Chapter 2039 Meditation City

Rejected Lynch's answer. His answer has long been verified. The sun is so huge that there is no ruler in the world that can measure its diameter.

"Actually, there is another way. I wonder if senior has heard of Kuafu Chasing the Sun?"

Lynch smiled mysteriously. There is really no specific figure on how big the sun is. This is not the earth, and the sun in the sky is not the same thing.

"I've heard of it, what does it have to do with the Great Survey Day?"

The old man was a little unhappy. Lynch prevaricated his question and was very unhappy.

"In ancient times, Kuafu chased the sun, no matter how close he was to the sun, but he told us that the sun is actually far away, but it is also close in front of us. As long as we go to the end of the continent, we will naturally measure the diameter of the sun. Get the specific number of the Great Day."

The sun rises and the sun sets, rises from the horizon, falls from the horizon, and after walking this distance, the result can be measured.

When the first ray of sunlight emerges from the big sun, keep chasing forward until the big sun is completely exposed to the ground, and the diameter will naturally come out.

This is a visual problem. If you walk forward, you can go fast or slowly. If you go fast, the diameter will be larger;

The bigger the vision, the bigger the sun, the smaller the vision, the smaller the sun.

Lynch doesn't know whether the fairy world is round or square. This method is obviously the most effective.

"The words are unreasonable. I know you are talking nonsense, but I don't know how to refute it."

The old man scratched his head, looking crazy.

He was right, Lynch was indeed talking nonsense, because the question he asked was impossible to realize. If so, then give him an impossible task.

You come and go, and the questions you ask are not practical, so the answers I answer are also undecipherable.

For example, someone asked how deep the sea is.

You can answer him, as long as you give me a ruler that can measure the depth of the sea, I will tell you how deep the sea is.

Many perfect answers.

"The last question, tell me, what is the way of heaven!"

Finally, the question came to the point. Lynch hadn't comprehended the Immortal King Realm yet, so it stands to reason that such a question would be embarrassing.

Sitting under the Enlightenment Tree for three days had an epiphany, and saw too much heaven from the endless void.

"The way of heaven is the way of the heart!"

"The way is natural!"

After Lin Qi finished answering, he looked straight into the old man's eyes, guessed countless possibilities from under the Enlightenment Tree, and finally came up with an answer.

The way of heaven that conforms to the original heart is the best way of heaven, and it is also the way of heart.

The true origin of Taoism and nature!

The old man seemed to have become extremely old all of a sudden. Unexpectedly, the three questions were perfectly solved by Lynch.

The first two are purely nonsense, the key is the third question, some answers that even the fairy king can't solve, the way of heaven is the way of mind.

What is Heaven?

No one can explain clearly, the pursuit of realm is the way of heaven, the pursuit of perfection is the way of heaven, the pursuit of power is the way of heaven...

Only the heart remains the same!
"It seems that the old man will be trapped for 50 years before he can get out of here!"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he has been trapped here for too many years and still can't get out.

"Senior, don't be discouraged, there should be other monks passing by here!"

Lynch said comfortingly, one can imagine the torment of being alone here.

"Young man, I know you are comforting me, every task cannot be repeated, I should go!"

The old man stood up, the surrounding scene recovered, and stepped into the thatched cottage, leaving Lynch sitting alone, with a box on the stone table.


After answering three questions, he got a god crystal, which made Lynch overjoyed.

He has just broken through to the tenth-rank immortal master, and he cannot complete the breakthrough with only one divine crystal. He still needs to wait. It is best to find some treasures from heaven and earth to help him break through the fairy king realm.

Without disturbing the old man, his body swayed and disappeared in place.

After passing through the mountains for several days, a large city appeared in front of it. Many people came in and out, including monks and ordinary people, which was very strange.

Lynch was hesitating whether to enter or not. Could it be another illusion here? If he entered, he would not be able to solve the problems inside and would be trapped forever.

Such a large city is definitely not a contestant to enter.

"Lin, this may be a super task, whoever can complete it will get a huge reward."

Ruomei reminded that when entering the big city, the task will start, and there will be rewards for completing it. If you can't complete it, you will become a member of the big city, and you will be trapped in the Linglong Jade Pagoda just like your predecessors, waiting for the next fateful person.

"Go in!"

Without hesitation, he walked towards the big city and joined the Heavenly Court. The goal cannot be changed. Only the Heavenly Court can help Lin Qi find the whereabouts of Xiaoxue and others.

Stepping into the big city is also not an illusion. This place is so real that even the realm has not been blocked, and it still stays at the tenth rank immortal master.

Tea houses and taverns are all available, and the Linglong Jade Pagoda can accommodate a planet, which is no different from the environment outside.

Bustling crowd, where is the mission?
Find a teahouse, first inquire about the news, many tasks are hidden, you need to find them yourself.

"Xiaoer, where is this?"

