Chapter 2162 Suppressing Tiancan Sword

The attic was quiet, and Tiancan and Dicanxian were exhausted, so they sat and rested.

When it got dark, Lynch sat up and stretched his waist. Except for Xian Yuan, there was basically no serious problem.

The sky and the earth have recovered, and they are waiting for the people to wake up.

When it was time to light the lamp, Ren Canyou woke up, completely forgetting what had happened.

"Elder Sister, Second Sister, why am I here?"

Ren Can's voice changed somewhat, and the violent air was missing.

"Third sister, you're finally all right!"

Di Can walked over and hugged Ren Can in his arms, making Ren Can look puzzled.

Tian Can quietly turned around. If outsiders saw that the notorious Tian Can, Earth Can, and Human Can have such a genuine side, I don't know how they would feel.

On the outside, they are ruthless and murderous, but the three sisters are brothers and sisters, which makes Lynch a little impressed.

"Why is he here?"

The disabled voice was bleak and cold, only then did I realize that Lynch was also in the attic, the place where the eldest sister lived, and no one was allowed to set foot except for the two of them.

"Third sister, he saved you!"

Di Can explained everything that happened just now. Unexpectedly, her inner demons broke out, killed dozens of slaves, and finally became completely insane. It was Lynch who saved her.

"Then let you live ten more days!"

Rencang said carelessly, saving her life only got ten days of life, which made Lin Qi have the urge to scold her.

"Third Sister, you have just recovered and need to rest. Second Sister will take Third Sister back first!"

Tian Can interrupted Ren Can's words, although they killed people like hemp, they still understand the most basic morals, and they must not break their promises.

Di Can and Ren Can left, and only Lin Qi and Tian Can were left in the attic.

"The Tiancan sword has been sealed by us. It contains too much resentment and killing intent. After three days, after you recover, come and take it!"

Tiancan does not show any emotion, and will definitely do what he promised. As for whether Lynch can take away Tiancanjian, it is not something they worry about.

With the ability to borrow the Tiancan Sword, the Xuanyu Sect is saved. The next step is how to pick the immortal medicine and refine the Tianming Pill.

"Senior, I have another unfeeling request!"

Lynch did not leave in a hurry, and bowed to Tiancan.


Tiancan was still cold, as if there was no warmth on his body.

"I want to pick some immortal medicines. During these three days, can you not imprison me in the dungeon? I won't run away if I don't get the Heavenly Remnant Sword."

Lynch's request was very simple. These immortal medicines were basically useless. Except for some rare ones, they were reserved for the three of them to make alchemy. Most of the immortal medicines were rubbish.

"Only one hundred plants are allowed to be picked! Live with slaves!"

Tiancan agreed to Lin Qi's conditions, allowing him to pick a hundred elixir plants, and the place to live was not so good, he lived in a shack with slaves.

"Thank you senior!"

After speaking, he left from the attic and went to the Immortal Medicine Garden to pick immortal medicines.

Tian Can was very surprised that Lin Qi didn't collect any of the immortal medicines that were not affected by the special selection of those with strong resentment and murderous intentions.

These fairy medicines are collected and used for no purpose. Doesn't he know that these fairy medicines have accumulated too much resentment, refined into pills, swallowed, and the attack is more terrifying than human disability.

Dozens of slaves died, and the remaining people were much more honest and stayed in the shack obediently.

A lot of seats happened to be vacated, Lynch found a clean place and began to rest.

There was no communication among the slaves. In their eyes, Lynch might have become a slave just like them.

In three days, the disabled body recovered, the state became more pure, and the resentment in the body was indeed reduced a lot.

Day three!
According to Tiancan's request, Lin Qi came to the secluded place of Tiancan Valley, which is very strange, with a protruding piece in the middle, piled up with countless huge stones.

I don't know what's hidden underneath.

Di Can and Ren Can rushed over one after another. Back then they refined the Tian Can Sword absolutely by accident. Who would have thought that the killing intent of the Tian Can Sword was so serious.

In a helpless move, he buried the Tiancan sword in the ground and sealed it, so as not to be born into the world and harm the world.

"The Heavenly Remnant Sword is below. Let me remind you that once it is born, the consequences will be unimaginable. Even we can't predict it. We exhausted all our energy before sealing it. After so many years, the magic is stronger. The three of us have practiced, but we may not be able to suppress it, fly into the world, and burn the lives."

Tiancan still reminded Lynch that he should choose to continue to open the seal, or let the Tiancan sword be buried in the ground.

Lynch didn't speak, and stood quietly aside, because the Nine Absolute Sword was about to move.

The same is true for Chi Xingjian, as if they met the same kind, the kind of heart-to-heart sympathy.

The ground began to shake, and before Sancan opened the seal, Tiancanjian actually sensed it, broke through the seal on his own initiative, and wanted to be born.

"What's going on, Tian Canjian is cracking the seal by himself!"

The earth remnant showed a look of horror. For more than 100 years, the Tiancan sword has been silent. Why did it suddenly make such a big commotion.

Including Lin Qi, showing incredible expressions, could it be the reason of Jiujuejian, which revived Tiancanjian.

After sealing, the Tiancan Sword is cut off from the world, and it cannot be revived unless there is an external force.

The strange thing is that Tiancanjian sensed that it was definitely Jiujuejian just after they set foot here.

