Chapter 2036 Set foot in it
From these people, some news was inquired, and their memories only had what happened on this day.

Yesterday was the same as before, all without knowing it, repeating the plot of the previous day over and over again every day.

"Then you haven't thought about using other methods to kill profound beasts?"

Lynch asked, people not only have force, but also wisdom.

The ancestors did not know the art of self-cultivation, they drank blood and walked step by step to create today's civilization, the same is true.

"We have tried many times. The mysterious beast is very cunning. Whenever there is danger, it will fly away."

Several strong men showed helplessness, they should be the youngest and most powerful fighters in the tribe.

"What method do you all use?"

Asked curiously, the strength of mysterious beasts is actually not high. Compared with humans, they are only high-level true immortals.

The tribe is too primitive, and the representatives of several strong men all have the strongest combat power, and they are only first- and second-rank true immortals. Let alone slaughtering beasts, self-protection is a problem.

"Throw the javelin!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a javelin from behind. It was very sharp and could pierce the abdomen of a mysterious beast. Because the distance to the void was high, the effect was not good every time he threw it.

"Then have you ever thought about it, since the mysterious beast is in the sky, we can use a method to knock down the mysterious beast and kill it with a javelin."

Lynch lures them step by step, uses his resourcefulness to slay mysterious beasts, and solves the mystery of the tribe.

As long as there is a missing link in the biological chain, the balance here can be broken and the answer Lynch wants can be found.

"We can't fly, and the mysterious beast won't fall down like a fool. How can we knock it down?"

The strong man looked innocent, thinking Lynch was joking.

From the conversation, Lynch found many clues again. Their brains seemed to be controlled, their thoughts were fixed, they didn't know how to adapt, and they followed the set procedures.

It is more certain that as long as the biological chain is interrupted and the connection between them is cut off, the answer can be found.

"Can't fly, we can make a big net, set up traps, let the mysterious beast come down by itself, we are trapping it, beheading it!"

Be kind and earnest, use every possibility to make the people of the tribe believe in him and follow his routine.

"This has to be discussed with the tribe chief!"

After the strong man finished speaking, he got up and left. It was getting late, and he would continue hunting tomorrow to make a living for the day.

One after another got up and went back to the house, leaving Lin Qi sitting alone, full of thoughts.

"Go to the patriarch!"

He decided to discuss with the patriarch, set up a trap, and kill the mysterious beast.

The moment he saw the patriarch, Lynch was a little surprised. The patriarch was very old, very big, with a white beard that almost reached his waist.

"Young man, what do you want me to do?"

The patriarch has a good temper, but his ears are a little hard of hearing, he can't hear what Lynch said clearly, his voice is relatively loud, and his body is quite strong.

"The younger generation suddenly thought of an idea. You can set up some traps and kill the mysterious beasts. The tribe will be safe in the future without being harassed by the mysterious beasts."

Speaking out his thoughts, he almost shouted out, but fortunately the patriarch heard it clearly.

"Then what do you need us to do?"

The patriarch's eyes were smiling, which made Lynch a little surprised, and suppressed the doubts in his heart. He was not sure yet, so he had to deal with the mysterious beast first.

"I need ten strong men and ten women. Give me three days to capture and kill the profound beast."

To say what you want, you need ten young and strong fighters, and you also need ten women. I don't know what to do.

"Although I don't know what you are going to do, I still believe in you. They will look for you tomorrow. It's getting late, so let's rest earlier."

After the patriarch finished speaking, he closed the gate and cut off contact with the outside world. Only Lynch stood alone outside the tribe.

If it wasn't for the will telling him, this is the interior of the Linglong Jade Pagoda, which has been assimilated by this world and regarded as a member of the tribe, and will live here at sunrise and rest at sunset day after day.

Sitting cross-legged on a bluestone in the tribe, sorting out everything that happened during the day, more and more verifying what you think in your heart, and only three days later, the answer to the mystery will be revealed.

As soon as the sky was bright, ten strong men and ten women came to Lynch and obeyed his order.

"The strong man and I go to log, pull out the roots from the bark, and make hemp ropes. The task of women is to thread these hemp ropes and make a big net. The bigger the better."

I remember that when the Vault of Heaven encountered giants, they seemed to be often harassed by monsters. Lynch also planned to kill the monsters.

This moment and that moment, that time really happened, the giants were real, and so were the monsters.

Whether everything that happened today is true or not is still uncertain. Lynch is just doing what he thinks, and it is not clear whether it is right or wrong.

Leading ten strong men to the back mountain, the tribe is small, with limited resources, and there are not many things that can be used, only these trees.

Behind the tribe is a mountain range, which seems to have been cut off by someone, leaving a bare cliff. If you want to go hunting, you must climb up the cliff and enter the mountain range.

This cliff is a natural barrier, preventing other prey from attacking the tribe.

Under the leadership of Lynch, a full hundred trees were cut down, and the bark was peeled off. The roots inside were very thick, which was very suitable for making hemp rope.