When the tea was brought up, Lynch stopped Xiao Er and asked.

"Meditation City!"

Xiaoer doesn't seem to know that he is inside the Linglong Jade Pagoda, but only knows that he is in the Meditation City.

"Meditation City?"

Mumbling to himself, what is this name, why do you want to meditate, it is extremely weird.

"Xiao Er, let me ask you again, is there anything strange going on in Meditation City?"

On the surface, the big city looks ordinary, not much different from Xuanyu City, but the name alone makes people think about it.

"Strange things?"

Xiao Er was at a loss, the Meditation City was normal, monks came and left every day, he had lived here for decades, and he hadn't encountered any weird things.

Shaking his head, Xiao Er turned and left.

I can't find any information here, so I have to give up. Since I'm here, I'll stay in the city for a few more days. There must be hidden missions here.

Because he has already discovered that he has lost contact with Linglong Jade Pagoda and cannot leave the big city, so he must solve the problem here.

"It's weird. We came in for three days and didn't find the mission. Are we going to be trapped here forever?"

In the other part of the tea house, three young people gathered and complained. They were also examination disciples. They came in earlier than Lynch. It has been three days and there are still no clues.

"No hurry, there is still time. After drinking tea, let's continue to look for it. I don't believe it. I can't find the hidden mission."

After drinking tea, the three left in a hurry, followed by Lynch.

Not only did Lynch enter the big city, but many more monks stepped into the city and were trapped here. They had to find hidden missions and complete them before they could get rewards and leave this place.

Followed quietly, these few days they walked almost every corner of the big city, inns, teahouses, restaurants, and some small families, without any flaws.

The big city is not as big as imagined. You can almost visit it in a day. There are only about one million people living in it, which is slightly bigger than the small town.

After following for a day, the three returned to the inn with a dejected look on their faces, waiting to continue searching tomorrow.

In desperation, Lynch also walked into the inn.

Sitting cross-legged, recalling the scene experienced during the day, there is no flaw, it is the biggest flaw.

Everything seems to be seamless, and everyone is busy. In fact, this place is isolated from the world, why should they be busy.

"Meditation City! What a weird name."

Close your eyes and enter a meditative state.


Lynch's consciousness seemed to be pulled by something, dragged out of his body, another time and space today.

Traveling in space, he was brought into another world, a dark world that did not obstruct his vision, as if he had entered the ground and was wrapped in a pitch-black liquid.


The first reaction was that the consciousness seemed to have fallen into a quagmire, unable to extricate itself. In addition to the pitch-black liquid, there was also an icy cold wind blowing in his ears.

Consciousness is getting colder and colder, getting colder and colder, gradually falling into a coma, and then disappearing, completely falling into nothingness.

The sky was slightly brighter, and a ray of sunlight shone in.


Lynch jumped off the bed suddenly, opened his eyes, his body was intact, and he was still sitting in the inn, so what happened last night?

I shivered all over, it was so cold!

"Why did my consciousness suddenly disappear last night?"

This is a big taboo for cultivators. If he loses consciousness, even a three-year-old child can easily come in and kill him.

Ask Ruomei, she also doesn't know, since she came back last night, she lost contact with Lynch.

The dark environment, the icy cold wind, and the quagmire were in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of them for a long time.

"Could it be that only by meditating can one enter the real meditation city?"

A bold idea popped up. I entered a state of meditation last night, and my consciousness left my body and entered another world. I seemed to have caught something, but I didn’t catch it. I couldn’t explain it clearly.

Continue to meditate, unable to enter that world, it seems to have to wait until night.

Walking out of the inn and stepping into the street, it was almost the same as yesterday, still busy.

"Catch him, thief, you catch him!"

Suddenly there was a shout of catching a thief on the street. A thin and small man was weaving back and forth among the crowd, trying to escape. Behind him, two men were chasing after him, shouting to catch the thief.

On both sides of the street, most people remained indifferent, and even made a way for the thief to escape smoothly.

After a few strides, Lynch appeared not far away.


Still not stopping?
My heart is tangled.

Tell yourself this is an illusion.

But it really exists, completely different from the ancient tribes. Everyone here has flesh and blood, but they don't know it, and they are trapped in the Linglong Jade Pagoda.

When the thief was only three steps away from Lynch, he took a long step and grabbed the thief's shoulder. His body was forcibly caught and he fell to the ground.

The two behind him quickly caught up and pinned down the thief, with expressions of gratitude on their faces.

"Thank you brother, thank you brother, thank you brother for being generous and soft-handed, such a small thing is not a respect."

After the two caught the thief, they were about to take it back. One of them handed Lynch a strange thing, a black stone, to express his gratitude.

"Black stone?"

There is no rejection, it is only the size of an egg, exudes a faint luster, and there is a hint of coldness. In the hot summer, when you put the black stone in the palm of your hand, you can't feel a trace of heat in your body.

(End of this chapter)

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