Chapter 1960 Meeting in a Dream
Fast forward half a month!
The realm was completely stabilized, and some people passed by during the period, but Lynch did not show up and hid in the cave.

Low-level immortal masters, apart from activities in the big city, most of the masters go deeper, only here, there are a lot of treasures.

Now that he has broken through to the fifth-rank immortal master, he can be regarded as a high-level immortal master. Even if he is below the eighth-rank immortal master, no one is a match for Lynch, and he can go deeper to explore.

"We should leave!"

In half a month, Liu Tiejun should have left, Ning Yongge and Yang Chun, the time is almost up, and they probably have already left.

At present, there are not many people Lynch knows in Aye Demon Realm.

Riding Kui Niu, heading deeper, a big round sun appeared in front of it, illuminating the entire Aye Demon Territory.

It seems that the area is very large, but in fact it is not large. Tens of thousands of people come in and spread all over the place.

"Lin, we have encountered human demons, goblins, vampires, earth dragons, mysterious spirits, and basically all the monsters that Aye Demon Realm can encounter, we have encountered them all."

Ruomei sat in front of Lynch, and they hugged each other tightly.

"I know, except for ghosts and mermaids, I have basically traveled all over."

There are too many races in Aye Demon Realm, these are larger races, and there are some small races that rarely appear.

"The most terrifying thing in Aye's Demon Realm is the ghost race. They are elusive and haunted, and they are extremely difficult to defend against. Should we change direction and go to the sea area, where it is safer."

The mermaids live in the sea, and this is not the first time Lynch has dealt with them. The mermaids in the mortal world are just monsters.

The real mermaids are very beautiful, regardless of gender, they look like immortals.

In the mermaid tribe in the mortal world, the men look like ugly evil spirits, but the mermaid women are very beautiful.

"Not for the time being. This area is very safe. There will be no ghosts. Besides, there are many human races here. I remember from the map that there is a small town in this area that accommodates the human race."

He took out the map and quickly found a red light spot, about five hundred miles away from here.

There is a small town, which can be regarded as a temporary gathering place for human beings. To go here, you must have a place to stay.

It can't be compared with the size of a big city, but it can also shelter from wind and rain.

There are at least four towns like this in Aye Demon Realm, and this one is the closest to Lynch.

"Let's go to the town and find out what's going on nearby. It's very dangerous to go on a rampage like this at night."

Urge the Kui ox, and gallop towards the town, the distance is five hundred miles, and it is only half a day's journey.

Before dark, a small town appeared in Lynch's sight.

The town is not big, built with special stone materials, the city wall is not high, only about five meters, and hundreds of houses are built in it, scattered in order.

I don't know how many years have passed, these buildings are dilapidated and can only barely live in.

Put away the Kui Niu and let it stay in the mysterious animal bag. It is too big and it is easy to expose the target.

Entering the town, a kind of ancient desolation blows towards the face. The place is filled with yellow sand all the year round, causing the streets to be covered with a thick layer of sand.

There is very little vegetation, and the roof is filled with special haystacks, which can only be simply covered, without much defense.

There are no demons, vampires, or goblins, so there is no need to guard against them.

I am most worried about the ghosts, they are elusive, and the dragons can't see their ends. No matter how high the city wall is, it can't prevent them from entering.

"Mei, pass on all the information about the ghost clan to me."

Lynch knew nothing about the ghost race, most of the knowledge from books was absorbed by Ruomei.

A lot of information was passed on to Lynch. Lynch knew a lot about the ghost race.

"It's a strange race that survives only by absorbing the corpse's aura from the corpse."

Lynch muttered to himself, walked deep into the town unknowingly, and saw many human races sitting at the gate of the house with tired expressions.

Generally, no one would come to such a ghostly place. Ninety percent of the cultivators stayed in the big city, and ten percent went deeper.

The big city experienced a joint attack from the three tribes of humans and demons, causing the big city to be broken, and it is no longer suitable for the survival of the human race. In just one month, the human race rushed in all directions.

A month ago, this small town was extremely desolate, and few human races lived here.

Walking into a dilapidated house, there were several large holes in the roof, which did not prevent Lynch from living in.

Pick up a stack of hay, spread it on the ground, lie down comfortably, and continue to drive, exhausted physically and mentally.

"Lin, there are more than 50 people living in the town, and the number is still increasing."

An hour later, the number of people in the town was counted, and there was still a glimmer of light in the sky, and a steady stream of people lived in the town.

"How's the strength?"

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

"The highest strength reaches the ninth-rank immortal master, and there is no trace of the immortal king."

A three-dimensional map of the town appeared in front of Lynch, including how many houses and those cultivators living there, and gave a detailed introduction.

"Thank you for your hard work, take a break!"

The night is getting darker, the temperature is also dropping, and the snow is falling. This kind of weather is most suitable for the ghosts to dispatch, and can perfectly hide their breath.

The body of the ghost clan has no temperature. Wherever they go, the temperature will drop, making it extremely easy to be discovered.

Catch up with winter, when there is heavy snow, ghosts will come and go in groups, looking for food.

The night was getting darker and darker, and the goose feather snow fell on the ground of the house along the hole in the roof, piled up more than a foot high.

