Chapter 1951 Accurate Location
After fighting all night, everyone was tired, and it was rare that there was no disturbance from the mysterious spirit, and the collective collapsed in place.

"My name is Su Hao, this is Hu Tang, Yu Lin, Zhao Min, Gao Bo."

The leading man introduced the five of them one by one.

The one named Yu Lin was a woman, and everyone gave Lynch a fist to express their gratitude.

Without the help of the two of them tonight, the result can be imagined. After repeated battles, they were already exhausted.

Xuan Ling waited for this opportunity for a long time, and used these five people to restrain them until they exhausted their soul power.

As a result, Lin Qi and Liu Tiejun rushed out and successfully rescued the five of them.

"Liu Tiejun!"


The two sides introduced each other, sat down cross-legged, and all entered into a state of rest, leaving one person to guard in case Xuan Ling left and returned.

The consciousness has entered the soul sea and is still studying the soul mountain. In the future, this will also be a big trump card. It is absolutely impossible to defend against the sudden attack on the opponent's primordial spirit.

Using Yuanshen, you can communicate with Soul Mountain.

With a thought, Soul Mountain flew out and attacked a strange tree, which withered instantly.

"It really works!"

Lynch said secretly, fortunately the others were resting, otherwise this scene would have surprised them.

The strange trees that were hit did not recover and remained withered. That is to say, Soul Mountain hurt their origin.

The five people who were blocked struggled hard at the beginning, but then slowly gave up.

The sky was getting brighter, and everyone woke up from their sleep. After a night of restoration, their energy and spirit were all restored.

"Brother Lin, what shall we do?"

Su Hao was very polite to Lynch. Don't look at Lynch as only a third-rank immortal master. Last night, he suddenly evolved into a giant mountain, which was too powerful a blow to them.

"I tried to enter their soul sea to see if I could force out the mysterious spirit and restore their consciousness."

Walk to the nearest man, about fifty years old, very young.

In the fairy world, an immortal teacher in his 50s is considered a genius.

With a movement of the soul sea, it turned into a meteor and forcibly entered the opponent's soul sea.


There was a sound of gasping for breath, their soul seas were pitch black, and their primordial spirits were sluggish. Even if they drove away the mysterious spirits, they probably would die soon.

Seeing Lynch, the black mist instantly turned into a skull and attacked Lynch.

"court death!"

Waiting for this moment, Soul Mountain suddenly moved and turned into a stream of light, suppressing the skull in place, and let out a shrill scream.

All soul power was completely eaten up by Soul Mountain.

After eating a mysterious spirit, the soul mountain will gain a bit of strength, the steps will disappear, and it will evolve into a ten-story giant mountain.

Without the control of the mysterious spirit, the sea of ​​souls slowly returned to clarity, and the primordial spirit was very weak. The man's eyes changed from bewitching to sober.

"Ma Jun, how are you doing!"

Su Hao hugged the man and asked about the situation.

"I can't do it anymore, you must get out alive."

The man named Ma Jun's consciousness gradually blurred, without the support of the mysterious spirit, his soul was dry, leaving only a shell.

"Brother Ma, can you tell me what clues Xuanling left in your sea of ​​souls?"

Lynch asked quickly, knowing that Ma Jun would not last long, this was a sign of returning to the light.

"A big tree, a very big tree. They are in awe of this big tree. All profound spirits must obey that mysterious big tree."

Before Ma Jun finished speaking, his head tilted and he died completely.

As Lynch had guessed, this mysterious tree must be the Lord of the Mysterious Spirit. As long as he was found and killed successfully, he would be able to escape from here.

Next came the second person, the result was still the same, basically the same as what Ma Jun said, the mysterious tree, the lord of weirdness.

After burying the bodies of the five people, Su Hao and others fell silent. They are all companions and have been in Aye Demon Realm for more than half a year.

Unexpectedly, the five of them would be buried here forever.

"Everyone, don't be discouraged. Now that you have entered, you must be prepared to sacrifice. Now that we know that as long as you find the Lord of the Xuanling, you can leave from here. Now assign tasks, whether to search separately, or go together as a group. "

Liu Tiejun has a carefree personality, and he was still looking decadent yesterday. After learning about the Lord of the Xuanling, his desire to survive was like a raging fire burning.

A few words have worked, the deceased is dead, too sad, it doesn't work, but it hurts morale.

"I propose to act separately, and we will gather here at night."

Su Hao gave his own suggestion, divide into three teams, search for three areas, save time, and meet up before night.

"That's a good suggestion. Divide them into three groups and make sure to come back before dark."

Liu Tiejun nodded. He is an eighth-rank immortal master. Although his realm has fallen, he is born with the demeanor of a leader.

"I'm in a group with Yu Lin, Hu Tang, Zhao Min, and Gao Bo are in a group, Brother Liu is in a group with Brother Lin, what do you all think?"

Su Hao began to assign tasks, everyone had no objection, Hu Tang was only a sixth-rank immortal master, Zhao Min and Gao Bo were both seventh-rank immortal masters, so they could take care of him.

