as a magician.

Now combining the knowledge of the two great immortal realms, it is even more capable of calculating everything.

"Senior, I still have a lot of things I don't understand. No matter where I come from, what does it have to do with this arched portal?"

Lynch shook his head, he understood Old Man Qianji's life experience, but his life experience was still a mess.

"Mysterious arch, I can already speculate a little. It is inconvenient to disclose it temporarily. If you reveal the secret of heaven, you will be punished by heaven. You need to find out your life experience by yourself. I believe you have already figured it out. Next, I will tell you how to break the rules of heaven and earth." , and where to go in the future.”

(End of this chapter)

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