Chapter 2053 Please enter the urn
The big victories for several days in a row made the red army's momentum soaring, and it has the potential to sweep the world.

What happened tonight was a bit weird. They were attacked for no reason. The two thousand cavalry who went out had no news, not even a signal flare.

"Brother Luo, something is wrong!"

The two generals hadn't left yet, and the dense forest in the distance was pitch black, and it was hard to see clearly. It was effortless to arrange tens of thousands of horses.

"Brother Zhao, is it a trick of the blue army to lure the enemy?"

The two of them frowned. To them, two thousand cavalrymen were irrelevant. If they died, they would die. As long as they did not affect the overall situation, it was irrelevant.

"We must speed up our attack, and strive to take down the Blue Army within three days and win the victory, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Zhao Tiankuang's eyes turned cold, ready to launch a general attack.

"It's too difficult. We only have 80 soldiers and horses. Unless we can get the position of commander-in-chief, we will have a chance to command [-] soldiers and horses. Only the highest officer can mobilize [-] troops."

Their power is limited, and only [-] soldiers and horses can't overturn the big waves. Only when they reach the level of a general can they dominate the battle.

It took almost a month for them to climb up to their current position. Many examiners came in and were killed before they had time to gain military exploits and became the vanguard.

Army combat is different from cultivating immortals, the possibility of fighting alone is extremely small, and it needs to fight as a whole.

Tactics are issued by the supreme ruler. There is no examiner yet. It is basically impossible to climb to that level. To reach the level of a general and command 10 horses is the limit.

It is impossible for the rule-makers to let the examiner become the supreme leader, and the battle will be meaningless.

The simplest example is that you are Zhen Yushi and will always be Zhen Yushi. Will.

"It's been so long, why hasn't there been any news!"

The two were just complaining, and they seemed to be in command of 80 people, which seemed insignificant compared to an army of [-] people.

"Should I send someone over to see what happened and why there was no sound of fighting?"

Luo Xing asked uncertainly. Most of the time, he still listened to Zhao Tiankuang, and the two of them broke into this place together, fighting a bloody path, before reaching this position.

"Don't worry, wait until the sky is bright, night is not suitable for fighting!"

Zhao Tiankuang was very anxious in his heart. The loss of two thousand cavalry was not too big for them, and it was not small for them. Tomorrow's battle, these cavalry would have to charge forward. Losing these cavalry, it would be difficult for them to make military exploits. ascend to heaven.

Be careful to sail for thousands of years, one mistake, all the hard work in the early stage will be in vain!

These assessors do not have the right to a second choice.

Dongfang spit out a trace of fishy white, a new day is coming, the red army has assembled and is ready to attack on a large scale.

As a result, the news of the truce from the blue side was received. After a one-day truce, the atmosphere on the battlefield became extremely strange.

The commander's status is low, and it is logically impossible to see the commander in chief. What is it that caused the blue side to truce, which made Lynch very curious.

Could it be that his plan last night had already been known to the blue commander.

On the hills in the distance, there were more than ten people standing. The leader was wearing a stomach armor. Beside him, ten guards guarded the surrounding area.

"I didn't expect such a freak to appear in our blue army. I want to know how you want to play."

The man in the stomach armor had a smile on the corner of his mouth. He could clearly see Lynch's every move last night.

When the commander found him, he didn't believe it at first, so he had to see it for himself. The blue side is too passive at present. If he really has the ability to turn the tide, he might as well give it a go.

"Brother Wen, you have finally ascended to the position of commander-in-chief, are you willing to give the credit to others?"

A subordinate next to him was not reconciled. They had struggled for a month before they climbed to where they are today. If they were snatched away by Lynch, they would feel unacceptable.

"Vulgar, short-sighted, what is the purpose of our coming here, teamwork, if there is internal disintegration, let alone victory, it will be difficult to get out alive, fifty divine crystals, isn't it enough for all of us to share?"

Wen Qiu reprimanded, although this person is willing to follow him, he must have a big picture, this time is not suitable for internal fighting, and try his best to defeat the red army.

"I was wrong. This person is quite talented, but unfortunately his use of poison is a bit vulgar."

Admitting mistakes is very active. When you enter the task stage, there is no room for retreat. If you forcefully push forward, you will not be able to complete it. There will be a steady stream of examiners entering, and there will always be strong people appearing to disrupt the order.

While there is still time, it is probably the common idea of ​​both parties to decide as soon as possible.

"His plan is a bit risky. It is impossible for the red army to enter the mountain pass. The terrain there is complicated. As long as our army lays ambush properly, it will not be a big problem for one enemy to ten."

Wen Qiu commanded an army of [-], unable to mobilize other troops, he had quietly moved to the mountain pass last night, hoping to succeed, so that he could make great contributions and have a chance to be promoted to commander-in-chief.

At present, there are only two commanders of the blue army, one of them is him, and the other is in disagreement.

"There are many talented people on the red side, so I don't think they will be fooled. Most of the plans will fail. We have dispatched so many troops privately. Once we are blamed, we will be downgraded and become commanders!"

