Chapter 2159 Imprisoned
The painting is very good, Lynch is impeccable.

This painting is the largest one he has seen so far, and it is also the most impactful one.

The painting is 50 meters high and 30 meters wide, and the huge mountain is vivid, like a shrunken mountain, placed in front of Lynch, blocking his way.

"The painter is fine, but unfortunately, there is a trace of resentment and murderousness in it, which leads to the last trace of artistic conception, and it is impossible to draw a spirit!"

Lynch quickly found out the problem with this painting. The painting of the Heavenly Handicapped Girl was at its peak, but she was just a little bit short of transforming into a spirit.

Tian Cannv heard these words, but she didn't get angry, she was thinking about the meaning of Lynch's words.

"Do resentment and murderous intent really affect my painting?"

The Heavenly Disabled Girl seemed to ask herself, but also seemed to deny it.

Once it is denied, it means that the paths she has taken in these years are all wrong.

"Sister, don't listen to his nonsense, how can he understand our artistic conception!"

The handicapped woman and the handicapped woman came out one after another and stood in front of the handicapped woman. None of the three women was normal, and they were extremely ugly.

"The great way of heaven and earth, only fraternity and tolerance are everything!"

A piece of drawing paper appeared in front of Lynch, it was not big, and it was completely different from the painting in front of him.

After saying these words, the three women's murderous intentions became stronger, as if they were mocking them, lacking fraternity and tolerance.

Take out the paintbrush, there are no skilled painters, no magnificent buildings, and no majestic mountains, rivers and seas.

It turned out to be a house, and there were three people sitting in it, a family of three, the mother was kind and the son was filial, eating hot meals around the table.

A picture of a happy family portrait, vivid for the rest of life, vividly portrayed by Lynch.

Laughter and laughter came from the painting, and the true meaning of the painting became a spirit.

Although the characters inside did not come out, their artistic conception was perfectly presented in front of everyone.

Use great love to embrace everything.

Use fraternity to carry everything.

What is the purpose of cultivation, just to seek the peak of the Dao, to live forever?

Actually not, in order to better protect my family and my loved ones.

This is the way!
Road to simplicity!

Lynch used the simplest way to present a complete family without noise, fights, or interests, which made the three of them feel pain in their hearts.

As if touching a certain nerve, they also have family members, who used to be children.

These years have been too hard, and I have lived a life of inhumanity, using hatred to cover up my inner weakness.

"He's a lunatic!"

The crippled woman said something and didn't continue to read it. In comparison, Lynch is the real lunatic.

It is undeniable that this sentence was unanimously agreed by the Heavenly Handicapped Girl and the Earth Handicapped Girl. Lynch was a lunatic who came to challenge their tolerance limit.

Once it erupts, it will be Lynch's death.

Just because a mountain is high doesn't mean it's great.

Father's love and mother's love are the greatest things in the world.

So this mountain was ruthlessly destroyed.

The portrait spontaneously ignited, just like the previous books, it was burned by great love and turned into ashes. All the spirituality could not match Lynch's tolerant heart.

Standing up, Lynch was not proud, the mountain disappeared, replaced by a paradise, who would have thought that the three heavenly disabled women would live here.

The environment is very good, but Lynch can't compliment the people here.

Two extremely ugly-looking men walked up to Lin Qi, without any explanation, and raised him up without any ability to resist, because the two of them were all third-rank Immortal Sovereigns.

I can only plant flowers and grass here like a slave.

"Three seniors, I know you can hear me. I didn't mean to offend you. I came to Tiancan Valley without any malice. The teacher's school is in trouble. The purpose of this trip is to borrow the Tiancan sword. Please return it. The three seniors are complete."

Lynch shouted loudly, hoping to wake up the three of them, and died here for no reason, unwilling.

A dignified third-rank Immortal Emperor is like a pig and dog, let alone a small Immortal King Realm like him.

No one paid attention to him. The two slaves of the Immortal Emperor lacked arms and legs, and their facial muscles had already been destroyed. With their realm, they could completely regenerate their limbs, but they didn't do so.

They dare not, because the sky can't allow people with sound limbs to exist.

In the medicine garden, there were still some disabled people who were taking care of the elixir. When they looked up, they saw many elixir for refining Tianming Pill.

It's a pity that I can't move my body, not to mention picking, the business is to find a way to get out alive first.

No one paid any attention to him, and locked him in a dungeon surrounded by darkness. Two Immortal Emperor slaves had their tongues cut off. No matter how Lynch communicated with them, he refused to say a word.

What cruel things have happened to make them like this.

"Hey... can you hear me, let me out, I want to see Senior Tian Can!"

Lynch's voice was hoarse, and no one paid attention to him. It had been a day and a night, as if the world had forgotten him.

Neither killed him, nor let him go, let him stay in the dungeon.

On the third day, there was a bang on the ground, as if something had fallen from the sky, and the whole ground was shaking, causing the rocks on the dungeon to slide down continuously, and the prison door opened by itself.

