Chapter 2018
The super version of the Eternal God Fist made the mysterious beast a little afraid.

It's just a matter of fear, unable to kill it, one shot from the body, a mass of colorful energy rushed to the surroundings, blasting the Eternal God Fist.

"Talent magic!"

Immortal king-level profound beasts are even more terrifying. Their innate supernatural powers are even more powerful than human martial arts.

This profound beast's innate supernatural powers can actually resolve human martial arts, which is very strange.

It is almost invincible, no matter how strong its martial arts are, it will have no effect on it.

This put Lynch into a passive state. His attack could not harm the mysterious beast at all, and the speed and strength of the mysterious beast were not inferior to him, but slightly better.

If it goes on like this, it will definitely be hit by a mysterious beast.

One man and one beast fought fiercely in the air. Standing on the bluestone, Xiao Yi could clearly see the scene inside.

"Bang bang bang..."

Combining fists and feet, Lynch's fist, every time it falls, can shake the mysterious beast into the air, and continue to pounce on it, relentlessly.

From long-distance combat to close combat, one person and one beast collided with each other. Lynch's physical body was originally the body of a real dragon, but now he cultivated the body of a drug tyrant, and it was even more powerful than a mysterious beast.

After fighting for nearly a stick of incense, no one could do anything to anyone. Lin Qi couldn't get rid of the mysterious beast, and it was not easy for the mysterious beast to kill him.

Going on like this is not an option, one has to escape, or kill the mysterious beast.

Because Lynch sensed that there were still a few powerful auras of mysterious beasts rushing over here, attracted by the spirit of Hunyuan.

Just one profound beast gave him a headache, if there were a few more, it would be fine, he would probably die here.

"You forced me!"

Standing up suddenly, the index finger of his right hand pointed at the colored mysterious beast in front of him little by little, and drops of black energy circles fluctuated on the index finger.

Realizing the crisis, the colored mysterious beast retreated a little bit. For some reason, its intuition told it that this black energy was extremely terrifying and might kill it.

"go to hell!"

The body of a drug tyrant gathers the venom all over his body and unleashes the strongest blow.

At the moment when the venom was sacrificed, the thousand-meter radius fell silent instantly, and even Xiao Yi who was standing outside opened her small mouth in surprise.

The last time Lynch used Duty, she was in a coma and didn't see it.

But this time, Lynch used the drug tyrant, but he saw it with his own eyes.

I didn't expect Duba to be so powerful, a drop of venom spread thousands of kilometers away, and those plants died instantly after being infected, and could never be revived.

Even the huge meteorite is festering and slowly turning into liquid. This kind of toxin is so powerful.

What's more, the mysterious beast is still a body of flesh and blood, unable to resist this toxin, its body lay on the ground, rotting little by little, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a pool of blood.

What happened in front of him made Lynch unacceptable for a moment, and there was horror and excitement in his eyes.

Although the body of a drug tyrant is strong, it has too many disadvantages and is too destructive.

Once cast, everyone within a radius of one kilometer will die.

Unless it is a treacherous and evil person, if you fight in the street and use drug tyrants, I am afraid that everyone watching the battle will die, which is against the peace of heaven.

A burst of dizziness struck, and after casting Duba, the body felt a little uncomfortable. It should be that Duba's body has not yet been fully perfected.

After beheading the mysterious beast, in order to avoid any accidents, he shot several shots from his body and appeared outside the Black Mountain. In the place of battle, no plants would grow for a thousand years, and even the land was eroded by poison.

Landing on the ground, he stumbled down and lay at Xiaoyi's feet, the disadvantages of being a drug tyrant were obvious.

Increase the powerful combat power, and after it is used, the poison will erode the body. If this problem is not solved, it will be a hidden danger sooner or later.

Today, without the body of a drug tyrant, it is very difficult to escape from the mouth of the mysterious beast.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

Get benefits, always have to pay something.

He took out the silver needle and inserted it into Lynch's big acupoints all over his body to suppress the poisonous fluid, lurking somewhere in his body, and the poisonous fluid would only be released when he exerted the tyrant's aura.

Lynch was carefully comprehending the speed at which the venom flowed. Maybe one day in the future, he could create a set of mental techniques to cooperate with the body of the drug tyrant, so that there would be no disadvantages.

With his current state, he can't reach it for the time being, everything depends on chance.

After the poison liquid was suppressed, he sat down cross-legged and resumed his meditation, while observing the changes of the Eight Treasures Stupa.

This place is not safe. When I return to Xuanyu Sect, I will be refining the Hunyuan Lingbao, and I will ask Master Tu once.

At present, his realm is not enough to refine Hunyuan Lingbao. His realm is not enough. Only when he reaches the Immortal King can he be qualified for refining.

"Xiaoyi, let's go!"

Carrying Xiaoyi on his back, using his body skills, he rushed towards the big city of the human race. The nearest big city also required ten days of effort.

Stopping and stopping on the road, Lynch continued to explain the knowledge of cultivation to Xiaoyi, and fed her raw Yuanguo every day to transform her body. The side effects of the toxin became less and less, and she was able to eat normally every day.