Su Hao and Yu Lin are both rank [-], so there is no problem in forming them together.

Only Liu Tiejun and Lin Qi, the two of them have very strange realms, and they are considered to be the lowest among the seven.

But he is the most respected by others, Su Hao naturally also saw Liu Tiejun's realm, he just fell temporarily, and he will recover sooner or later.

The mysterious mountain that Lynch sacrificed last night undoubtedly has an advantage here. Now it is not about the level of the realm, but who can restrain the mysterious spirit better.

Marked along the road, turned over and rode on Kui Niu, followed this road and continued to move forward.

Su Hao faced east, Zhao Min and the others faced west, and they didn't go north for now.

Keep going south, more and more vines appear.

"I'm going here, this is the last token!"

Lin Tiejun turned over and touched the faint and invisible imprint on the ground. This was the end of his walk here.

"The temperature here is obviously much lower than before."

Feel the temperature here, the weird old trees are even more lush, the vines are about the thickness of an arm, if you don't care, you will be trapped.

"Brother Lin, shall we move on?"

Liu Tiejun asked, it was already noon, and there was still a long way to go back.

"Let's go for another hour!"

I have been locked here for three days, and if I stay one more day, it will be more dangerous. I must find a way out as soon as possible.

There are many crises, and life is in danger at all times. Although Soul Mountain can suppress Xuanling, who knows if there are other more terrifying creatures here.

Can't escape, everything is nonsense.

Another hour passed, and there was no difference in front except that the temperature was a little lower. It took half a day to walk at least seven hundred miles, but there was no exit in sight. It was so weird.

"South is fire, why go south, the temperature is lower!"

Stopping his body, Lynch muttered to himself, there are some things that cannot be explained clearly.

Liu Tiejun also lost his mind. He looked around, and the sky was getting dark. If he didn't go back, the two of them would spend the night here.

"Let's go back!"

Kui Niu turned around and walked back, the speed increased a lot. Before dark, Su Hao and others rushed back one after another, very tired.

"Gao Bo, why are you injured?"

Su Hao hurried over. Uncle Gao was supported by Zhao Min and Hu Tang. There was a wound on his right arm.

"We encountered two evil spirits today, and they were controlled by the mysterious spirits. There was a big battle, and we managed to escape."

Zhao Min recounted what happened during the day, they were not the only people who entered this place, there were many more people who entered this place by mistake, and they were controlled by Xuan Ling.

More and more people came in, and the cultivators whose bodies were occupied by the mysterious spirit began to eat away at the human race, and after killing them, let the vines absorb the essence and blood.

"Brother Liu, I would like to trouble you with one thing."

After staying here for three full days, I have sorted out some clues from no clues.

"you say!"

Liu Tiejun had an inexplicable sense of trust in Lynch. It was definitely not because Lynch saved his life, but because he saw a strong vitality from Lynch.

"I now suspect that Xuanling controls the human race, beheads his companions, and drains the blood. It is very likely that it is sending energy to the mysterious tree. We only need to find the direction where the blood flows, and we can find the exact location of the tree."

Lynch made a bold guess. Xuanling could kill humans directly. Why do they control it? There is only one possibility, which is to drive the humans to a certain area.

"What do you want me to do!"

Lynch's words made everyone's eyes brighten, and it was indeed possible.

"Cut off a vine, release some blood into it, and see where the blood flows, and which area it is heading toward."

I can only try my own method and feel the direction of blood flow. If I search aimlessly like this, I will not be able to find the exit until what year and month.

"My body's blood hasn't recovered yet. Going up at this time will kill me."

Thinking of the blood being sucked away by the rattan, the feeling that life would be worse than death, Liu Tiejun shuddered and took a big step back.

"Let me do it!"

Su Hao took the initiative to stand up, willing to try his own tricks, rolled up his sleeves, took out the dagger, and cut a gash on his wrist, blood flowed horizontally.

The vines all around moved automatically without wind, probably attracted by the blood, and approached actively.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the vines, and one of them pierced into the wrist in an instant, absorbing it crazily.

Lynch's soul power was poured into his blood, and he walked forward a little bit along the vine, and it actually flowed towards the south.

These vines were continuously conveyed, from one to another, densely packed, and changed several times during the period, Lynch could conclude that they were flowing to the south area.

"All right!"

After finding the exact location, Su Hao immediately cut off the cane, his body collapsed, he lost a lot of weight, and looked very sluggish.

He took out a few pills and swallowed them, sat down cross-legged, and seized the time to restore his strength.

"Now it can be concluded that the blood is flowing to the southern area. As long as we keep going south, we should be able to find the mysterious tree and kill it."

Lynch said at this time, the others nodded, their spirits entered the cane together, and they could see clearly.

"We just came from the south and didn't find the mysterious big tree. Is it strange?"

Su Hao opened his eyes with difficulty, this is the weird part.

"Mysterious ancient trees don't have to be seen with the naked eye, maybe they are right in front of you, and you need to sense them with your heart."

There must be hidden means for such a weird thing, how can people find it at will.

(End of this chapter)

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