Originally, Lynch could break through the door, but he didn't, and chose to wait.

Since the gate of the dungeon opened by itself, I simply went out to have a look, since it was not an escape anyway.

Seeing the sun again, there are countless parts piled up on a flat ground in Tiancan Valley, which looks like a flying mysterious beast, made of special materials.

A woman stood aside, with her hands on the ground, walking as if she were two feet, she should be a handicapped woman.

The terrifying sound came from this strange thing, it should have fallen from the sky, and the research failed.

"Lin, the ground disabled girl is so powerful. This should be something like a spaceship. It uses fuel to fly without consuming God Crystal. Once it is researched, it will save a lot of God Crystal, and it looks extremely hard."

Ruomei quickly discovered its internal structure and explained it to Lynch.

Lynch didn't dare to get close. It was the first time that he had met the three of them in his spiritual thoughts.

They are even more ferocious and cruel than those encountered in divine thoughts. Hatred flows in their blood.

"Lin, this spaceship lacks a main system. To be able to study it to this extent has already surpassed countless people. The disabled woman should have been in contact with modern civilization, and may have obtained this knowledge from some ancient ruins."

After checking again, Ruomei found the reason why the spaceship fell, the main system was missing, and the entire spaceship could not be linked into a whole.

Walking out of the ruins, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Lynch.

Behind her stood two slaves of the Immortal Emperor, not daring to take a breath. Every time they failed, they would kill a few people to vent their anger.

"kill him!"

Without a trace of emotion, the disabled girl ordered the two slaves to kill Lynch.

Sure enough, he killed people like hemp, without any reason, just because Lynch was unhappy, he killed him directly.

After being held for two days, he was probably hesitating whether to kill him or keep him as a slave.

The experiment failed, holding back his anger, and the two slaves standing behind them looked sympathetic. Although they couldn't speak, they could understand Lynch's mood at the moment.

"Senior Earth Remnant, I know where the problem with this spaceship is, and I can help you fix it!"

Lynch hurriedly shouted loudly, relying on Ruomei and his own wisdom, it is too simple to repair this flying boat, but as long as a central system is created, the flying boat can fly into the sky without the need for divine crystals.

"Do you know mechanism skills?"

Di Can has seen Lynch's abilities before, whether it is martial arts talent, or piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, he is proficient in everything.

"Know a little bit!"

Seeing that it worked, Lynch didn't directly say that he had to delay and see Tiancan as much as possible, she was the owner of Tiancan Valley.

At this time, the two slaves of the Immortal Emperor walked in front of Di Can, exchanging spiritual thoughts, and were extremely hostile to Lynch.

There is a fixed number of Tiancan Valley slaves. If Lynch survives, some of them will die. This is the rule.

They have been trapped here for a hundred years, and they have already figured out the temperament of the three of them, and also know the rules here, all Lynch must die.

"You dare to lie to me, there are very few people in the fairy world who know how to use tricks, prepare to die!"

Di Can reacted, realizing that Lynch was lying to her, delaying time.

"Senior, don't misunderstand me. I definitely didn't lie to you. The reason why your flying boat disintegrated is that it lacks a central system. It just so happens that I understand something. Give me ten days to make it fly again."

Let's delay for ten days first. Originally, Lynch planned to talk for a month, so the other party probably wouldn't be able to wait that long.

Ten days is enough time, with Ruomei here, it is enough to do the hard work by yourself.

Pointing out the problem inside with a single word made Dican's eyes light up, he didn't expect this kid to really understand.

"You have to think about it. If you can't repair the flying boat and let it fly after ten days, I will not just kill you. I will cut off your limbs and bury them in flowers as fertilizer."

Said in a sad and sad way, Lynch was terrified. He had never seen such a terrifying person.

"This junior will definitely try his best, but I don't like being disturbed when I'm doing things, so I don't need to send someone to monitor me. After ten days, senior will come to inspect the goods!"

Lynch saw the expressions and movements of the two Immortal Emperor slaves just now.

Once they are alone, it is inevitable that they will kill them.

If you die, you will die, so you don't believe that San Can will kill a slave for the sake of a dead person.

In their eyes, a man's life is worthless. If it wasn't for Lynch's knowledge of mechanics, he would have been a dead man.

"Don't worry, no one will dare to kill you without my order!"

How can Di Can not see Lynch's mind, except for the killing of the three of them in Tian Can Valley, slaves should do what slaves should do.

"Thank you senior!"

Lynch said gratefully, time was urgent, he walked to Feizhou, sorted out the scattered parts quickly, and continued to piece them together.

Ruomei draws quickly, and a complete model appears.

"Senior, I still need some materials to make the flying boat faster and stronger. This is the model I designed, you can take a look!"

On the second day, Di Can came to see if he really knew how to mechanism as he said.

The model came out on the first day, but Lynch didn't show it, because he didn't want to be too amazing.

Glancing at the model, Di Can's eyes shone brightly. How could he not see that Lynch's model was almost impeccable.

(End of this chapter)

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