Chapter 2013 Poison Immortal
"Girl, what are you doing, stop, stop quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Roaring up to the sky, but there is nothing to do, the little black snake, spitting out a small message, is only a long distance away from its mouth.

"No, Corrosion Heart Grass, together with Yao Yi Fruit, will produce a kind of acidity, so you can't put Xiao Hei in it."

The woman muttered to herself, but turned a deaf ear to Lynch's yelling.

With a call, the little black snake flew up and burrowed into the woman's sleeve.

Unknowingly, the sweat on his forehead, like a waterfall, was eroding his body with strong acidity, and the muscles on his arms began to rot.

"Girl, save me quickly, my body is about to rot, can you bear to watch me die here?"

Since I set foot in the fairy world, I have never been so aggrieved, I have no ability to resist at all, the mysterious woman in white, the powerful flood dragon, the poisonous liquid...

"Don't worry, you can't die, as long as you still have a breath, I can bring you back to life."

Formally answering Lynch's first sentence, the voice was nice, and thinking of what he had done just now, he couldn't help feeling terrified.

The flesh and blood on the arm became less and less, and there was a squeaking sound, and golden bones were exposed in some places.

The venom stained the golden bones and emitted thick black smoke, which could not penetrate a single bit.

"Interesting, your bones are very hard, just right for my research."

The woman showed a slight smile, as if she was very excited to discover the new world. It would be so boring to toss Lynch to death like this, and it would not have the effect of testing medicine.

Gritting his teeth with hatred, as long as his body regains strength, he can kill her with a single sword.

Time passed little by little, no whole piece of flesh and blood could be seen on the chest and back, except for the head, the body was mutilated, the heart was under the bones, beating violently, and a terrifying flame was burning.

"It's getting more and more interesting. You hide a lot of secrets, so that my newly developed poison can be tested on you one by one."

Walk around the cauldron to check the effect of the poison, very satisfied.

"Take him out and throw him outside, don't pollute the environment here!"

With an order, Jiao Mang swam over, dragged it out of the furnace, threw it outside, and exposed it to the sun.

"Eat this!"

The woman in white dropped a pill, which landed in Lynch's mouth, and a strong fishy smell filled his nostrils.

Stomach churned for a while, and acid water spit out from the corner of his mouth. This is not a healing elixir, it is simply poison.

"You femme fatale, what do you want? Why don't you just kill me with one knife."

Lynch scolded angrily, "I have never seen such a vicious person with no humanity at all."

Facing the abuse, the woman remained indifferent, and after throwing down the elixir, she turned and entered the house.

"Look at him, don't let him die!"

Give Jiao Mang an order, ignore it, and leave Lin Qi lying on the spot alone, Jiao Mang is lying beside him, and if there is any movement, he will grab Lin Qi.

Perhaps because he was tired from scolding, Lynch lay powerlessly on the ground, recovering little by little.

As expected of the body of a real dragon, the recovery speed was so fast that Jiao Mang suddenly jumped up beside him, showing a strange look.

Until sunset, the woman came out of the house, holding some strange food in her hand, and spilled it to the ground. From the surrounding grass, a large number of poisonous snakes and venomous insects drilled out to eat the food.

Lynch's scalp was numb. Why does such a fairy like to deal with poison? No wonder he has developed a heart of snakes and scorpions.

"Your body is of great research value. You can recover so quickly. I thought it would take three days at the earliest. I will continue to test the medicine tomorrow."

Walking over to take a look at Lynch, a strange flash of light flashed in his eyes. His body basically recovered, with new flesh and blood growing. His clothes had already been corroded, leaving only some places that could barely cover his body.

A woman doesn't seem to have much interest in a man's body. She only has poison in her eyes, and how to prepare the most poisonous medicine in the world.

Without waiting for Lynch to answer, he turned and left, leaving Lynch unable to vent all his anger.

The night sky is like water!

The dark clouds covered the big moon, and a icy hurricane blew up the entire Montenegro. The body was lying tightly on the ground, and it seemed to be somewhat conscious.

The strange thing is that the profound energy cannot be used, no different from ordinary people.

Beside him is the terrifying Jiao Mang, even if he returns to his heyday, he will not be able to escape.

"May, can you hear me?"

Try to communicate with Ruomei, hoping that she can find a way to escape from the devil's lair.


The body did not appear, and the voice came from the soul sea, so as not to be discovered by the woman in white.

"Can you find a way to detoxify?"

As long as the poison is detoxified, at worst, he will die with her, and he will be treated as a guinea pig. He will be a thousand times stronger if he is thrown into the cauldron every day. He must die with dignity and cannot suffer humiliation.

"Can't find it!"

Ruomei shook her head helplessly, this kind of poison is rare in the world, even the Immortal King can do nothing about it.

After lying down for a whole night, the numbness in his body disappeared, and he regained his freedom of movement. Except that he couldn't use his profound strength, he was no different from a normal person.

The woman in white came out of the house, and the sun shone on the entire valley, showing vitality.

"Bring him in!"

Jiao Mang's tail rolled towards Lynch.

