Chapter 197 Asking Tianlou

Lynch is not very clear about all this. His current goal is to improve his realm as much as possible, and to be promoted to the sixth-rank Martial King as soon as possible, so that he can protect himself without the Nine Absolute Sword Soul.

The three of them came back, and Ayou hadn't come back yet. Lynch was a little worried. Ever since Ayou returned to the imperial city, he had been in a bad mood, and his face was tense all the time.

I asked people in the house, but no one knew Ayou's whereabouts. Now that the sky is getting dark, and Ayou hasn't come back, is there something unexpected?
Lynch was worried that Ayou would be discovered by the prince's people, and he would use it to threaten him and make him throw a mouse. Lynch didn't want to hurt his friend.

"The two of you stay in the prime minister's mansion and are not allowed to go anywhere. I'm going out to look for Ayou. I have a bad feeling!"

Lin Qi told Ni Caier and Yu Wenyan that he planned to go out to look for Ayou, and it was going to be dark soon, and Ayou had neither come back nor heard from him, so something must have happened.

"Brother Lin, be careful!"

Ni Caier and Yu Wenyan came up and told Lin Qi to be careful. What happened during the day left them with lingering fears. If Lou Lao did not appear, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Don't worry, I won't act recklessly!"

Lynch nodded, quickly left the Prime Minister's mansion, and rushed outside.

Walking on the street, Lynch was also at a loss. The imperial city was vast, and looking for someone was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Before Ayou left, he left no clues at all, which caused great difficulties for Lynch.

Taking out Ayou's portrait, Lynch inquired about several people, but none of them knew anything about it. The imperial city has a population of tens of millions, and Ayou left in a hurry, probably no one has seen it.

"Brother, help me see, have you seen this person?"

The sky was getting dark, and there were obviously fewer pedestrians on the road. Lynch stopped one person and asked him about Ayou's whereabouts.

The passers-by who asked about it shook their heads. Lynch questioned more than a dozen people in a row, but he still had no clue. He was a little disheartened, and the sky completely darkened. Lynch contacted Ni Caier, but Ayou still didn't come back.

"Brother, have you seen this person?"

Holding his last hope, Lynch saw a middle-aged man, walked up and continued to ask
The middle-aged man took a look and shook his head. He probably hadn't seen Ayou before. After all, the imperial city was too big, and it was too troublesome to find someone.

"I haven't seen it, but I can give you a suggestion. Ask Tianlou. They are responsible for inquiring about all kinds of news. As long as you have something belonging to this friend, they can use the specially trained Wentian dog to help you find it."

The middle-aged man gave Lynch a suggestion, Wentianlou is a good place, as long as you have the resources, you can buy a lot of unexpected news

"Thank you!"

A smile appeared on Lynch's face. He had heard of such a force before, which was responsible for selling news, but he didn't expect Erchongtian to have one.

"I don't know how to get to Tianlou?"

Lynch continued to ask, the imperial city is huge, and it's getting late, Lynch must find Ayou's whereabouts as soon as possible.

"Turn right ahead, you can see a big question mark, it is Wentianlou, and you can get there in a few minutes!"

The middle-aged man said something and turned to leave. Lynch thanked him, then walked to the right, turned a corner, and saw a building in front of him with a big question written on it.

"What do you want to ask?"

As soon as Lynch was about to go in, he was blocked by someone who asked him aloud. There were many information desks in Tianlou, so he had to figure out what to ask.

"Ask someone!"

Lynch doesn't need other news, only one purpose, to find Ayu's whereabouts.

"Turn left before asking people, there are three information offices, the prices are different, you choose."

The samurai guarding the gate said coldly, pointing to the front, without giving too much explanation.

Lynch walked in along the long corridor, and there was indeed a cavernous cave inside, and the decoration was very elegant, but there was a sense of dullness inside this elegance, as if entering a vacuum world.

When Lynch stepped in, he seemed to be surrounded by an invisible force, and all the secrets could not be hidden here. After entering, he became a transparent person, as if there were countless eyes watching you all the time.

Moreover, the lights inside are very dim, so dark that only one figure can be seen, not even the face, which is probably to protect the privacy of the visitors. After all, many of the people who come to inquire are things that cannot be seen.

Glancing at the three windows, there were clearly marked prices on them. The first window said asking for 50 spirit stones, the second window was [-] spirit stones, and the third window was [-] spirit stones. Ridiculously expensive.

Even if Lynch still had millions of spirit stones on him, they all smacked their tongues inwardly, asking how big Tianlou's handwriting was, but just asking one person, so many spirit stones are needed.

"May I ask what you want to ask, my lord?"

A black shadow emerged from Lynch's side without a sound, which startled Lynch. This black shadow was like a ghost, and it walked without a sound at all. It seemed that this Wentianlou was very difficult.