Put all your treasures on Lynch, they will be promoted if they win, and they will be relegated if they lose.

"Let's see his next move!"

A group of more than ten people did not return to the blue army's barracks, but rushed towards the col. No matter what, the layout had to continue. Once the red army really came, they could attack head-on.

"Brother Lin, what shall we do next?"

Yu Yong Kang was a little excited, and without any effort, many soldiers captured two thousand cavalry from the opponent, and respected Lin Qi as a heavenly man.


Next came the war of attrition. The red side couldn't wait any longer. The situation on the battlefield was strong for them. The sudden truce made them at a loss. In addition to the [-] cavalry that disappeared last night, the reason must be found out.

Time passed by little by little, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and there was a change in the Red Army camp. After so long, I finally couldn't bear it anymore. Two thousand cavalry is not a small number.

"Dong dong dong..."

The ground began to shake, and there were [-] soldiers heading towards this side to investigate.

"It's time for you to go on stage, the show is about to begin!"

Throwing bricks to attract jade, used to the extreme, the purpose is to lure the opponent's army to come, the distance from the mountain depression is only twenty miles away, I hope they can keep up.

"it is good!"

Yu Yong Kang led [-] soldiers and got on their horses. Last night, they captured a large number of horses. They were put to use today. In terms of speed, they surpassed the infantry and did not worry about being overtaken.

The 60 people put on the shirts of the Red Army and transformed into the Red Army.

He rode his horse and rushed forward for a mile. At this time, the 40-man team led by Lynch got on their horses and was chasing the cavalry led by Yu Yong Kang.

"Catch up with them and kill the red cavalry, and we will have made merit!"

Lynch waved his flag and shouted, and the sound spread far away. Five thousand infantrymen had already left the red camp, and the sound just passed, and there were still 100 people left fighting each other.

"Just wait and see, our army is about to arrive and destroy you all!"

Yu Yong Kang's voice was hoarse, and his body was exhausted, as if he had been fighting for a long time. The sixty cavalry he led were also mentally haggard.

Getting closer, getting closer, you can already see the red army.

"Stop, we can't chase anymore!"

Lynch waved his hand to stop, and there was still about 500 meters away from Yu Yong Kang's team, and he stopped suddenly.

At this moment, the red infantry advanced quickly and quickly joined Yu Yong Kang and others. The leader was a deputy commander who led [-] infantry to check what happened.

The two sides stood in a stalemate, confronting each other, and Yu Yong Kang's team was surrounded by infantry.

"What happened last night, why is there no signal!"

The deputy commander is also the examiner, questioning Yu Yong Kang, making them worry about the night for nothing.

"Commander Qi, we were all caught last night. The blue team set up a trap, dispatched two thousand infantry, and set up checkpoints on the road. Our cavalry fell into it, and used the big net to block the signal. Only us, fight out Siege, please lead the army to avenge the dead soldiers."

Yu Yong Kang burst into tears, crying about what happened last night, describing it vividly, and was ambushed by the blue army last night.


The commander couldn't believe it. After fighting for so long, the blue side seldom did sneak attacks, so he didn't quite believe the news.

"It's absolutely true. The blue army must have thought that they had no chance of winning, so they used this kind of low-level strategy. Commander, please avenge the dead cavalry!"

Yu Yong Kang shouted loudly, and the other sixty cavalrymen shouted together, avenging the dead soldiers.

"This matter needs a long-term plan. The blue team suddenly changed its tactics, so go back and discuss with the general first."

The deputy commander is very cunning, uncertain things, do not want to try.

"Commander, after a fierce battle last night, both of us suffered heavy losses. At present, there are more than 1000 people left on the blue side. We should take advantage of the victory and pursue them to annihilate them instead of letting them escape. Did the Commander miss such a good opportunity for meritorious service? Well, as long as you kill these people, you can be promoted to the orthodox leader, become a general, and command [-] troops."

These words worked. There was still some difference between a deputy commander and a general.

He didn't dare to take risks easily, which put him in a dilemma.

"Commander, don't miss this opportunity. Once they escape, return to the barracks, and ask the higher-ups, we will not escape the blame. We will delay the opportunity and let the enemy leave."

Yu Yongkang pressed on every step of the way, every sentence of his heart.

If you leave like this and return to the barracks, you will definitely be punished, and you will lose two thousand cavalry in vain.

Once it is a trap and the mud feet are deep, wouldn't it be a greater loss.

"Presumptuous, the commander has his own choice!"

Next to the deputy commander, a young man stepped out, scolded Yu Yongkang to shut up.

"Leader, please make a decision. The blue army is seriously injured. We only have one chance to catch up quickly, kill them all, and block the retreat. These defeated troops are not random."

As long as you block the way to escape to the blue camp, you can surround the blue soldiers and kill them.

Time stood still, and what the deputy commander lacked was an opportunity. As long as he made a great contribution, he could be promoted.

In the future, the victory over the blue army and the sharing of Shenjing will also be calculated according to the credit.

(End of this chapter)

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