The key is cultivation, with the cooperation of Shengyuanguo, he has advanced by leaps and bounds, and within ten days, he has reached the first rank of Golden Immortal.

With this kind of cultivation speed, even if you look at the entire fairy world, you can't find a single person.

The two gradually relaxed their vigilance from each other, and Xiaoyi was still on guard. The human world was too strange to her.

It's not just Lynch who is on guard, but the whole world.

"Tomorrow we will be able to enter the big city. After we find the teleportation array, it will be convenient for us to go on our way."

For ten consecutive days, Xiaoyi spent time on Lynch's back.

He didn't speak, just nodded. A dilapidated city appeared in front of the two of them. It was close to the desolate place in the fairy world, and there were very few monks.

Even if there is a teleportation array, it is estimated that it is dilapidated, and it does not go directly to Xuanyu City, so it has to be transferred through other places.

The sky is full of yellow sand, and the city walls are mottled. They have been eroded by wind and rain all year round, and no one maintains them.

Stepping into the city, the scene inside is even worse than Lynch imagined. This is not a big human city, it seems to be a den of rogues.

There are mercenaries everywhere, in groups of three or four, and the people who really live here are extremely rare.

Many people have offended some people in the prosperous place of the fairy world, and they cannot survive. They can only escape to this kind of place, where the birds don't shit and the resources are scarce, so they can avoid the pursuit of their enemies.

Year after year, this place has become a gathering place for bad guys.

Having said that, true masters don't even bother to gather here, reach the Immortal King, go to any family, just be a servant, spend their old age peacefully, who would come to this place to suffer.

The sky is full of yellow sand all year round, resources are limited, and there is no enjoyment. It can be said to be a sea of ​​suffering.

The arrival of the two broke the peace of the city.

The big city is not big, but it is not small either. There are tens of thousands of people gathered in it, with their chests bare and their backs exposed. Some of them carry big knives in their hands, killing people in public. In the pot, human flesh is actually being fried.

Xiao Yi turned her head and couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Having never experienced such a bloody scene, even Lynch felt nauseated and nauseated.


Weird laughter came from both sides, echoing in the street, making people creepy.

Artists are bold, Lynch has never experienced any scenes, strode towards the city, first find an inn, don't plan to hurry tonight, rest for one night, and look for the teleportation array tomorrow.

If it doesn't work, let's see if I can send a voice transmission to Cao Jian to pick them up.

In the dilapidated street, many houses have already collapsed, making it uninhabitable. After walking for about half an hour, on the earth building in front, there is a strange flag with a wine pot painted on it, which should be a restaurant.

"Let's go in and have something to eat and stay here for the night."

Taking Xiaoyi into this restaurant, there are not many diners inside, about a dozen people, the tables and chairs are covered with dust, and no one cleans them up.

Don't think too much about eating here.

"What do you two want to eat, braised human flesh in braised sauce, or dry roasted heart and liver, and poured oil on the human brain..."

A person walked over lazily, not dressed as a serious mistress, with a long knife hanging on his waist, bloody, making people feel very uncomfortable.

Hearing these names makes people sick to their stomachs, where there is no appetite.

It just so happened that Xiao Yi looked at the table next to it, and saw a fresh head, with hot fat poured on it, making a squeaking sound, it was really oil pouring on the human brain.


Xiaoyi suddenly lay on the corner of the wall, vomiting non-stop. Lynch endured the discomfort in his stomach, but he didn't expect this place to be so evil.

"Is there any normal food?"

If it doesn't work, a few glasses of water are fine, he doesn't need it, Xiao Yi still needs it.

"Yes, braised human hands and braised large intestine."

When the names of several dishes were revealed again, Lynch was speechless for a while, and finally understood that this restaurant has nothing but cannibalism.

"Forget it, is there a place to live here? Give us two rooms."

I still have some dry food on my body, which can last for two days, and I will wait until I leave this big city.

"Come with me, two, 10 yuan per night!"

Since they didn't eat and didn't force them, he led them upstairs, which should be a resting place.

There is still a thick layer of dust on the ground, and it has not been cleaned for many years. It is also a miracle that such a restaurant can still be opened.

When I opened the two houses, a burst of dust hit my face. No one lived here for a long time.

Throw him 10 yuan Shidan, go into the house, and tidy up the inside, anyway, just spend the night, just be quiet.

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

Before stepping into the room, Chao Xiaoyi asked a question.


The door almost hit Lynch's nose, and the door was closed directly without any intention of letting him in.

Shaking his head, he returned to his own room, tidied up a clean place, took out the futon, and began to meditate and rest.

After traveling for so long, my mind and body are exhausted, and I must rest as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

"Lin, I suspect this is a black shop, you have to be careful at night."

Ruomei reminded that this restaurant is too strange, it eats human flesh, nine out of ten people who live in it are killed by them and made into food.

"I know, it's fine if they don't provoke me, provoke me and make them look good."

Lynch is also not a fuel-efficient lamp. If no one offends me, I will not offend anyone.

As night fell, the spiritual consciousness penetrated the wall and penetrated to the next door, in case there was any accident for Xiaoyi, Bai Wuxuan's life and death fell on her alone, so nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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