"Ask people's whereabouts!"

Lynch checked the black shadow with his spiritual sense, and found that he was invisible and intangible, as if he didn't exist in this world, which made Lynch secretly on guard.

"Three windows, which one do you choose?"

Hei Ying couldn't see his face clearly, his voice was hoarse, and he must be quite old, standing beside Lynch all the time, he couldn't feel any fluctuation of spiritual power.

"What's the difference?"

Lynch was a little curious and asked aloud.

"Of course there is a difference!"

Sombra doesn't seem to be surprised that Lynch asks such a question. After all, everyone will ask Lynch's question when they come. The difference of [-] times in three windows is really outrageous.

"Oh, then I'm all ears!"

Lynch intends to listen to the difference between the three windows. Lynch has no shortage of spirit stones. Compared with them, Ayou's life is more important. Based on this, it is worth spending any amount of spirit stones.

"In the first window, it will take three days to get a reply!"

The black shadow stretched out his right hand, which was very white, which probably had a lot to do with the perennially dark environment.

"The second window will take a day to get a reply!"

Soi Ying continued, the price has been increased tenfold, and the time has been increased by two full days. If it is a matter of life and death, even an hour is crucial.

"The third window only takes one hour to get the answer!"

From one day to one hour, it has been shortened by more than ten times. If it is a normal person, most of them will choose the window in the middle.

One hundred thousand is not a lot, and one day is not very long, three days is relatively long, and one hour costs too many spirit stones, and many people are discouraged.

"I choose window number three!"

Lynch chose No. 50 without hesitation, [-] is not much, and it is worthwhile to get news of Ayou within an hour.

"Young Master, please pay the fee!"

Soi Ying stretched out his hand and put it in front of Lynch. He paid the inquiry fee before he could inquire. This is the rule.

Now that he was here, Lynch didn't plan to go out like this. He took out a storage bag and threw it into his hand, which contained 50 spirit stones.

"Young Master, you can go and inquire!"

The black shadow flickered suddenly, then disappeared, and the surroundings returned to calm. Lynch walked to the edge of the window, and a voice came from inside soon.

"What do you need to ask?"

The voice was very cold, without any emotion, and cold, as if a wooden man was talking.

"I want to know the whereabouts of a person!"

Lynch took out Ayou's portrait and put it in, but it was quickly taken away by one hand, and then he heard the sound of Shuso from inside, as if some mechanism was operating.

"Do you have anything on you that your friend used?"

The voice inside continued to ask, hoping to have items that Ayu had used, so as to increase the chance of finding them.


Lynch took out a book and lent it to Ayou to read, it should still have Ayou's breath on it.

"Okay, come back in an hour, now you can go out, someone is entertaining you outside!"

With the window closed, Lynch spent 50 spirit stones with just a few simple words.

Leaving this dark room, the outside is still brightly lit. Lynch, who was received by a maid, was very polite. There was no one else around. This was the way it was designed. Everyone is independent and will not reveal any secrets.

There are small courtyards everywhere, very exquisite, with wonderful music, and good tea. Lynch thinks that the 50 spirit stones are very worthwhile.

It is estimated that at the first window, they will not enjoy such a good treatment, so they can only go back and wait for the news.

An hour will pass soon, the girl received the news, walked up to Lynch, bowed and saluted.

"My lord, your message has arrived, you can go over and get it now!"

The maid showed a sweet smile, and she had two small canine teeth when she smiled, which was not bad. To hire such a person as a maid, Wen Tianlou's status is not ordinary.

Lynch followed the same path and returned to the small dark room. The window was opened, and a scroll was thrown from it, which should have recorded many things.

With the help of the faint light, when he opened it, Lynch's face showed a strong murderous look. It not only recorded Ayou's whereabouts, but also Ayou's life experience and background.

Having known each other for almost a year, Lynch doesn't know anything about Ayou's life experience, but everything is shown on this scroll.

"Sir, are you satisfied?"

The black shadow quietly appeared beside Lynch, always elusive, making it impossible to guard against.

"Is the news true?"

Lynch still asked for confirmation, after all, Ayou's wealth and life were at stake.

"We ask Tianlou to never sell fake news. If the news is fake, we will pay you back a thousand times!"

Soi Ying is very confident. Sometimes the news does appear to be inaccurate, but that is a one in ten thousand probability. Wen Tianlou has made a mistake once in these years.

"Thank you so much then!"

After Lynch finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. Ayou is very dangerous now, and Lynch didn't want to delay for a quarter of an hour.

"My lord, stay!"

The black shadow suddenly blocked Lynch's way, which made Lynch look a little annoyed. He had already paid the reward, so why did he stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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