"No, I'll go by myself!"

Being restrained by the sticky mang was very uncomfortable, so he simply went in by himself, looking for an opportunity, approached the woman, and beheaded her with a sword.

Jiaomang stood still, waiting for the woman to give an order. Its mission was to be responsible for the woman's safety.

"Let him go by himself!"

Today, the woman did not cover her face. She had a beautiful face without a trace of blood, and her face was as pale as a piece of white paper.


Jiao Mang suddenly swam to the woman's feet, and the two were communicating with each other.

"Don't worry, he can't kill me!"

In front of Lynch, tell him openly that you still can't kill me.

Jiao Mang let out a snarl, swam to the outside of the house, and waited by the side. If there was any danger, he would rush in instantly and kill Lynch.

"My name is Lynch, I don't know how to call the girl?"

Without soul power, without profound power, not to mention killing people, walking is a big problem. If you are too hard, you can only change your strategy.

"Call me Poison Immortal!"

The woman thought for a while, and gave a name at random, obviously it was a temporary idea, to give herself the title of Poison Immortal.

"Senior Poison Immortal, we met by chance, there is no festival, why do you want to imprison me, you really need a poison cup, you can think of a way, I really have important things to do, saving people is the most important thing."

Lynch said earnestly, hoping that the woman would be lenient and let him go.

"Whether you save people or not, it has nothing to do with me!"

Du Xian said coldly, pointed to the stove, and let him go in by himself.

Jiao Mang spat out the letter, so he had to be obedient and walked into the furnace.

I changed some medicinal materials today, it was not a pitch-black liquid, but a thick layer of thick soup, reddish yellow, with a very unpleasant smell. Lynch sat in it, and the feeling could be imagined.

"Eat this, it will poison you to death, who will try the next poison."

He took out a pitch-black elixir and stuffed it into Lynch's mouth. Unable to control him, the elixir swallowed with a thud.

A hot taste, extending from the stomach to the throat, every inch of the pores of the body, as if being burned by the flames, the pain is too painful.

The red-yellow liquid penetrated into Lynch's pores little by little, and his body continued to change, being assimilated by the liquid, it also turned red-yellow.

"It hurts... Witch, stop!"

Lynch screamed in pain. Muscles in many places on his body swelled up strangely, and then shriveled again. If it were an ordinary person, he would have died of pain.

"The will is good. I thought you would shout out just now, but I didn't expect you to last ten breaths, which exceeded my expectations."

Ignoring Lynch's screams, he continued to add things to the thick liquid.

A black poisonous insect was thrown into the liquid, making a squeaking sound, and a foul smell came to the nostrils.

"Witch, you will never die in this life, I will destroy you!"

The eyeballs are protruding, and the pain he endured has exceeded the limit of human beings.

Relying on the body of a real dragon, it is able to withstand it. Ordinary people have long since died here. All the treasures on their bodies seem to have been poisoned to death, including the stupa, and the sea of ​​souls. They are contaminated with poisonous gas and cannot be used.

And his pill sea was also eroded by the poisonous gas, and the Taihuang profound energy inside turned dark brown.

The voice became weaker and weaker, and hundreds of medicinal materials were added. The poison fairy gave up and sat aside, watching the changes in Lynch's body.

"Could it be that the old monster's records are wrong, and there is no drug tyrant system in the world?"

Poison Immortal muttered to himself, as if speaking to himself, but also as if talking to himself, the voice was very small, but Lynch still heard it.

The body of a drug tyrant is creepy to hear, Lynch does not want to become a monster covered in pitch black.

"Could it be that the old Heishan demon back then refined himself into the body of a drug tyrant before he became completely black, and this woman is a disciple of the old Heishan demon?"

A bold idea was born in Lynch's heart.

Montenegro is so big, it is no accident that a woman lives here, even if she is not the disciple of the Montenegro old demon, she has a very close relationship.

"Who are you, old Black Mountain demon?"

Lynch asked weakly, his body was completely deformed by the toss, and his appearance was extremely miserable.

Poison Immortal raised his head, and there was a hint of doubt in his beautiful eyes, as if he was thinking or denying something.

"Fill him out and throw him outside!"

Unable to walk on the ground, Lynch was restrained by Jiao Mang and thrown on the flat ground outside. He couldn't find a piece of complete flesh and blood, which was incomplete.

The tyrannical repairing power allows new flesh and blood to grow, but it is very slow. Today's poison is even more powerful.

The cruel days have only just begun.

Every time it was fished out, the woman would stuff Lynch with a pill to speed up his body recovery.

These poison energies gradually eroded his bones, flesh and blood, every inch of blood vessels, and there were toxins all over his body.

Day after day, Lynch has become numb and forgot to resist. Except for his will, his body is no longer under his control.

He went in by himself, suffered inhuman pain, and was brought out by Jiao Mang. Except for the different poisons every day, everything else was repeated.

The Poison Immortal used different patterns to treat Lin Qi every day, and used all kinds of weird poisons in turn. Many poisons had never been seen in a thousand years, and the woman made them by hand.

(End of this chapter)

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