Chapter 2157 Hit the Soul
Martial soul should belong to the will that warriors dream of. Among hundreds of millions of people, it is difficult to find one person.

Not only is his talent extremely high, but his understanding of martial arts far exceeds that of ordinary people, so he can comprehend the way of martial arts.

Although Lynch has not done in-depth research on the journey of soul power these years, he still has a lot of experience.

First of all, the formation of the soul mountain represents the evolution of a kind of soul power. At some point, the role of the soul mountain is very great.

"I understand that Soul Mountain should be a kind of will, and it is the will of the Wu Clan, not the human martial soul. As long as I can grow the will of the Wu Clan, I may be able to crush the Martial Soul. After all, the existence of the Wu Clan is stronger than that of the human race. Many epochs ago."

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration occurred, Soul Mountain might be a form of will, but he didn't comprehend its essence.

"That's right, it should have something to do with the Tianyuan Tree. You can try to use the Tianyuan Tree to communicate with the Soul Mountain. Can you awaken the will of the witch clan!"

The Tianyuan Tree is the nemesis of the Wu Clan. It absorbs the Wu Clan and refines the Wu Huang Fruit.

Soul Mountain absorbs a lot of the breath of the Tianyuan Tree, and there is no distinction between the two.

"it is good!"

Mobilizing the Tianyuan Tree, an invisible energy penetrated into the soul mountain, and the faint yellow mist penetrated into every inch of Lin Qi's soul sea.

The Gate of Reincarnation floated quietly in the air. After arriving in the fairyland, it fell silent. It wasn't that Lynch didn't use it, but the Gate of Reincarnation seemed to be afraid of something.

"It really works!"

Although I still don't know how to awaken the will of the witch clan, I can obviously feel that the will of Soul Mountain is stronger and more and more compatible with myself.

"Eternal Divine Fist!"

Put away the Scarlet Star Sword, and punched out, those Wuhun fighters were blown away by Lynch.

Although the handicapped woman left the attic, her gaze never left the battlefield. Every martial spirit warrior here is her painstaking effort.

The martial spirit is immortal, and the warrior is immortal.

Unless a more powerful martial soul can be born to frighten these martial soul fighters, they will be able to get out of trouble.

As the battle entered a fierce stage, a strange energy emerged from Lin Qi's soul sea, like a witch god, gradually awakening.

Soul Mountain began to change, no longer sticking to one shape, the ten thousand zhang steps continued to evolve, like a ten thousand zhang dragon crawling in the mountains, suddenly waking up.

A terrifying witch god stood up, holding the Lost Spear, and the soul power evolved, not limited to one form.

The stronger Lynch's will is, the stronger his soul power is, similar to the form of a martial soul, but infinitely stronger than a martial soul.

The will of the witch clan has been inherited from ancient times and even more ancient times. For several epochs, they have mastered the weaknesses of the human race, and also inherited things that the human race did not have.

Walking out of Lin Qi's sea of ​​souls, standing proudly on the spot, those martial soul fighters who rushed over couldn't take a step forward, and were restrained by the witch god.

The Lost Spear shot suddenly, drawing countless shadows in the air, piercing through those martial soul fighters.


The Wuhun fighters were wiped out one after another. The strange thing is that this time they didn't continue to heal and were wiped out by the witch god.

The crippled woman's eyes narrowed, revealing a terrifying murderous look, she did not expect someone to comprehend the will of a martial soul of a higher level than her.

"I am going to kill you!"

It took hundreds of years for these martial spirit fighters to be deployed successfully, and after being destroyed by Lynch, they did some harm to the disabled women.

"Third sister, let him continue to move forward!"

It's the voice of the disabled woman, who knows everything that happens outside, and secretly transmits the voice to the disabled woman, so that she can stay calm.

"Eldest sister, this person destroyed my spirit formation, I must kill him."

The disabled woman has a cruel personality, and countless warriors have died in her hands over the years.

"There are many secrets in this person. It would be a pity to let him go on and kill him."

The sky-disabled girl is dozens of years older than the earth-disabled and human-disabled women, and has experienced more things. In addition, she was born in a big family and read a lot of books since she was a child, so she is reasonable.

If it wasn't for that incident, it wouldn't be where it is today.

500 years, time can smooth everything out.

They have been staying here all these years, seemingly indifferent to the world, and only they themselves know the pain in their hearts.

As long as you are human, you have a soft side in your heart, but you just don't want to admit it.

"Then let him live longer!"

The handicapped woman gave up her pursuit of Lynch and stayed in the attic to see how he would get out of the artistic conception arranged by her elder sister.

After breaking the Martial Soul Formation, Lynch sat on the ground prostratedly, and unknowingly, stepped into the Heavenly Remnant Valley for two days.

In just two days, I experienced both life and death.

The harvest is also huge, comprehending the will of the witch clan, giving birth to the witch god, and adding another attack method.

In the competition of soul power, Lin Qi was not weaker than the second-rank Immortal Sovereign.

After resting for most of the day, after consuming dozens of elixir, he stood up and saw the outline of Tian Cangu.

"The next thing should be a trap left by the Heavenly Disabled Girl!"

The previous two hurdles were still fresh in his memory, and they were also fruitful.

Understand the use of the power of the world and awaken the will of the witch god.

