Chapter 2190 Wild King Dragon

Lynch recorded every plant, and the ingredients contained in it were recorded by Ruomei.

The huge planet has been searched for three days and three nights, without any clues, almost every inch of land has been visited, and the Jianglongcao seems to have disappeared.

Without the Dragon Subduing Grass, the will of the Dragon Lord cannot be eliminated, and the Babao Stupa cannot be promoted to the Chaos Spirit Treasure.

"Senior, let's rest for one night and continue searching tomorrow!"

I felt a little guilty for letting Senior Hua accompany me, searching for it for so long, Senior Hua's character likes to be at ease, and he doesn't want to fight and kill, let alone travel so far.

"Okay, let's rest for the night!"

Senior Hua sat down and formed a barrier to prevent unknown creatures from breaking in suddenly.

After coming in for three days, Lynch found several kinds of strange small animals without too much attack power, which should belong to the native creatures here.

"Senior, this is safe, you can eat it, it's very sweet!"

He took out a few fruits from his bosom and presented them to Senior Hua, who stared at Lynch with a strange look on his face.

How can he judge that these fruits are not poisonous and still have a hint of sweetness?


Lynch took a bite, and the juice splashed everywhere. It was really delicious and had a faint aroma.

It's not pretentious. Of course, Senior Hua can see that this kind of fruit is not poisonous and belongs to ordinary ingredients. He took out one and ate it just like Lynch.


Ten meters in front of Lynch, there was a creaking sound, like the sound of gnashing teeth.

Looking for the sound, a small, furry thing the size of a palm looked at the fruit in Lynch's hand with a look of hope, and it all flowed to the ground.

On the road, Lynch encountered this kind of little thing more than once. It was very cute and had no offensive power.

"you want to eat?"

Shaking the fruit in his hand, the little thing nodded desperately, and was able to understand Lynch's words, which really surprised Lynch.

Didn't senior Hua say that the creatures here don't understand human language?
"Then tell me, where can I find the Dragon Grass, and I'll eat it for you!"

The little thing lives here, he should know where there is the Dragon Subduing Grass, and it is not a way to keep searching like this.

Hearing the Jianglongcao, the little thing shrank his neck, and hid behind the stone with a look of fear on his face.

The two looked at each other, and from each other's eyes, they saw a deep look of shock. They didn't expect the little thing to really know the existence of Jianglongcao.

"As long as you tell me where there are Jianglongcao, I will eat them for you."

He took out more than a dozen fruits from his bosom, all picked on the road just now, the trees are too tall, and the little things can't climb trees, so they can only eat when the fruits fall by themselves.

Maybe it was tempted by the fruit, the little thing got out of his body, and took a step forward in fear.

"Don't worry, I won't arrest you. We just want to find a Jianglongcao. Just tell us the exact location."

Lynch threw a fruit and it landed in front of the little thing.

He picked it up and ate it in three or two bites, with a look of unsatisfied desire to completely seduce its greedy worms, unable to stop.

Stretching out its little paw, it was telling Lynch that it still wanted to eat.

"If you still want to eat it, just tell me the location of the Dragon Grass, otherwise I won't give you any of these."

Picking up a piece of fruit, he gorged himself on it, and ate it in front of the little thing, who turned around in a hurry. If this continued, Lynch would definitely eat up all the fruit.

Senior Hua couldn't help but smile, he didn't expect Lynch to have a childish side, it seems that the effect is not bad, the little thing is about to be fooled.

The little thing was teased by Lynch and scratched his head. After hesitating for a long time, he finally nodded and was willing to tell Lynch where the Dragon Subduing Grass was.

In addition to this planet, there are several other large planets nearby, all of which are covered with plants. It is estimated that it will take more than half a year to search inch by inch.

Lynch could wait, but he was ashamed to let Senior Hua accompany him for half a year.

Besides, it's not safe here, and it's inevitable that you will meet other masters.

"Tell me, where is the Dragon Subduing Grass!"

I have traveled almost all over this planet, definitely not. As for the little teaser, it is completely driven by curiosity. I never thought that it really knows the whereabouts of the Dragon Grass.

The little thing suddenly climbed onto a big rock, stretched out its claws, and pointed towards a planet in front. There is no Dragon Subduing Grass on this planet, only that place has it.

When gesturing, his expression was a little frightened, as if telling Lynch that the planet was dangerous.

"These are all yours!"

No matter it's true or not, since he agreed, he gave all the fruit in his hand to the little thing, happily held it aside, and ate it with relish.

Wait until dawn, the planet here will emit a faint light at night, lying on the ground, looking at the starry sky, reminds Lynch of his parents on the earth.

The night sky is very beautiful, countless stars are twinkling, like pairs of bright eyes, really beautiful.

No one knows, behind which star, there is a seat hidden, just like them, looking at this place.

It's dawn!
The two flew towards the opposite planet, which was much larger than this planet, and the plants inside were more dense.

As soon as it fell, there was something sticky on the ground, like a swamp or a puddle of liquid.