"Three seniors, forgive me for asking, is the Tiancan Sword a Chaos Spirit Treasure?"

Lynch had to confirm that if he surpassed the Chaos Spirit Treasure, forget it. If he couldn't lower the pressure, he would harm the world instead.

"When we sealed it, the third-grade chaotic spirit treasure!"

It is equivalent to the third-rank Immortal Emperor Realm, absolutely terrifying.

"it is good!"

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. If the Tiancan Sword and Chixing Sword were fused to create a new long sword, which would be instantly promoted to the level of Chaos Spirit Treasure, even facing the Li Guihuang, he would still have the power to fight.

Lynch was just thinking about it. The Tiancan Sword is extremely ferocious, and it is still unknown whether he can subdue it.


A palm slapped on the boulder, and the rocks flew. The three of them, Tiancan and Dican, showed deep worry on their faces. They killed people like hemp, and they really wanted to release the Tiancan sword, silently praying for those people outside.

The boulder was lifted, and a huge cave appeared. A strange long sword was inserted into the ground, more than three meters long. It was the first time Lynch had seen such a long sword.


Seeing the sky again, the Tiancan Sword let out a violent clang, trying to get rid of the bondage.

San Can's hands formed seals to prevent Lynch from being unable to subdue, and the Tian Can Sword flew out, using all his strength to seal the Tian Can Sword again.

Lynch was also horrified. He had seen the birth of the Xiexie Sword, one of the top ten ancient artifacts.

It's a pity that it was shattered by someone, the law was broken, and it became an ordinary mortal weapon, absorbing tens of thousands of living beings, and then regained consciousness.

If this Heavenly Remnant Sword was born, its power would definitely be countless times stronger than that of the Executioner Sword.

Integrating the resentment and murderous aura in the body of the three disabled, a killing sword was born.

The Scarlet Star Sword seems to have been provoked. Although it is not a sword of killing, countless essences are integrated into the sword body, and it has followed Lynch for so many years.

It has long been connected with each other, it seems to be repelling, and it seems to be in conflict. It does not want another long sword to replace itself.

The powerful spirituality is telling Lynch that Tiancan Sword is in danger.

It's a pity that it was too late, the seal was opened, and the Tiancan Sword was about to be born.

A beam of red light pierced into the sky, almost sending Lynch flying.

"No, Tiancanjian wants to escape!"

Di Can let out an exclamation, must not let the Tian Can Sword escape, the entire human world will burn all living beings, unless the Immortal Venerable takes action and forcibly suppresses it.

Looking at Nanzhou, not to mention immortals, high-level immortal emperors will not be found. At that time, the entire Nanzhou will become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Suppress together!"

Without any hesitation, Tian Can practiced his suppression and suppressed Tian Can's sword.

The two sides started a game, and the Tiancan sword was extremely ferocious. Facing the crushing of the three high-ranking immortal emperors, it actually struggled violently.


Taking advantage of the opportunity of the suppression of the Three Remnants, Lynch made a move. With her own strength, it was impossible to collect the Heavenly Remnant Sword.

The moment his right hand touched the Tiancan sword, the situation changed suddenly. The Tiancan sword rushed into Lin Qi's body and took it as his own.

The spirituality of Tiancan Sword is far higher than that of Chixing Sword. After all, it is a chaotic spiritual treasure, and Chixing Sword is no more than a chaotic spiritual treasure. The difference between the two is one level.

"not good!"

Lynch thought secretly, wanted to react, but it was too late, Tiancan Sword entered his body, nibbled at his body, and wanted to take it for himself.

When this happened, even the Three Remnants couldn't have expected it, how could it be like this.

Tiancanjian didn't choose to run away directly, and got into Lynch's body. What was it that attracted Tiancanjian, making it give up and escape.

There is only one possibility, either the Red Star Sword or the Nine Absolute Sword.

It is estimated that the possibility of the Jiujue Sword is more likely. It is the originator of the sword and represents the supreme sword.

The Tiancan sword entered his body, causing Lin Qi to let out a heart-piercing roar. In his body, there was severe pain, and he rolled on the ground, and he was about to faint from the pain.

Tiancanjian went on a rampage, and his body was severely ruptured. The Chixingjian appeared and began to contend with Tiancanjian.

The Eight Treasures Buddha appeared, assisting Chi Xingjian to fight together.

Although the two great Primordial Spirit Treasures were unable to compete against the Chaos Spirit Treasure, at least they gave Lynch a chance, and the two sides were at a stalemate.

If this continues, Lynch is still in a coma, his body is seriously injured, and his inside is devastated.

Falling on the ground, motionless, the three disabled looked at each other, and saw incredible in each other's eyes.

"Sister, what happened?"

Even Di Can not understand, where did Tian Can Sword go?
"Take him back first, and set up layers of restrictions to prevent Tian Canjian from escaping!"

Tiancan knew a little bit, read a lot of books, and knew that Tiancanjian wanted to snatch Lynch's body.

Locking Lynch's physical body locked Tiancanjian, and he was still trapped in Tiancan Valley.

Quickly moved Lynch back to Tiancan Valley, built an attic, and worked hard for three days and three nights, completely sealing Lynch's body.

He couldn't move, and Lynch's consciousness had been lost, so he couldn't perceive what San Can did.

Tiancangu returned to calm, day after day passed, as if Lynch had never appeared before, unknowingly, three months passed quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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