After walking along the path for about a cup of tea, the sound of the piano came from ahead, and Lynch froze in place.

The sound was far and near, and I don't know who is playing the piano.

The sound of the zither contains the seven emotions and six desires of human beings, all kinds of grievances and entanglements, which sometimes make people sad, and sometimes make people excited and inexplicable.

Different emotions can be narrated through the sound of the piano, which is simply wonderful.

Using musical instruments to write the inner emotions, ordinary peak masters can't do it.

They can express their emotions, but it is difficult for them to infect another person.

For example, the passage just now is so beautiful and desolate that it makes people cry.

Before he knew it, two tears were stained on Lynch's cheeks.

"Lin... Lin... wake up!"

Ruomei kept calling for Lynch, who trembled and was drenched in cold sweat.

"I was so captivated by the sound of the piano that I almost couldn't wake up."

Relying on Ruomei to call in time, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable, losing his soul and becoming an idiot, it is better to die directly.

"What a dangerous place!"

The beautiful sound of the zither has such a great lethality, it is even stronger than the Wuhun Formation.

The sound of the piano suddenly stopped, a little surprised, probably also did not expect Lynch to wake up so quickly.

Back then, a second-rank Immortal Sovereign came and broke through the first two levels, but was seduced by the sound of the piano and became an idiot.

Straight to the heart, irresistible.

As long as you are a human being, you have the seven emotions and six desires. The sound of the piano contains all the emotions in the world, whether it is lust, desire for power, etc.!
It will slowly wake up the true side of your heart, make you lost, intoxicated in your own world, and finally become silent until death.

For example, if you want to become a high-level powerhouse in your heart, the sound of the piano will stimulate your inner desire for power. In the illusion, you will reach the top step by step and become the supreme powerhouse.

Fantasy is beautiful and can be broken at any time.

When the bubble bursts, all the good things disappear, including your soul.

This is also the reason why Lin Qi was so frightened, it might as well have been done with real knives and guns in the Wuhun formation just now.

The sound of the piano sounded again, and this time it was even more ecstatic. Lynch's body was on the verge of falling, and various complicated emotions filled his mind.

Relatives, family members, friends, children, one by one appeared in his mind.

Xiaoxue's call, parents' expectation, like a movie, filtered in Lynch's mind over and over again.

If this continues, Lynch will go crazy.

"I'm not reconciled, your ghosts and sprites can't affect my mood!"

With a sharp shout, Lynch suddenly took out a guqin from the storage ring. Back then, he won many people with this guqin.

In the piano, Lin Qi is not inferior to Tian Cannv, and knows more rhythms.

There are not only joys and sorrows in the world, but also more beautiful things in the world.

The sound of Tian Cannv's piano evokes all the dark and negative aspects of psychology, making people magnify their longing and hatred, and continue to extend until they collapse.

The best way is to use a positive and sunny side to dissolve the sound of the piano.


When the first piano sound appeared, there was a brief silence in Tian Can Valley, as if everyone had heard it.

Especially the handicapped women and the handicapped women, some can't believe it, some people dare to play the piano with the eldest sister, is it because they are impatient to live.

Break the gravitational force of the disabled woman, and disintegrate the martial spirit formation of the disabled woman.

Already defying the sky, but still trying to solve the elder sister's sad song!

This piece of music has been played by Tian Cannv for no less than 500 years, and it has already reached its peak level, and it can arouse a person's desire at will.

If there are people with inner demons, it is unavoidable.

Lynch has practiced the Heart Demon Sutra, and he has already eradicated the heart demons, so he is sad and sad, and it does not hurt him much.

The only thing that can affect him is to constantly awaken his inner longing for Xiaoxue and longing for his family.

Lynch has never been negative in his heart, and only when he does not violate his heart can he dare to compete with the disabled girl in an upright manner.

The melodious sound of the piano kept emerging, and what Lynch played was actually Chopin's first piano piece, and it was even more flavorful when he played it with a guqin.

Every piece of Chopin hits the soul directly, especially this one, which can be said to awaken the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature.

That kind of beautiful picture is like a woman in a white dress dancing in the garden, with countless flowers and butterflies flying around.

The sound of Tian Cannv's piano seems to be eroded. There are two kinds of piano sounds, one positive and the other negative.

One represents positivity, and the other is dark and ecstatic.

Lynch completely forgot where he was, and was surrounded by the sound of the piano. Every tone could represent his mood at the moment.

Beside him, bouquets of flowers bloomed, attracted by the sound of the piano.

Unexpectedly, Lynch's piano skills can reach such a high level that it can affect the laws of heaven and earth.

Some strange birds flew over from a distance, landed beside Lynch, chirped, and accompanied Lynch to the song.

At this wonderful moment, Tian Cannv was a little surprised, and a little unbelievable.

The little Ninth Rank Immortal King was able to defeat his own Depressed Song.

Over the years, her tunes have become more and more exquisite, and there are almost no flaws.

But at this moment, she felt shaken in her heart. Lynch's piano sound continued to erode, occupying the entire Tiancan Valley.

The sunny side, the positive side, let the disabled women of the sky, the disabled women of the earth, and the disabled women see the beautiful side of the world.

Listening to sad songs every day made their hearts darker and darker.

Lynch's song washes away this dark side, allowing them to accept the new world and forget all the bad things in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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