The ten women were very agile. It took less than an hour for thick hemp ropes to appear.

After the strong man cut up the trees, according to Lynch's request, he made a strip of javelins, not the long javelins they used, only about a foot long.

These javelins, tied at each knot of twine, were very strong.

Three days passed in a flash, and every day the mysterious beast would come and take away a child. At the beginning, Lynch suspected that when he woke up the next day, the big net would disappear by itself and return to the original point.

"Little brother, the big net has been woven, what should we do?"

Their thinking has been fixed, and they obey Lynch's command.

"Pull up the big net, put all the food that was hunted back into the big net, and wait for the arrival of the mysterious beast."

They can't fly, Lynch tried to let them climb the cliff, and when the mysterious beast flew over, the big net suddenly fell down.

Tried several times, the effect was not good, the cliff behind the tribe was too far from the front, and the big net was not so big.

The second is that they cannot fly, including Lynch himself, he can only control half of them, and the remaining half is on the ground, how to trap the mysterious beast.

The only way is for the mysterious beast to throw itself into the net. When the big net is weaving, many traps are set inside. Once triggered, the big net shrinks by itself and traps the mysterious beast.

In the depths of the big net, insert countless javelins, which will play a role at that time, piercing into the body of the mysterious beast.

After everything is done, use hay and the like, and put it on a large net so as not to expose the traces.

Dismiss everyone, let them go back to the house, the child is gone, only ten strong men and Lynch are responsible for guarding around the big net, waiting for the mysterious beast to come.

A day passed, and the mysterious beast circled in the air, but flew away without finding its prey.

A black line, did his plan fail, or was there a mistake in some link?
Continue to wait, all the food is brought out, and the strong men can't go out to hunt. The men, women and children of the tribe have not eaten for a day and a night.

Two days later, the tribe caused a commotion. If this continues, they will all starve to death, rushing to the big net to snatch the food inside.

"You can't go, save the food to lure the mysterious beasts down."

Lynch stood up and stopped these people. Don't get close to the big net. There are many traps in it. If you enter, you will die.

"I'm hungry, really hungry!"

After two days of starvation, dizziness, those strong men couldn't stand it, looking at the fresh food, but couldn't eat it.

Now is the critical moment of the battle of wits and courage, to see who consumes more, the frequency of mysterious beasts is flying faster and faster, and they are also suffering from hunger.

"No, I'm too hungry!"

There were too many people in the tribe, and Lynch stopped one, but couldn't stop the others at all. They crawled towards the big net, and Lynch had nothing to do.

At this time, the patriarch came out with a cane, and he lost a lot of weight. It seems that he hasn't been given any food in the past two days.

"Patriarch, as long as you give me another day, I believe that the mysterious beast crisis will be resolved."

Only the words of the patriarch can work, allowing them to endure for a day.

The mysterious beast is on the verge of going berserk, and if there is no food, it will starve to death.

The patriarch was hesitating, looking at the hungry chests against their backs. If this continues, people will starve to death.

Normal people can persist for a week without eating food. The strange thing is that they are also considered cultivators, and their bodies are strong. Why did they become like this in three days? The difficulty must have escalated.

"Young man, I'm giving you one day. If you can't get rid of the mysterious beasts, give them all the food."

The patriarch stomped on the ground with his crutches, and there was a thumping sound. The tribe members rushing towards the big net stopped their bodies one after another, not daring to take a step forward.

"I'm enduring for a day!"

Just four words, as if there was magic power, very reluctant, men, women and children went back to their houses and continued to starve.

"Hmph, I don't believe you can hold back!"

Lynch was furious. He only had one day. If he couldn't get rid of this beast, the mission would be considered a failure. In front of Zhen Yushi, his points would definitely be reduced.

What does Zhen Yushi do?

Handling various crises for the Heavenly Court, stepping into the Linglong Jade Pagoda, you can expect that when encountering all kinds of weird things, the more perfect the solution is, the higher the probability of obtaining the god crystal.

Failure not only won't get the god crystal, but also be punished and die in it.

Take out a piece of animal meat, light a bonfire, put the animal meat on the bonfire, and the barbecue begins.

The rich aroma spread to the void along the airflow, and the circling profound beast flapped its wings more frequently.

Only the aroma can attract him.

It dived several times tentatively, and when it was about to approach the ground, it rushed up suddenly. It was testing whether the ground was in danger.

The large net frame is on the roof, and in many places, it is completely the same color as the ground, and it is completely indistinguishable.

After testing it several times, the mysterious beast couldn't bear it anymore. It also had no food for three days, and its physical fitness was severely reduced. It dived three times in a row, and its strength was not as good as before.

"Forbearance, let me see how long you can endure!"

The aroma became stronger and stronger, and the mysterious beast neighed crisply. Finally, it couldn't help it, and rushed towards the ground quickly, grabbing the food on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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