"This is the creature that was eaten last night. It should be their blood, which has not dried up completely."

Senior Hua explained that for a monster of such a size, its blood would cover hundreds of meters, and its body must have a large area.

"Lynch, we have to be careful, I feel like someone else has stepped here."

Immortal Venerable's spiritual consciousness is powerful, sweeping around, hundreds of miles around, panoramic view.

Lynch's consciousness can only cover about [-] meters at most, and cannot cover every inch of space. The laws surrounding the Dragon Realm are stronger than the Immortal Realm.

Nodding his head, he walked to the depths. Since the little thing said that there are dragon-subduing grasses here, there is no need to lie to them.

Strange footprints suddenly appeared on the ground. There were only three toes, and the footprints were about the size of five tables put together. Wouldn't the monster's body be even bigger?

"What a big footprint!"

Lynch was shocked. With such a large footprint, the monster is absolutely powerful. It is better to avoid it when you encounter it.

"Lin, from the analysis of the footprints, it looks a bit like the footprints of a rodent. Could it be that there are dinosaurs here?"

Ruomei couldn't believe it. She looked at many pictures of such footprints and compared them. They were actually very similar to rodentosaurus.

Dinosaur civilization appeared on the earth billions of years ago, and then suddenly became extinct for unknown reasons.

"Dragon, dinosaur, is there any connection between the two?"

Lynch muttered to himself, there are many legends about dragons on Earth, which made Lynch's imagination run wild.

"Could the dinosaurs be a branch of the dragon family? When the dragon family went to the earth, they brought some dinosaurs there and inhabited the earth. Later, the crust evolved and the volcano erupted, and the dinosaurs were gradually destroyed."

One person at a time, Ruomei went through a lot of information and found a strange phenomenon, the dinosaur clan is indeed inextricably linked with the dragon clan.

Lynch has seen many dragon skeletons, which are very different from the dragons in fairy tales. The real dragons are much more ferocious. Their faces are very terrifying, but they have been beautified by humans.

"Don't make random guesses!"

If there is no evidence, it is better not to guess. Follow the route and continue to go deeper, but there is still no Dragon Subduing Grass.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly there was a violent roar in front, like monsters fighting, or someone fighting, separated by a long distance.

"Let's go and see!"

Senior Hua took the lead and swept forward. The environment here is complicated, so let's figure out the reason first.

The two hurried on their way, but before they got close, a huge tree fell down, making a crackling sound, crushing countless vegetation.

Flying into the air, I saw something like the back of a shark, with a high bulge, which should be the back of a mysterious creature.

"What a big monster!"

No face can be seen, only a back can be seen, other places are covered by dense plants, and the sound of fighting comes from the ground, it should be that someone passed by here and was entangled by monsters.

"Senior, shall we go down?"

Lynch is eager to try, wanting to know what this monster is, is it really a dinosaur?

"Go down and have a look. If it's a human race, we might as well help."

Senior Hua is still kind-hearted. He hasn't killed a single person in more than 1000 years. If it wasn't for Mi Yuezong's life and death, he would never break the precept.

"it is good!"

The two bodies quickly slid down, avoided the back of the monster, and appeared a hundred meters away. The surrounding trees had already been razed to the ground and turned into an open field.

In the middle area, the trees turned into ashes, and countless large pits appeared, which were opened by monsters.

In front of the monster, stood eight human races, armed with weapons, not only the Immortal Emperor master, but also a strong Immortal Venerable, fighting the monster inextricably.

"It's them!"

Lynch frowned. He didn't expect to meet familiar people in the distant Dragon Realm.

"who are they?"

Senior Hua asked, they don't look like people from Xizhou. Senior Hua knows all the immortals in Xizhou.

"They are from Zhongzhou, the Long Family, probably like us, came here to look for the Dragon Subduing Grass."

The technique of refining the pagoda that was passed on to them last time has progressed rapidly and has reached the level of refining the Chaos Spirit Treasure, which also requires the Dragon Subduing Grass.

"The Long family, I've heard that in ancient times, it gained a foothold in Zhongzhou by combining with the Dragon family and became one of the four major families. However, it has weakened now and is about to become a second-rate family."

Senior Hua was fortunate enough to have been to Zhongzhou, so he has a general understanding of Zhongzhou.

"Senior, is this a dinosaur?"

The masters of the Long family are not in danger for the time being. They looked at the hundred-foot-tall monster, which was hundreds of times larger than the dinosaur fossils preserved on the earth.

Dinosaurs on the earth are definitely giants. Compared with the dinosaurs here, they are nothing.

It is estimated that after the dinosaurs arrived on the earth, their living environment was not as good as here, and their bodies gradually shrunk, which is normal.

"This is not a dinosaur, this is a wild dragon!"

Senior Hua explained that there are still some differences from the dragon clan, referred to as the wild dragon, which is a hybrid, and there is no dragon vein in the body at all.

Because they lived here, the human race mistakenly believed that they were branches of the dragon clan, but they had nothing to do with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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