It is conceivable that the snow outside tonight can be described as blizzard.

The entire Aye Demon Territory turned into a piece of silvery white, like a layer of silver, covering the bloody aura of the entire earth.

Everything is quiet, this kind of night is most suitable for cooking a few pots of wine, friends, talking about the world, and life, instead of wrapping your body in this place where birds don't shit, so as not to freeze to death.

Shrinking his collar, he didn't deliberately use the Samadhi real fire to drive away the chill. Lynch hadn't felt this way for a long time, and Kui Niu was guarding him, and soon fell asleep.

in a dream!

Mottled, you can see a lot of things.

"Husband... where are you..."

Xiaoxue's mournful and melodious voice appeared in Lynch's dream, her little hands were cold and her expression was helpless, like a drowning child.

"Snow, I'm here to find you."

He stretched out his big hand and grabbed Xiaoxue's hand. It seemed very close, but no matter how hard Lynch tried, he couldn't catch it, which made him very anxious.

"Husband, come to us quickly!"

Xiaoxue's voice was full of anxiety, and the two of them didn't know how many billions of time and space were separated, but they could meet in a dream. This is a kind of meeting of thoughts, and time and space cannot be blocked.

"Xue, I'll come to you soon, very soon, and I won't keep you waiting for too long."

Two tears fell down the corners of Lynch's eyes, and Xiaoxue's hand disappeared, leaving behind a phantom.


Lynch sat up abruptly, frightened Kui Niu to become alert. In this dark night, the sound pierced the night sky and spread far, far away.

There were several snowdrifts piled up around him, and he rubbed his eyes. The nearest snowdrift seemed to have a mass of liquid flowing.


The Scarlet Star Sword appeared in the palm of his hand. There are many dangers here. He lost consciousness just now, and his ability to perceive the outside world completely disappeared. Fortunately, Xiaoxue entered the dream and woke Lin Qi up.

This is a big taboo for cultivators, even if they are asleep, they will retain a third of their consciousness to avoid surprise attacks.

"Ghost clan!"

Lynch's hairs stood on his head. Could it be that a ghost tribe came in and beheaded him while he was asleep to absorb the corpse's energy.

"Drawing sword!"

Without any hesitation, I have never fought against the ghost clan before, so I must act first to avoid being caught off guard by the ghost clan.

Snowflakes fluttered and exploded from the middle, and a mass of pitch-black liquid continuously recombined in the void, transforming into various forms, and finally evolved into a skeleton.

Like a human race, not like a human race, the body is very soft and can change shape at will.

"Sure enough, it's a ghost race!"

The Ghost Clan was the first to survive the sword drawing pose.

After practicing for more than half a year, he drew his sword out of its sheath, but never left a living person, and his throat was sealed by a sword.

"Your body energy is very strong. After killing, the corpse energy is mellow, which is very suitable for us ghosts to absorb. You can die."

There was no sound coming out, the ghost clan didn't rely on their mouths to speak, but they could clearly transmit it to Lynch's mind, very clearly.

"Why did you sneak up on me?"

He was very vigilant, and never expected that he would encounter ghosts on the first day he entered the town. This luck was too bad.

"The smell on you."

The voice sounded again, it didn't look like a male voice, nor did it seem like a female voice, it couldn't explain clearly, it just read out the words bluntly so that Lynch could understand.

"The power of death!"

Lynch said something in a low voice, as if talking to himself, but it could also be heard clearly by the ghosts.

Possessing the spirit root of death, the breath of death inside, has a fatal temptation for ghosts.

"That's right, I've never seen that a human race has the power of death. At first I thought you were a descendant of the ghost race, but I couldn't see a trace of the ghost race from you. It's really a freak."

This made sense, it was the breath of death that attracted the ghosts, but fortunately Xiaoxue withdrew from the dream, so that he woke up in time and escaped the catastrophe.

"Since this is the case, then I can't keep you, lest the matter of the death aura in my body leak out."

The Red Star Sword continued to raise, and this ghost clan must not be allowed to leave. The breath of death has a fatal temptation to the ghost clan, just like the Tianyuan tree absorbs the essence of wood.

"It's too late, I've already spread the news. After tonight, there will be a large number of ghosts coming. The human body has the aura of death. We must figure it out. As long as we solve this problem, we ghosts will be able to Appeared majestically in the human race world."

This ghost clan suddenly evolved into a human face, which is very real. I didn't expect the ghost clan to have the ability to change ever-changingly.

If it really comes to the human world, that's okay, it will be a disaster for the human race.

My heart skipped a beat, and I gave a wry smile, this is the end of the matter, I can only find a way to escape from this place.

"Do you want to escape from this place so that our ghost clan can't find you? In fact, you are wrong. Our ghost clan has outrageous means. Even if you leave Aye Demon Realm, we can still find you."

After the ghost clan finished speaking, he laughed unscrupulously, which made Lynch's hair stand on end. If this is the case, it would be troublesome. There are so many enemies out of thin air.

"Hmph, so what, let's kill you all until you are timid."

The Scarlet Star Sword came out of its sheath without warning, and with a strange sword, it slashed at the ghost clan.

(End of this chapter)

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